Saturday, July 13, 2024

American Government And Civic Engagement

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Political And Economic Systems

Civic engagement | Citizenship | High school civics | Khan Academy

Capitalism and democracy still tend to go together, but:

Some non-democracies such as modern China, Nazi Germany have or had large private sectors .

Most modern democracies have mixed economies that incorporate some aspects of socialismincluding the United States. Some are social democracies like Sweden.

Strategic Partnerships Across Sectors

We build partnerships across the philanthropic, public, and private sectors, bringing together civic leaders, funders, and other stakeholders to promote greater coordination in creating transformational change in Detroit and across Michigan. We work to develop coordinated funding strategies with other investors, including private foundations, corporate donors, and state agencies, that share our vision for equity and inclusion.

In The Role Of State Government

People who serve state governments learn what the community needs through listening to citizens and thus make nuanced decisions. According to Miriam Porter, “turmoil, suspicion, and reduction of public trust” occur with the lack of communication. Civic engagement has an interrelated relationship within the various entities of the state.Values, knowledge, liberties, skills, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs the population holds are essential to civic engagement in terms of the representation of vast cultural, social, and economic identities.

Civic engagement applied within the state requires local civic engagement. Citizens are the basis of representative democracy. Application of this principle can be found within programs and laws that states have implemented based on a variety of areas concerning that particular state. Health, education, equality, immigration are a few examples of entities that civic engagement can shape within a state.

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Youth Participation In Caregiving Activities Varies By Gender

Existing research has shown that caregiving activities tend to be divided by gender. Women are more likely to report helping with housework and personal care, while men more often assist with house maintenance and outdoor work.Note

Statistics Canada, General Social Survey on Caregiving and care Receiving, 2018.

For example, among young caregivers, men were more likely than women to undertake house maintenance and outdoor work as part of their caregiving work . Furthermore, young women were more likely than young men to participate in household work activities such as meal preparation, house cleaning or laundry or scheduling and coordinating appointments for the care receiver . Women were also more likely to participate in caregiving activities that often need to be completed on a regular basis or according to a set schedule, such as helping with medical treatments and providing personal care . Specifically, 26% of young women provided help with medical treatments, compared with 13E% of young men. And while 28% of women provided personal care, 13E% of men did so.

Almost A Quarter Of Youth Volunteered Their Time To Organizations Providing Social Services

UT Votes

Youth volunteering varies across different types of organizations. Specifically, young volunteers were most likely to give their time to social services , education and research , sports and recreation and religious organizations in 2018 . This was consistent with research which has found that these organizations are where the greater proportion of people volunteer.Note

27.6 24.3
Note: Volunteers were able to identify volunteer activities in multiple sectors. Therefore, percentage of volunteers by sector will not total 100%. Statistics Canada, General Social Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2018.

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What Is Political Science

Modern political scientists apply the methods of the social sciences to the systematic study of the theory and practice of politics.

  • Political science’s roots are interdisciplinary, encompassing philosophy, history, law, and economics.
  • Other contemporary social sciences include economics, geography, psychology, and sociology.

American Government And Civic Engagement: Introduction

In the United States, the right to vote is an important feature of the nations system of government, and over the years many people have fought and sacrificed to obtain it. Yet, today, many people ignore this important means of civic engagement.

Since its founding, the United States has relied on citizen participation to govern at the local, state, and national levels. This civic engagement ensures that representative democracy will continue to flourish and that people will continue to influence government. The right of citizens to participate in government is an important feature of democracy, and over the centuries many have fought to acquire and defend this right. During the American Revolution , British colonists fought for the right to govern themselves. In the early nineteenth century, agitated citizens called for the removal of property requirements for voting so poor White men could participate in government just as wealthy men could. Throughout the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, women, African Americans, Native Americans, and many other groups fought for the right to vote and hold office.

  • American Government. : OpenStax. Provided by: OpenStax Rice University. Located at: . License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at

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The Origins Of Civic Education

The fact that children today across the country wake up in the morning and go to school five days a week for most of the year has everything to do with civic education. The idea of a shared school experience where all young people in America receive a standard quality education is inextricably linked to the development of the United States as a national entity and the development of citizens who had the skills and knowledge to engage in a democracy.

