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How To Become A Government Security Contractor

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How To Become A Better Government Contractor: Essential Steps

Doing Business with GSA Roadmap Getting on Contract

byEarl TimothyOctober 25, 2021, 5:58 am

As a business owner, youve certainly tried and tested a variety of methods for expanding your target market. But have you thought about taking on the government as a client?

According to the United States Small Business Administration, the federal government alone purchases approximately $100 billion in goods and services from small businesses each year. This does not include state and local government purchases, which are far larger.

Contracts are available from the United States government to both sole proprietorships and corporations. Small business owners are given a certain number of government contracts. Not only that, but government contracting has additional advantages.

If you havent thought about selling to a government agency, you might be losing out. Continue reading till the end because today I will explain some essential steps to becoming a government contractor and why your business needs it.

Tip #: Get Basic Gun Training Skills

If you do not have any military experience, then you need to have basic firearms skills and some experience in handling guns.

Visit gun stores and familiarize yourself with common firearms used by security organizations and military personnel.

Some of the common military firearms include Beretta M9, Glocks 9mms, AR rifles, SIG P220 series, Mossberg shotguns, Remington, AKs, etc.

You Are Out Of The Military And Can Choose The Type Of Life You Want To Live Build A Roadmap To Meet Your Desired Outcomes

When I began my transition from active duty, I wanted to find a position where I could maximize the skills I had built during my time in the military. I poured my heart and soul into translating my skills and creating a great résumé. I posted it on a number of job boards and websites.

Soon my phone and email began to go crazy with interest from government contracting companies looking to fill positions they thought I was perfect for.

While the biggest question in my mind going into my job search was, How much does it pay? I quickly began to realize that there were many more important things that I needed to consider, such as the cost of their benefits package, amount of paid time off and the anticipated length of the contract.

Some were smaller contracting agencies that emphasized the close-knit company atmosphere of their organization. Some were larger agencies that emphasized the amount of work they consistently had available for their contractors. Some positions were long-term positions where the contract would not end for more than two years and some were short-term positions for less than one year. Some companies offered robust benefits packages and some offered higher compensation, with smaller to no benefit packages.

After finishing my transition out of the military, I definitely wanted to find something long term with good benefits that would help me support my family as I did when I was on active duty.

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Identify Your Naics Codes

NAICS Codes are a set of numbers that helps the government classify businesses for statistical purposes and identify the industry your products and services belong in.

To get your NAICS Code, you only need to visit this official website, then select which of the codes in their list best describes your business. If you offer different goods and services, you can have one or more NAICS Codes.

Requirements For Obtaining A Facility Security Clearance

SEC, DHS &  DOE Contracts Expected to Drop By Year

9. Is there a pre-test to determine likelihood of the successful offeror getting an FCL?No. There is no process for informal / preliminary gauging the likelihood of the successful offeror qualifying for an FCL clearance.

10. Can a contractor request its own FCL?No. A contractor cannot request its own FCL.

11. How can a contractor obtain an FCL?An uncleared contractor must be sponsored for an FCL either by the U.S. Government or by another cleared contractor that wants to utilize the contractors services on a classified contract.

12. What are the elements of an FCL?An FCL is a clearance of the business entity. There are three main elements of an FCL:

  • Clearance of the key management personnel In order to be issued an FCL, the KMP must be granted PCLs. DCSA determines which contractor personnel are KMP, based on its corporate structure. (For example,
  • For example, KMP for a corporation could include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Facility Security Officer and Insider Threat Program Senior Official)
  • Review of the corporate structure must be researched by DCSA. Corporate home offices must always be cleared American parent companies must either be cleared or formally excluded from access to classified information.
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    Information Technology Security Policy

    • DHS Sensitive Systems Policy Directive 4300A: Explains the DHS Information Security Program policies for DHS sensitive systems and systems that process sensitive information for DHS.
    • DHS 4300A Sensitive Systems Handbook: Provides specific techniques and procedures for carrying out the requirements of the DHS Information Security Program for DHS sensitive systems and systems that process sensitive information for DHS.
    • Attachment G- Rules of Behavior: Informs users of DHS information technology equipment and systems of their responsibilities and that they will be held accountable for their actions while they are accessing DHS systems and using DHS/contractor IT resources capable of accessing, storing, receiving, or transmitting sensitive information. The DHS Rules of Behavior apply to every DHS employee and DHS support contractor.
  • Security Authorization Process Guide: Defines the Security Authorization process for DHS sensitive systems and systems operated by contractors that process sensitive information for DHS.
  • DHS Security Authorization Templates: Provides DHS contractors with access to templates for all of the Security Authorization documentation required by special clause Safeguarding of Sensitive Information . Use of these templates is mandatory.
  • Fiscal Year 2017 DHS Information Security Performance Plan: Defines performance requirements, priorities, and overall goals for all DHS sensitive systems and systems that process sensitive information.
  • How To Become A Government Contractor

    If you want to boost your business and expand your market, government contracting might be the perfect option. But many people dont really know how to become a government contractor, but the team at Federal Contractor Registry can help. Heres some basic information and tips about government contracting jobs to help you gauge whether this is the right step for your company.

