Saturday, July 13, 2024

List Of Corporate Governance Documents

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A typical board of directors is assembled from a combination of shareholders, corporate executives and high-status third parties unrelated to the corporation. This is intended to give a diversity of interests and opinions, however, one of the weaknesses to this model is that most members of most boards end up shareholders and can therefore enrich themselves based on how they choose to dispose of the company.

Absentee Landlords Vs Capital Stewards

In 2016 the director of the World Pensions Council said that “institutional asset owners now seem more eager to take to task negligent CEOs” of the companies whose shares they own.

This development is part of a broader trend towards more fully exercised asset ownershipnotably from the part of the boards of directors of large UK, Dutch, Scandinavian and Canadian pension investors:

No longer ‘absentee landlords‘, trustees have started to exercise more forcefully their governance prerogatives across the boardrooms of Britain, Benelux and America: coming together through the establishment of engaged pressure groups to ‘shift the system towards sustainable investment’.

This could eventually put more pressure on the CEOs of publicly listed companies, as “more than ever before, many UK and European Union pension trustees speak enthusiastically about flexing their fiduciary muscles for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals“, and other ESG-centric investment practices.

United Kingdom

In Britain, “The widespread social disenchantment that followed the great recession had an impact” on all stakeholders, including pension fund board members and investment managers.

Many of the UK’s largest pension funds are thus already active stewards of their assets, engaging with corporate boards and speaking up when they think it is necessary.

Corporate Governance Through Disclosures

These are generally influenced by the regulatory requirements prescribed by various statues.

  • Companies Act, 2013
  • The format of Balance sheet, P& L must be in accordance to Schedule III of the act
  • The financial statement must be approved by BoDs & signed by at least two directors
  • The financial statements shall be filed to the concerned Registrar of Companies.
  • Reserve Bank of India
  • The financial statement of banking companies shall be conformity with Banking Regulations
  • The format of Balance sheet and Profit & Loss Statement to be followed by the banking companies has been prescribed by the Banking Regulations
  • Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
  • The financial statement of Insurance companies must be in conformity with IRDA Regulations
  • A Receipts and Payments Account is also required to be prepared.
  • Securities and Exchange Board of India for listed companies
  • Prepare consolidated statements in addition to Individual financial statements
  • Disclose their quarterly results in format prescribed by SEBI
  • The quarterly statement shall be audited one or may limited review by the auditors
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    Financial Reporting And The Independent Auditor

    The board of directors has primary responsibility for the corporation’s internal and external financial reporting functions. The chief executive officer and chief financial officer are crucial participants, and boards usually have a high degree of reliance on them for the integrity and supply of accounting information. They oversee the internal accounting systems, and are dependent on the corporation’s accountants and internal auditors.

    Current accounting rules under International Accounting Standards and U.S. GAAP allow managers some choice in determining the methods of measurement and criteria for recognition of various financial reporting elements. The potential exercise of this choice to improve apparent performance increases the information risk for users. Financial reporting fraud, including non-disclosure and deliberate falsification of values also contributes to users’ information risk. To reduce this risk and to enhance the perceived integrity of financial reports, corporation financial reports must be audited by an independent external auditor who issues a report that accompanies the financial statements.

    Ifrs Model Financial Statements 2021

    (PDF) Multi

    11 Oct 2021

    The model financial statements of International GAAP Holdings Limited for the year ended 31 December 2021 are intended to illustrate the presentation and disclosure requirements of IFRS Standards without the use of any actual numbers. They also contain additional disclosures that are considered to be best practice, particularly where such disclosures are included in illustrative examples provided within a specific Standard.

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    Provisions In An Articles Of Incorporation

    Following are provisions in an Articles of Incorporation.

    You’ll list your corporate name, which usually must have some type of corporate identifier on it, such as the following:

    • Corporation
    • Incorporated
    • Abbreviations of the above

    Include a business purpose, which explains what your company does or provides. You’ll use one of two business purpose clauses:

    • General: Some states are fine with a general-purpose clause, meaning that the corporation engages in all lawful business.
    • Specific: Other states expect a more thorough explanation of the types of products and/or services a corporation provides.

    Almost all states require your corporation to have a registered agent, also known as a statutory agent, agent for service or process, or resident agent. This is a person or company that accepts legal and tax documents on behalf of the corporation. All agents must have a physical street address in the state and be available during business hours.

    Incorporators are the people responsible for filing formation documents for a corporation. Include their names and addresses. Incorporators must also sign the Articles.

    Depending on the state, you’ll name your corporation’s initial directors and list their addresses. Directors are the individuals who oversee a corporation’s business affairs, and they’re responsible for major corporate decisions. Shareholders elect directors, and directors appoint corporate officers.

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    A Documented Policy Management System

    Across any industry, corporate governance best practice requires you to document policies, procedures and processes to set expectations, establish roles and responsibilities, and communicate commitments. Every document then needs to be controlled and managed, and there needs to be evidence that employees have read, understood or rejected the policy.

    Systems such as our Document module enables your business to have unshakeable control over documents and policies.

