Thursday, July 25, 2024

United States Government Health Insurance

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Types Of Medical Insurance

The real reason American health care is so expensive

Traditional indemnity or fee-for-service

Early hospital and medical plans offered by insurance companies paid either a fixed amount for specific diseases or medical procedures or a percentage of the provider’s fee. The relationship between the patient and the medical provider was not changed. The patient received medical care and was responsible for paying the provider. If the service was covered by the policy, the insurance company was responsible for reimbursing or indemnifying the patient based on the provisions of the insurance contract . Health insurance plans that are not based on a network of contracted providers, or that base payments on a percentage of provider charges, are still described as indemnity or fee-for-service plans.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

Health Maintenance Organizations

The term managed care is used to describe a variety of techniques intended to reduce the cost of health benefits and improve the quality of care. It is also used to describe organizations that use these techniques . Many of these techniques were pioneered by HMOs, but they are now used in a wide variety of private health insurance programs. Through the 1990s, managed care grew from about 25% US employees with employer-sponsored coverage to the vast majority.

Rise of managed care in the US

Network-based managed care
Other managed care techniques

Blurring lines

New types of medical plans

Us Health System In The 1980s

As frequently noted, the U.S. health care system suffers from rapid escalation of health costs, lack of universal access to insurance coverage, geographic maldistribution of providers, underutilization of primary care and preventive services, gaps in the continuity of care, and a high rate of inappropriate utilization of health services. These problems coexist with widely acknowledged strengths such as providing the vast majority of the population with state-of-the-art care, offering consumers freedom of choice among a variety of highly skilled providers using the latest technology, and promoting a vigorous biomedical research and development sector. There are sophisticated quality assurance and data systems, and virtually no queues for elective surgery for those with insurance.

Health care cost growth

Health care costs are perceived as reducing the international competitiveness of American business, however, there is debate on this issue. For example, Chrysler states that health care costs add $700 to the price of every American manufactured car. By comparison, health care costs add $350 to the cost of a car in Germany and France, or $225 in Japan . Others argue that the issue is the total labor compensation package, not fringe benefits alone .

Administrative costs

Medical malpractice

Inappropriate utilization

Delivery system under stress

Utilization review

Long-term care

During 20092019 Hispanic People Under Age 65 Were The Most Likely To Be Uninsured Compared With People In Other Race And Hispanic

NOTES: NH is not Hispanic. APC is annual percent change.SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey. See and Health, United States, 20202021Table HINone.

  • From 2009 to 2018, the percentage of people under age 65 who were uninsured decreased at varying rates for Hispanic , non-Hispanic Black , non-Hispanic White , and non-Hispanic Asian people.
  • Throughout the period, Hispanic people were the most likely to be uninsured compared with the other race and Hispanic-origin groups.
  • In 2019, the percentage of people under age 65 who were uninsured was highest among Hispanic people , followed by non-Hispanic Black , non-Hispanic White , and non-Hispanic Asian people.

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Health Insurance Options For Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants in the US can get health coverage only from private providers, as the US government funded health insurance does not cover them.

Community centers can provide medical help to undocumented immigrants in the US, which is termed Safety Net Providers, if the healthcare seeker can participate in fee for service medical assistance.

If You Enlisted After September 7 1980 Or Entered Active Duty After October 16 1981

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You must have served 24 continuous months or the full period for which you were called to active duty, unless any of the descriptions below are true for you.

This minimum duty requirement may not apply if any of these are true:

  • You were discharged for a disability that was causedor made worseby your active-duty service, or
  • You were discharged for a hardship or early out,or
  • You served prior to September 7, 1980

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What Is The Status Of Electronic Health Records

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, created in 2004, is the principal federal entity charged with the coordination of nationwide efforts to implement and advance the use of health information technology and the electronic exchange of health infor-mation. In 2017, an estimated 96 percent of nonfederal acute care hospitals and 86 percent of office-based physicians had adopted a certified electronic health record system. Eighty percent of hospitals and 54 percent of physician offices had adopted an EHR with advanced ca-pabilities, such as the ability to track patient demographics, list medications, store clinician notes, and track medication orders, laboratory tests, and imaging results.41,42

The 21st Century Cures Act, passed in 2016 to promote the use of EHRs overall, requires that all health care providers make electronic copies of patient records available to patients, at their request, in machine-readable form.

