Saturday, July 13, 2024

Free Federal Government Resume Templates

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Gather The Required Information

Developing your Federal Resume, Ramona Ramsey

Additional information is required when writing a federal resume. It also requires particular formatting and should include the sections listed below:

  • Job information: This includes the announcement number, title, series and grade of the job in which you apply.

  • Personal information: This includes your full name, mailing address, zip code, day and evening phone numbers with area code, social security number, country of citizenship, veteran’s preference, reinstatement eligibility and highest federal civilian grade held.

  • Education: This includes the names, locations and dates of graduation from high schools, colleges or universities.

  • Work experience: This includes your job title, duties and accomplishments as well as your employer’s name and address, supervisor’s name and phone number, starting and ending dates, hours per week, salary and statement of permission to contact your supervisor.

Other areas include job-related training courses, skills, certificates and licenses as well as awards, citizenship, highest grade, veterans’ preference, availability, disability and security clearance.

How To Write A Federal Resume Summary

A federal government resume summary answers the question of what knowledge and skills you possess that can benefit the government branch. Here are a few tips that can help improve your federal government resume summary:

Keep it short.

Similar to the federal resume objective, your federal resume summary should not be more than 4 sentences.

Include your most impressive accomplishments from a variety of options.

Take accomplishments from any of the areas below to feature in the resume summary of your resume for a federal job:

  • Awards
  • Educational background

Start on the right foot with a strong adjective.

Adjectives can bring the recruiter a clear picture of who you are. When using an adjective for the opening of your federal resume summary, remember to choose one that relates to the position.

Federal Government Resume Summary Examples:

  • Focused human resource specialist with 7+ years of experience hiring, transferring and promoting qualified candidates. Proficient in development plans, health, and life insurance program regulations, employment resources.
  • ASA-certified statistician knowledgeable in trend predictions, data interpretation, and data evaluation. Skilled with ToolKit, SPSS, Stata, and MATLAB.
  • Committed physician with 4+ years of experience performing disease diagnoses, analyzing diagnostic tests, and prescribing medicine. Licensed through the Medical Board of California and certified through ABMS.

Before You Get Started

Read the entire job announcement. Focus on the following sections to understand whether or not you qualify for the position. This critical information is found under:

  • Duties and Qualifications
  • How to Apply
  • How You Will be Evaluated

Make sure you have the required experience and/or education before you apply. Hiring agencies use the job announcement to describe the job and the required qualifications, including:

  • Level and amount of experience
  • Education
  • Training

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Examples Of Work Experience For Senior Federal Worker

    • Assessed the information provided for criminal prosecution including the issue and execution of search warrants, citations issued by the police, and complainants statements.

Collected all pertinent information and took witness statements of homicide and narcotic incidents to ascertain action required.

Cooperated with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies in conducting routine evaluations.

Start With A Trusted Format

Federal Resume Template

There are 3 typical resumes formats you can pick from:

  • Reverse-chronological: this ones the standard and it lists your experiences from most recent to the oldest one.
  • Functional. This one doesnt include work experiences and focuses solely on your skills.
  • Combination, a mix of the other 2 formats.

Since youre making a federal resume, though, you need to go with a reverse-chronological format.

Its the most common format in the US and is recognized by every single federal recruiter.

  • How Long Should a Federal Resume Be?

While a traditional resume is 1-2 pages max, the federal resume provides you with a LOT more freedom.

As we highlighted above, a federal resume includes a lot more detail than the conventional one. So, if you aim for 1-2 pages, youll just come off as lazy .

  • Which Format Should You Use ForYour Federal Resume?

Unless the job ad specifically asks for a specific format, we recommend you stick to PDF.

A PDF resume maintains its original formatting and will look just like you intended regardless of which computer you open it with.

The same, however, cant be said for a Word resume format.

  • Should I Use a Federal Resume Template?

Yep – if you use a resume template, your resume is going to be a lot more noticeable and at the same time, easier to create.

You can pick one of our hand-crafted CV templates and get started with yours in minutes!

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Find The Perfect Government Resume Templates

The availability of government jobs rises and falls based on many factors. The current trend for jobs within public safety, government agencies, and other public services is at its lowest point in nine years. There are fewer teachers with larger classrooms. Social workers carry more caseloads. The police force is working at its limit. This means you need a strong resume that represents you as a desirable candidate, no matter where you hope to work.

Use our government resume templates as a guide for creating a winning document. Prepare a resume that is attractive to hiring personnel and that will pass an applicant tracking system. Achieve this goal with specific keyword phrases and an appropriate format. The software used to track applicants gets confused by changes in fonts, extra images, and unnecessary borders. We have a large selection of templates, so you can choose the best one for your job search.

