Sunday, July 14, 2024

Petitions Uk Government And Parliament

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Introduce New Requirements For Cyclists/e

E-petitions debate relating to microchipping of pets – 28 June 2021

The government responded on 21 December 2021

The Government has no plans to introduce any such requirements for cyclists. The current trials of rental e-scooters will inform future policy on them.

  • This topic was debated on 13 December 2021

    Watch the debate for the #Reggieslaw – Regulate online animal sales petition on

    Read the transcript for the #Reggieslaw – Regulate online animal sales petition at

    Read the research for the #Reggieslaw – Regulate online animal sales petition at

  • This topic was debated on 6 December 2021

    Watch the debate for the Dedicate funding for research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva petition on

    Read the transcript for the Dedicate funding for research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva petition at

    Read the research for the Dedicate funding for research into Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva petition at

  • Uk Parliament Petitions Website

    United Kingdom Parliament petitions website

    Available in English

    The UK Parliament petitions website allows members of the public to create and support petitions for consideration by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Although the UK Parliament’s Petitions Committee considers all petitions which receive 100,000 signatures or more, there is no automatic parliamentary debate of those that pass this threshold. The Government will respond to all petitions with more than 10,000 signatures.

    Let Blue Peter Run A Competition For The Design Of The New British Passport Post

    Why?Blue Peter has long been the purveyor of well-regulated competitions with no cheating or fibbing.”

    Why it was rejected: “The UK Government and Parliament aren’t responsible for deciding which competitions Blue Peter will run.”

    My judgment: I have spent the last five minutes trying to come up with a “here’s one I made earlier” joke to drop in here but I can’t.

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    How To Contact Your Mp

    You can contact your local MP to request their support for a particular cause or campaign that you feel should be discussed in the House of Commons or to ask them to present a petition on your behalf â or both.

    Contacting an MP about an issue

    You can contact an MP via mail or email. This directory has the contact details of all UK MPs. You can also get in touch with an MP via social media or by attending one of their “surgeries” . You made need to book an appointment for a constituency surgery session, so it’s a good idea to contact your MPâs office first ahead of time.

    There are no official guidelines on writing to an MP about an issue, but organisations such as RESULTS offer some tips on their website, including useful formats.

    Before getting in touch, it is worth doing some research on your local MP as that may affect how you want to address the issue with them. Websites such as They Work For You will tell you their voting record and other useful details.

    Asking your MP to put forward a petition

    If you are asking your MP to put forward a petition in the House of Commons, here is what the petition should look like:

    To the House of Commons,

    The petition of declares that . The petitioner therefore request / urge the House of Commons to .

    And the petitioner remain, etc.

    Gov. uk offers the following example for you to follow:

    To the House of Commons,

    And the petitioners remain, etc.

    Ensure That Advent Calendars Start Advent On The 1st November And Not The 1st December

    The Warr Zone: My Petition to Parliament

    Why: “I feel that we all need a longer time of solidarity to come together and celebrate eachother .”

    Why it was rejected: “The UK Government and Parliament are not responsible for Advent Calendars.”

    My judgment: Heck, I might put a petition for the Oxford Street Christmas lights to be put up at the start of December. It has been WEEKS.

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    Its Possible To Sign A Petition Twice From The Same Email Address

    In order to sign the petition you have to tick a box to confirm youre a UK citizen, enter your name, email address, the country youre in and your postcode. A verification email is then sent to you .

    A House of Commons spokesperson told us Many people share an email account with a partner or do not have access to email. To ensure that the petitions system is as accessible as possible, up to two people can sign from the same email address. An email address can only be used twice.

    The number of these signatures is strictly monitored to ensure that this feature is not abused. The number of these signatures on the article 50 petition is within the normal rangearound 1%.

    The Government Digital Service have a number of ways of identifying and preventing fraudulent activity based around blocking, removing and monitoring signatures as appropriate.

    Some types of fraud are monitored to ensure that it does not affect the integrity of the petition. Evidence of fraud may affect whether the Petitions Committee choose to act on the petition.

    We do not comment in detail on fraud. Ideally someone who has tried to fraudulently sign the petition would never realise that they have failed.

    We subsequently asked the Petitions Committee to remove our test signatures, which it has now done.

    We updated this piece to include the fact that the Petitions Committee removed our test signatures after we contacted them to request this.

    Petition Parliament And The Government

    Create or sign a petition that asks for a change to the law or to government policy.

    After 10,000 signatures, petitions get a response from the government.

    After 100,000 signatures, petitions are considered for debate in Parliament.