Federal Employee Health Coverage

UnitedHealthcare works with federal agencies to provide members and annuitants with quality health coverage and access to health care. Health plans for federal employees may include:

  • A Health Savings Account
  • Lower premiums compared to traditional plans
  • Access to UnitedHealthcare’s broad national physician and hospital network without the need for physician referrals
  • Coverage of most network preventive care, including screenings and checkups

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Enactment Of Medicare And Medicaid

The first nationwide hospital insurance bill was introduced in Congress in 1942, but failed to pass. Discussions of various forms of national health insurance over the next two decades culminated in the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Medicare and Medicaid were a compromise between those who wanted national health insurance for everyone, and those who wanted the private sector to continue to be the source of insurance coverage. The elderly and the poor were at high risk for health expenses beyond their means and were less likely than other population groups to have health insurance. The elderly were generally considered to be uninsurable or bad risks by the private insurance market. In 1963, 75 percent of adults under age 65 had hospital insurance compared with 56 percent of people 65 years of age or over. In 1966, following passage of Medicare, about 19 million elderly people, or 10 percent of the population, received health insurance coverage. This nearly doubled the number of insured 65 years of age or over. Medicare coverage was extended to the under age 65 population with disabilities or end stage renal disease, about 2 million new enrollees, in 1972 .

How To Choose A Good Us Health Insurance Plan

The Structure & Cost of US Health Care: Crash Course Sociology #44

When looking up for a good health insurance plan make sure you ask questions like:

  • Does that plan grant you with the right to go to any doctor, hospital, clinic or pharmacy you choose?
  • Are specialists such as eye doctors and dentists covered?
  • Does the plan cover special conditions or treatments such as pregnancy, psychiatric care and physical therapy?
  • Does the plan cover home care or nursing home care and medications a physician might prescribe?
  • What are the deductibles? Are there any co-payments?
  • What is the most you will have to pay out of my own pocket to cover expenses?

Make sure you also understand how a dispute about a bill or service is handled by your provider, as in some plans, you may be required to have a third party decide how to settle the problem. We recommend the GeoBlue Xplorer plan for foreigners in the United States

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Trends In Private Coverage

The proportion of non-elderly individuals with employer-sponsored cover fell from 66% in 2000 to 56% in 2010, then stabilized following the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Employees who worked part-time were less likely to be offered coverage by their employer than were employees who worked full-time .

A major trend in employer sponsored coverage has been increasing premiums, deductibles, and co-payments for medical services, and increasing the costs of using out-of-network health providers rather than in-network providers.

Is There Anything That Will Make Me More Likely To Get These Benefits

Yes. You may qualify for enhanced eligibility status if you meet at least one of these requirements. Enhanced eligibility means that well place you in a higher priority group. This makes you more likely to get benefits.

At least one of these must be true:

  • You receive financial compensation from VA for a service-connected disability
  • You were discharged for a disability resulting from something that happened to you in the line of duty
  • You were discharged for a disability that got worse in the line of duty
  • Youre a combat Veteran discharged or released on or after September 11, 2001
  • You get a VA pension
  • Youre a former prisoner of war
  • You have received a Purple Heart
  • You have received a Medal of Honor
  • You get Medicaid benefits
  • You served in Southwest Asia during the Gulf War between August 2, 1990, and November 11, 1998
  • You served at least 30 days at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987

Or, you must have served in any of these locations during the Vietnam War era:

If none of these descriptions apply to you, you may still qualify for care based on your income. Learn more about how the amount of money your family makes can affect whether you qualify for VA benefits.

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Data And Evaluation Systems

When evaluating health services, the United States is both data rich and poor. Compared with health systems where there is a single payer, U.S. data are divided among many insurers, making it virtually impossible to produce comprehensive provider or beneficiary profiles. However, the United States also requires detailed diagnostic and procedural information on each bill paid in an FFS system. Moreover, hospital admissions and major surgery often require preadmission review. Consequently, a great deal of information that is unavailable in systems which do not require detailed bills is produced at the patient level.

Various systems to improve data and to coordinate data systems are under development. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences has issued several reports calling for more health outcomes research and improved data systems, including computerized patient records . The Federal Government publishes uniform mortality statistics for hospitals based on Medicare billing records and quality information on nursing homes based on periodic inspections. The Medicare program is also developing a uniform clinical data set to evaluate the quality of care and outcomes of Medicare patients. The Federal research effort on medical outcomes, including the development of medical practice guidelines, is coordinated by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.

What Are The Major Strategies To Ensure Quality Of Care

The future of health care insurance: Whatâ s ahead?

The ACA required the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish a National Quality Strategy,32 a set of national aims and priorities to guide local, state, and national quality improvement efforts, supported by partnerships with public and private stakeholders. The strategy includes annual reporting on a selected set of quality measures.33

Since 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has published the annual National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which reports on national progress in health care quality improvement. The 2018 report found that the quality of U.S. health care had improved overall from 2000 to 2016, but that improvement was inconsistent. For example, while most person-centered care and patient-safety measures improved, affordability did not.34

Federal law requires certain providers to report data on the quality of their care, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to publicly report performance on quality measures. For example, Hospital Compare is an online public resource summarizing the performance of more than 4,000 hospitals on measures of care processes, care outcomes, and patient experiences. Related quality-reporting programs include Nursing Home Compare and Physician Compare.

