Friday, July 12, 2024

Government Land Grants For Farming

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Choosing The Appropriate Grants

Farmers Get 30-Year Land Leases
  • 1Start your farm by applying for the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Grant. The USDAs National Institute of Food and Agriculture provides farm grants so that new farms can receive up to $250,000 for training, education, and technical assistance. The USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture provides money to both state and local governments and to nonprofit organizations. Those organizations dispense the grant funds to new farmers. Contact your local, regional or tribal agricultural office to access grant money through this program.XResearch source
  • 2Apply for Farm Labor Housing Grants. Labor Housing Grants are provided to farmers who want to build, remodel, or sustain housing for the farm workers they employ. The grant funds are given to nonprofit organizations, public agencies, and farm worker associations, who then dispense the funds directly to farmers.XResearch source
  • 3Qualify for an Environmental Quality Incentive Grant. These grants are provided to all farmers, but for those who switch or transition to organic farming, the wait for funds can be much shorter. The same goes for socially disadvantaged farmers. In addition to receiving up to $20,000 per year, your farm can also qualify for $80,000 in grants over a period of six years. Get standards from the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.XResearch source
  • Finding Government Grants For Land Purchase

    The U.S. government uses to provide an easily searchable database of available grants alongside educational information to help individuals and entities understand how grants work and how they can apply.

    You can search the database using relevant terms like “farming,””agriculture,””wildlife preservation” or terms related to an issue specific to your hometown. Available grants will provide you with directions on how to apply.

    New Generation Cooperative Incentive Tax Credits

    Tax credits to induce producer member investment into new generation processing entities that will process Missouri agricultural commodities and agricultural products into value-added goods, provide substantial benefits to Missouris agricultural producers, and create jobs for Missourians. Details…

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    Minnesota Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Grant

    The state of Minnesota offers this grant for on-farm research and demonstrations for projects that center around sustainable agriculture practices and systems that could make farming more profitable and resource efficient.

    If you have a project in mind, this grant could offer you $25,000 to $50,000, but after $25,000, it becomes a cost-matching grant, so keep that in mind when you apply.

    To apply, download and read the Request for Proposals, and then apply online. The deadline to apply is December 12, 2018.

    Farm Grants And Government Funding Programmes

    National Landcare Program: Smart Farms Small Grants ...

    As a small business in the agriculture industry , you could benefit from the schemes and services offered by the UK government:

    Grants for projects in England that create jobs and growth in the rural economy. The 3 types of grants include business development, food processing and rural tourism infrastructure.

    You can take a look at other rural schemes, farm grants and government funding programmes for farmers right here.

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    In 2021 Farm Aid Granted Just Less Than $1 Million

    Farm Aid made grants totaling $972,000 in 2021, the majority of which were made during the month of December to 86 family farm, rural service and urban agriculture organizations in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Grants ranged from $2,500 to $50,000. Farm Aids grantmaking priorities for 2021 included work that supports family farmers, that works to achieve racial equity and social justice, that prioritizes farmer-led solutions to climate change, and that builds power for systemic change in our farm and food system.

    Farm Aids grantmaking process is a collaborative one that allows all Farm Aid staff members to participate. This annual process allows Farm Aid staff to understand, witness and support the good work that is going on all across the country to support family farmers, fight for equity and justice, and empower rural communities.

    As farmers continue to face incredible threats to their survival, our grant decisions were guided by the need to first and foremost strengthen organizations that provide essential resources to keep family farmers on the land. We are so grateful for the hard work and commitment of folks across the country who fight for family farms.

    Willie Nelson

    In 2021, Farm Aid invested funds in programs that:

    Additionally, Farm Aid made grants in the following areas of work:

    Find Your Local Service Center

    We are committed to delivering USDA services to Americas farmers and ranchers while taking safety measures in response to the pandemic. Some USDA offices are beginning to reopen to limited visitors by appointment only. Service Center staff also continue to work with agricultural producers via phone, email, and other digital tools. Learn more at

    USDA Service Centers are locations where you can connect with Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, or Rural Development employees for your business needs. Enter your state and county below to nd your local service center and agency offices. If this locator does not work in your browser, please visit the Risk Management Agency website to nd a regional or compliance office or to nd an insurance agent near you.

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    Australia China Agriculture Cooperation Agreement

    The ACACA programme has been established to enhance agricultural cooperation between Australia and China and provide funding for a broad range activities including, but not limited to technical exchanges, training programs, conferences, missions, workshops, information exchanges and/or programs, officer secondments, industry scoping missions, feasibility studies.

    Key Organizations For Food Safety Environmental And Energy Grant Programs

    Veterans turn to farming jobs, receive assistance through Farmer Veteran Coalition

    Laura J. Maul

    For more information, visit the Organic Cost Share Program webpage.

    Rollover Protective Structure Retrofit Program

    7 out of 10 farms are out of business within five years of a fatal tractor rollover. It makes sense to protect yourself, your family and your business. Rollover protective structures are 99% effective in preventing rollover deaths and injuries.

