Monday, September 16, 2024

How Can The Government Help With Climate Change

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All Epa & Federal Funding Resources

The highly controversial plan to stop climate change | Russ George for Heretics

EPA and a number of other federal government entities offer financial and technical resources to advance local adaptation efforts. Below are links to general EPA and other federal grant resources that may be helpful.

EPA Grant and Funding Resources:

Other Federal Funding Resources:

  • US Climate Resiliency Toolkit Funding Opportunities This website offers links to a range of government, private, and international funding opportunities.
  • Grants.Gov is your one-stop place to FIND and APPLY for all federal grants. It is the required website used by federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to check their eligibility, register and apply.

Federal Funding And Technical Assistance For Climate Adaptation

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Communities use a variety of sources to fund capital projects, pay for operations and maintenance costs, and sustain programs. It is expected that communities will continue to use a diversity of funding sources as they make investments in climate adaptation. No single source of funding can pay for all investments in climate adaptation across the nation.

An illustrative list of common funding sources is provided below. The particular mix of sources will vary across communities, depending on their particular circumstances and needs.

  • Taxes such as property, sales, and income levies
  • Fees such as charges for inspections and permits
  • State and federal grants such as those that support improvements to drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems
  • Bonds which enable communities to borrow money to pay for projects
  • Loans to pay for projects and programs
  • Public-Private Partnerships that entail contractual agreements between a public agency and a private sector entity allowing for cooperation and collaboration in the financing, planning, design, construction, and maintenance of water infrastructure.

A useful summary of the different types of funding sources, their advantages and disadvantages, and examples of several municipal programs that have employed them can be found in:

Make Your Voice Heard

One of the biggest assets young people have in the climate fight is the ability to make themselves be heard on a global scale.

Ever since Swedish teen Greta Thunberg inspired millions of teens to skip school to demonstrate for climate change in 2018, the world’s media has been paying attention to youth climate strikes.

The protests, filled with passionate young people, and often led by Thunberg, now 19. They have captured the attention of the world’s media, reverberating with the anger and angst the young attendees feel about the future.

Young people, especially teens, are experts at arguing with their parents, Van Susteren said, adding that, when it comes to the climate crisis, that catharsis is “absolutely critical.”

“Don’t hold it in,” she said. “If it’s churning inside you, let it out. Talk about it. Don’t stop talking about it.”

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Using Data To Drive Adaptation Decisions

Successful adaptation planning requires robust, decision-useful climate change data and then integrating this data into decision-making. In addition to establishing the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, the Government has led a series of national assessment reports Canada in a Changing Climate to provide an up-to-date synthesis of knowledge of how climate change risks affect the country.

To support this data-driven approach, the following measures have been taken:

State And Regional Policies

Climate change: UK

States and local governments are often tasked with defense against climate change affecting areas and peoples under state and local jurisdiction.

Mayors National Climate Action Agenda

The Mayors National Climate Action Agenda was founded by Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, former Houston mayor Annise Parker, and former Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter in 2014. The MNCAA aims to bring climate change policy into the hands of local government and to make federal climate change policies more accountable.

United States Climate Alliance

The United States Climate Alliance is a group of states committed to meeting the Paris Agreement emissions targets despite President Trump’s announced withdrawal from the agreement. Currently, there are 22 states that are members of this network. This network is a bipartisan network of governors across the United States and is governed by three core principles: “States are continuing to lead on climate change”, “State-level climate action is benefiting our economies and strengthening our communities”, “States are showing the nation and the world that ambitious climate action is achievable.” Their current initiatives include green banks, grid modernizations, solar soft costs, short-lived climate pollutants, natural and working lands, climate resilience, international cooperation, clean transportation, and improving data and tools.


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High Global Warming Chemicals

Hydrofluorocarbons are fluorinated chemicals commonly used as replacements for ozone-depleting substances in applications such as air conditioning, refrigeration, fire suppression, solvents, foam blowing agents, and aerosols. HFCs are highly potent greenhouse gases with global warming potentials that can be hundreds to thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide .

The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020 directs EPA to address HFCs by providing new authorities to phase down the production and consumption of listed HFCs, manage these HFCs and their substitutes, and facilitate the transition to next-generation technologies that do not rely on HFCs.

On September 23, 2021, EPA issued a final rule that will phase down the U.S. production and consumption of HFCs by 85% over the next 15 years, as mandated by the AIM Act. A global phasedown of HFCs is expected to avoid up to 0.5°C of global warming by 2100.

On November 3, 2022, EPA issued a proposed rule to establish the methodology for allocating HFC production and consumption allowances starting with calendar year 2024 allowances. From 2024 to 2028, HFC production and consumption allowances will be capped at 40% below the baseline .

