Thursday, July 25, 2024

Government Assistance For Stroke Victims

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Transfer Techniques For Patients With Stroke (Part 1: Maximal Assistance Transfer)

Depending on the severity of your stroke, you may require medical equipment such as a walker, a wheelchair or a hospital bed in the home. In addition, your home may be require safety modifications before you can feel comfortable. Your doctors, therapists and discharge planners should be able to advise you on the equipment you will need at home.

What Research Is Being Done

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke , a component of the National Institutes of Health , supports research on disorders of the brain and nervous system, including stroke and post-stroke rehabilitation. Several other NIH Institutes also support rehabilitation efforts. For example, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, through its National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, funds work on mechanisms of restoration and repair after stroke, as well as development of new approaches to rehabilitation and evaluation of outcomes. Most of the NIH-funded work on diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia is through the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering collaborates with NINDS and NICHD in developing new instrumentation for stroke treatment and rehabilitation. The National Eye Institute funds work directed at restoration of vision and rehabilitation for individuals with impaired or low vision that may be due to vascular disease or stroke. More than 300 research projects have been funded by NIH since 2012 involving stroke rehabilitation.

Where Can I Get More Information

For more information on neurological disorders or research programs funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, contact the Institute’s Brain Resources and Information Network at:

Office of Communications and Public LiaisonNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeNational Institutes of HealthBethesda, MD 20892

NINDS health-related material is provided for information purposes only and does not necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or any other Federal agency. Advice on the treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician who has examined that patient or is familiar with that patient’s medical history.

All NINDS-prepared information is in the public domain and may be freely copied. Credit to the NINDS or the NIH is appreciated.

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Some Dental Grants For Adults Provider

  • The CDC Grant Program
  • The CDC program is a non-government organization aims to provide up to 1M dollars to grant applicants every year for cosmetic and dental implant dentistry procedures to improve peoples aesthetic appearance, confidence, and overall oral health. In addition, CDC creates and supports programs that promote a positive relationship between dentist, patients, and local communities.

    How It Works?

    • An applicant must submit a letter of application requesting to fund his/her dentistry procedure at the website of CDC.
    • The application will be assessed by the CDC staff.
    • The nearest dentist to the applicant should agree to provide a free consultation to determine his/her eligibility.
    • When eligible, the dentist will provide the necessary procedure.
  • Delta Dental of New Jersey Foundation
  • The Foundation provides monetary support to promote oral health. They are devoted to supporting organizations that promote dental health for developmentally disabled, children, and seniors. Delta Dental of New Jersey recognizes that adults are prone to periodontal disease which linked to other chronic health disorders. To prevent oral health disparities, the foundation is offering grants which are focus on long-term solutions for adults oral health for underinsured and uninsured individuals.

    How It Works?

    Tips on How to Apply for Dental Grants

  • Research grants available on the Internet as for example grants for helping adults.
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    Mediaplanet and the American Heart Association Partner for Stroke ...

    Many energy companies have trusts or funds that can help people who are struggling to pay their gas and electricity bills.

    Check online for advice on reducing energy bills on the website and funding that may be available locally to you on the improve energy efficiency page.

    Citizens Advice provides information about grants available from energy suppliers to help you pay off energy debts.

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    Enlist The Help Of A Disability Attorney

    If you are unable to work because a stroke has left you with physical or mental impairments, you should consult with a disability attorney.

    A disability lawyer will review the details of your case and will go over your medical record to determine if you have the supporting evidence your claim needs to be approved by the SSA.

    Your lawyer will also know if you need additional medical testing or a statement from your physician to ensure the severity of your condition is fully understood so they can determine if you are able to work and earn a living.

    When you retain a disability lawyer, you will not have to pay anything upfront. Instead, your lawyer will take the case on a contingency basis.

    That means that your attorney will not get paid until you win your claim and you receive backpay. At that point, your lawyer will receive 25 percent of your backpay â not to exceed $6,000.

    You can start your disability claim online at or by calling 1-800-772-1213 and speaking with a Social Security employee. You can schedule an appointment at one of 1,300 field offices across the country.

    To share the details of your case with an attorney, complete the Free Case Evaluation Form. An attorney who represents disabled workers in your area will review the details of your disability claim for a stroke.

    A lawyer will increase your chances of a successful claim and will know the best way to prove the severity of your condition.