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    What Is Corporate Governance

    Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled. Corporate governance essentially involves balancing the interests of a company’s many stakeholders, such as shareholders, senior management executives, customers, suppliers, financiers, the government, and the community.

    Since corporate governance also provides the framework for attaining a company’s objectives, it encompasses practically every sphere of management, from action plans and internal controls to performance measurement and corporate disclosure.

    Stock Exchange Listing Standards

    Website Governance Document Template

    Companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and other stock exchanges are required to meet certain governance standards. For example, the NYSE Listed Company Manual requires, among many other elements:

    • Independent directors: “Listed companies must have a majority of independent directors … Effective boards of directors exercise independent judgment in carrying out their responsibilities. Requiring a majority of independent directors will increase the quality of board oversight and lessen the possibility of damaging conflicts of interest.” An independent director is not part of management and has no “material financial relationship” with the company.
    • Board meetings that exclude management: “To empower non-management directors to serve as a more effective check on management, the non-management directors of each listed company must meet at regularly scheduled executive sessions without management.”
    • Boards organize their members into committees with specific responsibilities per defined charters. “Listed companies must have a nominating/corporate governance committee composed entirely of independent directors.” This committee is responsible for nominating new members for the board of directors. Compensation and Audit Committees are also specified, with the latter subject to a variety of listing standards as well as outside regulations.

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    A Key Principle Of Corporate Governance Shareholder Primacy

    Perhaps one of the most important principles of corporate governance is the recognition of . The recognition is two-fold. First, there is the basic recognition of the importance of shareholders to any company people who buy the companys stock fund its operations. Equity is one of the major sources of funding for businesses. Second, from the basic recognition of shareholder importance follows the principle of responsibility to shareholders.

    The policy of allowing shareholders to elect a board of directors is critical. The boards prime directive is to be always seeking the best interests of shareholders. The board of directors hires and oversees the executives who comprise the team that manages the day-to-day operations of a company. This means that shareholders, effectively, have a direct say in how a company is run.

    Control And Ownership Structures

    Control and ownership structure refers to the types and composition of shareholders in a corporation. In some countries such as most of Continental Europe, ownership is not necessarily equivalent to control due to the existence of e.g. dual-class shares, ownership pyramids, voting coalitions, proxy votes and clauses in the articles of association that confer additional voting rights to long-term shareholders. Ownership is typically defined as the ownership of cash flow rights whereas control refers to ownership of control or voting rights. Researchers often “measure” control and ownership structures by using some observable measures of control and ownership concentration or the extent of inside control and ownership. Some features or types of control and ownership structure involving corporate groups include pyramids, cross-shareholdings, rings, and webs. German “concerns” are legally recognized corporate groups with complex structures. Japanese keiretsu and South Korean chaebol are corporate groups which consist of complex interlocking business relationships and shareholdings. Cross-shareholding is an essential feature of keiretsu and chaebol groups. Corporate engagement with shareholders and other stakeholders can differ substantially across different control and ownership structures.

    Family control

    Diffuse shareholders

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    Corporate Governance And The Board Of Directors

    The board of directors is the primary direct stakeholder influencing corporate governance. Directors are elected by shareholders or appointed by other board members, and they represent shareholders of the company.

    The board is tasked with making important decisions, such as corporate officer appointments, executive compensation, and dividend policy. In some instances, board obligations stretch beyond financial optimization, as when shareholder resolutions call for certain social or environmental concerns to be prioritized.

    A board of directors should consist of a diverse group of individuals, those that have skills and knowledge of the business, as well as those who can bring a fresh perspective from outside of the company and industry.

    Boards are often made up of inside and independent members. Insiders are major shareholders, founders, and executives. Independent directors do not share the ties of the insiders, but they are chosen because of their experience managing or directing other large companies. Independents are considered helpful for governance because they dilute the concentration of power and help align shareholder interests with those of the insiders.

    The board of directors must ensure that the company’s corporate governance policies incorporate the corporate strategy, risk management, accountability, transparency, and ethical business practices.

    The Importance Of Corporate Governance Documents

    (PDF) Director Primacy and Corporate Governance: Shareholder Voting ...

    Every business needs a set of governing legal documents. For a corporation, these include a certificate of incorporation, bylaws and often a shareholders agreement. For a limited partnership or limited liability company, they include a formation certificate and either a partnership agreement or operating agreement. The purpose of these documents is to establish rules governing how the business will be managed and the rights and obligations of the owners.

    Entrepreneurs and small business owners often pay little attention to these documents when starting a new business. They view them as paperwork, as necessary boxes to check but unimportant to the long-term success of the enterprise. It is important to understand that governing documents have important practical consequences, so they devote little time and few resources to them, frequently using off the shelf forms from cheap legal document services or attorneys with little or no experience in corporate governance matters.

    Here are three common scenarios in which governing documents play a crucial role:

    Well-drafted documents, tailored to the specific needs of a business, need not be expensive. Attorneys experienced in corporate governance matters can prepare them efficiently. It is a sensible investment that will pay off in orderly management and future cost savings.

