Sunday, July 14, 2024

What Type Of Government Contracts Are Available

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Us Small Business Administrations Government Contracting Program

Service Contract Reports (SCRs) Overview

The Government Contracting Program of SBA ensures that small businesses receive their fair share of federal contracts. SBAâs programs include the establishment of small business set-asides, certification of small businesses to perform on federal contracts, and opportunities in subcontracting to large business prime contractors.

The Government Contracting Program of SBA works to make sure small businesses get at least 23% of all federal contracting dollars.

Additionally, the government tries to award a certain percentage of all federal prime contracting dollars to small businesses each year called Set-asides, that meet certain socio-economic conditions. They include Minority-owned, Women-owned, Service-disabled veteran-owned, and HUBZone-certified small businesses.

SBA also provides information and assistance to firms that are interested in obtaining federal contracts.

SBA staff can be contacted for additional information at the following locations:

  • Lakehurst, NJ: 732-284-8064
  • Work With Dasg To Win Government Contracts

    Navigating the complex process of government contracting can be daunting but you dont have to do it all on your own. dasg is a government contracting consultant who can assist you with the whole contracting processfrom reviewing solicitations to writing contract proposals to winning bids. Set yourself up for success with

    Dasg, a recognized expert in the US government defense acquisition industry, is highly knowledgeable about FAR and OTA contracts and knows how to win bids. To engage their services, you can contact them at or send an inquiry through their website.

    Criminal Code The Financial Administration Act And The Trade Agreements

    12.5.1 The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 748, Sub-Section 3 prohibits anyone who has been convicted of an offence under:

    • Section 121, Frauds upon the Government
    • Section 124, Selling or Purchasing Office or
    • Section 418, Selling Defective Stores to Her Majesty,

    from holding public office, contracting with the government or receiving a benefit from a government contract, unless the Governor in Council has restored these capabilities to the individual or the individual has received a pardon.

    12.5.2 As stated in article 4.2, Related requirements, contracts are subject to the screening requirements of the Security Policy of the Government of Canada. The contracting authority is responsible for ensuring compliance. Contract administrators, therefore, must ensure that any necessary security clearances and/or reliability checks are carried out so that contractors and their employees, where applicable, are acceptable under the policy .

    12.5.3 As required by the Prime Ministers Conflict of Interest and Post Employment Code for Public Office Holders, September 1985, contracting authorities are to ensure that all requirements are met. These include inserting clauses, approved by Treasury Board, into every contract entered into by the Crown. They are contained in Appendix G.

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    Time And Materials Contracts

    You can think of time and materials contracts as a hybrid between fixed-price and cost reimbursement contracts. This type is not as popular as the first two, since it poses a higher risk of cost uncertainty for the government. But, its applicable in cases when you cant calculate with exact certainty the project costs or map out the timeline accurately at the time the contract is awarded.

    Under this arrangement, the government and contractor agree on an hourly labor rate and material costs.Agencies may sometimes also stipulate a not-to-exceed clause to declare the maximum value for the contract. Generally, time and materials contracts are seen as the last resort when the contracting officer deems that the other contract types arent suitable.

    In some cases, government agencies may use a variation of this contract known as the labor hour contract. Its the same as the time and material contract, except the government agency will supply the materials instead of the contractor. Thus, labor hour contracts do not include the required materials and only pay for labor costs and profit.

    Format Requirements For Submission To Treasury Board

    7+ Janitorial Service Contract Templates

    The Treasury Board Secretariat should have copies of all supporting documents referred to in the submission. In some cases, a summary of the essential details of a document may suffice. The Treasury Board Submissions Guide provides general information on the format, structure and processing of submissions to the Treasury Board. It also provides guidance on some of the content requirements. For complex, urgent or sensitive issues, discussions with the Secretariat analyst, prior to finalization of the submission, may shorten the time required for approval.