Our resume-writing tools help you determine the best skills to list and the right format for displaying your most impressive information. We offer templates and resume tips for many government positions, including policy makers and postal employees. We used input from government officials to create these documents, so you’ll feel confident in the results.

Resume Layout And Design: Stay Professional

First impressions count! Keep your layout professional-looking even if you are tempted to stand out with a unique design. To make sure you make a positive, lasting impression with your resume layout and design, follow the guidelines below:

  • Big blocks of type are difficult to read, so create white space by varying line lengths and break it up with bold headings
  • Stay away from gimmicks and flash you want hiring managers to read the content, not be distracted by the layout.
  • Proofread, or use an online resume-builder that includes spellcheck.

A great resume should have a header that makes your name and contact information stand out. To create this in a few steps, try using a professionally-designed resume template. These layouts allow you to focus on the writing and customize the formatting options to your liking.

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What Are The Key Features Of Federal Resume Template

At that, the premade resume templates for governmental employment come with a number of benefits:

  • Print-ready designs in 300 DPI resolution. After making alterations to the initial template, you can print it out straight away.
  • Easy-to-customize design. The files that come in download package are customizable in Word and Adobe Illustrator. The only thing needed is being a skilled user of any of these programs.
  • PDF and email ready format of the templates. Once youve done editing, export the finished resume template into a PDF format or send it by email.

Feel free to download federal resume templates to land the best government job one can only dream of!

Resume Trends For Federal Jobs

Resume Writing: 4 Tips on How to Write a Standout Resume | Indeed Career Tips

When you look at our federal resume examples, you can see that they differ from private sector resumes. USAJOBS resumes tend to be longer and more focused on accomplishments, qualifications, experience and training rather than descriptions of job duties. Specialized experience is mandatory to include in your federal resume to address the specialized education, skills and experience required for the job.

The majority of federal government jobs are advertised through USAJOBS, and youre expected to use the platform to apply. As you can see from the USAJOBS resume examples below, USAJOBS requires you to fill out specific fields such as the supervisors name, contact information, salary, address of job, as well as training and KSAs . Sometimes, it will ask you to complete a supplemental questionnaire or assessment questionnaire as well. The questionnaires are very important and ensure the questions asked and your responses are incorporated within your USAJOBS resume. This one area will automatically disqualify you before you even make it to the HR representative.

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Target Audience For The Federal Resume Samples

Target audience, in any case, is your interviewer for sure. However, in the case of a federal job, the interviewer is again a federal job holder. So, your resume has to be very much perfect. The recruiter must be going through thousands of applications on a daily basis. So, make it attractive and well designed. The Federal Resume can give you a chance for the next opportunity. So, it is a challenge for you. You can also see the Student Resume Samples.

Federal Resume Guide With Examples

A government job can offer you many perks, such as full healthcare coverage, pensions, job security, and more. When you look through UsaJobs, you can find countless employment opportunities within the government workforce.

As you plan your application for a federal position, you will want to prepare a professional UsaJobs resume to land the role. This federal resume guide will help you to secure your dream government job.

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Tips For Writing Your Federal Resume

When youre writing your federal resume, be sure to:

  • Use more detail than you think you should
  • Include specific numbers wherever you can to show how your work improved outcomes by a specific number or percent
  • Spell out all acronyms
  • Provide detailed information about each task and skill without assuming the person reviewing your resume will understand technical or professional details
  • Double-check the accuracy of dates, names and numbers
  • Be honest about what you have achieved, but include every achievement
  • Use keywords linked to the position you want
  • Use action words, such as develop or achieve instead of passive language
  • Use short paragraphs with headlines or bullet points and work backwards, with your most recent professional experience first

Since federal resumes are often multiple pages, it can be tempting to go on at length and include every detail. Instead, you should include the most relevant information and still stay concise. Use plenty of detail, but reduce wordiness to create a polished, professional impression.

When youre writing your resume, keep in mind that your federal resume is written for both computers and humans. Federal resumes are pre-screened for keywords. To make it past initial rounds, you must include keywords relevant to the job that youre applying for. Read the job ad to understand which keywords you must include. They may be the names of specific skills, computer programs, certifications or words such as organize or implement.

How To Write A Federal Resume In 2022

Federal Government Resume Template

Creating a federal resume is a lot trickier than a conventional one.

For starters, you need to make it way more comprehensive .

You also have to add very specific details, such as your GS rating, clearance, and more.

Want to learn how to create/build a federal resume the easy way?

  • Whats a Federal Resume & How Does It Differ From a Conventional One
  • How to Write a Federal Resume in 6 Easy Steps
  • How to Look for Federal Jobs

And more!

So, lets get started.

