Saturday, August 10, 2024

Government Websites For Health Information

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Federal Government Caregiver Resources

Health Care Website Hacked, Information Compromised
  • Alzheimers Caregiving – Find out from the National Institute on Aging how to be a caregiver for someone with Alzheimers disease or another form of dementia. Learn skills for coping with a loved ones behavioral changes.

  • Caregiver Resources – The National Institute of Health’s MedlinePlus site has an overview of caregiver services. It also offers resources to help you protect your own health.

  • Caring for the Caregiver – This resource from the National Cancer Institute is for family and friends who are caring for a person with cancer.

  • Managing Someone Elses Money Guide – The family member you’re caring for may not be able to handle their bills themselves. Get information about managing their finances from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

  • The VA Caregiver Support Line helps people caring for veterans. Find services and benefits for your loved one and get support for yourself.

  • Office on Womens Health Caregiver Page – Get tips on how to prevent or relieve caregiver stress and how to find and pay for home health care services.

For Vaccine Statistics Click Here

*Please note: These numbers change frequently. Every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date and complete but it may not reflect all persons followed or tested.

** Confirmed cases include those meeting the national case definitions. Persons followed includes individuals with specific symptoms and exposures as well as others who are self-monitoring or self-isolated. Not all of these individuals have symptoms or require testing.

***There may be a delay reporting attribution and statistics from cases acquired in Southern Canada. 12 cases that were detected out of territory have been attributed to Nunavut. This includes 3 deaths. Not all NU residents with COVID-19 detected out of territory will be attributed to Nunavut.

****Total vaccine doses administered is updated as regularly as possible but might be lower than the actual count.

The Government of Nunavut is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation nationally and globally.

Change in case count +/- from previous day Total recovered

What Is Health Canada Doing

Health Canada is responsible for:

  • Establishing policies, setting standards and providing advice and information on the safety and nutritional value of food.
  • Promoting the nutritional health and well-being of Canadians by collaboratively defining, promoting and implementing evidence-based nutrition policies and standards.
  • Administering the provisions of the Food and Drugs Act that relate to public health, safety and nutrition.
  • Evaluating the safety, quality and effectiveness of veterinary drugs.

To learn about what we are doing to make food safe and to make healthy eating the easier choice for you, please see our Food and nutrition highlights report.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency provides all federal inspection services related to food and enforces the food safety and nutritional quality standards established by Health Canada.

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Websites For Pediatric & Family Health

American Academy of Pediatrics |

  • The premier professional association for pediatricians, the AAP web site also offers consumers extensive information and resources on childrens physical, mental, and social health. Health Information for the Whole Family |

  • Website of the American Academy of Family Practitioners, providing health information for the whole family, including sections on diseases and conditions, prevention and wellness, pregnancy and newborns, kids, teens, and seniors.

MCH Library: The Maternal & Child Health Library at Georgetown University |

  • Website includes resource guides on a variety of topics related to maternal and child health, including breastfeeding, child development, infant mortality, autism spectrum disorders and nutrition, among others.

Contemporary Pediatrics |

  • Contemporary Pediatrics features relevant clinical and peer reviewed articles, summarized guideline updates, and sensible practice management tips that pediatricians can read today and apply tomorrow.

AIDSinfo |

  • Website administered by the NIH, offering information about HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research including a search tool for clinical trials and information about AIDS drugs and other HIV/AIDS health topics.

Tips For Sharing Internet Information With Your Health Care Providers

Top 20 Websites For Health &  Medical Information
  • Research shows that most doctors see patients who have gotten health information from the internet. The tips below will help you make the most out of your time with your health care provider.

  • Don’t share complete documents but make a brief bulleted list of your questions.

  • Ask your doctor to suggest some websites that might be useful to you.

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Find Good Health Information

A 2015 Pew Research Center Study revealed that “73% of all those ages 16 and over say libraries contribute to people finding the health information they need. 42% of those who have gone online at a library using its computers, internet connections or Wi-Fi have done so for health-related searches.”

In 2013, the Pew Research Internet Project reported that “59% of U.S. adults say they have looked online for information about a range of health topics in the past year. 35% of U.S. adults say they have gone online specifically to try to figure out what medical condition they or someone else might have.”

Whether people search for personal health information or for a loved one, millions of consumers view millions of health-related web pages. Sometimes the information found is just what was needed. Other searches end in frustration or retrieval of inaccurate, even dangerous, information.

This guide outlines the collective wisdom of medical librarians who search the web every day to discover quality information in support of clinical and scientific decision making by doctors, scientists, and other health practitioners responsible for the nation’s health. This guide is supported by the Medical Library Association , the library organization whose primary purpose is promoting quality information for improved health and whose members were the first to realize that not all health information on the web is credible, timely, or safe.