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    List Of Departments Government Jobs In Usa Types Of

    Posted: In the USA, departments need to fill many different government jobs. This federal jobs list shows the jobs typically associated with major federal departments. Department of Agriculture Mathematician or Statistician IT Specialist Biologist or Natural Resources Manager Department of Commerce Department of Defense Department of Education

    Are Government Contracts Profitable

    Whether its your companys first contract or youve been providing products and services to the federal government for years, one thing is certain: Government contracting can be very profitable.

    Government contracting allows businesses to get paid for providing products and services that help the government meet its goals. The federal government allocated over 140 billion dollars to contracts with small businesses in 2020.

    Government contracting gives you access to the worlds largest customer . It also can provide your business with stability, profitability, and growth opportunities you may not find in other markets.

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    Perform Regular Background Checks On Your Employees

    Federal agencies, especially those involved in securing the countrys defenses at all fronts, are very particular to the government contractors they hire. Since every project is under public scrutiny, the government ensures that the companies and organizations they work with abide by the law and possess no criminal records.

    To boost your companys federal contract winning rate, ensure that your firm is properly registered, has complete documentation, and has no past or pending criminal records.

    Look Into Opportunities For Subcontracting

    How to Search Contract Opportunities by NAICS and PSC

    Subcontractors are helpful for any huge and small business administration. Subcontractors provide resources if a business needs additional expertise.

    Having a solid reputation, consistent work history, and contacts that can lead to new chances are advantages of working with contractors who have already established themselves in government employment.

    Additionally, working with an established firm can teach you about government contracting and give you insider information that can help you secure your federal contracts in the future.

    Hiring subcontractors for your specified short-term projects may also increase your companys productivity and efficiency.

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    Assess Your Business Readiness

    Theres no question that competition for government contracts is quite steep. Before you get too far into the bidding process, make sure this is the right option for your business.

    The General Services Administration has found that businesses with the following assets tend to have higher chances of winning a government contract:

    • Businesses with two years of experience working with federal contracts, either as a prime or subcontractor.
    • Businesses that have contacts and relationships within the federal contracting community.
    • Business owners who work with a mentor who is a successful GSA contractor.
    • Businesses that attend GSA seminars and workshops on contracting.
    • Businesses that invest between $80K$130K to find and manage the initial government contract.

    The GSA has a readiness assessment that can show you where your strengths and weaknesses lie before you spend time and money bidding on government contracts.

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    Supply And Delivery Of Office Products Print And Copy Paper And Laser Toners Vor Arrangement


    Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery Supply Chain Ontario


    The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery , Supply Chain Ontario , has established a new Vendor of Record arrangement for the Supply and Delivery of Office Products, Print and Copy Paper and Laser Toners.

    The VOR arrangement, effective June 21, 2022, is for a term of up to two years with an option to extend for one additional year. The VOR arrangement is mandatory for Ontario Public Service ministries and agencies and is optionally available to non-OPS entities including municipalities, academic institutions, school boards, health care providers, and major transfer payment recipients.

    The VOR arrangement allows suppliers to provide consistent quality and service across the province and provides discounted prices on a list of core items and a discount rate off catalogue and *Net Products.

    The following vendors have been awarded the following categories:

  • Corporate Express, Canada Inc. Laser toners
  • Benefits

    • Home delivery option
    • Free delivery on orders of $50 or more
    • Five days normal delivery to most places within the province, seven business days to remote locations
    • Price upon request for bulk orders
    • No minimum or maximum purchase quantities on any item

    *Net Products means office product items excluding print and copy paper and laser toners, on the catalogue that are:

  • non-stock items
  • How to access the VOR arrangement

    For Non-OPS entities

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    What Are The Good And The Bad Parts Of A Cost

    A cost-reimbursement contract is often used when long-term quality is a much higher concern than the amount paid to the government contractor, such as in the United States Military.

    In contrast to a fixed-price contract, a cost-plus government contractor has little incentive to cut corners.

    The final cost may also be less than a fixed-price contract because contractors do not have to exaggerate the price to cover the risk.

    Nevertheless, this contract type does have some disadvantages. There is limited certainty as to what the final cost will be, and there is less incentive to be cost-effective compared to a fixed-price contract.

