Sunday, July 14, 2024

Get Financial Help From Government

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Vita And Tce Tax Filing Assistance Programs

Latin American community struggles to get financial aid from the government due to COVID-19

The IRS has two in-person tax assistance programs: the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program and Tax Counseling for the Elderly . Both offer free tax-preparation assistance to qualified individuals. VITA generally applies to you if your income is $57,000 or less, you are disabled, or you have limited English-speaking skills. TCE is for citizens aged 60 or older.

You can find VITA and TCE program sites using either the IRS TCE/VITA locator tool or the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide site locator tool.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all TCE sites and many VITA sites are closed until further notice. Use the VITA locator tool to find out if a site near you is open.

Check What Help You Can Get From Your Local Council

Your local council might give you vouchers to help pay for day-to-day essentials like:

  • a hot meal

  • second-hand furniture

  • household appliances, for example a cooker

This help is known as ‘welfare assistance’. Each council runs their own scheme. The help on offer and who can get it varies. Find your local council on GOV.UK and ask them if they run a welfare assistance scheme that could help you.

You dont have to be getting benefits to get help from your local council.

Advance And Hardship Payments

If you do not have enough to live on while you wait for your first payment you can ask for an advance payment after youve made a claim.

You can also ask for a hardship payment if you cannot pay for rent, heating, food or hygiene needs because you got a sanction.

You need to pay it back through your Universal Credit payments – theyll be lower until you pay it back.

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Small Business Lending Fund

The Small Business Lending Fund , created as part of the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, is a dedicated fund that provides capital to community banks and community development loan funds to encourage those organizations to lend to small businesses. Information about this fund, including the location of lending institutions near you, can be found on the U.S. Treasury Small Business Lending Fund website.

Food Assistance From State And Federal Government Organizations

How Can I Get Financial Help From The Government ...

Free food from assistance programs are offered by the state as well as federal government. Resources are also offered by local charities, non-profit organizations, and churches that partner with the government. All of these agencies provide free food assistance as well as groceries to those in need. In addition, savings are offered to families so they can get cheap groceries. There are many low or reduced cost food programs that have no income restrictions and that anyone can receive groceries from.

Food banks and free pantries also helpmillions of people per year. Many struggling families receive free food, hot meals and groceries from these non-profit run pantries every year. These centers help the low income, unemployed, working poor, and others make it through a difficult period. Many offer other forms of aid as well, such as clothing. More on food banks.

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Savings Plan For People With Disabilities

A registered disability savings plan is a savings plan intended to help parents and others save for the long-term financial security of a disabled person.

For every $1 put in an RDSP account, the federal government can match with up to $3. This is the Canada Disability Savings Grant.

For people living on a low income , the federal government will put in $1,000 each year for 20 years. This is the Canada Disability Savings Bond.

Anyone under 60 who is eligible for the disability tax credit can establish an RDSP. For more information, see the federal government website at

Advance Child Tax Credit

Even if you dont pay any taxes, you may qualify for a refund of the CTC.

The CTC was expanded under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 for tax year 2021 only. If you are eligible, you will begin receiving advance Child Tax Credit payments on July 15. The payments will continue monthly through December 2021. Under ARPA, families are eligible to receive:

  • Up to $3,000 per qualifying child between ages 6 and 17
  • Up to $3,600 per qualifying child under age 6

The Internal Revenue Service began sending out letters in early June to more than 36 million families who may be eligible for the monthly payments. Most families do not need to do anything to get their payments, as long as theyve filed their 2020 or 2019 tax return. Learn more about the letter and how it can help you determine your eligibility.

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Tax Benefits For People With Disabilities

Several tax benefits are available to people with disabilities. A key one is the disability tax credit. It helps a person with disabilities or those supporting them reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay.

For someone to be eligible for the disability tax credit, a medical practitioner must certify the person has a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions. The Canada Revenue Agency website has details at


Being eligible for the disability tax credit can open the door to other government programs such as the registered disability savings plan and the child disability benefit .

Where Payments Are Sent

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If your application is approved, rent payments go to:

  • Your landlord if they participate in the rent relief program
  • You if your landlord does not participate in the program

ââIf you receive the rent payment, you must pay your landlord within 15 days.

Utility payments go directly to the utility provider.

