Sunday, July 14, 2024

Government Policies For Senior Citizens

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Can I Obtain Health Insurance If Im 70+ Years Old

Policy Bazaar: Health Insurance For Senior Citizens

There is a myth that surrounds the life insurance world that says seniors of the age 70 or older cannot obtain new life insurance coverage from any insurance company due to their age and/or decreasing health with pre-existing conditions. This is not the truth whatsoever. Life insurance for any senior over the age of 70 is obtainable and affordable, as long as they know how and what to look for.

Working on your own to find the right life insurance for seniors over 70 can be quite difficult . If youre thinking of looking into life insurance and youre over the age of 70, find an independent agent who can help you find the right policy for you!


While term life insurance is the most common life insurance on the market today, it is not the best option for seniors over the age of 70.

The Good News On Federal Policies

On a positive note, federal policies have begun to align in a positive way for aging in a few ways.

For the first time, Medicaid is spending more on home and community-based care than nursing home care. In addition, we have seen more preventive benefits under Medicare in the past 10 years than in the previous 40 years of the program.

These are positive trends aimed at promoting more independence and choice for older adults and a commitment to achieving wellness. However, some of these gains could be threatened, depending on the outcome of actions to repeal and/or replace The Affordable Care Act.

We now begin a new era in Washington. Lets hope it can lead to a more enlightened and aging-responsive federal government.

The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana

The Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana was launched in May 2017 to provide social security during old age. This is a simplified version of the VPBY and will be implemented by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. Under the scheme, on payment of an initial lump sum amount ranging from Rs 1,50,000 for a minimum pension of Rs 1000 per month to a maximum of Rs 7,50,000/- for a maximum pension of Rs 5,000 per month, subscribers will get an assured pension based on a guaranteed rate of return of 8% per annum payable monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/annually. The duration of the scheme will be for a period of ten years and the scheme is opened for subscription for a period of one year i.e. from 4th May, 2017 to 3rd May, 2018. As on 30th November 2017, a total of number of 1,83,842 persons are being benefited under PMVVY.

Action Point: The PMVVY is open for subscription till May 2018. Get old age people around you who are eligible for this scheme to explore and subscribe.

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Rights Of The Elderly: Government Policies And Schemes For Older Persons

The precise onset of old age varies culturally and historically. It is a social construct, rather than a biological stage. The persons in India, who have attained the age of sixty years and above, are defined as elderly for the purpose of availing old age benefits. Over the years, the government has launched various schemes and policies for older persons. These schemes and policies are meant to promote the health, the well-being and independence of senior citizens around the country. Rita takes a look into the rights of the elderly and educates us about various government policies and schemes for the elders, in the weekly, exclusively for Different Truths.

Who exactly are the Elderly?

Old Age is usually associated with declining faculties, both mental and physical, and a reduction in social commitments of any person. The precise onset of old age varies culturally and historically. It is a social construct, rather than a biological stage. The persons in India, who have attained the age of sixty years and above, are defined as elderly for the purpose of availing old age benefits.

Over the years, the government has launched various schemes and policies for older persons. These schemes and policies are meant to promote the health, the well-being and independence of senior citizens around the country. Some of these programmes have been enumerated below:

National Policy for Older Persons

  • Promotion of the concept of healthy ageing.
  • National Council for Older Persons

    Buying Life Insurance In Your 20s Vs Your 50s

    To view in actual size, visit the PIDS website or the PIDS Facebook page.

    If you purchased life insurance in your 20s, you probably looked for a term policy with a high benefit that would cover your financial obligations in case you passed away prematurely. When you reach your 50s, however, you may be more interested in covering future medical expenses and preserving wealth for future generations. Permanent life insurance is more affordable and better meets these needs in your 50s and beyond.

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    Tax Benefits Of Senior Citizen Health Insurance

    One major benefit of having a senior citizen health insurance policy is that premiums paid for it qualify for tax exemptions under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Premiums paid towards a senior citizen health insurance policy qualify for tax exemptions for upto Rs. 50,000.

    Under senior citizen health insurance policy one can avail tax rebate of Rs. 5,000 for expenses made for the annual preventive health check-ups of the insured senior citizen in addition to the tax benefits available under this policy, under the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. On top of that a tax rebate of Rs. 1 Lakh is provided under this health insurance policy in case the senior citizen requires treatment for a critical illness.

    A senior citizen who is still earning and paying health insurance premium, can avail income tax benefits for upto Rs. 25,000 under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

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    Home Financing And Foreclosure Counseling

    If you need free counseling services and home financing then you can check yourself with the US department of housing and urban development. This department will work for the senior citizens and on specific income requirements. There are some senior citizens available that make qualify for grants or reduced loans by satisfying the required conditions. HUD is a program that also offers free counseling services for seniors who are facing Foreclosure. If you need home financing then you can contact the US department of agriculture. This department offers 100% financing on rural homes for senior citizens but only four of those qualified with certain conditions. Therefore, to get home financing and free counseling services you have to fulfill certain conditions and have to make yourself qualify then you can get benefits from the Department which is mentioned above.

