Saturday, July 13, 2024

Federal Government Contract Awards Database

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Finding State Contracting Opportunities

Service Contract Reports (SCRs) Overview

There are numerous entities throughout the State that issue solicitations for various types of goods, services, and construction contracts. Below we highlight some of the entities that issue a substantial number of the Stateâs procurements, but vendors should be aware that other entities, including Colleges and Universities, can also provide contracting opportunities. Each state agency may also list its specific procurement opportunities.

What Is A Unique Entity Id

This is an identifier assigned by SAM , used to identify unique business entities. Any existing entities which have been previously used on a record in FPDS prior to the FPDS V1.5 Service Pack 13 were automatically assigned a UEI. For new FAR 4.1102 Exception entities, entities should go to SAM to generate a UEI. For new Non-FAR 4.1102 Exception entities, entities should go to SAM to register and obtain a UEI.

Fda Issues Idiq Solicitation To Support Data Management Of Adverse Reporting System

The FDA is looking to award an indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract to support its Adverse Event Reporting System Data Management Program.

In a notice posted Wednesday on, the agency said it seeking a company that can provide services including data organization, training, and software testing and validation related to processing FAERS reports.

FAERS is a computerized database used in FDAs safety surveillance operations for products already approved and on the market. It is supported by a data management program that processes the electronic reports.

To aid the DMP, FDA intends to develop and enhance standard operating procedure requirements and improve the management of physical and electronic information it receives.

The potential five-year contract will involve collecting and processing voluntary and mandatory safety reports forwarded to the agencys safety evaluation teams, conducting quality assurance and training programs and testing software platforms that may be used in the entire adverse event reporting system.

The single-award solicitation, which is open until Jan. 20, is part of a partnership agreement between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Small Business Administration.

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What Is A Treasury Account Symbol

The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act requires agencies to report the Program Source aka Treasury Account Symbol for all contract actions involving funding to The Treasury Account Symbol is provided to FPDS on a weekly basis by the Department of Treasury see . TAS are validated against the listing provided from the Department of Treasury. The Office of Management and Budget’s guidance on reporting FFATA actions defines the TAS format as a two character agency code, four character account code, and the three character sub account code .

Per OMB FFATA guidance dated March 6, 2008: Agencies shall immediately develop policies that establish the owner of the TAS at the finance office and instruct all contracting/assistance officers to accept purchase requests /notices of awards/applications, only if they contain the predominant TAS applicable to the action clearly identified on the face of that document. In addition, agencies that obtain contract or grant assistance services from another agency or organization shall provide their TAS in compliance with the Transparency Act. The originating TAS must be a part of the funding agencys interagency agreement or RWA. The subsequent reporting of the action, shall be based on the funding agencys TAS not that of the contracting or grant-making agency.

Record Group 2: Records Of The Bureau Of The Census

Supreme Court of the United States Presidential Gold Engraved ...
  • Consolidated Federal Funds Report Files, FY1982-FY2007National Archives Identifier: 626196

  • Online Access: ?? Search

    Also known as Federal Assistance Award Data System , this series contains selected, standardized data on grants, insurance, loans, subsidies and other economic assistance awarded by Federal agencies, beginning with fiscal year 1982 through the current transfer of data. The Community Services Administration collected the data for fiscal year 1981 . Federal financial assistance award data from fiscal year 2011 forward is available on .

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Cost Accounting Standards Board

The Cost Accounting Standards Board has the exclusive authority to make, promulgate, and amend standards and interpretations designed to achieve uniformity and consistency in the cost accounting practices governing the measurement, assignment, and allocation of costs to contracts with the United States Government. The CAS Board is an independent statutorily-established Board consisting of five members: the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, who serves as the chairman, and four members with experience in Government contract cost accounting, two from the Federal government , one from industry, and one from the accounting profession.

