Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Data Governance Strategy And Framework

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What Is Data Governance Tools

Establishing Data Governance Framework

data governance tools To put it plainly, Data administration is a bunch of arrangements, techniques, conventions, and measurements that control how information is utilized, overseen and put away. … Any information administration apparatus should have the option to rapidly and viably oversee information from various access or capacity focuses just as address the issues of various end-clients.

Data Governance Framework Best Practices Definitions And Examples

Inside Out Security Blog » Compliance & Regulation » Data Governance Framework Best Practices, Definitions and Examples

Its 2020, do you know where your data is? If you answered yes to that rhetorical question, you have a decent grasp of data governance. If not, its time to start to figure that out. Either way, read on to learn more about data governance and how Varonis can help automate you out of a big hole.

If you need more convincing about why you need data governance, check out the Varonis 2019 Data Risk Report. Its an eye-opener.

Assess Your Current State

People. Think about the people in your organization and how they use data to make increasingly better decisions. Assess the current state of people and their roles in data governance by asking the following questions:

  • Who is currently making decisions on your platform relating to data connections?
  • Who is currently making architecture decisions for your platform?
  • Who is currently overseeing access and security in your platform?
  • Who is currently responsible for data/platform engagement?

Processes. Proper data and analytics hygiene help make better business decisions and better business decisions lead to a better ROI. Building proper processes that provide rules for data quality help build a better understanding of metrics definitions. Improper use of data can lead to unwanted litigation , churn, and loss of market share. One question can reveal a lot about the current state of an organizations processes:

  • What are the current pain points in our processes?

Technology. The technology you use defines who can use the data and what they have access to. Technology makes your data secure and accessible, but its a moving target given fluctuations involved in updates, advances, turnover, etc. Technology also makes a difference in how the story of your data is told. Dashboards can either bore or inspire, confuse and complicate or create alignment and action. Ask these questions to assess the current state of your technology:

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Challenges Of Data Governance Initiatives

The biggest obstacles for data governance initiatives center on access and availability. Data availability involves more than who is authorized, but also where the data is kept and how it is retrieved, which can lead to new rules for data engagement and areas of misunderstanding. Other challenges come from overcomplicated mandates and policies that are hard to implement and can slow down the work of effective governance.

Conversely, the lack of proper oversight and adjustment can also prevent the benefits of governance from being realized throughout the organization. Many organizations advocate frameworks that value a focused, defined approach but allow for appropriate evaluations and modifications to address potential problems.

In her MIT 2007 Information Quality Industry Symposium presentation, Pierce explains that data is one of the least governed assets because of the following characteristics:

  • Data is increasingly easy to collect and digitize.
  • Data has increasing importance in products and services.
  • Data is very hard to value or price.
  • Data has a decreasing half-life.
  • Data has increasing security and privacy risk exposure.
  • Data is a significant expense in most enterprises.

Data Stewardship And Core Functions

Data Governance

It covers core areas which should be prioritised for the successful execution of any data governance programme. Organisation should also decide on various Key performance indicators across productivity, brand equity and performance to measure data governance program. Governance operations cover more granular functions like business glossary set-up, metadata management, data lineage, data quality, data privacy and security and data access and control.

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Defining Data Governance: What It Is And Why It Matters

If you collect information from suppliers and customers in any way, youâre already implementing a form of data governance. In a nutshell, itâs all about how you safeguard the data collected as you operate as a business. Data governance details the roles and responsibilities of individuals who have access to specific sets of data. It also defines the measures in place to ensure accountability and ownership of the data.

Interestingly enough, even though the collection and management of data has been going on for decades, only recently have they been treated as assets. This data explosion and the realities of fast-changing technology have made data management and its branch of data governance crucial for business operations.

Not to be confused as one, data management is an umbrella term for all systems developed and implemented to guide how data is collected, classified, used, archived, protected, and discarded.

On the other hand, the purpose of data governance is to provide policies, definitions, and guidelines on how a company can regulate and measure the benefits of data. This includes how and where data is collected, how and where it will be used, and whoâs involved in the various stages between collection and disposal.â

Single Source Of Truth

A data governance strategy is vital to manage an organizations digital assets. By governing how those assets are created, stored, shared and – ultimately – disposed of, an organization will be better able to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of its data. A well-planned data governance framework covers strategic, tactical, and operational roles and responsibilities, clearly defining roles relating to particular assets, and ensuring that responsibility and accountability are agreed upon across the organization.

Nowhere are the benefits of an effective data governance strategy better seen than in how it can provide a consistent view of – and common terminology for – an organizations digital assets. All assets can be tagged to enable quick and easy identification and retrieval. But if everyone that had access to those assets tagged them using their own choice of name, the system would quickly fall apart – it would be virtually impossible to retrieve a given asset. Governance is therefore needed to ensure that all assets are tagged consistently, using a prescribed system of vocabulary, taxonomy, and metadata standards.