    Why Should You Become A Government Contractor?

    Last year, the United States government awarded more than $600 billion in government contracts to private companies. While more than 60% of these monies went to huge prime contractors such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing, more than $200 billion went out to midsize and small businesses. Thats a lot of money leftover for thousands of contractors across the country.

    The government needs all types of goods and services from just about any industry. Many people mistakenly connect government jobs with FEMA disaster jobs or DOD contracts, but the government needs paper suppliers, janitorial services, repair services, technology, food services, marketing services, consulting services and much more.

    Step One: Determine If Your Goods Or Services Are Needed

    Step Two: SAM Registration

    Step Three: Sign Up With SBA

    Step Four: Sign Up With Your State Procurement Agency

    Is There A Downside To Government Contracting?

    Get Started With Government Contracting Today!

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    Gavin De Becker & Associates

    Gavin de Becker & Associates is an esteemed high-end personal security company providing services to at-risk public figures both stateside and overseas.

    According to its website, GDBA protects several thousand clients, including more than 90 of the world’s most prominent families and at-risk individuals. It provides consultation on security programs and protective coverage at home, during travel and at public appearances.

    GDBA investigates and assesses threats, and manages cases of inappropriate pursuit. It provides all services related to safety and privacy, including travel logistics and safety, background screening of clients’ prospective employees, and training of clients’ staffs in security awareness.

    The Process Of Becoming A Private Military Contractor

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    To become a private military contractor, the first thing youll do is to undergo vetting after which youll be trained to prepare to work with military personnel and in a support position.

    Youll also have to undergo drug screening, security clearance, and comprehensive background checks.

    To qualify as a contractor to the military, its important for you to maintain great fitness levels as youll need to undergo a performance test during interviews.

    You need to have a clean record previous felony charges or any related charges against you will disqualify you from becoming a private military contractor.

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    Having prior knowledge in handling weapons will give you an edge, and thus you should endeavor to pursue weapon training courses to increase your chances of getting hired.

    Department of Defense is responsible for hiring individuals from private military companies to provide support services to armed combat forces and spends hundreds of billions of dollars to pay salaries and allowances for these individuals.

    Here are several things to do to become a private military contractor

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    Attending Government Agency Events

    The SBA and different government corporations host conferences, workshops, and different events that enable contractors to higher community with the personnel in distinctive authorities agencies. Government procurement specialists frequently attend these events and share their expertise.

    As of these times, the government conducts workshops and seminars thru some online platforms, so whether you are on a holiday or roaming around the rural areas, as lengthy as you have an net connection you can register and their events.

    As a starter, matters might get overwhelming for you in federal contracting. To be successful in grasping the industry, you can also favor taking a phase in mentor applications sponsored by means of the federal government.

    GSA mentorship application can assist you navigate the bidding method and get you on your way to prevailing your authorities contract. In comparison, the Small Business Administrations 8 application will assist you to join with a successful federal contractor.

  • Consider subcontracting
  • Additionally, the GSA publishes a Subcontracting Directory, which carries a list of companies that have been awarded federal contracts. This is a first-rate way to discover who the principal players are in the authorities contracting space.

    Duties Of A Private Military Contractor

    A private military contracting company is just like any other company, and it requires all types of trades in order to function fully and independently. Private contractors provide a range of support to the military, often at lower cost than having the military carry out the tasks. Private military contractors subsidize the military in positions such as force protection specialist, aircraft firefighter, armor vehicle technician, and armed security guard.

    They also carry out mundane tasks such as mail delivery, customer support, inventory management and human resources. Once hired, individuals working as private military contractors earn a competitive salary and benefits. Depending on the company, they may obtain health and life insurance, disability coverage, paid time off, retirement plans, and flexible spending accounts.

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    The Next Thing Is Marketing To The Government

    A lot of people skip this step. They just go from qualifying to work with the government to bidding contracts.