The Boards regulations are codified at 48 CFR, Chapter 99. The standards are mandatory for use by all executive agencies and by contractors and subcontractors in estimating, accumulating, and reporting costs in connection with pricing and administration of, and settlement of disputes concerning, all covered negotiated prime contract and subcontract procurements with the United States Government. Covered contracts and subcontracts are those in excess of $750,000, provided that, at the time of award, the contractor or subcontractor is performing any CAS-covered contracts or subcontracts valued at $7.5 million or greater. As a result of changes made by section 811 the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2018, the $750,000 threshold will be raised to $2 million for contracts awarded after June 30, 2018.

The Office Of Federal Procurement Policy

Today more than ever, the government must ensure that it spends money wisely and eliminates waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars. With approximately one out of every ten dollars of Federal government spending going to contractors, it is imperative that contract actions result in the best value for the taxpayer.

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget plays a central role in shaping the policies and practices federal agencies use to acquire the goods and services they need to carry out their responsibilities. OFPP was established by Congress in 1974 to provide overall direction for government-wide procurement policies, regulations and procedures and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in acquisition processes. OFPP is headed by an Administrator who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

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What If I Get Locked Out After 5 Unsuccessful Attempts At Logging In

Your FPDS user ‘profile’ account can still become locked out after 5 unsuccessful attempts either via Business Services or through authenticated ATOM feeds. If for any reason the FPDS system alerts you that your user ‘profile’ account has been locked out, please contact your Department or Agency FPDS System Administrator to enable your account.

Us Small Business Administrations Government Contracting Program

GSA OSDBU Getting On GSA Schedule Webinar

The Government Contracting Program of SBA ensures that small businesses receive their fair share of federal contracts. SBAâs programs include the establishment of small business set-asides, certification of small businesses to perform on federal contracts, and opportunities in subcontracting to large business prime contractors.

The Government Contracting Program of SBA works to make sure small businesses get at least 23% of all federal contracting dollars.

Additionally, the government tries to award a certain percentage of all federal prime contracting dollars to small businesses each year called Set-asides, that meet certain socio-economic conditions. They include Minority-owned, Women-owned, Service-disabled veteran-owned, and HUBZone-certified small businesses.

SBA also provides information and assistance to firms that are interested in obtaining federal contracts.

SBA staff can be contacted for additional information at the following locations:

  • Lakehurst, NJ: 732-284-8064
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    When Creating A Delivery/task Order Or A Bpa Call What Is The Source Of The Entity/socioeconomic Information That Populates The Fields

    When creating an award such as a Delivery/Task Order or a BPA Call which references an IDV, the entity name and address and the entity’s socioeconomic information is propagated from the IDV. The same process of propagating the entity information from an IDV applies to a Blanket Purchase Agreement that references a Federal Supply Schedule .

    If An Entity Is Registered In Sam Does All Entity Information Then Come From Sam

    All entity name, address, socioeconomic and Unique Entity ID data come from SAM. The only exception is the Contracting Officers Determination of Business Size which is either entered by the person entering the contract or is propagated to a modification from the base contract or propagated from the referenced IDV in the case of a Delivery/Task order or BPA Call.

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    Record Group 3: Records Of The Office Of The Secretary Of Defense

    • Records of Prime Contracts Awarded by the Military Services and Agencies, FY1965-FY1975National Archives Identifier: 606901
    • Online Access: ?? Search

      This series contains information from the Defense Contract Action Data System about contracts for goods and services between the private sector and the military services agencies of the Department of Defense, beginning with fiscal year 1976 through the current transfer of data. Up to fiscal year 1983, the records include contracts with a value of $10,000 or more. Beginning in fiscal year 1983, the records include contracts of $25,000 or larger. The DCADS is the successor to the Military Prime Contract Files. More recent Department of Defense procurement data and reports is available through the Federal Procurement Data System Next Generation website at and through .