    Stroke Victor Recovery Fund

    HomeAbout UsOverview

    The Foundation has established the Stroke Victor Recovery Fund to pay partial scholarships for survivors who would benefit from additional speech, physical and occupational therapy but whose insurance reimbursements have been terminated, and the survivors do not have the financial resources to continue. Unfortunately, in todays healthcare environment recovery therapy is limited for the very great majority of stroke survivors. For most there are caps or other institutional barriers to getting the amount of therapy that would help the survivor make a more complete recovery.

    Yet, this is how survivors recover their independence and life functionality!

    Ten percent of strokes annually in America occur in people under the age of 50 years of age. These survivors are a special group which includes children and young adults who have many years to live. It also includes people in the prime of their professional and working lives. These scholarships will have a particularly important role in their improved recoveries.

    In some cases, the scholarships will also reduce the family financial burden since the additional therapy may result in improved functionality and independence that, for example, the survivor can remain in their current residence instead of having to relocate to a retirement home or other institution. That is tremendously important!

    Case Management

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    Benefits If You Care For Someone Who Has An Illness Or Disability

    Carers Allowance

    If you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for someone, you may be able to receive Carers Allowance. The weekly rate is £67.60.

    You dont have to be related to or live with the person you care for to claim, but you must be over the age of 16 and the person you care for has to be receiving AA, DLA or PIP.

    Carers Allowance is means-tested. You can only claim if you earn less than £128 a week from paid work, after tax and your expenses for caring have been taken off.

    There are other reasons you cant claim, including being in full-time education. Claiming Carers Allowance can affect other benefits that you or the person you care for receive.

    The rules are different in Northern Ireland. Visit the nidirects carers allowance page to find out more.

    How do I claim Carers Allowance?

    Disability Living Allowance for children

    You can only claim Disability Living Allowance on behalf of someone who is under the age of 16, known as DLA for children. Anyone over the age of 16 must apply for PIP. See the Personal Independence Payment section for more information.

    The care component is paid at three different weekly rates and depends on the level of care that your child needs:

    • Higher rate £89.60.

    How Much Can You Receive From Cpp Disability

    Patience, Listening and Communicating with Aphasia Patients

    The Canadian Government understands that stroke victims and their families may be facing undue financial burdens due to their circumstances. Advocacy exists to help sufferers get the support they need. However, the adjudication process for applicants to CPP Disability requires proof of their disabling conditions severity and longevity.

    Here is a quick look at what you can receive if you qualify to receive the CPP Disability:

    • A one-time retroactive payment that increases the longer you have been out of work for up to 18 months. This is calculated by taking how much you receive from a monthly CPP Disability payment multiplied by the number of months you have been out of work.
    • A monthly payment of up to $1,413.66 , or more if you have children.

    For a more accurate look at how much you can receive from the CPP Disability monthly payment, check your Statement of Contributions to the CPP by using your My Service Canada Account, or contacting Service Canada by mail or phone.

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    Cpp Disability Eligibility Criteria

    There is a wide range of conditions and impairments that can qualify a person for CPP Disability. The required qualifications for the CPP Disability must fall within three essential requirements: Age, CPP-contribution Requirements, and Length and Severity of conditions. The application must also provide proof of fulfillment of the criteria listed above to fully qualify for the CPP Disability. We will go through each of them below.

    Reducing The Cost Of Pharmaceuticals

    Much of the financial burden associated with a stroke can be attributed to the cost of pharmaceuticals. There are two resources that provide up-to-date lists of programs that may help. First, provides a database of assistance programs offered by pharmaceutical companies. Second, lists several public and private resources available for qualifying individuals.

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    Crowdfunding And Medical Fundraising

    Crowdfunding and medical fundraising for medical expenses are becoming a popular method to alleviate the financial burden of seeking essential medical care.

    Crowdfunding is typically hosted on a platform such as GoFundMe, Transparent Hands, or Fundly, where you can appeal to the general public with your story to receive donations.

    Minutes To See If You Qualify

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    You have a lot to gain from a successful Social Security disability claim. A successful claim wouldnt just mean consistent financial support for your ailmentit would also grant you the kind of stability that you may have been missing out on for years now.

    Unfortunately, winning a claim isnt a cakewalk, which is why you should consider consulting a Social Security disability attorney or advocate. Your attorney will use his or her knowledge and experience to fight on your behalf and help you get the benefits you needand you dont even need to pay your lawyer unless you win.

    A successful Social Security claim could be life-changing, so dont wait to get an evaluation and talk to a Social Security disability attorney as soon as possible.