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    Helping Seniors To Age In Place

    In 2011, 92 percent of seniors in Canada lived in a private home. Recent Government of Canada investments in affordable and social housing, age-friendly communities, support for caregivers and programs to combat homelessness are helping seniors stay in their own homes and remain physically and socially active.

    In July 2011, a federal-provincial-territorial framework for the Investment in Affordable Housing was announced. It provided a $1.4 billion combined investment toward reducing the number of Canadians in housing need. Between April 2011 and March 2014, close to 184 000 households, including seniors and/or people with disabilities, benefitted from this funding.

    The Government continues to work with provinces and territories to develop and implement solutions to housing. Economic Action Plan 2013 included a commitment of more than $1.25 billion over five years for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Centre. The Centre has created more than 25 000 affordable housing units since 2006, including 10 773 units for seniors.

    “The At Home/Chez Soi report shows that Housing First can work for seniors experiencing mental illness and homelessness. Housing First provides more than a home, it opens a door to a brighter future. The Government’s renewal of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, with a shift to Housing First, is great news.”

    Louise Bradley, President and CEO of the Mental Health Commission of Canada

    Benefits Of Life Insurance For Seniors

    Policy Watch – National Policy for Senior Citizens

    Below are a few of the many advantages to adding a life insurance policy to your financial plan as a senior:

    Cover Outstanding ExpensesPrevent your outstanding debts, such as mortgage, rent, credit card bills, or unpaid loans from being passed on to family members.

    Pay for Final ExpensesThe cost of a funeral can be extensive protect your family from being burdened with this cost in their time of grief.

    Help Provide for Loved OnesEven if your family members are no longer dependent upon your income, you can still help lessen their financial stresses, such as contributing to your grandchilds school tuition.

    Contribute to a Cause You Care AboutLeave a gift to a charitable cause, so that your values live on.

    Get up to $500,000 in coverage for No Medical or up to $1 million on all other plans.
    Cover outstanding debts, expenses, leave legacy with a life insurance plan. The benefit paid out is tax-free.
    Whether youre 18 or 80 you can apply, including temporary residents with a valid work or study permit.

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    Long Term Care Insurance

    Long-term care insurance helps cover the costs of a nursing home, an assisted living facility, home health care and other services to assist with daily activities like dressing, eating and bathing. Many Missourians believe Medicare covers long-term care costs, but Medicare offers very limited coverage for these services, generally for no more than a few months. Speak with a financial advisors about how to cover any needed long-term care, whether thats paying those costs directly, buying long-term care coverage from a private insurance company or qualifying for Medicaid.

    You May Not Need Senior Life Insurance

    After considering your circumstances, you may decide you do not have to carry life insurance. Premiums are very high for life insurance for seniors over 70 and, if there is nothing to pay for after the person is longer around, then the life insurance policy is not needed. Be careful when renewing or upping your policies as you get older: evaluate if you really need the life insurance. If you do still have outstanding debts, you can purchase a smaller term life insurance policy that will end when your payments are due to end. This will keep you from being over-insured.

    There are many things life insurance agencies will not tell you regarding your ability to obtain life insurance after the age of 70 simply because they do not want to take a risk on you. However, you have the right to obtain life insurance even if youre over 70, so it is important to know your options so that you can get the coverage you need.

    If youre a loved one of a senior over 70, you can help them by pointing them in the right direction towards the policies that are right for them. There are many terms and policies out there that can be quite confusing for many people.

    Life insurance for seniors over 70 can be difficult to obtain, but it is definitely not impossible. And, it doesnt have to cost you a fortune to maintain, either. Make sure that you know what you are looking for, what youre willing to pay, and what your options are regarding policies.


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    International Social Security Agreements

    International social security agreements are bilateral treaties in international law that coordinate the operation of Canada’s OAS and CPP programs with the comparable social security programs in other countries. Canada currently has over 50 social security agreements in force.

    As a result of these agreements, over 200 000 foreign pensionsrepresenting more than $796 million in paymentsare paid each year to eligible recipients in Canada. Canada also paid approximately 95 000 CPP and OAS pensions abroad, totaling $158 million in 2012.

    Throughout 2012 and 2013, Canada signed new agreements with Bulgaria, Serbia and India and revised agreements with Norway and France. These agreements will enter into force once Canada and these countries have completed their respective legal processes.