    This grant program will rebate 70% of the cost of purchasing and installing the ROPS . Rebate funds are good towards the price of the ROPS kit, shipping charges, tax, professional installation costs, and a sun canopy. You can buy and install the ROPS kit as well as any of the previous items. Details here

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    Assisting The Fish And Seafood Processing Sector

    We are providing $62.5 million of new assistance to the fish and seafood processing sector through the Canadian Seafood Stabilization Fund.

    This will help businesses:

    • access short-term financing to pay for maintenance and inventory costs
    • add storage capacity for unsold product
    • comply with new health and safety measures for workers
    • support new manufacturing/automated technologies to improve productivity and quality of finished seafood products and,
    • adapt products to respond to changing requirements and new market demands.

    More details will be available soon.

    Value Added Producer Grant

    If youve ever thought about taking what you already have and turning it into something else, adding something to it to create a new product, or growing/raising it in a way thats different from others , try looking into this program to see what it can offer you.

    For this program, value-added means a product that helps increase farm income and marketing opportunities, creates new jobs, contributes to community economic development, and enhances food choices for consumers. It offers grants to folks who add value to the product they started with.

    Individuals, groups, organizations, and cooperatives all qualify for this grant. While there is no limit to the amount of the grant, it is a cost-matching grant, so keep that in mind when youre applying. Also, any proposal asking more than $50,000 must be accompanied by an independent feasibility study and business plan. Both planning grants and working capital grants are available.

    To apply:

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    New York State New Farmers Grant Fund Program

    If youre a new or beginning farmer in the state of New York, you may qualify for $15,000 to $50,000 in grants, but the catch is you have to match any amount you receive from the grant yourself using cash, lines of credit, or loans.

    Projects eligible for this grant include expanding or diversifying agricultural production, and/or extending the agricultural season and/or advancing innovative techniques that increase sustainable agricultural production practices such as organic farming, food safety, reduction of farm waste, and/or water use.

    If youve owned and been working a farm in New York that makes at least $10,000 in farm income from sales of agricultural products grown or raised on your operation for less than 10 years and are over 18, you may qualify for this program.

    Click here to apply. All applications must be received before January 25, 2019. For more information, contact Bonnie Devine at .

    Farm Aid Emergency Grants

    Land Grant University Programs Help Keep Farmers on the ...

    Emergency grants totaling $24,000 were made throughout the year to farm families to cover essential household expenses. These emergency grants are recommended on a case-by-case basis by Farm Aids hotline operators, who answer calls on the 1-800 FARM AID farmer resource line and connect farmers with helpful services, resources and opportunities specific to their individual needs.

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    What To Do Next

    If you are a farm owner looking to obtain a farm grant or a farm loan or perhaps a tax break for your farming business, start with your business plan first.

    Ensure your farm business plan is perfect reach out to the experts at UK Startups for assistance.

    Once the plan is done, access the Funding Database available to UK Startups members and start applying to all of the programmes available to your farm business.

    Usda Specialty Crop Block Grant

    The Departments Marketing section manages the Specialty Crop Block Grant to enhance the competitiveness of Delawares specialty crop industry through research, education and/or marketing. Specialty crops are defined by law as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits and horticulture, and nursery crops, including floriculture.

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    Value Added Products To Market

    Value: Grant request must be more than $50,000, to a maximum of $500,000 per applicant per fiscal year.


    The purpose of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership Value-Added Products to Markets Large Projects Program is to support growth of Albertas value-added Food Processors and Bio-Industrial Processors. The Program targets Projects that enable growth of their businesses through increased sales related to the development of New Products, adoption of state-of-the-art processes, commercialization of products in New Markets, and expansion of their business in local, domestic and international markets.

    Eligible Applicants:

    Rural Development Loan And Grant Assistance

    Assistance for Beginning Farmers and Veterans

    USDA Rural Development forges partnerships with rural communities, funding projects that bring housing, community facilities, business guarantees, utilities and other services to rural America. USDA provides technical assistance and financial backing for rural businesses and cooperatives to create quality jobs in rural areas. Rural Development promotes the President’s National Energy Policy and ultimately the nation’s energy security by engaging the entrepreneurial spirit of rural America in the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. Rural Development works with low-income individuals, State, local and Indian tribal governments, as well as private and nonprofit organizations and user-owned cooperatives.

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    Loans To Purchase Or Expand A Farm Or Ranch

    Farm Ownership Loans can be used to purchase or expand a farm or ranch. This loan can help with paying closing costs, constructing or improving buildings on the farm, or to help conserve and protect soil and water resources.

    USDAs Farm Service Agency offers up to $600,000 for eligible borrowers through Farm Ownership Loans.

    Microloans are a type of Operating or Farm Ownership Loan. Theyre designed to meet the needs of small and beginning farmers, or for non-traditional and specialty operations by easing some of the requirements and offering less paperwork.

    Stewardship Assistance And Restoration On Aprs

    This grant program funds projects to restore farmland for agricultural use on agricultural preservation restriction farms. Funding of up to $35,000, with a 15% match, may be available on a cost reimbursement basis for approved projects.