    It requires additional oversight and administration to ensure that only permissible costs are paid and that the government contractor is exercising acceptable overall cost controls.

    Properly designing award or incentive fees also requires additional oversight and administration.

    Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quality Contract

    Speak With Authority: May 2013

    For government agencies to function, they require staffing and supplies that should be procured in bulk. So for long-term and government-wide purchases, the government awards IDIQ contracts. One of the most famous examples of this type of contract is the GSA Schedule contract.

    Read more about these federal contracts here.

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    Types Of Government Contracts

    There are several types of government contracts, and the differences between them are not trivial. Each requires a unique approach to bidding, and a unique approach to performing the work. Understanding the distinct challenges and opportunities of each contract is important for every business interested in selling to the government if that business is to succeed as a government contractor.

    Indefinite Delivery And Quantity Contracts

    Indefinite delivery and quantity contracts are used when the government isnt sure of the quantity of supplies or services to get or when theyll need them. Theyre often used for projects with a recurring need, such as construction or electrical work.

    Contracts under this arrangement occur through a series of task orders or delivery orders. It usually lasts anywhere between five to ten years, during which the government will issue task orders whenever the need arises. Each task order will then define the quantity and delivery location for the specific job.

    Due to the nature of this contract, the bidding process works a bit differently. Usually, the agency will select many businesses to choose from for future orders. Since the main contract doesnt include a fixed quantity or delivery time, contractors will need to provide a minimum quantity of supplies or services, a ceiling price, and a set timeline for delivery in their bid. This allows the government to filter through their options whenever they have a new order to place.

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    Agreement On Internal Trade

    8.8.1 The AIT is an agreement on Canadian internal trade, which aims to reduce barriers to trade within Canada. It was signed by the 10 provinces and2 territories and came into effect on July 1, 1995. Chapter 5 of AIT is intended to create a system that will allow fairness and equal access to government procurement for all Canadian suppliers in order to reduce cost, and develop a strong economy.

    8.8.2 Deleted.

    Application Of Predetermined Formula

    Doing Business with GSA – Subcontracting

    16.402-1 Cost incentives.

    Most incentive contracts include only cost incentives, which take the form of a profit or fee adjustment formula and are intended to motivate the contractor to effectively manage costs. No incentive contract may provide for other incentives without also providing a cost incentive .

    Except for award-fee contracts ), incentive contracts include a target cost, a target profit or fee, and a profit or fee adjustment formula that provides that-

    Actual cost that meets the target will result in the target profit or fee

    Actual cost that exceeds the target will result in downward adjustment of target profit or fee and

    Actual cost that is below the target will result in upward adjustment of target profit or fee.

    16.402-2 Performance incentives.

    Performance incentives may be considered in connection with specific product characteristics or other specific elements of the contractors performance. These incentives should be designed to relate profit or fee to results achieved by the contractor, compared with specified targets.

    To the maximum extent practicable, positive and negative performance incentives shall be considered in connection with service contracts for performance of objectively measurable tasks when quality of performance is critical and incentives are likely to motivate the contractor.

    Technical performance incentives may be particularly appropriate in major systems contracts, both in development and in production .

    16.402-3 Delivery incentives.

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    Cost Accounting Standards Board

    The Cost Accounting Standards Board has the exclusive authority to make, promulgate, and amend standards and interpretations designed to achieve uniformity and consistency in the cost accounting practices governing the measurement, assignment, and allocation of costs to contracts with the United States Government. The CAS Board is an independent statutorily-established Board consisting of five members: the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, who serves as the chairman, and four members with experience in Government contract cost accounting, two from the Federal government , one from industry, and one from the accounting profession.

    The Boards regulations are codified at 48 CFR, Chapter 99. The standards are mandatory for use by all executive agencies and by contractors and subcontractors in estimating, accumulating, and reporting costs in connection with pricing and administration of, and settlement of disputes concerning, all covered negotiated prime contract and subcontract procurements with the United States Government. Covered contracts and subcontracts are those in excess of $750,000, provided that, at the time of award, the contractor or subcontractor is performing any CAS-covered contracts or subcontracts valued at $7.5 million or greater. As a result of changes made by section 811 the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2018, the $750,000 threshold will be raised to $2 million for contracts awarded after June 30, 2018.