    Characterization Of Emerging Patterns

    Corporate Governance Quotes. QuotesGram

    As shown in Table 3 and Table 5, few initiatives adopted a co-decisional approach. Solely for the purpose of describing co-decisional initiatives, the three case study examples are merged into one combined grouping . To illustrate the distinctive features to each of the principal patterns, we include three exemplary case studies for each. As Flyvbjerg put it, case studies have capacity to highlight general and generic characteristics and help to set standards of understanding differences. Our data assembly and presentation are necessarily reflections of the theoretical positioning that took shape during our empirical work as we consulted multiple scientific and gray sources .

    3.1.1. First Pattern: Participatory Initiatives Adopting Consultative Approaches in Policy Design

    3.1.2. Second Pattern: Participatory Initiatives Adopting Consultative Approaches in Policy Implementation

    The consultation of senior citizens for service delivery has typically evolved from governmental and legislative structures through the involvement of civil society organisations. Our study captured a current, but quite possibly temporary state in the development of initiatives that operate similar to lobby groups. Organisations and alliances advocating for senior citizens are equally contributing to providing information and to enabling senior people to express service needs and preferences.

    3.1.3. Third Pattern: Participatory Initiatives Adopting Co-Decisional Approaches in Policy-Making

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    Dr Ysr Aarogyasri Health Care Trust Andhra Pradesh State Government:

    The Andhra Pradesh Government along with the Dr YSR Aarogyasri Trust, which works for health care, has come up with four beneficial welfare schemes. These schemes cater to different people and assist them in time of need.

    Here are the four schemes:

  • Dr YSR Aarogyasri This scheme is dedicated to the welfare of the poor.

  • Aarogya Raksha This scheme is designed to benefit people Above Poverty Line .

  • Working Journalist Health Scheme This scheme is for journalists and it offers cashless treatment in case of listed procedures.

  • Employee Health Scheme This scheme is for the benefit of state government employees.

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    Red Carpet Coverage For Senior Citizen

    The Senior Citizens Red Carpet Health Insurance Policy extends its coverage on multiple aspects to support you, the senior citizens on your health care needs and thereby making it a adequate mediclaim policy for 60+.
    Daycare procedures
    Expenses towards all day-care procedures, surgeries and treatments that would require hospitalization of less than 24 hours are covered.
    In-patient hospitalisation expenses
    Coverage for all in-patient hospitalisation expenses up to the sum insured.
    Pre- and Post-hospitalisation expenses
    Pre-hospitalisation expenses are covered for a maximum of 30 days before admission in the network hospitals.
    Post-hospitalisation expenses covered for a maximum of 7% of the hospitalisation expenses incurred up to the limits as specified in the policy clause.
    Modern Treatments
    Twelve modern treatments are covered comprising balloon sinuplasty, immunotherapy and stem cell therapy, up to sub-limits mentioned in the policy clause.
    Out-Patient expenses
    Any medical consultation expenses as an outpatient incurred in a network hospital are covered up to the limits with a limit of Rs.200 per consultation.
    Annual Health Check-Ups
    Payment of expenses towards cost of health check-up up to the limits for every claim-free year at network hospitals.
    Pre-Existing Disease
    You can claim for treatments on pre-existing conditions after 12 months from the policy start date.
    Specific Disease/Illness Coverage

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    What Do We Mean By Health And Aging Policy

    In many ways, gerontology represents the future of health care. The U.S. population is aging rapidly. By 2030, 71 million Americans will be 65 and older. These individuals are at high risk for complex health problems, chronic illness, and disability, and they are, and will continue to be, the heaviest users of health care.

    Although estimates vary, today, older adults account for a substantial proportion of hospital days, ambulatory adult primary care visits, home care visits, and nursing home residents. Over the next 30 years, as the number of older Americans doubles, almost every medical specialty will have an increasingly older patient base. As a result, society is facing critical challenges regarding health and social services.

    Our nations decision makers are currently confronting an enormous range of specific challenges in health care for the aging. These include:

    • Contributions to the Affordable Care Act
    • Medicare payment reform
    • Engaging consumers in health care quality
    • Funding for health professionals training
    • Setting priorities for biomedical and behavioral research in aging
    • Providing care for the aging cohorts of U.S. veterans
    • Strategies for individuals dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid

    The National Program Office is based at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University, in New York City.

    National Program Office

    What To Do If The Proposal For Senior Citizen Health Insurance Is Declined

    Federal Government Approves National Policy On Aging

    In case the insurance company declines the health insurance application/proposal form for the senior citizen/parents, there are two things that a person can do:

    1. In case you have doubts regarding the medical check-ups conducted by the insurance company, you can choose to get another medical check up that shall be conducted by another doctor and submit the reports to the insurance company. If the insurance company is satisfied with the reports, they may reconsider your application.

    2. In case your application/proposal form for a senior citizen health insurance policy is declined by one insurance provider, you can always approach and apply with another health insurance provider. In case you apply for health insurance at another insurance provider within 30 days of applying for the senior citizen health insurance policy with the first insurance provider, you can submit the medical check-up documents which were obtained from the first one to the new insurance company.

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