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Find Tax Credits For Health Insurance

Health is wealth for everyone. One can get health insurance credits. The future of the Affordable Care Act is best. But in the current, the premium tax credits are issued via the program are alive and well. Here is the detail mentioned that how they work:

The individuals and the families who buy the insurance coverage through the governments health insurance marketplace , will be qualified or eligible to get the credit towards their insurance premiums.

Your monthly payments can be lowered and the payment of the insurance can be directly given to your insurance provider.

Not only this but here are many other federal grants are also available for college, which includes:

  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.
  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.
  • The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant.

One can look for these federal grants and use them for themselves. Along with this, one can use the U.S. Department of Labors scholarship search tool for finding more scholarships.

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The bottom line

But they have to stay away from any grant scam because many people tell you fake stories about the government free money grant and take some money from you for the application fee. So, never do this and be aware of the governments plan and also verify the grant programs by visiting your local government office, so you will not be a victim of any scam.

Search For Financial Assistance From The Government is a free website that can help you determine which types of government assistance you might qualify for. You can also find out how and where to apply.

  • Using the Benefit Finder, answer questions about yourself and your needs. Afterwards, you can find out if youre eligible for programs to help you pay for:

  • Food

  • Housing

  • Utilities, and other necessities

Check back with in the future to see if youre eligible for additional benefits. You can report major life events or see if new benefit programs have become available.

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Your Rights If Youre Denied Forbearance

If your servicer denies your request for forbearance, they must provide you with:

  • A detailed description explaining why your request was denied, and
  • The specific reasons for the denial

This is true for all mortgages, whether federally-backed or not.

If the explanation says your request has errors or is missing information, you have 21 days to correct these issues.

If you requested forbearance, your lender cannot begin foreclosing on your home or property until they:

  • Contact you to request payment
  • Wait at least 30 days after contacting you to request payment
  • File a declaration that they have contacted you to request payment
  • File the forbearance denial notice

You can contest either the 30-day contact or the forbearance denial notice.

If you believe your lender harmed you by violating the law, you can file a lawsuit against them. You can get free or low-cost legal help from statewide and local organizations.

These protections are in effect until December 1, 2021, if youâre denied forbearance.

Find more information:

Contact a local agency to get free help to avoid foreclosure.

Housing Bill Assistance From The Federal Assistance Programs

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Government financial assistance programs allow granting the mortgage or rent expense. If you are looking forward to the housing assistance, you can get help from multiple agencies that are approved by the HUD. All you need to collect the HUD vouchers for paying the rent expenses, moving bills and other residence related supports.

Keeping it aside, you can also get financial help in the form of loans from the federal government. But, for that, you need to showcase your low-income proof. Any family, who has an average below income, can get assistance from the state government.

Another help that the federal assistance programs offer poor families is affordable living. These federal funds arrange housings for the struggling households based on their yearly income. The housing help or support comes under section 8. Hence, study the section in detail for more knowledge.

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Local Financial Assistance For Seniors

Find out more about financial assistance for elderly people in your area by contacting the Office of Aging Aid in your area, or by visiting your local senior center. Finding and qualifying for local programs may take some time, but the financial savings could be substantial. A good place to start researching local benefits is AARPs database of state-specific programs to help seniors.

Unemployment Insurance And Covid

Unemployment insurance is a joint federal and state program that pays part of your wages when you lose your job through no fault of your own. Individual states run the program, each with its own eligibility and filing requirements. Many allow you to file online, by phone, orin person, though the COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily halted in-person applications in many places. Some states provide extended benefits when unemployment is high. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you qualify for extended help.

The federal government provided relief for unemployed individuals during the pandemic through three special programs:

All three of these programs officially expired on Sept. 5, 2021. Eligible individuals may still qualify for unemployment claims as long as they are still unemployed and are within the first 26 weeks of their UI benefits.

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Government Job Training And Free Child Care Subsidies

Several federal government agencies are focused on supporting people and helping them find a job or gain new skills. Todays workforce is very competitive and employers are demanding certain skills or training. State and federal assistance programs including One-Stop Career Centers, the Workforce Investment Act, and local employment centers can help the under and unemployed. Continue reading One-Stop Career Centers.