Government Takes Nanny Role Seriously

For those who are rolling their eyes and saying that conservatives are overreacting, consider some of the other sweeping actions the Biden administration has taken in the name of protecting us.

Biden’s student debt plan is sinking:Hey Mr. President, you cant rule this country with a pen and a phone

It used the COVID pandemic as an excuse to impose a nationwide vaccine mandate on businesses, a mask mandate on airplanes, and Biden has waved his wand and tried to wipe away billions of dollars in student debt. Luckily, the courts have stepped in and halted those plans.

This is an administration that isnt afraid to impose its agenda on the American people. And citizens should not become numb to government overreach and nanny state antics.

Former President Ronald Reagan said it best when he quipped, The top nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.

Perhaps we should be hanging on to our gas stoves with all our might.

Ingrid Jacques is a columnist at USA TODAY. Contact her at or on Twitter: @Ingrid_Jacques

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Federal Government Activity On Climate Change

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Environmental terms

Climate change can refer to significant or large-scale changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, or other weather-related events that can occur over a long period of time, including decades, centuries, and millennia. Human-caused climate change is the theory that human-induced increases in carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can lead to global warming and subsequent changes in the climate. Various proposed policies to address potentially human-caused climate change include limits on carbon dioxide emissions from oil, coal, and natural gas and policies to support the production of renewable energy, such as wind and solar energy.

The following article includes background information on the concepts referenced in climate change policy discussions and summaries of federal and state government policies related to the issue. For an article on the relationship between greenhouse gases and climate change, click here.

Moving To Cleaner Fuels

What is carbon capture? Is it the solution to climate change?

Clean fuels will play an essential role in Canadas path to net-zero. Thanks to our vast conventional energy resources and biomass feedstocks, clean electricity grid, and our pace-setting clean technology sector, Canada is well-positioned to be a producer of the cleanfuels that consumers are demanding and investors are rewarding domestically and internationally.

Since the launch of Canadas strengthened climate plan in December 2020, the Government of Canada has:

Developing a vibrant biofuels and hydrogen market in Canada

ATCO and Suncor recently announced their intention to partner and deliver a hydrogen project that would produce more than 300,000 tonnes of hydrogen per year and capture 90% of the emissions generated in the hydrogen production process. The project will reduce emissions in Alberta by more than 2 million tonnes per year, equivalent to taking 450,000 cars off the road per year.

Covenant Energy in Saskatchewan recently announced its intention to turn canola into renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, citing the Clean Fuel Standard in their press release as a primary economic project driver. This initiative could result in up to 60 permanent full-time positions plus hundreds of thousands of hours of employment throughout the project construction.

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Is Your Gas Stove Safe

The heat Trumka received from openly talking about a ban led him to walk back his comments, but the agencys intention to get and stay involved is clear. After the uproar, Trumka tweeted the CPSC isnt coming for anyones gas stoves and that any regulations would apply to new products.

In a statement, CPSC said it has not proposed any regulatory action on gas stoves at this time.

Still, the agency is definitely thinking about it, and the ramifications are huge, considering more than 40 million Americans use gas stoves. In states like California, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey, the majority of homes use natural gas, so it wouldnt be a simple change to swap from natural gas to electric.

‘Inflation reduction’ bill?:Dont buy Democrats fantastical twisting of reality.

Trumka is arguing that President Joe Bidens Inflation Reduction Act which was more of a Green New Deal lite offering than inflation reducing includes a rebate of up to $840 for an electric stove or other electric appliances. The legislation also offers up to $500 to convert from gas to electric.

Thats not likely to cover everyones costs. Not to mention, all Americans are footing the bill for these climate-friendly incentives.

The Basics Of Climate Action Plans

Climate Action Plans are comprehensive roadmaps that outline the specific actions that a community will undertake to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change. See Institute for Local Government. This Climate Action Planning Guide describes a CAP as:

A strategy document that outlines a collection of measures and policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Using the GHG emissions inventory as the foundation, a CAP defines GHG reduction goals based on local priorities for reducing emissions and provides the guiding framework for achieving those goals. A CAP can be a standalone document or it can be integrated into an existing plan, such as a comprehensive plan or a sustainability plan.

Local governments often incorporate adaptation and resiliency policies into their CAPs, as well .

Jurisdictions are wise to approach climate change policy through an equity lens. Equity in the climate change context means ensuring the just distribution of the benefits of climate protection and alleviation of unequal burdens created by climate change. See this Primer on Climate Action Plans developed for the City of Bend, Oregon. Effective CAPs will also quantify the benefits and co-benefits of implementing the various policies, demonstrating both the economic and ecological gains of such policies.