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Data Management Vs Data Governance

Data management and data governance are closely related, but they are not identical. Data management focuses on logistics, whereas data governance focuses on policy and strategy.

Data management is primarily concerned with the logistics of implementing procedures and technologies that allow an organization to use data effectively: how data is stored, how its prepared for use, how its accessed, how its secured, and how the flow of data through an organization is managed.

In contrast, data governance focuses on the strategic level. It aims to create a documented formal structure. Data governance addresses issues related to data quality, the rules governing data collection and use, compliance with relevant regulations, and accountability. You can think of data governance as one component of data management, just as financial governance is one component of an enterprise financial management system.

Aim For Just Enough Governance:

How to Create a Data Governance Strategy| Data Governance Framework

Start small and iterate. Dont attempt to govern every aspect of your data. Start with two to four business areas that are most interested in helping with data governance and begin by looking at the data subject areas that theyre most interested in. Form working groups right from the start so that the main work of data governance can be accomplished in small groups and the larger committee meetings can be focused on holistic progress and setting direction for the working groups.

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Analyzing What: Capabilities And Courses Of Action

Taking a capability-based approach, we link the capabilities to our list of objectives . Doing this will enable us to identify which capabilities will help us meet which objectives.

We can also apply a colour code to the capabilities to identify which are new and which require a degree of change . The capabilities which are blue do not require any change.

Once we have identified the capabilities that require change, we can then describe the changes in the form of Courses of Action.

Create Policies That Ensure Data Accuracy

Maintaining accurate data across the organization is difficult but rewarding. Once a new data asset is created, either internal or external, it needs to be systematically logged and entered into the appropriate databases. Consistently using data governance best practices for completeness, relevance, reliability, and lifecycle can lead to better data quality and accuracy.

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Why Do You Need Data Governance

Data is quickly becoming the most valuable asset for businesses across all industries. Because of this, there is a lot of data available, and its not easy to understand how useful this data is.

Some business models require the purchase of data others will collect their own first-party data. Either way, many businesses have no way of telling the quality of this data, if it is as accurate as they expect it to be. This can become a huge problem at a later date.

As well as this data collection can be a murky process. Many businesses dont have the correct data collection procedures in place and fail to understand the laws around data collection, management, and processing in the regions where they operate.

But why do you need data governance?

Heres a full list of all the areas where a sound data governance solution can have a positive impact:

Foundation For Data Governance Readiness

Data Governance  Data  CSU, Chico

To get a more in-depth look at the methods and best practices you can use to implement a successful data governance initiative at your organization, read the Definitive Guide to Data Governance.

Youll learn more details about the various data governance strategies discussed above. You’ll also explore new areas including:

  • Multiple ways that data governance initiatives can save you time, money, and resources
  • How to choose the best data governance strategies and models for your needs
  • Three steps to delivering high quality data you can trust, at any scale
  • Tips for building a data team and a data-driven culture

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How To Create An Effective Data Governance Framework

The main goal of data governance is to secure your organizationâs data and to ensure that your process of collecting and storing your customersâ information is safe.

Consumers are becoming more aware of data privacy, and itâs become a factor in whether to buy from a company. In fact, 48% of buyers have switched companies over their data policies or data sharing practices.

Another objective of a data governance strategy is to improve business performance through reliable, relevant information available to data users. For this reason, an effective data governance framework needs to plan for the who, what, how, when, where, and why of data.

Essential Components Of A Data Governance Framework

To support a companyâs data management strategy, the data governance framework should be designed as a comprehensive plan covering all aspects of acquiring, classifying, securing, storing, and deleting data.

Your data governance framework should be tied to the following features of data management:

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Cloud Migration And Data Governance

Migrating data to the cloud is becoming more popular as businesses notice the benefits of cloud data governance and storage. A cloud data environment gives users flexible access to data by removing data silos and centralizing compliance and data security. But the secret to successful data cloud migration is a strong data governance foundation.

Governance is crucial for migrating data to the cloud. Moving data processes to the cloud is innately complex due to data security and accessibility concerns. But a strong data governance foundation eliminates that risk by clearly labeling sensitive and legacy data. In this way, governance supports an informed, careful migration, in which effective data storage and security is maintained.

With proper security and efficient storage, the next question to address is how to make sure the right people have access to specific data at any time. This is where data democratization comes into play.

Why Data Governance Is Important For Businesses

What does a Data Governance Framework consist of?