    You must be a British citizen or a UK resident to create or sign a petition.

    You cant use this service to create a petition thats:

    • about something that Parliament or the government isnt responsible for
    • about something thats the responsibility of the Scottish Parliament or Welsh Assembly
    • about a legal case thats active in the UK courts
    • names people working in public bodies

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    Major New Requirements For Dated Platform

    New requirements emerged for the old e-Petitions system, such as moving towards centralised administration for the Petitions Select committee. In order to meet these new user needs, the user journey needed to be remapped and the platform redesigned and redeveloped. From previously working with GDS on the original e-Petitions in 2011, our team knew the drill, and the project kicked off within a matter of days.

    We managed a complete service redesign and rebuild, changed hosting provider, gained security accreditation, and launched the UKs new Petitions service – all in just 10 weeks.”

    Pete Herlihy, Product Owner, Government Digital Service

    Ensure That University Of Oxford And The University Of Cambridge Enter One Team To University Challenge

    How can I find and sign petitions online?

    Why: “Stop the elitism!”

    Why it was rejected: “Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.”

    My judgment: I can’t really say much on this because I only do well at University Challenge during the music round and only when the questions aren’t related to classical music.

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    Placement Of Report Before The House Regarding Public Petitions

    A report will be placed before the House in every session, containing details of petitions received after placement of such report in the previous session, actions taken thereon, breakup of petitions by status, petitions pending with Senate Committees, and other information as may be considered appropriate from time to time.

    Placement of Report before the House regarding Public Petitions

  • Inadmissible Petition under the guidelines will stand rejected.
  • The Chairman Senate may reject any Petition
  • The petitioner may withdraw the Petition at anytime before its admissibility.
  • In an attempt to cater more effectively to the needs of the people of Pakistan and to extend a hand in solving your problems, Senate of Pakistan has recently launched a system of inviting public petitions.

    Make Intentionally Revealing Movie And Tv Series Spoilers A Criminal Offence

    Why: “It is the storytellers prerogative as to when significant plot points are revealed to the audience.”

    Why it was rejected: “We’re not sure whether you’re concerned about people revealing the content of a TV programme or film before it has been officially shown or released.”

    My judgment: I mean, if someone does leak what happens in a show before it has been seen, they should go to prison, no question. But I don’t think it that you should go to prison after tweeting spoilers of who leaves Bake Off if you haven’t caught up on All 4. In fact, you should go to prison if you haven’t seen Bake Off when it is transmitted.

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    Pass A Law To Protect Neo Nightclub In Yeovil From Closure

    Why? “Neo is the only club in Yeovil and everyone loves it.”

    Why it was rejected: “Local licensing decisions are the responsibility of your local council.”

    My judgment: I am happy to report that Neo Nightclub continues to operate and its opening hours are 10pm4am Fridays. Drinks called J Bombs are £1.

    Make Sure That Rick & Morty Never Leaves Netflix By Law

    Kidney Cancer UK Sign Kidney Cancer UKs Government ...

    Why? “We have recently found out that Netflix are taking the widely loved series off of its servers.”

    Why it was rejected: “Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for.”

    My judgment: I am not so bothered about this, but I love the idea. Can we add Changing Rooms to Netflix please? Just because it aged terribly.

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    Make The Eurovision Song Contest A National Holiday

    Why: “The Eurovision Song Contest is a celebration of European culture and history.”

    Why it was rejected: “The final of Eurovision is traditionally held on a Saturday. We are therefore not sure what action you would like the UK Government or Parliament to take.”

    My judgment: First, there are the semifinals on Tuesday and Thursdays on BBC Four, thank you very much. Second, the hangover this event provides makes it imperative for you guys to factor in the following Monday.

    The Petition Supports Remaining In The Eu

    The petition says: The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is ‘the will of the people’. We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU. A People’s Vote may not happen – so vote now.

    The government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures and parliament debates any that get more than 100,000. This petition has comfortably cleared both those hurdles. It is the most signedparliamentarypetition on record.

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    Petitions Uk Government And Parliament

    Learn the principles behind parliamentary petitions wording and signatures. Find extra information on submitting a request to your Member of Parliament or Government.

    PARLIAMENT PETITION RULES: This section provides help and advice on starting a petition in the UK and having it ruled upon.

    Find out how to sign a plea that already got submitted and lobbied. Or, check how to search for someone else’s lodged solicitation.

    UK Government aside for a moment. By comparison, a supplication is a form of prayer which got petitioned to a deity.