According to this Climate Action Audit prepared for the City of Salem, Oregon, in 2020, a CAP will typically cover the following five topic areas:

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Existing Electric Utility Generating Units

In January 2021, the D.C. Circuit vacated and remanded the previous administrations repeal of the Clean Power Plan, which was issued in 2015, and stayed by the Supreme Court in February 2016. In its opinion vacating the repeal, the D.C. Circuit affirmed EPAs obligation to set carbon dioxide standards for existing power plants.

EPA is actively developing an approach for achieving meaningful reductions in emissions from existing fossil-fuel fired power plants, building on the lessons of EPAs prior efforts and informed by engagement with a broad range of stakeholders. EPA plans to issue a proposal in Spring 2023.

Americans See Local Impacts From Climate Change But That View Is Colored More By Politics Than Place


A majority of Americans say that climate change is affecting their local community a great deal or some. Fewer say climate change is impacting their own community not too much or not at all. The share who see at least some local impact from climate change is about the same as it was last fall .

Views of the local impact of climate change are largely similar among Americans who live in different regions of the county. In fact, an identical 64% of those who live in the Northeast, South and West say climate change is affecting their community a great deal or some. Those who live in the Midwest are slightly less likely to say this .

Partisanship is a far larger factor in views of the local impact of climate change. A large majority of Democrats say climate change is affecting their local community a great deal or some. By contrast, far fewer Republicans believe climate change is affecting their local community at least some most Republicans say climate change is impacting their local community not too much or at all.

Among Republicans and Republican leaners, moderates and liberals are much more likely than conservatives to say climate change is impacting their community a great deal or some. Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, large shares of both liberals and conservative and moderates see local impacts from climate change.

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What Epa Is Doing About Climate Change

Climate change is real and happening all around us. Taking action to fight the urgent threat of climate change offers an opportunity to build more resilient infrastructure, protect public health, advance environmental justice, strengthen America’s working communities, and spur American technological innovations.

EPA’s work is improving societys understanding of climate change and its impacts on human health and the environment. The data, tools, and resources that EPA develops can also be used by other agencies, organizations, states, Tribes, and communities to help tackle the climate crisis effectively, equitably, and sustainably.

For more information about EPA’s climate change website mission and goals, see Climate Change at EPA.

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Lessons Learned From State Policy

The simplest, most basic lesson to be learned from the experience of California and other states is that it is possible in the context of U.S. society to make substantial emission cuts while maintaining a dynamic economy. That is not an insignificant lesson, given the prophecies of economic doom and dire consequences of a transition from fossil fuels.

The experience of California and other states also identifies some tools that have been used with success. Unlike a carbon tax, these are tools that are within the realm of possibility in America today, although the political barriers to national adoption are not insubstantial. Emissions trading is one of those tools. Renewable portfolio standards, or more generically, clean energy standards, are another. Californias standards for new vehicles, which have been widely adopted by other states, and its low carbon fuel standard have also been successes. California achieved its 2020 emissions target four years early. California has also collected billions of dollars in revenue from the sale of emissions allowances, using the money for efforts to reduce emissions and assist disadvantaged communities. California has also adopted an incentive systems for electric vehicles and energy storage, helping to jumpstart these technologies.

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How Can I Reduce My Trash Pile

Ask your parents to buy reusable grocery bags. Help them to remember to get them out of the car and take them into the store.

Recycle everything you can. If your city does not pick up recycled materials, find out who you can talk to about starting this service. You should be recycling paper, aluminum cans, cardboard, food cans, plastic, glass, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, phone books, and anything else made of paper.

Shop thrift stores. “BYOM.” Bring your own mug. That’s what you can tell your parents when they stop to buy their morning coffee. Use less paper whenever possible. Save the trees.

Drink tap waterfiltered, if you likeinstead of bottled water. Carry your drinking water in a reusable bottle. Plastic water bottles are an environmental disaster!

Use fewer containers. Buy the product that uses less packaging material. Even if you recycle packaging materials, it takes energy to create them in the first place and energy to remake them into something else.

Phasing Out The Use Of Coal In Electricity Generation

Marcy Kaptur Says Full Year Budget Can Help Fight Climate Change And Secure America
  • Germany is gradually to phase out the use of coal to generate electricity by 2038. Parallel to this, the federal government is supporting the affected regions, helping them with structural change. The legislative package that underlies this change came into effect on 14 August 2020.
  • The procedures to be adopted when decommissioning power plants and paying compensation to operators are laid out in the Coal Phase-out Act . A new programme to promote greenhouse-gas-neutral heat generation has been launched parallel to the legislation.
  • Under the provisions of the Structural Development Act , the federal government has earmarked up to 40 billion euros to support the affected regions, enabling them to move towards a more sustainable economy with higher quality employment as coal is phased out. The federal government has provided for up to 14 billion euros for particularly significant investments. Other affected and structurally weak locations can also receive assistance, with a total of one billion euros available. In addition, we will be supporting measures in coal mining areas.

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