Sunday, August 25, 2024

Contracting Vehicles For Government Contracts

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Agreement On Internal Trade

Contract Vehicles: Understanding the Government Procurement Methods

8.8.1 The AIT is an agreement on Canadian internal trade, which aims to reduce barriers to trade within Canada. It was signed by the 10 provinces and2 territories and came into effect on July 1, 1995. Chapter 5 of AIT is intended to create a system that will allow fairness and equal access to government procurement for all Canadian suppliers in order to reduce cost, and develop a strong economy.

8.8.2 Deleted.

Governmental Contract Vehicles To Know About

One of the largest commerce entities in the world is the United States government. The government may be a huge business, but they conduct business with small to mid-sized businesses every day. Fully understanding how the government buys via contract vehicles, schedules, and contracts is a huge part of understanding how you can get a slice of their lucrative business pie.

Simply explained, a contract vehicle is the governments method of efficiently buying the goods and services they need. Contract vehicles are organized and managed by a central federal agency. This agencys focus is on reducing administrative costs and establishing timesaving systems for purchases, payments, and acquisitions. Below are eight government contract vehicles small and medium-sized businesses should know about:

  • SAM
  • Before you can acquire any government contract, you must register through SAM . U.S. governmental institutions and departments purchase goods and services from businesses of all sizes. Committed to diversity, the federal government chooses a variety of suppliers for everything from printer paper to architecture to ink pens.

  • FBO
  • Visit FBO for a list of current federal contracting opportunities. FBO procurement officers share information on optimal times and methods for responding to each prospective offering. Any procurement opportunities with a value greater than $25K can be found there.

  • GSA
  • VA FSS
  • DALC
  • IDIQ
  • SAP
  • Additional Conditions To The General Conditions

  • The requirements of Part II “General Conditions”, section 13.1 of the Employment Standards Act of the Province of Ontario, apply to employers who, on or after October 31, 1995, begin to provide building services such as cleaning, catering or security at the premises, replacing another employer who was providing those services.
  • Where a successor employer hires an employee of the previous employer who provided these services at the premises, the employee will be deemed to have continuous service, and all employment with the previous employer shall be counted for purposes of ESA entitlements for public holidays, vacations, pregnancy and parental leave, and termination and severance pay.
  • If the successor employer does not hire an employee of the previous employer who provided services at the premises, the successor employer must comply with Part XIV of the Act , subject to the following exemption in Ontario Regulation 138/96:
  • successor employers do not have to provide termination and severance to employees who do not have a substantial connection to the site. This includes the following:
  • employees whose duties were not primarily at the premises during the 13 weeks before the new contractor arrived
  • employees who are temporarily away and whose duties were not primarily at the premises during the last 13 weeks when they worked and,
  • employees who have not worked at the premises for at least 13 of 26 weeks before the successor takes over the contract.
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    Bid Invitation Using Public Notice

    8.1 Wherever practicable, and consistent with sound procurement management, contracting authorities will first invite bids from within the Territory.

    8.2 Where the Crown intends to invite bids for government contracts to be performed in the Territory, contracting authorities shall take all reasonable measures to inform Inuit firms of such bids, and to provide Inuit firms with a fair and reasonable opportunity to submit bids.

    8.3 Where the Crown intends to invite bids for government contracts to be performed in the Territory, the Bid Invitation process shall take into account the Bid Evaluation Criteria found in article 6.

    8.4 Where a contract has been awarded, it is the responsibility of the contracting authority to ensure that the contract document contains appropriate terms and conditions to make certain that sub-contractors to the contractor are also subject to the intent and the specific provisions of the contract.

    Administration Of Construction Contracts

    Category Management &  Best in Class Contract Vehicles ...

    13.2.1 The standard federal construction contract form should be used for all construction contracts over $100,000 except those which, in the judgment of the contracting authority, must be modified to meet special circumstances. The principles and policies expressed in the Standard Construction contract are the prerogative of the Treasury Board. However, the style and content of the Standard Construction contract are the responsibility of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

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    Government Wide Acquisition Contract

    A GWAC is a pre-competed, multiple-award contract that is available to all Government agencies.