Putting Conversations To Work

Why Citizen Engagement: Roxane White at TEDxMileHigh

To follow in the footsteps of the Founding Fathers of our country and others who came before us, here are some ways weve found we can start to walk the talk and add value as a citizen:

  • Brush up on American Citizenship yourself, and introduce civics to young people in your life that you mentor.
  • Engage in initiatives that teach civics in your local schools, high-school, community colleges, or initiate a project such as a Citizen Academy with your city. Here are some civic engagement projects making an impact.
  • Participate in Voter Registration initiatives, and visit to find out what will be on your ballot in the upcoming election.
  • Consider becoming an Election Judge
  • Find out what are the public policy research centers in your state by visiting SPNs directory by state and by issue.
  • Put Conversations to Work and Engage Locally see the following proposed steps to engage further.
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    Building The Leadership Of Traditionally Marginalized Constituencies

    We invest in organizations led by and accountable to low-income rural and urban communities, women, and people of color to bridge key divides. We amplify the voices of those affected by inequality so they play a role in reimagining the systems that shape their lives. Their leadership is critical to advancing inclusive policies and practices.

    Protecting The Polls In Texas

    We fund the Texas Civil Rights Project to provide legal guidance and representation to a network of grassroots and civic engagement organizations. For 2020, it developed a robust voter protection program, recruiting and training attorneys and poll monitors from across the state to identify and respond to problems at the polls. When COVID-19 hit, TCRP was poised to respond quickly, outlining key steps Texas must take and launching a new coalition to demand action. When the state hesitated, TCRP sued and advocated for expanded vote-by-mail in the state to expand accessibility to the ballot for every voter. TCRP has also taken their efforts local and has worked with dozens of counties to pass policies that make it easier and safer to cast a ballot ahead of the November election.

    States have long served as laboratories of democracy for many of Americas efforts to strengthen civic engagement, reduce inequality, and advance lasting social change. We see tremendous opportunities at the state level to improve the lives of Americans and create a framework for national change. We believe that states play an important role in democracy and Americas economy by piloting innovative policies and practices that advance equitable development, expand democracy, and reduce racial and economic disparities to reinforce and fuel national change.

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    Failure To Provide Public Goods

    Public goods are essential things needed by a society that would not be provided by a free market.

    Not everything that the government does is a public good! Examples include:

    • National defense.
    • A legal system .
    • Clean air and water.

    Although these things are important, without government taxes and regulations, it would be easy for people to be free riders: to avoid doing their part to ensure these public goods were available.

    Public Has Modest Expectations For Washingtons Return To Divided Government

    United States Government: Civic Engagement in a Representative Republic ...

    Most U.S. adults say President Joe Biden and Republican leaders in Congress will be unsuccessful getting their agendas enacted in the next two years only about a third say the president and GOP leaders will be successful. Republicans are less confident than Democrats in midterm vote counts but more confident than they were after the 2020 election.

    Most in advanced economies say voting, taking steps to reduce climate change and getting a COVID-19 vaccine are ways to be a good member of society fewer say this about attending religious services.

    More Americans say its very important to vote in elections to be a good member of society than say the same about any other activity in the survey.

    When comparing turnout among the voting-age population in recent national elections in 50 countries, the U.S. ranks 31st.

    There has been a sharp decline in the share of Republican voters who are very confident that votes cast at polling places will be counted accurately.

    Americans who hold less consistently liberal or conservative views tend to be less engaged in national politics.

    As 2021 draws to a close, here are some of Pew Research Centers most striking research findings from the past year.

    53% of U.S. adults who voted in the general election say they engaged in at least 1 of 6 political activities over the past six months.

    These platforms have served as venues for political engagement and social activism for many years, especially for Black Americans.

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    Protecting Civic Space With The Law

    The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, one of our BUILD grantees, is the leading authority for careful analysis and close monitoring of trends around civic space in more than 100 countries. The center plays a critical role in strengthening the legal environment so it is conducive to civil society, philanthropy, and citizen participation. Working hand in hand with local partners, it provides detailed research into the legal developments that impact civic space. Our partnership is fundamental to bolstering collective capacities to enhance the space for people to influence decisions that affect them, as well as develop innovative strategies for strategic collaboration among organizations.

    In Comparison With Other Countries

    States practicing public involvement and implementing public health programs to better benefit the needs of the society is a concept that is shared by other countries, such as England. A study conducted by Department of Primary Care, University of Liverpool, the Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, the Department of Geography and Geology, McMaster Institute of Environment and Health, McMaster University, Avon Health Authority, the School of Journalism, Tom Hopkinson Centre for Media Research, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, and the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, McMaster University stated that “There are a number of impulses towards public participation in health care decision making including instrumentalist, communitarian, educative and expressive impulses and the desire for increased accountability”.

    Their research included a critical examination of the degree of involvement by the public in healthcare decision making. It is suggested that “public participation in decision making can promote goals, bind individuals or groups together, impart a sense of competence and responsibility and help express political or civic identity”. The action of the citizens aimed at influencing decisions of representatives ultimately affects the state as a whole. Voting is a key component in civic engagement for the voice of the masses to be heard.