    • They get registered.
    • They apply for any certifications for which they qualify.
    • But then they stop short and they dont do the marketing.
    • Going out to conferences

    Im talking about marketing your company letting people know:

    • What your capabilities are

    As well as bidding contracts right.

    Once you have your marketing set up which is something you should always be doing you want to start bidding contracts, which is something you should always be doing as well. You can bid as a prime or as a sub. It depends on your capacity and the type of contract.

    Any contract that you do bid, you want to make sure you have a chance at winning. Dont waste your time bidding on contracts that you have no shot at winning. This is something that I always preach to my clients. I teach them a better way, although everybody falls into that trap, you dont want to do that.

    Create Your Bid And Send It To The Dod As An Application

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    Now, you can create your bid and send it to the DoD as an application for military security work. After you are selected, you will need to disclose all information about your background and finances. Plus, you will need to get security clearances.

    The checks will be carried out by the DoD, or Department of Defense. It may take a few months to complete. You will also need to pass a series of other tests to prove your competency. For example, your level of physical fitness, self-defense abilities, and weaponry handling will be assessed.

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    Getting The Proper Certification

  • 1Research the security contractor license requirements in your region. Search online to find the age and employment requirements for private security contractors. Depending on the area, you might need to be 21 years old, and have experience supervising others in a law enforcement environment. If you dont meet these basic prerequisites, you wont be able to work legally as a security contractor.XResearch source
  • Some places require that you have 3 years of supervising experience, whether its in the police or military. During that time, you need to have watched over at least 100 people in your supervisory position.
  • Military, security guard, and police positions are a great way to get this experience.
  • 2Apply for a security contractor license so you can work legally. Submit an application to prove that you have the education and experience necessary to work as a private security contractor. Find the application on a regional Financial and Professional Regulation department website, where you can apply for a new or renewed professional license. If this application isnt approved, you wont be able to work as a security contractor.XResearch source
  • This license only lasts for 3 years. After that, youll have to get it renewed.
  • Here is an example of an application form: .
  • The specific background check and fingerprinting requirements may depend on your state or region.
  • If you have any questions, reach out to your local police.
  • S To Starting An Independent Contractor Business

    If you are working for yourself, and if you arent an owner or employee of a corporation, you are an independent contractor. In other words, you are considered self-employed.

    If you are self-employed, that means you arent an employee for someone else, you have your own business, and you are filing your income taxes as a business owner . Heres why you should take the steps to set up as a legal business entity and the tasks you need to start your business.

    Working for others as an independent contractor has benefits and drawbacks.

    The benefits:

    • You are truly independent. You can run your business the way you want, with no one telling you what to do.
    • You get all of the profits of the business. You dont have to share them with anyone.
    • You can decide how much money you take out of the business. Of course, you have to make money first. But you can decide whether to put your profits back into your business or take them for your personal use.
    • You can take deductions for expenses that are not deductible to you personally, like driving expenses, home business expenses and depreciation on purchases of business property and equipment.

    The drawbacks:

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    The Dreaded Government Shutdown

    In closing, I saved the most frustrating for last. As a DoD contractor, I never experienced the pain of a government shutdown because although my direct supervisors were furloughed, there were military people in the office who were given authority to supervise contractors. This was a great relief and was also good for the organization, because the work kept on despite the furlough. Some organizations are not as lucky, and without military staff to supervise, or if the mission is not deemed essential to national security, contractors can be sent home without pay. Unlike their federal government counterparts, they will not receive back pay once the shutdown is over. This is something to consider when choosing an organization to support.

    In closing, the decision to become a government contractor was the best decision Ive ever made, and I dont have a single regret. That doesnt mean I havent had challenges and missteps, but by and large there is great opportunity and success to be had as a government contractor, both professionally and personally. It isnt for everyone, but for those of us who have adapted and thrived, it is an incredible privilege and opportunity to work alongside government and military people who can serve as mentors, teachers, and even friends.

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    How To Become A Government Contractor: Essential Steps

    Why The U.S. Government Pays Lockheed Martin Billions

    Government contractors are vendors who sell their products and services to the state, local and national government. Many businesses are looking forward to this industry with the idea of expanding their market and gaining more significant profits.

    With more than $100 Billion spendings every fiscal year, the United States is known to be the greatest consumer around the world no wonder why businesses are facing the competition to be considered as government contractors.

    Although the government contracting industry is a big opportunity for any business, it is still not easy to be part of it. First, you must pass through a detailed registration process and contractors regulations to be eligible as a government contractor.

    If you are interested to know how to become a government contractor, youve come to the right place because this site has got you covered. Make sure you read along because this article will provide you with the essential steps you need to follow to be a successful government contractor.

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