    While many contracts meet this definition, only specific contracts rise to the level of GWAC, which have been approved by Office of Management & Budget . It is, as it sounds, available for procurements across the entire Federal Government. The following contracts are currently authorized GWACs:

    • CIO-SP3

    You can read more about some of these GWACs below!

    One of the most common contract vehicles is called the GSA Schedule. This contract is managed by the General Services Administration and provides categories of products with corresponding price lists through which government customers can purchase. GSA is open to all Federal, State, and Local Government customers.

    There are multiple GSA schedules*, which cover the wide variety of items the Government would need to purchase. Anything from software, to office furniture, to simple office supplies can be purchased on GSA. The GSA Schedule applicable to our industry is called the GSA Schedule 70, which covers all Information Technology .

    * Note GSA is beginning to consolidate schedules to ease the management burden on Contract Holders . If youre extra curious, you can read more about that here: GSA Consolidation

    For products available on a GSA Schedule, it is an easy button for Government buyers they know anything available on GSA complies with the FAR and is considered a fair price.

    Gsa Mas Professional Services Schedule

    Schedule No. GS-10F-0037NProgram Manager: Diego Plaza, Description: SIN 541611: Provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis, due diligence in validating an agencys portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development, special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management.

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    More About Gsa It Schedule 70

    About GSA IT Schedule 70

    • Contract Number: GS-35F-134DA
    • Period of Performance: January 12, 2016 to January 11, 2021, with options through January 11, 2036
    • Who Is Eligible: All U.S. government agencies.
    • Task Order Types: T& M, FFP

    Download the GSA IT Schedule 70 PDF for more information.


    • IT Backup and Security Services
    • Data Conversion Services
    • Automated News, Data, and Other Management Services
    • Other IT Services

    What Is The Non

    Category Management & Best in Class Contract Vehicles | Government Contracting with Neil McDonnell

    The non-competitive approach is only used in certain special circumstances:

    • The need is one of pressing emergency in which delay would be injurious to the public interest
    • The estimated expenditure does not exceed:
    • $25,000 for goods or $40,000 for services and construction contracts
    • $100,000 for architectural, engineering and other services required in respect of the planning, design, preparation or supervision of the construction, repair, renovation or restoration of a work
    • $100,000 for the Canadian International Development Agency service contracts related to international development assistance programs or projects
  • Only one person is capable of performing the work, such as when a supplier owns a copyright or a licence
  • The nature of the work is such that it would not be in the public interest to solicit bids .
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    Advanced Expeditionary Warfare Development

    Advanced Expeditionary Warfare Development , also known as ARL IV, is an IDIQ to support Army Red Team efforts and other activities that provide timely response toward enhancing Army Expeditionary Forces, Joint Warfighters with Army Components and organizations that encounter and influence agile/adaptable threats.

    Diverse Portfolio Allows For Flexible Delivery Of Services

    These contracts include government-wide acquisition, indefinite delivery and quantity, blanket purchase agreements, customer-specific task orders, and master agreements.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information ManagementServices ContractContract Number: 200-2010-37195 / 200-2010-37199

  • Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Qualified Independent Contractor for Medicare Appeals SystemContract Numbers: HHSM-500-2004-00007I and HHSM-500-2004-00010I

  • DHS Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading-Edge Solutions II Contract Number: HSHQDC14DE2008

  • HHS Program Support Center Contract Number: GS-10F-0085Y / HHSP233201500089I

  • Library of Congress eCP Support ServicesContract Number: LCCOP16D0019

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    Standing Offers And Supply Arrangements

    Standing offers and supply arrangements are two types of non-binding agreements between the federal government and potential suppliers of specified goods or services. These agreements outline the terms and conditions that will apply to future requirements to be ordered on an as and when required basis.