    Level : Federal Contract Idvs

    Harvard University Presidential Gold Engraved Certificate Frame in ...
    • Federal Supply Schedule IDVsGSA schedule IDV contracts. Each is awarded to a specific vendor and falls under one specific Master GSA Federal Supply Schedule. Every FSS IDV has a parent Master Vehicle.
    • Indefinite Delivery Contract IDVsAgency-specific IDVs that can be used for a variety of product and service categories, also known as Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contracts . IDC IDVs may or may not have a parent Master Vehicle.
    • Blanket Purchase Agreement IDVsAlso usually Agency-specific and are more often used for single-award purposes. They typically dont require the government to engage in as much competition to issue task orders once the BPA is awarded. BPA IDVs may or may not have a parent Master Vehicle.
    • Government Wide Acquisition Contract IDVsAlso managed by the GSA and operate in much the same way, these are large IT-related acquisition IDVs. Every GWAC IDV has a parent Master Vehicle.
    • Other Transaction IDVIDVs not covered by the types listed above.
    • Basic Ordering AgreementA purchase order which a customer places with its supplier to allow multiple delivery dates over a period of time, often negotiated to take advantage of predetermined pricing, normally used when there is a recurring need for expendable goods

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    Level : Federal Contract Awards

    Direct Contract Awards

    • Definitive ContractsTypically competitively awarded contracts for non-commoditized products and services.
    • Purchase OrdersAwards through simplified acquisition processes for commoditized products and services, often sole-source awards, but can also be competitive.

    Task Order Awards

    • Delivery OrdersTask orders awarded under Federal Supply Schedule IDVs, Government Wide Acquisition Contract IDVs, and Indefinite Delivery Contract IDVs.
    • BPA CallsFunction exactly like Delivery Orders but occur under Blanket Purchase Agreement IDVs only.

    What Does Place Of Performance Really Mean

    The information is this field should reflect where the items will be produced, manufactured, mined, or grown or where the service will be performed. This field refers to the entity’s final manufacturing assembly point, processing plant, construction site, place where a service is performed, location of mines, or where the product is grown.

    Women Owned Small Business/Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business Categories

    There are four new Women Owned Small Business flags available in SAM:

    • Women Owned Small Business
    • Joint Venture Women Owned Small Business
    • Economically Disadvantage Women Owned Small Business
    • Joint Venture Economically Disadvantage Women Owned Small Business

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    Should I Report Purchase Card Buys To Fpds

    Any purchase card buy over the micro-purchase threshold requires a procurement instrument, and per the Federal Acquisition Regulations, any procurement action over the micro-purchase threshold must be reported to FPDS. Therefore, yes you would need to report purchase card buys over the micro-purchase threshold to FPDS.

    What Steps Are Required For The Receiving Agency

    Advanced Search of Contract Opportunities
  • The receiving agency System Administrator will receive an e-mail notifying them of the transfer
  • The receiving agency can proceed with whatever the next modification is
  • The first modification after transfer will open almost every field on the contract action report but the data that is transferred with the CAR should not be changed. Only unique agency specific fields not available previously should be completed.
  • NOTE: The receiving agency cannot correct information previously input by transferring agency. The receiving will receive Small Business goaling credit for all work after the point of the transfer.

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    What Is A Valid Reason For A Far 41102 Exception

    The reasons outlined in the FAR are:

  • Purchases that use a government-wide commercial purchase card as both the purchasing and payment mechanism, as opposed to using the purchase card only as a payment method
  • Classified contracts when registration in the SAM database, or use of SAM data, could compromise the safeguarding of classified information or national security
  • Deployed contracting officers in the course of military operations, including, but no limited to, contingency operations as defined in 10 U.S.C. 101 or humanitarian or peacekeeping operations as defined in 10 U.S.C. 2302
  • Contracting Officers in the conduct of emergency operations, such as responses to natural or environmental disasters or national or civil emergencies, e.g., Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
  • Contracts to support unusual or compelling needs
  • Awards made to foreign entities for work performed outside the United States, and if it is impractical to obtain SAM registration
  • Micro-purchases that do not use the electronic funds transfer method for payment and are not required to be reported .
  • Important Information Regarding The Database