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    E-petitions relating to the Government’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare – 7 June 2021

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    A Platform For Direct Public Engagement With Parliament

    The result: a platform which, for the first time, allows the public to digitally petition the Parliament Committee directly with political topics that wouldnt otherwise have been raised or debated. Since the launch, 31,473,502 signatures have been collected across 10,950 petitions. 485 of these petitions have been given a response, and 56 debated in the House of Commons.

    A strong focus on minimum viability and always having a shippable product, allowed our team to start delivering from day one with confidence wed be ready, despite an emerging set of needs and an unclear launch date.

    Pete Herlihy, Product Owner, Government Digital Service

    I Can’t Find A Petition In The Drop Down List

    You can generate a heatmap for any petition by copying its url from the UK Government and Parliament site and pasting it into the entry box in the “Show a different petition” section to the bottom right of the map.

    GeoJSON and TopoJSON UK Boundary Data by Martin Chorley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    Contains LPS Intellectual Property Crown copyright and database right . This information is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

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    Mass Petition Shows Scale Of Dissent As Oppressive Policing Bill Returns To Parliament

    • 600K signatories in landmark opposition to proposed laws
    • Leading organisations unite against authoritarian plans
    • Widespread protests expected in summer of dissent at oppressive Bill

    A mass petition with over 600,000 signatures was delivered to the Government today, demonstrating the strength of public pushback to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill .

    The landmark mass petition was coordinated between human rights groups, environmentalists, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller advocates and other charities.

    Representatives from this broad coalition of organisations delivered the petition today to the Home Secretary and Justice Secretary, ahead of MPs preparing for the Report stage of the Bill, which also starts today . This follows over 30,000 people writing directly to the Prime Minister to object to the Bill, in an action run by Amnesty UK.

    The groups involved in organising the petition include:

    • 38 Degrees
    • SumOfUs
    • Tipping Point

    Since it was officially tabled earlier this year, the Policing Bill has caused widespread outrage and the petition is the latest sign of a groundswell of objection to the Governments dangerous proposals, including:

    While the Bill covers a broad range of issues, three key areas have concerned human rights campaigners.

    These include new police powers which would threaten the right to protest for everyone, including restrictions on noise, nuisance and locations of protests.

    Liberty Director Gracie Bradley said:

    Hosting And History Of The Website

    UK Government Petition Site Crash After 650,000 Sign To ...

    The rights of petitioners and the power of the House of Commons to deal with petitions were expressed in resolutions of the Commons in 1669. The number of petitions being presented each year fell considerably in the twentieth century. In the early 2000s, both the Government and the House of Commons began to explore ways for the public to start and sign petitions electronically.

    The original e-petitions process was created by Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair in November 2006 and hosted on the Downing Street website. Petitions were directed to government departments rather than MPs. Within the first six months, 2,860 active petitions were created and one received over one million signatures. The process was suspended prior to the 2010 United Kingdom general election.

    The House of Commons Procedure Committee produced a proposal in 2014 for e-petitions to be run jointly between the House of Commons and the Government and for the establishment of a new Petitions Committee to consider petitions for a debate in the House of Commons and scrutinise the Government’s response. The Petitions Committee was formed in 2015 during David Cameron’s Conservative government and e-petitions were relaunched in July 2015 on the Parliament website.

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    Make It Compulsory For Train Conductors To Say ‘all Aboard’ Before People Get On

    Why? “Making conductors day ‘all aboard’ at every station insures that people know this is a welcoming country and people are not discriminated against as ‘all’ are welcome on board.”

    Why it was rejected: “Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not responsible for. This would be the responsibility of individual train operating companies.”

    My judgment: To be honest, I want my train to turn up on time first.

    Rules Of Petition Signatures

    Once you have created a petition you get five people to support it. The text gets published after getting checked, unless it gets rejected for not meeting the required standards. For example if it is offensive or illegal.

    The Petitions Committee review every publication. They may select solicitations of interest to find out more about the issues raised. The Committee also has the power and ruling authority to press for action from government or Parliament.

    The rules dictate that the number of recorded signatures determines the results of ‘formally’ lodged petitions.

    After 10,000 Signatures: The appeal receives a response from the government.

    After 100,000 Signatures: It will get considered for debate in Parliament .

    MPs may consider your plea for a debate even before it reaches 100,000 names. You can also choose to submit a petition through your Member of Parliament instead.

    They may contact you about the issue you cover. If so, you could get an invitation to take part in a discussion with MPs or Government ministers. They may ask you to give evidence to a select committee. In some cases, they will write to other people or organisations related to the topic of the issue raised in the petition.

    Parliament Petitions in the United KingdomLast Updated 2021

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