If You Have Health Or Medical Questions

Ask a doctor, pharmacist or community health centre if you have specific health or medical questions. Medical telephone helplines including the after-hours GP helpline or NURSE-ON-CALL can also be a quick way to find reliable medical information or discuss your health issues with a qualified healthcare professional

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Find Answers To Your Medical Questions

The MedlinePlus search tool is from the National Library of Medicine. Find easy-to-understand information you can trust about diseases and medical conditions, drugs and supplements, and medical research and clinical trials. Youll also find helpful videos and medical illustrations. MedlinePlus is ad-free and does not endorse any products.

How to Use the Search Tool: Type a word or phrase into the search box, and then click the search MedlinePlus button or press the enter button on your keyboard.

Note: The search results are for general informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you are having a medical emergency, CALL 911.

When Was The Information Written

SA government websites redirecting through Liberals data harvesting domain | ABC News

Look for websites that stay current with their health information. You dont want to make decisions about your care based on out-of-date information. Often, the bottom of the page will have a date. Pages on the same site may be updated at different timessome may be updated more often than others. Older information isnt useless, but using the most current, evidence-based information is best.

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How Can I Protect My Health Information

If you are asked to share personal information, be sure to find out how the information will be used. Secure websites that collect personal information responsibly have an s after http in the start of their website address and often require that you create a username and password.

BE CAREFUL about sharing your Social Security number. Find out why your number is needed, how it will be used, and what will happen if you do not share this information. Only enter your Social Security number on secure websites. You might consider calling your doctors office or health insurance company to give this information over the phone, rather than giving it online.

These precautions can help better protect your information:

  • Use common sense when browsing the Internet. Do not open unexpected links. Hover your mouse over a link to confirm that clicking it will take you to a reputable website.
  • Use a strong password. Include a variation of numbers, letters, and symbols. Change it frequently.
  • Use two-factor authentication when you can. This requires the use of two different types of personal information to log into your mobile devices or accounts.
  • Do not enter sensitive information over public Wi-Fi that is not secure. This includes Wi-Fi that is not password protected.

Be careful what information you share over social media sites. This can include addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Learn how you can keep your information private.

Is Your Privacy Protected Does The Website Clearly State A Privacy Policy

Read the websites privacy policy. It is usually at the bottom of the page or on a separate page titled Privacy Policy or Our Policies. If a website says it uses cookies, your information may not be private. While cookies may enhance your web experience, they can also compromise your online privacyso it is important to read how the website will use your information. You can choose to disable the use of cookies through your Internet browser settings.

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Researching Reliable Health Information Online

Anyone can create a website, so there is no gatekeeper to make sure that online health information is reliable. Working out which information is trustworthy is not always easy. As access to health research and evidence increases, so do the risks of misinterpreting it, and the chances of any one person getting a complete and balanced picture decreases.When it comes to health and medical information, there are plenty of reliable sources available online through government-endorsed health websites , peak industry bodies and peak condition-specific organisations .When searching for health information from less well-known online sources consider:

Who Wrote The Information Who Reviewed It

Top Sites For Health Information

Is the health information written or reviewed by a healthcare professional? Dependable websites will tell you where their health information came from and how and when it was reviewed.

Trustworthy websites will have contact information that you can use to reach the sites sponsor or authors. An email address, phone number, and/or mailing address might be listed at the bottom of every page or on a separate About Us or Contact Us page.

Be careful about testimonials. Personal stories may be helpful and comforting, but not everyone experiences health problems the same way. Also, there is a big difference between a website, blog, or social media page developed by a single person interested in a topic and a website developed using strong scientific evidence .

No information should replace seeing a doctor or other health professional who can give you advice that caters to your specific situation.

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How Often Is The Site Updated

  • The site should be updated frequently. Health information changes constantly as new information is learned about diseases and treatments through research and patient care. Websites should reflect the most up-to-date information.
  • The website should be consistently available, with the date of the latest revision clearly posted. Revision dates often appear at the bottom of the page.

Aging Well With A Physical Disability Factsheet Series

Older adults often use the Internet to find health information but may experience difficulties in finding information that they can trust.

The information below aims to answer frequently asked questions and provide tips on how to identify trustworthy health information on the Internet.

It is important to evaluate what you find on the Internet because:

  • Anyone can post information on the Internet
  • Search engine results are selected by computer software and not by human experts
  • Websites may be sponsored by companies that are selling products so may not provide objective information.

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Online Health Information: Is It Reliable

On this page:

Many older adults share a common concern: How can I trust the health information I find on the Internet?

There are thousands of medical websites. Some provide reliable health information. Some do not. Some of the medical news is current. Some of it is not. Choosing which websites to trust is an important step in gathering reliable health information.