    • In accordance with Nebraska Revised Statute § 84-602.02 , some portions of the contracts have been redacted. Redactions may include:
    • social security numbers and/or federal tax identification numbers of any individual or business
    • protected health information as defined under the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
    • information which may be withheld from the public per Nebraska Revised Statute § 84-712.05 or
    • information which is considered confidential or restricted per state or federal law, rule, or regulation.
  • Nebraska Revised Statute § 84-602.02 , exempts some contracts from inclusion in this Database.
  • The total value of a commodity contract is determined by the sum of purchases made against the contract.
  • The expiration date and the total dollar value of a service contract include all potential renewal periods.
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    What If The Entity Information Is Not Correct In Fpds

    Entity information in FPDS reflects the entity as it was at the time of the contract award. A contract awarded to an entity ten years ago will reflect the entity socio-economic status as of 10 years ago unless a modification was executed to update this information. If this a new contract, check SAM to ensure if the information is correct.. If this is a Delivery/Task Order or BPA Call the entity information will populate from the vehicle you are ordering against . If the entity information is not correct in SAM you need to contact the entity and request that they correct their data. If the data is coming from a referenced IDV, you should contact the Contracting Officer for that IDV.

    Record Group : Records Of The Appalachian Regional Commission

    Georgia College &  State University Gold Embossed Diploma Frame in ...
    • Records About Funded Projects in Appalachia, 1965-2001National Archives Identifier: 604225Online Access: ?? Search

      This series consists of records of all projects funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission with grants to state, county and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations in the Appalachian region.

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    The Federal Contract Award Data Hierarchy

    • LEVEL 1: Federal Contract AwardsThe bottom level of the contract data hierarchy where funds are obligated.
    • LEVEL 2: Federal Contract IDV AwardsThe middle level of the contract data hierarchy – the Indefinite Delivery Vehicle level – which contains parent contracts assigned to a vendor, under which they can receive awards.
    • LEVEL 3: Federal Contract VehiclesThe top level of the contract data hierarchy — the Multiple Award Vehicle level — which contains named Federal Supply Schedules, Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts, Indefinite Delivery Contracts, and Blanket Purchase Agreements.

    Federal ContractContract IDVFederal Contract Vehicle

    Record Group 3: Records Of The Community Services Administration

    • Records About Community Action Program Grants and Grantees, FY1965-FY1981National Archives Identifier: 604417
    • Online Access:

      This series contains data on the distribution of Federal Executive Branch dollar outlays by appropriation program. The Federal Outlays System Files is the predecessor to the series Consolidated Federal Funds Report .

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    Sparksoft Awarded Cms Enterprise Data Lake Master Data Management Support Contract

    Sparksoft will help the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services improve its enterprise master data management and enterprise data lake platform under a potential five-year, $45 million contract.

    The company said Friday it will provide services across various areas, including Agile transformation services and DevSecOps delivery operations and maintenance cloud services configuration, design, development and maintenance human-centered design and data tokenization, privacy and security to help CMS refine existing processes and systems to improve user experience involving MDM and EDL.

    MDM is an enterprise shared service application that provides a single access point to a comprehensive source of provider, beneficiary, organization, relationship and program data for use by CMS and other organizations.

    EDL is a centralized location that enables individual users and systems to find, access and use CMS enterprise information with data in place and helps prevent the replication of multiple sources of data.

    MDM and EDL are such crucial CMS services for providing highly secure data and analytic products to dozens of Medicare, Medicaid, and Marketplace applications that deliver life-saving information to over a hundred million providers, beneficiaries, and consumers, Sparksoft CEO Mike Finkel said.

    It is truly a privilege to be such a trusted partner to our CMS clients, who are some of the most dedicated public servants leading transformational missions, Finkel said.

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