Anyone who needs more money can also get cash from work from home jobs. There are positions with state or federal government affiliated agencies, private employers, non-profits and even Internet companies as well as websites. All of these will pay cash as a form of financial help.

Day and child care assistance is available in all states. Many parents struggle with paying for child care expenses while they are working, in school or seeking a new job. Government child care vouchers and subsidies can be obtained which can help a qualified family with paying for a portion of their bills.

Health Insurance Through The Health Insurance Marketplace

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What help is available? helps you find insurance options, compare care, learn about preventive services, and more. If your employer does not offer insurance, you’re self-employed, or you want to buy your own insurance, you can get it through the Marketplace. The Health Insurance Marketplace offers health, vision, and dental insurance for you and your family.

Am I eligible?

Everyone is eligible for health insurance through the Marketplace. You may also qualify for subsidies to help pay your premiums. If youve experienced a life change like childbirth or loss of a job, you may be able to make changes to your insurance in a Special Enrollment Period.

How do I apply?

How you apply for a plan in the Health Insurance Marketplace depends on what plan you choose. Learn more about applying.

How do I complain or where do I call for extra help?

Visit the Health Insurance Marketplace’s top questions section for more help with finding or applying for health care. To file a complaint, call .

Is there anything else I need to know?

If you need more help getting or paying for medical care, try these resources:

If you are uninsured or underinsured and must seek emergency medical treatment:

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Veterans Affairs Canada Last Post Fund

  • a former member of the Canadian Forces or any predecessor Naval, Army or Air Forces of Canada or Newfoundland or
  • a Canadian Merchant Navy Veteran of the Second World War or the Korean War or
  • an Allied Veteran who served with the Allied Forces during the Second World War or the Korean War and has also lived in Canada for at least 10 years, or lived in Canada prior to enlisting and was living in Canada at time of death.

Beware Of Grants Scams

When people are suffering from their tough times, they lost their thinking power. They just want to get help, however. Even there are many government Hardship grants for free money in Emergency to people in urgent need , but many people give you hope that there are government grants and gives you money and in this way, they make a grant scam with you and also ask you for some money. So, please dont do this and dont be fooled. Because the government never gives money for free to anyone or in any case, when the government does this then they did not use any social media site. Therefore, whenever if anyone tells about any grant program then you have to verify it first and apply from the government offices, not through any social media site or scam.

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Federal Employees Retirement System

FERS, which replaced the Civil Service Retirement System in 1987, provides benefits to civilian government workers through three programs: a Basic Benefit Plan, Social Security, and the Thrift Savings Plan .

Eligibility for FERS benefits is determined by your age and number of years of service. The CSRS and FERS planning and applying websites provide complete information depending on how close you are to retirement.

Learn About The Childrens Health Insurance Program

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If your income is too high for Medicaid, your child may still qualify for the Childrens Health Insurance Program . It covers medical and dental care for uninsured children and teens up to age 19.

Is my child eligible for CHIP?

CHIP qualifications are different in every state. In most cases, they depend on income.

How do I apply for CHIP benefits?

You have two ways to apply for CHIP:

What else do I need to know about CHIP?

  • You can apply for and enroll in Medicaid or CHIP anytime during the year.

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Update Your Information For The Advance Child Tax Credit

Or you can use the Child Tax Credit Update Portal to:

  • Confirm if youre enrolled to receive payments
  • Un-enroll from the Child Tax Credit program to stop payments
  • Provide or update your bank account information

To manage payments with the Child Tax Credit Update Portal, you may use an existing IRS username. Or, if youre a new user, create an account with

Learn all about the child tax credit at

Am I Eligible For Liheap

This chart from shows the average LIHEAP eligibility requirements. Actual requirements may vary by state, city, or region. Each local LIHEAP office sets its own eligibility requirements.

  • A person or family participating in certain other benefit programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program , Supplemental Security Income , Temporary Assistance for Needy Families , or certain needs-tested veterans benefits may be automatically eligible.
  • Being qualified for LIHEAP does not guarantee that you will receive help. Whether or not you receive help depends on how much LIHEAP funding is available for the year.
  • On average, about 20% of households that are qualified for LIHEAP receive benefits. When LIHEAP funds run out for the year, no more benefits can be given until Congress makes more funds available.

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