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Describe Your Professional Experiences On Your Federal Resume

When writing your professional experience section, you should include any information regarding past employers related to federal or government work. This should include the agency name for past federal jobs, the start and end date and the skills required for the job. For each employer, remember to include 3 to 5 bullet-points describing your job duties for the job.

What Is The Difference Between A Federal Resume And A Regular Resume

The main difference between a federal resume and a regular resume is the amount of detail required. This allows a fair and uniform rating for applicants. Such detailed information and formatting are not seen in private sector resumes. As such, they will not be accepted for federal positions.

An ideal federal resume should feature the last ten years of employment history, which puts them around three to five pages in length. Federal resumes sometimes require a knowledge, skills and abilities statement as a separate document, but this information can appear within the resume itself.

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What Does A Government Worker Do

What does a government worker do? Good question! The answer is pretty much anything. Federal, state and local government workers may do all types of jobs from forest management to budget analysis.

Within the levels of government, agencies hire full-time employees as well as contractors for administrative, professional, technical, trades and clerical work. Government workers, also known as civil servants, include police and firefighters, teachers, postal service workers, motor vehicle department employees, judges and military workers.

The U.S. federal government contains 15 departments, all with hundreds of employees. In total, government agencies across the U.S. employ 23.7 million full- and part-time workers. Here is the breakdown of the level of government in which they work, according to USA Facts.

  • 4 million federal
  • 5.5 million state
  • 14.2 million local

Of those workers, 47% are in education 6% are active duty military 6% work in hospitals and 5% are police officers.

Languages In A Federal Resume

NYS Unemployment Work Search Activity Requirements

Being fluent in English will always be important when it comes to a government job in the US. Due to the importance of paperwork and awareness of law, literacy tests will almost always be necessary, particularly for jobs requiring a large amount of experience.

In these cases, you will need to provide evidence of your language fluency in the form of qualifications. For English, IELTS or TOEFL are both acceptable .

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Use Numbers To Highlight Your Accomplishments

Use numbers, percentages or dollars to highlight your accomplishmentsyou can find this information in things like your performance reviews, previous job descriptions, awards and letters of recommendation.

When explaining your accomplishments:

  • Include examples of how you saved money, earned money or managed money.
  • Include examples of how you saved or managed time.


  • Improved efficiency of document processing by 25 percent over the previous year.
  • Wrote 25 news releases in a three-week period under daily deadlines.
  • Managed a student organization budget of more than $7,000.
  • Wrote prospect letter that has brought in more than $25,000 in donations to date.

These statements show in concrete terms what you accomplished.

Tips For Submitting Resumes To Agencies

Some agencies accept uploaded resumes and resumes created using the USAJOBS resume builder, while some may only accept one or the other. Even though you may have both types of resumes in the Document section of your profile, the agency determines which ones to accept when you are applying online. The Apply button displayed on the job announcement page activates the process for a job seeker to complete an application.

USAJOBS automatically provides a list of available resumes and other documents to attach to your application, and will only display resumes and documents the hiring agency is willing to accept. For example, if the hiring agency only accepts resumes created using the USAJOBS resume builder, then your uploaded resumes will not be available to add to your application. Please pay special attention to the How to Apply section of the job announcement to find out which resume format and documents are accepted and how to submit them to the hiring agency.

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Skills To Put In The Federal Resume

Federal jobs in the US require a vast range of skills depending on the job that you are applying for. It is essential that you list all relevant skills and abilities to ensure that you optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems.

Any resume that includes irrelevant skills or does not provide evidence of the necessary skills is at risk of being filtered out by the ATS. Analyze the job description of the position that you are applying for and make sure you tick all the boxes to get your resume to the top of the pile!

About The Outline Format

Federal Resume Template in 2020

FIRST . do you need to write your first Federal Resume? Use our easy Federal Resume Builder: click here.

How This Format Was Created

The Resume Place, Inc. and Kathryn Troutman, President and acclaimed author created the Outline Format in 1999. All of our book samples and services feature this format.

Is the Outline Format Recognized by the Federal Government?

YES! This is the Federal Resume format that human resources recruiters like to see. It is easy to read, and they can find the keywords and qualifications EASILY when they are reading hundreds of applications.

What Makes This Outline Format Work?

Writing a federal resume is very different from writing a private industry one. Most federal resumes are 3 to 5 pages long. The challenge is to present large amounts of information in a clear, organized way that is easily scanned by both people and computers. The OUTLINE FORMAT succeeds because both the federal human resources staff or the online application programs can effectively identify that the experience you have meets the desired job qualifications.

Our Federal Resumes Feature Accomplishments!

Write your accomplishment stories with our awesome CCAR Accomplishment Builder!

Check out our free 30-minute Federal Resume Writing Webinars Especially Writing Your Corporate America Resume and Ten Steps to a Federal Job.

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