Does The Site Present Facts And Not Opinion

Government launches new health care information website
  • Information should be presented in a clear manner. It should be factual and capable of being verified from a primary information source such as the professional literature, abstracts, or links to other websites.
  • Information represented as an opinion should be clearly stated and the source should be identified as a qualified professional or organization.

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Who Sponsors/hosts The Website Is That Information Easy To Find

Websites cost money to create and update. Is the source of funding clear? Knowing who is funding the website may give you insight into the mission or goal of the site. Sometimes, the website address is helpful. For example:

  • .gov identifies a U.S. government agency
  • .edu identifies an educational institution, like a school, college, or university
  • .org usually identifies nonprofit organizations
  • .com identifies commercial websites

Who Is The Intended Audience

  • The website should clearly state whether the information is intended for the general public or the health professional.
  • Many health information websites have two different areas – one for the public and one for professionals. The design of the site should make selection of one area over the other clear to the user.

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Tips For Using Search Engines Such As Google Or Yahoo

  • Combine terms in order to focus your search. For example, if you want to find information on dealing with pain for people with MS, enter pain AND multiple sclerosis.

  • Use double quotes to find an exact phrase .

  • Use OR to search for both words or phrases .

  • These tips also apply when searching , a search engine for finding scholarly literature such as academic articles.

Does The Website Offer Quick And Easy Solutions To Your Health Problems Are Miracle Cures Promised

Access MedlinePlus

Be careful of websites or companies that claim any one remedy will cure a lot of different illnesses. Question dramatic writing or cures that seem too good to be true. Make sure you can find other websites with the same information. Even if the website links to a trustworthy source, it doesnt mean that the site has the other organizations endorsement or support.

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Household Health Environmental Health & Poison Control

  • Information from the National Library of Medicine/NIH on occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals and occupational diseases.

Household Products Database |

Tox Town |

  • Website by the National Library of Medicine which includes information on environmental health concerns and toxic chemicals where you live, work, and play

American Association of Poison Control Centers |

  • Contains a search function for locating local poison centers

Consumer Product Safety Commission |

  • Links to recalls of toys, child products, and household and outdoor protects
  • Option to sign up for email alerts on safety of consumer products
  • Also available en Español.

Best Websites For Health Information

You can search the internet for any health information you want, but how do you know which websites are trustworthy? There are countless health-related websites, but not all of the information comes from reliable sources. Here are the 10 best websites for health information.

1. Mayo Clinic

This website has been around for quite a while and publishes valuable information for anyone looking for health-related articles. It has over 3,300 doctors and researchers who share their knowledge with the general public. Not only will the Mayo Clinic assist you in finding medical information, but you can find a doctor on the website as well.

2. MedlinePlus

This website is the National Library for Medicines website for health information. MedlinePlus offers some of the most up-to-date health articles on the internet. It has articles related to disease, disorders, and other topics, as well as drug and supplement information. You can learn about prescription drugs, herbal supplements, over-the-counter medicines, and more.

3. NOAH-Health

NOAH stands for New York Online Access to Health. This website is sponsored by New York State to provide high-quality information to everyone. It focuses on articles that are accurate, timely, relevant, and unbiased. Their goal is to move everyone toward optimal health. It offers articles on childrens health, addictions, living well, older living, and more.

4. Family Doctor

5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

6. NIH Senior Health

7. NetWellness

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Alternative & Integrative Medicine

Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine |

  • A database of quality, interdisciplinary, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies including dietary supplements, herbal remedies, and integrative therapies.

NIH National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine |

  • Health information, research, clinical trials, news and events about complementary and alternative medicine, provided by the NIH.
  • Independent tests of quality and content of herbal, vitamin, and mineral supplements.

American Botanical Council |

Vaccination Assistance For People With Disabilities

92 percent of .gov websites fail basic web tests

If you have a disability and need help getting a COVID-19 vaccine, call the Disability Information and Access Line at or email . Trained staff will:

  • Help you find nearby vaccination centers
  • Schedule a vaccination appointment for you
  • Contact you with local accessible transportation services
  • Answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

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Request Your Free Medical History Report

You have the right to get one free copy of your medical history report each year. You can request a copy for:

  • Yourself
  • Someone else, as a legal guardian
  • Someone else, as an agent under power of attorney

Request a medical history report online from MIB or by phone at 1-866-692-6901.

Not everyone has a medical history report. Even if you currently have an insurance plan, you won’t have a report if:

  • You haven’t applied for insurance within the last seven years
  • Your insurance policy is through a group or employer policy
  • The insurance company isnt a member of MIB
  • You didnt give an insurer permission to submit your medical reports to MIB

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