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Status Of The Uninsured

The uninsured proportion was stable at 14â15% from 1990 to 2008, then rose to a peak of 18% in Q3 2013 and rapidly fell to 11% in 2015. The proportion without insurance has stabilized at 9%.

A 2011 study found that there were 2.1 million hospital stays for uninsured patients, accounting for 4.4% of total aggregate inpatient hospital costs in the United States. The costs of treating the uninsured must often be absorbed by providers as charity care, passed on to the insured via cost-shifting and higher health insurance premiums, or paid by taxpayers through higher taxes.

What Major Innovations And Reforms Have Recently Been Introduced

Medicare and Medicaid Innovations. The Affordable Care Act ushered in sweeping insurance and health system reforms aimed at expanding coverage, addressing affordability, improving quality and efficiency, lowering costs, and strengthening primary and preventive care and public health. The most important engine for innovation is the new Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. The ACA allocated $10 billion over 10 years to the agency with the mandate to conduct research and development that can improve the quality of Medicare and Medicaid services, reduce their costs, or both.

If initiatives undertaken by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation are certified by federal actuaries as improving quality of care at the same costor maintaining quality while reducing health care coststhe U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services has the authority to spread these initiatives, without congressional approval, throughout the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

The Trump administration has rolled out several other changes to the Medicare and Medicaid programs. These include the 2019 announcement of Primary Care First, a new voluntary payment model intended for launch in 2021 that aims to simplify primary care physician payments. In addition, since 2018, several states have instated a requirement for able-bodied individuals to document that they are meeting minimum work requirements to qualify for or keep their Medicaid coverage.

34 Ibid.

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State Childrens Health Insurance Program3

Designed as a joint federal-state program, SCHIP was created in 1997 to provide health insurance to poor and near-poor children through age 18 without another source of insurance. Approximately 4.6 million children were enrolled in SCHIP as of fiscal year 2001 . SCHIP is targeted to children with incomes that exceed Medicaid eligibility requirements but remain under 200 percent of the federal poverty level . Some states

Unless otherwise indicated, data in this section are based on Department of Health and Human Services, 1997.

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have expanded SCHIP to children with family incomes up to 300 percent of FPL .

SCHIP operates as a block grant program to the states. States have the option of creating SCHIP programs as Medicaid expansions, as separate programs, or as combined programs .

The SCHIP program has been implemented slowly and variably across states. Most states rely on managed care arrangements as their primary mechanism of service delivery for both healthy children and those with special health care needs.

How Does The Us Health System Work

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Healthcare in the United States is organized in a complex bureaucracy. While in the rest of the world healthcare facilities are owned mostly by governments or by private sector businesses, in the US a large share of hospitals and clinics are owned by private non-profit organizations.

Yet, the United States is the country that has the highest healthcare expenditures in the world. While these expenditures are covered in a large share by public payers as by Federal institutions, or State and local governments, they can also be covered by private insurance and individual payments.

At the same time, unlike most developed nations, the US health system does not provide health care to its entire population. As there is no single nationwide system of health insurance, the United States primarily relies on employers who voluntarily provide health insurance coverage to their employees and dependents.

In addition, the government has programs that tend to cover healthcare expenses for the fragile parts of the society as the elderly, disabled and the poor. These programs differ from one another, and all have a specific kind of people that are subject to.

Getting health insurance in the US is not an easy thing. Someone may think that once you have money everything is easy peasy, but in fact things are a bit more complicated. One must be very careful and look out to pick the right insurance.

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Health Insurance Options For Legal Immigrants

Immigrants that are lawfully present in the United States are eligible to get private health insurance in the US. In addition, lawful immigrants may also eligible for lower costs on monthly premiums and lower out-of-pocket costs based on your income, as follows:

  • Those with annual income 400% of the federal poverty level or below may be eligible for premium tax credits and other savings on Marketplace insurance.
  • Whereas those with annual household income is below 100% federal poverty level that are not otherwise eligible for Medicaid are eligible for premium tax credits and other savings on Marketplace insurance, given that they meet all other eligibility requirements.

Most of the time, qualified non-citizens are eligible for coverage through Medicaid and Childrens Health Insurance Program , given that they meet the income and residency rules of the state where they are based.

Qualified non-citizens are considered the following:

  • Lawful permanent residents
  • Asylees, refugees, battered non-citizens & spouses, children, or parents, victims of trafficking and his or her spouse, child, sibling, or parent or individuals with a pending application for a victim of trafficking visa
  • Cuban/Haitian entrants,
  • Those paroled into the US for at least one year
  • Conditional entrant granted before 1980
  • those granted withholding of deportation and members of a federally recognized Indian Tribe or American Indian born in Canada.

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