    For more information, visit the SARA webpage.

    This grant program is not currently accepting applications.

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    Federal State Marketing Improvement Program

    This matching grant program, also known as FSMIP, provides matching funds to State Departments of Agriculture and other appropriate State agencies to assist in exploring new market opportunities for food and agricultural products, and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the marketing system.

    The Texas Department Of Agricultures Young Farmer Grant


    Are you at a stage where youre considering or planning on raising goats? If you live in Texas, youre in luck. The Department of Agriculture has a cost-matching program that could help bring your plans to life. You could qualify if youre a resident of Texas between 18 and 46 and are planning on developing a brand new goat farm. Taking over an existing farm does not qualify.

    This program accepts applications twice a year, but the most recent window has closed. Keep checking back for the next date!

    For more information on how the program works or to apply, visit Texas Agricultures website.

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    Missouri Industrial Hemp Fiber Processing Grant

    The Missouri Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for the Missouri Industrial Hemp Fiber Processing Grant. The grant was created to support the hemp fiber industry, increase processing capacity of value-added fiber products and address supply chain issues. Projects should aim to increase production capacity of processed hemp fiber. Details…

    Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

    The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program is identical to the Conservation Reserve Program. The only difference is that this program enhances the Conservation Reserve Program and is a federal-state partnership. All other terms, benefits, assistance, and eligibility requirements are the same. Unfortunately, you can only enroll in this program if your state is one of those listed below:

  • Colorado
  • Wetlands are an often-overlooked component of environmental sustainability and can improve your operations by improving groundwater quality, trapping and breaking down pollutants, preventing soil erosion, reducing downstream flood damage, and providing a habitat for water birds and other wildlife.

    Thats why its important to make them a priority, so this program, like the previous conservation programs, will also give you an annual payment if you restore some of your land to a wetland state and establish new plant cover. These contracts are also competitive and, when accepted, run for 10 to 15 years.

    The eligibility requirements, however, are a little different in that there are restrictions on the land and the amount of acreage. These are a few guidelines:

    • The land generally must have been used for agricultural purposes for 3 of the past 10 crop years,
    • The land can include a manmade wetland used to process water flow for crop drainage,
    • The land can have been used for aquafarming purposes, and
    • The land can have been used for prairie wetland overflow purposes.

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    Agribusiness Revolving Loan Fund

    Offers financing to value-added agriculture enterprises, agriculture support businesses, marketers or retailers of agricultural products, and businesses with emerging agricultural technology. This funding is provided, in part, by the USDA Rural Developments Intermediary Relending Program. Details…

    Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

    The Promised Land Farm receives $10,000 grant from Reparations Project

    Specialty Crop Block Grant Program grants are funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture to enhance the competitiveness of the Arkansas specialty crop industry. Specialty crops are defined by USDA as fruits, vegetables, horticulture, floriculture, and tree nuts.

    The Arkansas Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for the 2022 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and for 2021 SCBGP HR 133.

    Funding for the 2021 SCBGP is made available in response to priority needs relating to COVID-19 and provides flexibilities not typically offered in SCBGP funding due to the exigent circumstances of the pandemic.

    Entities may apply for both grant opportunities. Project concept proposals outlining the projects goals, tasks, and budget requirements must be submitted by

    The 2022 SCBGP application can be found at:

    The 2021 SCBGP HR 133 application can be found at:

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    Irrigation Revitilisation And Development

    Water available for agriculture and farmers is limited and good management practices are essential to make the most of the available water. Small-scale irrigation can play a major role in food security and poverty alleviation. The revitalisation of under-utilised irrigation schemes and the development of new irrigation schemes in areas where adequate water is available can contribute to enhancing the livelihoods of rural communities.

    Contact the Department of Agriculture: 012 846 8569

    How Can Farm Funding Schemes Be Used

    Each farm grant or farm loan programme provided by a different funding agency has different rules and criteria for how the funding can be used. Typically, a programme requires you to apply with your funding needs already established in your business plan.

    A typical small business owner/farmer would benefit from these funding programmes with the following needs:

    • Farm technology upgrade and improvement
    • Energy efficiency improvements on the farm
    • Projects to reduce environmental impact by farm
    • Farm employee wage/subsidies
    • Improving farm building or covering leasehold improvement costs
    • Research and development
    • Funds for purchase of new farm or farmland

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    Private Funding For Goat Farmers

    There are a ton of charitable organizations throughout the United States that fund agricultural projects. Most fund a variety of projects in just as many fields, so its recommended that you prepare a clear, concise proposal, just as you would if you were writing a grant, and present it to each individual organization.

    These organizations have no deadlines to work with and no specific programs/grants. However, its still a good idea to search through this list of organizations to determine what may fit best for the project you have in mind.

    A well-written, well-presented proposal that contains facts and figures that explain the importance and any far-reaching benefits of a projectand tugs at the heartstringscould win you the financial support of a private philanthropic organization.

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