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    The Eight Key Effective Corporate Governance Practices

    17 January, 2020

    Corporate governance is at the heart of the successful running of an organisation. It not only improves the overall performance, but also promotes trust among the shareholders and other stakeholders.

    It is important that companies/organisations strive to follow good corporate governance practices. To assist, we set out below what we consider to be 8 key components:

    1. Governance FrameworksGovernance frameworks can often be overlooked, however, they are the bedrock of how a company/organisation is governed and should be designed so as to ensure:

    • effective boards,
    • transparency around roles and responsibilities,
    • accountability to, and engagement with, stakeholders, and
    • driving sustainable business practices.

    2. Governance DocumentationIt is imperative that governance documentation is accurate and kept up to date. These documents establish the rules by which the business is governed, set out the rights and obligations of the shareholders/owners, and provide evidence for regulators/stakeholders of the governance processes/procedures in place.

    4. Documenting processes and proceduresIt is important that governance processes/procedures are adequately documented. Often a company/organisation has good corporate governance practices, however, have gaps in terms of documenting the actual processes/procedures in place.

    In our experience, the challenges for management in preparing fit for purpose reports for the board include the following:

    Corporate Governance Regulatory Compliance Checklist

    The following is a brief sample of just a few of the areas we explore when conducting a Corporate Governance compliance and best practices review. For more information on the complete audit checklist, or to discuss questions or concerns specific to your organization, please contact Howard Berkenblit.

    Board of Directors and their Committees

    • Do all independent directors meet required criteria?
    • Are all committees appropriately comprised and functioning effectively?
    • How does the Board oversee risk management?
    • Is the Board adequately protected through indemnification and insurance arrangements?

    Governance Issues

    • What should the Company do to address Dodd-Frank rules such as say-on-pay, clawback policies and pay ratio disclosures?
    • Has the Company set up and monitored required policies such as whistleblower procedures, non-audit service fee approvals and related person transaction approvals?
    • Are consultants used and overseen appropriately?
    • Are equity grants properly and timely approved and documented?

    Insider Trading/Ethics

    • Does the Company have an effective policy to prevent insider trading?
    • Does the Company have a compliant code of ethics and are officers, directors and employees educated about the code?

    Disclosure and Reporting Practices

    • Are the Companys controls and procedures adequate?
    • Does the Company assist insiders to ensure timely reporting and avoidance of short-swing profits?
    • Does the Companys website have required governance and SEC documents?

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    Corporate Governance Disclosure Checklist

    20 Aug 2021

    This checklist produced by Deloitte sets out the key disclosure requirements under the Listing Rules, the Disclosure Guidelines and Transparency Rules on audit committees and corporate governance statements, the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, the Guidance on Risk Management and Internal Control and Related Financial and Business Reporting, the 2016 version of the Guidance on Audit Committees, the 2018 version of the Guidance on Board Effectiveness and the Statutory Audit Services for Large Companies Market Investigation Order 2014. The checklist was updated to reflect some changes in the scope of certain requirements after IP completion day as a result of the UKs withdrawal from the EU.

    Corporate Governance: What Does It Mean

    CPA BEC | Corporate Governance Structure and Regulations


    How are corporations run? Here’s a primer on how boards, executives and bylaws work.

    For a business to successfully achieve any of their goals and remain a trustworthy company to invest in for current and prospective shareholders alike, a system needs to be in place that shows that things are running smoothly and in accordance with the law. That is where corporate governance comes into play.

    What is corporate governance, and how can it differ from company to company?

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    Responsibilities Of The Board Of Directors

    Former Chairman of the Board of General MotorsJohn G. Smale wrote in 1995: “The board is responsible for the successful perpetuation of the corporation. That responsibility cannot be relegated to management.” A board of directors is expected to play a key role in corporate governance. The board has responsibility for: CEO selection and succession providing feedback to management on the organization’s strategy compensating senior executives monitoring financial health, performance and risk and ensuring accountability of the organization to its investors and authorities. Boards typically have several committees to perform their work.

    The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance describe the responsibilities of the board some of these are summarized below:

    Consequences Of Poor Corporate Governance

    One of the biggest purposes of corporate governance is to set up a system of rules, policies, and practices for a company in other words, to account for accountability. Each major piece of the government the shareholders, the board of directors, the executive management team, and the companys employees is responsible to the others, therefore keeping them all accountable. Part of this accountability is the fact that the board regularly reports financial information to the shareholders, which reflects the corporate governance principle of transparency.

    Poor corporate governance is best explained with an example, and there is no better example than Enron Corp. Many of the executives used shady tactics and covert accounting methods to cover up the fact that they were essentially stealing from the company. Erroneous figures were passed along to the board of directors, who failed to report the information to shareholders.

    With responsible accounting methods gone out the window, shareholders were unaware that the companys debts and liabilities totaled much more than the company could ever repay. The executives were eventually charged with a number of felonies, and the company went bankrupt. It killed employee pensions and hurt shareholders immeasurably.

    When good corporate governance is abandoned, a company runs the risk of collapse, and shareholders stand to suffer substantially.

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