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    What Is Civic Enagagement

    Civic Engagement means making a difference in our communities and developing a combination of knowledge, skills, values, and motivation needed to enact change. It includes formal and informal activities such as volunteering, voting, lobbying for a politician, community gardening, completing the census, coaching a community sports team, writing to an elected official, researching ballot initiatives, and more.

    This Civic Engagement and Voting guide provides resources and information about a variety of issues from voting, researching issues and candidates, how elections work, as well as a variety of resources such as books, streaming videos, and information about upcoming events.

    The Rise Of Reading Math And Science

    Campaign finance | Political participation | US government and civics | Khan Academy

    The Common Schools Movement that Mann helped establish and design was the foundation of our current American education system. Despite the fact that the core of our education system was built upon the belief that schooling institutions have a central role to play in preparing American youth to be civically engaged, this goal has been pushed to the margins over time as other educational objectives have moved to the forefront. Reading, math, and science have always been essential elements of a childs educational experience, but many educationalists argue that these subjects were elevated above all others after the countrys Sputnik moment. In 1957, the Soviet Unions launch of Sputnik, the first space satellite, made waves across the U.S. as Americans perceived they were falling behind academically and scientifically. A wave of reforms including in math, science, and engineering education followed. Improving students poor reading and math skills received particular attention over the last several decades including in President George W. Bushs No Child Left Behind Act. A focus on ensuring American students get strong STEM skills continues to be an ongoing concern, as highlighted by President Obamas 2013 Educate to Innovate plan focused on improving American students performance in STEM subjects.

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    The Case For Incorporating 21st

    Civic learning experts, however, are not the only ones concerned about the perceived narrow focus on reading, math, and science in American schools. In recent years, there has been a growing movement for schools to help students develop 21st-century skills alongside academic competencies, driven in large part by frequent reports of employers unsatisfied with the skills of recent school graduates. Business leaders point out that they not only need employees who are smart and competent in math and reading and writing, they also need people who can lead teams, communicate effectively to partners, come up with new ways to solve problems, and effectively navigate an increasingly digital world. With the rise of automation, there is an increasing premium on non-routine and higher order thinking skills across both blue collar and white collar jobs. A recent study of trends in the U.S. labor market shows that social skills that are increasingly in demand3and many employers are struggling to find people with the sets of skills they need.

    The Policy Circle Civic Engagement And You

    The Policy Circle began as a group of women looking for a way to connect with others to talk about policy and its impact on their families, communities and the country. If laws provide the framework for governing a society, policies are the guiding principles behind those laws and these women sought a better understanding of policy and how they could become more engaged in the civic process. So how does The Policy Circle do that?


    The Policy Circle emphasizes the value of conversation, and by focusing on policy rather than politics, cultivates civil conversation rather than contentious partisan debate.

    The Policy Circles model of the roundtable discussion allows women to learn from each other and consider members varying perspectives and experiences in policy matters. It also builds womens confidence by creating a safe and welcoming environment for each member to share and make her voice heard, whether she is a stay at home mom, a full-time professional, introverted or extroverted, well-versed in policy or new to the issues.

    , musician and host of the podcast The Conversation Hub, says in an interview on the power of conversation, Through conversationrelationships are formed through conversationknowledge is shared and, through conversationlife happens and finds meaning.

    Conversation is the arena where women find and strengthen their voices.


    Outside Connections

    The Effect

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    Affordable Housing And Equitable Development

    We fund local, regional, and national efforts to preserve affordable housing and promote more equitable development across the state. We work with grassroots and community organizations that empower Detroiters to hold city government and developers accountable, so they deliver inclusive housing policies and practices that prevent foreclosures and displacement and make housing opportunities accessible to everyone.

    Shaping A Shared Future For Minnesota


    With support from Ford, Our Minnesota Future helped bring together 22 faith, labor, environmental, and community organizations and their members across the state, including in rural areas and small towns, to push for positive reforms. Over the past decade, when many states in the Midwest experienced widening inequality and declining economic indicators, Minnesota enacted many reforms to reduce inequality and improve economic outcomes for people of color. Innovative collaborative efforts such as the nonpartisan, Race-Class Narrative produced in partnership with Demoswhich engaged communities around questions of race and class to build solidarity and established more people of color and immigrants as civil society and government leaderscreated a viable foundation for these policy victories.

    Since our founding in Michigan in 1936, we have been deeply committed to Detroit. From supporting the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and the Detroit Institute of Arts in the 1940s to committing $125 million over 15 years to the citys 2014 Grand Bargain, our aspirations and work are uniquely rooted in our history there to ensure that the city is prosperous, equitable, and sustainable.

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