    Types Of Government Contracts And What They Entail

    Government contracts generally fall into a few different categories, each of which involves different requirements and varying risk to the contractor. Understanding the type of government contract you’re competing for will give you a better sense of what to expect the risk involved and how to execute a more compelling and competitive proposal. To aid your efforts, we’ve laid out the top four most common types of government contracts and what they entail.

    1. Fixed-Price Contracts

    Fixed-Price contracts are just that they ask contractors to submit a bid to complete a project under a predetermined price . They are not subject to any type of adjustment unless certain provisions are included in the original agreement. Contract price can sometimes be renegotiated through different contract clauses , but these bids will be low-risk if the government and contractor carefully communicate on a reasonable price. The risk inherent to Fixed-Price contracts will increase if deliverables, standards and other measures are unclear or if the contractor must execute custom development with a yet-to-be completed solution. All federal agencies use Fixed-Price contracts and they’re the most common type of contract requested at a state and local level.

    2. Cost-Reimbursement and Cost-Plus Contracts

    3. Time-and-Materials Contracts

    4. Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity Contracts


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    What Are The Pros And Cons Of Federal Government Contracts

    Just like any other business, government contracting has its benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of them:

    Advantages of government contracting:

    • Government contracting has the potential to make massive profits.
    • If you meet or surpass the expectations of the government agency for which you are working, there is a potential for a contract extension.
    • More accessible to small businesses.

    Disadvantages of government contracting:

    • To become a government contractor, youll need to fill out many papers.
    • Large profits mean increased accountability and demands.
    • The government can decide to terminate collaborating with your company at any time.

    Search Government Contracts Over $10000

    Types Of Government Contracts

    As part of Canadas second Action Plan on Open Government, the Government of Canada has committed to the disclosure of contracting data via a centralized, machine-readable database available to the public. Originally announced in Budget 2004, departments are required to disclose contracts and amendments valued over and under $10,000 in a manner outlined in the Guidelines on the Proactive Disclosure of Contracts under the Directive on the Management of Procurement. Amendments to the Access to Information Act codified the aforementioned reporting requirements with the Royal assent of Bill C-58 in June 2019.

    Information on contracts issued/amended by or on behalf of federal institutions can be searched here using keyword, institution, quarter, and year.

    The Search Government Contracts over $10,000 content has recently been updated. At this time, there are a number of records that have not been migrated from the archived site. Refer to the Contracts over $10,000 Legacy Data for more information on these records.

    Found 876715 records

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    List Of Government Job Titles

    There are many types of government jobs, and not all government job titles are represented on this listing of federal jobs. This list of careers illustrates that many government positions provide competitive starting salaries.

    Attorney Investigate and prosecute criminal and civil cases.

    Salary range $80,297 to $167,636.

    Biologist or Natural Resources Manager Evaluate and manage natural resources at national parks, forests, and other properties.

    Salary range $69,301 to $90,097.

    Mathematician or Statistician Perform various mathematical calculations and reports.

    Salary range $56,233 to $117,191.

    IT Specialist Manage, maintain, and secure information technology systems.

    Salary range $47,686 to $114,590.

    Contract Specialist Analyze costs, write contracts, and manage contract execution.

    Salary range $41,365 to $88,500.

    Engineer Design, simulate, analyze, test, and implement various engineering projects.

    Salary range $61,218 to $99,172.

    Office Automation Specialist Develop automation processes and provide technical support for software installations and updates.

    Salary range $45,918 to $59,694.

    Education Program Specialist Create criteria for grants and contracts.

    Salary range $83,398 to $108,422.

    Dentist Perform dental procedures.

    Salary range $103,395 to $225,000.

    Economist Research and analyze competition, markets, mergers, and theoretical economic models.

    Salary range $55,237 to $117,191.

    Salary range $42,391 to $80,912.

    Salary range $83,398 to $152,352.

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