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How To Create A Petition For Government

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Calling People To Action

How can I start a petition online?
  • 1Make a call to action. Your opening statement may touch on what you want to see done about the issue, but you should also include a brief paragraph explaining the desired result. Let people know what will happen if your petition is fulfilled. Be concise, but specific. Let people know what you want to happen, who can make it happen, and when it should happen.XTrustworthy SourceKansas University Center for Community Health and DevelopmentCommunity-based research center focused on supporting public health development and educationGo to source
  • Try something like, “we call on the Department of Housing and Economic Development to require at least 20% voucher-sponsored housing in all buildings in the city within the next five years.”
  • 2Let people know what else they can do to support the cause. If applicable, you can choose to include a paragraph at the bottom of your petition letting people know if there are other things they can do to support your cause. If it would help to have people calling local political offices or setting up meetings with company heads, let people know who they should be talking to and how to get in touch with them.XTrustworthy SourceKansas University Center for Community Health and DevelopmentCommunity-based research center focused on supporting public health development and educationGo to source
  • Collect postal codes, zip codes, or any other information legally required so that you can verify the signers live in an area impacted by your petition issue.
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    Develop A Statement Of Purpose

    A statement of purpose is essential for two reasons. First, it will bolster your powers of persuasion with potential signees. Second, it’s the cornerstone of the petition itself. Your statement will include a simple, concise sentence that frames a very specific goal.

    For example, you don’t want to write, “We need a new annex for our local library.” Rather, you’d want to write something along the lines of “We demand more research opportunities for our children and residents, and only an additional wing to house these resources will do.”

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    How Should You Conduct A Petition Drive

    • If you and your group want the president of a local paper products company to start using recycled paper in 75% of its products, instead of just 50%, this needs to specifically be stated in your petition.
    • If you and your group want the city to help control the traffic flow through your neighborhood, you might draft a petition for a stop sign to be placed at each intersection, or for the speed limit to be reduced to 20 m.p.h.

    Example: Your group’s goals are to reduce the amount of waste sent to the landfill. An increase in usage of recycled products would result in less landfill space being used, as well as fewer natural resources being used to produce completely new products. You should include both of these advantages in your petition.

    Why Start A Petition

    Petition Template Sample

    Dating back to the reign of King Edward I, thirteenth century England, the presentation of a petition acted as a trigger for the creation of laws. Public petitions can be an important avenue for those who wish to influence parliamentary representatives. A well documented and supported petition will always have “persuasive” influence in all spheres of public policy making .

    Petitions to other targets can also help to form or shape public opinion and ultimately bring about change. A successful petition will complement a campaign strategy that includes direct lobbying, letter writing and media exposure. GoPetition provides important resources to complement your overall campaign strategy.

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    How To Write A Petition

    This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow’s Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards.There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 82% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 1,316,814 times.Learn more…

    Is there something in your community, county, or nation that you want to see changed? Try creating a petition. Petitions can have a real impact if they are carefully thought out and written properly. You may already have a cause or strategy in mind. Still, you need to make sure your petition is well-researched so that you can easily present your case. Your message should be clear, and your delivery needs to be polite and friendly. When you bring this all together, it will help you get the signatures you need to effect change, no matter how great or small your goal.

    How To Create A Winning Petition Campaign

    GoPetition aims to amplify voices, both large and small. The petition tools we provide help empower both individuals and groups. By amplifying voices together we can help eliminate powerlessness.

    One way to achieve this goal is to provide easy-to-use tools within a robust social network to give both individuals and groups a voice.

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    Do You Think You Would Be Able To Sign The Petition

    Remember: If it’s a governmental petition, you would also need to verify that your target person is eligible to sign.

    • Answer questions, but be brief. It’s not a good use of time to get into long conversations–and it’s neither efficient nor effective to get into arguments. If someone opposes your petition, and some people will, say “thank you” and move on. In petition drives, rejection comes with the territory. Don’t take it personally.
    • For people who are interested in your issue, but unwilling to sign, you might hand them a short piece of literature elaborating on your organization and its intent. You never know–you might catch the very same person the next time around.