    The Government Contracts Regulations

    8 Governmental Contract Vehicles to Know About

    10.1.1 As required by Section 5 of the Government Contracts Regulations, the contracting authority is to solicit bids before any contract is entered into. The competitive approach in determining a contractor should therefore be the norm. Because it is not always possible, practical, or cost effective to seek bids for every proposed contract, Section 6 of the Government Contracts Regulations permits certain exceptions.

    10.1.2 Departments and agencies should not accept bids from one another or from the provinces, municipalities, territories or Crown Corporations unless the department, agency or Crown Corporation bidding is authorized by policy or statute. Departments and agencies may, pursuant to section 3 of the Contracting Policy, arrange transactions that involve the transfer of goods, services or real property between departments, Crown Corporations, provinces, municipalities and the Territories.

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    Protecting The Interests Of The Crown

    12.11.1 General. Part II of the Government Contracts Regulations deals with securing the due performance of contracts. The contracting authority is to determine the need for and amount of financial security, subject to the Regulations, policies and Related requirements.

    12.11.2 The following is the policy on financial security and the use of insurance in contracting. For more details, see Appendix R which contains the Policy on the Use of Standby Letters of Credit as an Alternative to Bid or Contract Security for Federal Government Contracts.

    12.11.3 Financial security. The various forms of financial security exist to ensure that the contractors obligations under the contract are carried out, to protect the interests of subcontractors, sub-subcontractors and suppliers, and to protect the Crown against loss should a low bidder fail to enter into a contract. The principal traditional techniques are holdbacks, security deposits and surety bonds. When security is obtained, contracting authorities will apply the procedures for the handling of bonds and security deposits set out in the Government Contracts Regulations.

    12.11.4 Form and amount of security. The bidder or contractor has the option to submit a security deposit in the form he or she wishes to provide, however, the following criteria can be used as a guide to determine the form and amount of security:

  • the type of work and the custom of the trade or profession
  • 12.11.5 Holdbacks. Holdbacks serve two purposes:

    Format Requirements For Submission To Treasury Board

    The Treasury Board Secretariat should have copies of all supporting documents referred to in the submission. In some cases, a summary of the essential details of a document may suffice. The Treasury Board Submissions Guide provides general information on the format, structure and processing of submissions to the Treasury Board. It also provides guidance on some of the content requirements. For complex, urgent or sensitive issues, discussions with the Secretariat analyst, prior to finalization of the submission, may shorten the time required for approval.

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    More About Professional Services Schedule

    About Professional Services Schedule

    • Contract Number: GS-00F-041GA
    • Period of Performance: November 18, 2016 to November 17, 2021, with options through November 17, 2036
    • Who Is Eligible: All U.S. government agencies.
    • Award Type: Multiple Award

    Download the GSA Professional Services Schedule PDF for more information.


    • Human Resources Services

    What Is A Contract Vehicle

    US Coast Guard (USCG) Contract Vehicle Teammates – Government Contracting Series by Neil McDonnell

    February 23, 2017by Chris Wiedemann

    Last month, I began our What is? series by looking at the very basics of government contracting. However, that information can only get you so far knowing the size of the market doesnt tell you how to capture any of it.

    To that end, todays post is going to look at one of the building blocks of selling technology or anything else to the federal government: contract vehicles.

    Contract vehicles are the basic mechanism through which government buys products and services. Although its possible for an agency to buy things on the open market, for reasons beyond the scope of this blog, its difficult and time-consuming. Because of that, almost all government purchasing is done against existing contracts that narrow the pool of possible vendors for a given product or service.

    Think of it like this: A contract vehicle is a hunting license for industry and a menu for our customers. Its a piece of paper that allows us to sell to government. It also gives agencies a defined list of products, services and prices to choose from. In this metaphor, the only real difference between the types of contract vehicles is the number of companies that have the license and the number of options on the menu.

    With that in mind, lets take a look at three common types of contract vehicles in the federal IT space: GSA Schedule contracts, ID/IQ contracts, and GWACs.