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    Financial Help For Stroke Victims The Options

    Needless to say, there are several additional expenses that follow. These expenses often force the family to spend more than they can afford, making the financial situation getting worse each month. It is true that some victims can rely on their health insurance, but there are others who dont even have one. Therefore, it is clear that stroke victims that comes from low-income families need financial help, and were here to help.

    Below are some options for financial assistance for stroke victims:

    Social Security Disability

    If prior to the stroke attack you worked long enough to contribute to the Social Security program, you may be qualified for the Social Security Disability Insurance. This will help you cover the cost of medical expenses and you may also get additional financial assistance. The Social Security Administration also has another program called the Supplemental Security Income Program, which is provided exclusively for people with low income. To learn about both programs, we recommend you to contact your states SSA office.

    AARP Foundation

    AARP Foundation is the charity foundation of AARP. There were two programs that were able to help people with disability, including stroke. Unfortunately, one ff them has become unavailable now. That said, you can still apply for their AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program which can help low-income people with their basic needs by helping them with their tax services .


    Pharmaceutical Companies


    What Does Medicare Cover After A Stroke

    Each year, more than 795,000 people in the U.S. have a stroke. And because the major side of effects from a stroke can include problems with balance, hearing or vision, paralysis, decreased mobility and more, its a good idea to understand what Medicare will cover during recovery.

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    Life After Stroke Grants

    As the funding partnership for our Life after Stroke Grants has now come to an end, unfortunately we are no longer able to offer these means-tested grants.

    If you, or someone you know, is experiencing financial difficulty and would like more information about what support may be available, please refer to our benefits and financial help after stroke information or contact our Stroke Helpline on 0303 3033 100.

    Costs Associated With A Stroke

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    Depending on the severity of the incident, the cost of stroke recovery will vary. According to The American Stroke Association, an ischemic stroke has an estimated lifetime expense of $140,481. The following is a breakdown of the kind of expenses that you can expect over the first 12 months post-stroke.

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    Can I Continue Working After A Stroke

    Whether you are able to work or not is dependent on the severity of your stroke and how it has affected your ability to work and perform routine tasks. A stroke can affect both your physical and mental capacity to work and earn a living.

    Your memory, concentration, ability to focus, mood, behavior, and social life can be affected by a stroke. Your ability to walk, stand, get up from a seated position, use your extremities, grasp items, and so forth can also be affected.

    A stroke may affect your hearing, vision, or taste. While some people only suffer one side effect from the stroke, others suffer multiple problems. Some individuals make a full recovery, but others are less fortunate and donât return to their pre-stroke levels even after intensive care and treatment.

    Make sure you tell your physician all your symptoms and limitations, detailing how the stroke has affected you. Your physician will document everything in your medical notes.

    Those medical notes will be reviewed by the disability examiner to determine if you qualify for disability benefits. If you are unable to work because of a stroke, you should enlist the help of a disability attorney.

    A lawyer will know the best way to proceed with your claim.

    Financial Help For Stroke Victims

    If you have suffered a stroke and are now disabled there is free money for stroke victims available to you. One option is the Stroke Victor Recovery Fund. This provides partial scholarships for stroke survivors with limited financial resources so that they can access extra physical, speech and occupational therapy.

    A second option is using the State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs which are state-run programs that offer financial assistance for paying the cost of prescription drugs for low-income adults and seniors with disabilities including stroke victims. The AARP is another organization which may offer financial help for stroke victims by providing rehabilitation assistance so that the stroke victim can live more independently in their own home.

    Other financial help for stroke victims is available in the form of disability benefits offered by the Social Security Administration . The SSA decides if you are eligible for free money for stroke victims by determining if your disability is in their medical guide, which is called the Blue Book. Your stroke may qualify for disability benefits under Listing 11.04.

    When you file a claim for disability benefits due to your stroke you have to be sure you have provided sufficient evidence that shows you qualify under the Blue Book listing. About 70% of claims are denied after the first application because the evidence provided has not been sufficient.

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    What Is The Role Of Technologies In Stroke Rehabilitation

    Evidence about technologies for stroke rehabilitation is the fastest growing area of therapeutic research. As technology advances, innovative methods and devices will be used to guide new therapeutic approaches and augment existing ones. With the surge in technological advances over the past 10 years, the number of stroke rehabilitation randomized control trials has increased. The National Institutes of Health has been at the forefront of increasing research on technology in rehabilitation scenarios. Below are examples of how technology is being studied to play a role in the rehabilitation process:

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