    Example: A petition drive can be effectively combined with public education. However, if the public is generally uninformed about your issue, you might consider doing public education before actually starting your petition drive.

    • Finally, make sure that the petition carriers know where and when to return the completed petition forms.

    Online Resources

    How to Start a Winning Petition is a website provided through the National Association of Realtors.

    Online Petition Tools provides a free and easy way to start an online petition.

    Print Resources

    Altman, D., Balcazar, F., Fawcett, S., Seekins, T., & Young, J. . Public health advocacy: Creating community change to improve health. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention.

    How To Create The Signers Form For Your Petition

    Get involved: Petitions
  • You need to create a signers form on a different and separate sheet of paper. On this you need to put the petition title at the top. See to it that your petition title is precise and descriptive as well.
  • You can prepare the form by use a spreadsheet program. This will add a professional touch to your petition and this has the additional advantage of enabling you to change it when need arises. You need to divide the page into five columns to give space for the name, address, e-mail address, phone number as well as the signature. In other scenarios you might decide to include an additional sixth column for the voter registration number. You need to make sure that you have plenty of space for the address column.In case you dont have a personal computer you can opt to use the library computers which have the appropriate spreadsheet program. If this is not possible you can also use a plain paper and then manually divide the page into the respective columns. This would do.
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    Can You Start A Petition Anonymously

    Petitions that started with real names usually get more signatures because people prefer to rally behind someone they know. However, you can use your first name and initials if you prefer some anonymity. It is important to point out that many states have laws against signing a fake name on a petition.

    What Do The Most Successful Petitions Have In Common

    Successful petitions usually contain an attention-grabbing headline, a compelling message, and a powerful call to action. They also:

    • Have a focused and precise message that acts as a unified voice with many supporters.
    • Inspire the target authority to implement new practices or policies.
    • Bring attention to a local issue
    • Are easy to understand, sign, share, and promote
    • Raise awareness on an issue that resonates with other people
    • Inspire a movement geared towards change
    • Inspire other people to get involved or start a similar petition

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    Be The Voice Of Change

    With a thoroughly-developed petition in hand, you’re ready to go out there and be the voice of change. Don’t allow yourself to get disheartened if people don’t immediately jump on board. Rather, be armed with additional resources that back your claim. Although you may not garner a signature from someone right away, they may come back around to support you after further investigation.

    Have you ever had success with a local petition? If so, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below!

    How To Start A Petition

    30 Free Petition Templates (How To Write Petition Guide)

    This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Eric McClure is an editing fellow at wikiHow where he has been editing, researching, and creating content since 2019. A former educator and poet, his work has appeared in Carcinogenic Poetry, Shot Glass Journal, Prairie Margins, and The Rusty Nail. His digital chapbook, The Internet, was also published in TL DR Magazine. He was the winner of the Paul Carroll award for outstanding achievement in creative writing in 2014, and he was a featured reader at the Poetry Foundations Open Door Reading Series in 2015. Eric holds a BA in English from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and an MEd in secondary education from DePaul University.There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 22,766 times.Learn more…

    Petitions are an excellent way to create meaningful change in the world. Whether it’s a complex global issue or simple local election, a petition can get your point across and produce real results. While creating a petition can often look like a daunting and overwhelming task, it’s actually quite easy to start. All you have to do is choose the proper platform, write your petition, and get your audience to sign it.

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    Inspire An Online Movement

    Most of todays conversations have shifted to the online space, and there is no reason your petition shouldnt do so too. After preparing your petition, launch a dedicated online forum or blog where people can interact with the material and ask you questions. You can also use your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to create a buzz around the topic.