    Want to learn more about selling IT to the federal government? in McLean, Va. on April 19.

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    Gsa Facilities Maintenance And Management Energy Management Services

    We bring energy and environmental expertise to help agencies with an array of energy management services. We develop comprehensive energy management solutions for a variety of energy projects, including renewable energy, sustainable energy, and energy efficient buildings certification programs such as LEED. These comprehensive energy management solutions involve the following phases: consulting, auditing, energy management, concept development and requirements analysis, implementation and change management, and measurement and verification.

    Contracts With Aboriginal Peoples And Aboriginal Businesses

    4.3.1 The Government of Canada has entered into Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements with Aboriginal peoples. These agreements have the force of law and are protected in Canadas Constitution. Many agreements include provisions dealing with economic and social development benefits affecting contracting in land claim areas. Below are links to these agreements, park agreements and co-operation agreements that contain Aboriginal participation requirements or other contracting requirements.

    4.3.2 All Comprehensive Land Claim Agreements except the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement can be obtained at:

    Publications and Public Enquiries Kiosk

    Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Les Terrasses de La Chaudière, Room 1415,

    Note: if any of the above links do not work, the agreements may be accessible on the Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada site.

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    Nasa Solutions For Enterprise

    NASA SEWP is a multi-award GWAC vehicle focused on commercial IT products and product based services. The statutory authority allowing usage of the SEWP contracts by the entire Federal Government is NASA’s designation as an Executive Agent by OMB based on the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, now the Clinger Cohen Act. For more information on the procurement of utilizing SEWP contracts, view the SEWP Procurement Information Brochure.

    Gsa Siiss Salesforce Bpa

    Government Contract Vehicles

    GSA Salesforce Implementation, Integration and Support Services Blanket Purchase Agreement BPA Number: GS00Q16AEA1002Program Manager: John Cattaneo, Description: The Salesforce multi-agency BPA is open to all Federal agencies as part of GSA Order ADM4800.2H and awarded under Multiple Award Schedule IT Schedule 70. The BPA is organized into seven functional areas:

    • Functional Area 1: UX Design, Business Analysis, Development, Integration
    • Functional Area 2: Data Management and Security
    • Functional Area 3: Program Management Support and Center of Excellence Governance
    • Functional Area 4: Release Management and Post Implementation Maintenance Support
    • Functional Area 5: Support / Help Desk
    • Functional Area 6: Training
    • Functional Area 7: Agile Coaching and Agile Portfolio

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    Department Of Treasury Tipss 3

    The TIPSS-3 contracts were awarded as a result of Internal Revenue Service Solicitation No. TIRNO-04-R-00017 for Total Information Processing Support Services-3. Each contract is indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity . The task orders “cost” types may be cost-reimbursement plus fixed fee, firm fixed price, or time and materials, depending on the nature of the services to be provided, dollar values, and other factors. The contract documents for each contractor receiving either a full and open competition award or a small business set-aside award have substantially the same content.

    Contractual Arrangements Involving Crown Corporations

    12.10.1 Subsection 41 of the Financial Administration Act states that the Government Contracts Regulations do not apply to federal or provincial Crown corporations unless the legislation of the Crown corporation specifically requires that it be subject to Subsection 41 of the Act. Consequently, the Treasury Board Contracts Directive and relevant policies do not apply to Crown corporations. Arrangements between departments and Crown corporations cannot be contracts in a strictly legal sense .

    12.10.2 Reserved.

    12.10.3 Agency status. When a department or agency has been designated as an “agent” of a Crown corporation, the contracting procedures and authority limits of the contracting authority continue to apply. As stated in article 4.2, Related requirements, the contracting authority cannot assume the powers of a Crown Corporation even when undertaking work on its behalf. In practice, the department or the Crown corporation will seek Treasury Board authority when a proposed contract exceeds the limits prescribed in the Contracts Directive.

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