Imagine that you are working on a multi-national project worth approximately $125 million. Now imagine that just as your project is going to touch down on Mars the project explodes. Obviously not a great outcome, but thats exactly what happened to the first Mars rover in 1999. The root cause of this catastrophic failure? One team used the imperial system instead of the metric system. The lack of a data governance plan lead to the failure of that project. NASA implemented a data governance standard, and now

That is a simple example of how data governance can help your organization be successful. Here are a few other advantages:

  • Centralized policies and systems reduce IT costs related to data governance
  • Data standards allow for better cross-functional decision making and communication
  • Compliance audits are easier to manage, and compliance standards are easier to maintain

A data governance plan can also be a competitive advantage as you grow your business. Modern business runs on data, so without proper planning and business intelligence, you will fall behind your competitors.

  • Data fuels business intelligence for short and long term planning, including mergers and acquisitions
  • Data governance keeps data growth under control and organized
  • Stable data makes adapting to new data and privacy legislation easier

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The Data Management Functional Framework

These roles are meaningless unless we organise them into functions. The three main functional groups we have in our framework are:

  • The Steering Committee senior executive leadership that sets the overall direction for your data function.
  • They will fund initiatives and ensure the program is delivering against corporate strategy and objectives.
  • You probably have many senior level steering committees in action in your firm today, so take some time from these meetings and dedicate it to decisions around the data you create and use.
  • Our Data Governance Council the data owners and I.T. leaders need to meet to prioritise the work of the team below them.
  • This group will measure and maintain progress against objectives
  • These senior leaders can break any deadlock decisions that the operational teams cant resolve on their own
  • The Data Governance Team data stewards and the data management office doing the work
  • We need business Subject Matter Experts and I.T. resources to model the data, establish data quality rules, and resolve technical data challenges
  • LEARN MORE: 6 Easy Steps to Win at Data Governance

    Components Of A Data Governance Framework

    A data governance framework consists of the policies, rules, processes, organizational structures and technologies that are put in place as part of a governance program. It also spells out things such as a mission statement for the program, its goals and how its success will be measured, as well as decision-making responsibilities and accountability for the various functions that will be part of the program. An organization’s governance framework should be documented and shared internally to show how the program will work, so that’s clear to everyone involved upfront.

    On the technology side, data governance software can be used to automate aspects of managing a governance program. While data governance tools aren’t a mandatory framework component, they support program and workflow management, collaboration, development of governance policies, process documentation, the creation of data catalogs and other functions. They can also be used in conjunction with data quality, metadata management and master data management tools.

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    What To Include In Your Power Bi Data Governance Framework

    If you have been following this series, you know how to perform a data assessment framework and create a data strategy roadmap to get the most out of Power BI. But your effort will only pay off if people trust the data and know what the analytics mean.

    Getting there is a high-touch effort. Even simple data literacy forces people outside their comfort zones, and theyre going to need a lot of direct support. Most organizations tackle that problem with some initiative that loosely falls under the rubric of data governance.

    Data governance is a beast of a topic. Lines around it are not clear cut and each organization defines it differently. For an enterprise deployment of Power BI, data governance is just one pillar of several.

    Well write more about enterprise deployment in upcoming blogsin the meantime, Microsoft has a definitive white paper on the topic that you can download here. For now, well limit our comments about governance to security , deployment and source control policies, data classification, tenant admin set up, and of course, the people factor.

    Collectively you can think of these as the components of a Power BI data governance framework.

    What Is A Data Governance Policy And Why Is It Important

    5 Steps in Building a Successful Data Governance Strategy ...

    Data governance policies are guidelines that you can use to ensure your data and assets are used properly and managed consistently. These guidelines typically include policies related to privacy, security, access, and quality. Guidelines also cover the roles and responsibilities of those implementing policies and compliance measures.

    The purpose of these policies are to ensure that organizations are able to maintain and secure high-quality data. Governance policies form the base of your larger governance strategy and enable you to clearly define how governance is carried out.

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    Three How Are You Going To Do This

    The next step is to define the rules and definitions that will form your data governance strategy. Specifically, you will need to look at the following:

    • Data policies who is responsible for what in the daily management of data. Whats the escalation process, and how is this managed?
    • Data standards what does useful data look like? How can you make sure that that its simple for everyone within an organization to understand this?
    • Data definitions are there any key terms that need defining to ensure that your data governance strategy works for everyone?
    • Data controls these are the processes that you will put into action to measure the adherence to the data rules and standards, as well as how your governance strategy is helping to achieve your defined goals.

    After this, you can think about the tools that you will need to bring this into operation. This varies according to the needs and the organization itself. For more information and a more detailed look at bringing your framework to life, head to the next section how to implement data governance.

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