    The Second Step Is The Process Of Writing The Petition

  • You need to develop a specific statement that will help to identify what it is you need the people to support. The statement should be precise, concise as well as informative.
  • One has to make sure that the petition is as brief as possible. The reason for this is that people are likely to support a course that they have read and understood properly. By making the petition to be as short as possible you will make more people to be able to easily and quickly go through your petition. This is opposed to the lengthy petition which many will shy away from going through due to the unbearable length.Regardless of the length of your petition you need to make sure that your specific goal has been highlighted and has come out clearly in the first paragraph. This should then be followed with your solid reasons for writing the petition. This happens to be the paragraph that most people are mostly interested in a given petition.
  • You can then proceed to add body paragraphs to support the first paragraph. The first paragraph normally acts as the declarative paragraph and the preceding paragraphs should contain more information and the appropriate examples that help to explain what you are fighting for.You have a choice of writing as many additional paragraphs but you should put into consideration the fact that people on the streets wont be that much interested in these additional paragraphs.
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    Supply A Call To Action

    Next, tell the reader what they can do to remedy the situation. Of course, they know they need to sign the petition to help, but you need to convince them to do so. Tell them your goal, who can help you achieve it, and when. You can also include a paragraph describing other actions they can take to support your cause.

    Logical Structure And Concise Communication

    How can I find and sign petitions online?

    A quality petition will show a clear structure. It will normally have a section for background information called “the preamble” followed closely by the body of the petition which contains the “core petition text” and is the exact call for action – the request – that signers will be asked to support. Make sure that you use a well structured petition template that:

    describes the situation,

    suggests what is needed and why, and

    provides a concise and logical call to action – or refrain – the request.

    Be clear and concise with your petition text. Don’t clutter your petition with information or requests that have no essential connection to the main message. Read over your petition carefully.

    There are many examples of excellent and well written petitions at GoPetition, so we suggest that you read some of the more popular petitions and use these as templates before you create a petition.

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    Gathering Signatures And Support

  • 1Develop a short and simple pitch. A good pitch is simple and friendly, but invites people to care about your cause. To develop a pitch, think about how you could motivate someone to stop and talk to you. Your pitch should be your main goal, stated in under three sentences. Always start by saying hello.XResearch source
  • A good pitch for a high school student’s dress-down petition may be, “Hi! Don’t you think that it would be nice to wear our normal clothes to school?”
  • A pitch designed to get a new mayor elected might sound a little different. For example, “Hello! Care to sign a petition to make our government stronger?”XResearch source
  • 2 People that know you personally will be the most likely to hear you out at first. Asking friends and family to sign your petition is an excellent way to start off and get your first set of signatures!XResearch source
  • Feel free to be straightforward with people that know you intimately. Simply explain the importance of the issue and ask them to sign it for you.
  • If your petition is rooted in a local cause, the support of your family can demonstrate the importance of an issue to a smaller community.
  • To make people feel heard, use affirmative language like “I totally agree with you,” or “I hear you!” This will make your audience feel like they’re on your side, and they’ll be more inclined to sign your petition.
  • Look for Twitter hashtags related to your cause and use them to promote your petition.XResearch source
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    Read the research for the Protect student choice: do not withdraw funding for BTEC qualifications petition at

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    Before You Create A Petition

    If you want to create a petition, this short article provides essential guidelines. Creating a petition is not as difficult as you might think. However, you first need to decide whether to start a paper petition, an e-petition, or both.

    The points raised in this outline can be applied to making both online petitions and paper petitions. The issues raised below are designed to help campaigners write and start petitions that will have a positive impact for specific and well defined causes.

    General Guidelines For Writing And Running A Petition Campaign

    12+ Sample Petition Template
    • The petition preamble should be short.
    • Make a petition that has clear logic and sound arguments.
    • Begin your petition statement with a phrase like: We the undersigned …
    • Keep all campaign statements as concise as possible, while laying out your concerns.
    • Make focused, specific requests in your petition text.
    • Start with general principles and progressively get more specific.
    • Create a petition that has a clear focus so others can commit to your cause.
    • Speak from the heart and tell your story with empathy.
    • Create a narrative that is both personal and believable.
    • Make your campaign visual. Photos and videos get traction.
    • Find the decision-maker who matters. Your target should be specific and identifiable.
    • Think local and global. Identify the local issues within the big picture.
    • Reach out to the media and talk to the press, not just your own social network.

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