Saturday, July 13, 2024

Government Jobs For People With Learning Disabilities

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Job Search Tips From Other Parents

Many Canadians with disabilities struggling to find jobs
  • Create a list of personal contacts that could give your child a job.
  • Ask places you do business with about possible job openings.
  • Focus on your childs talents, interests, and abilities when talking to potential employers.
  • Connect with other parents to talk about where their children have found jobs they like.
  • Talk with your childs teachers to get ideas.
  • Reach out to community or state agencies that can help your child find employment and start on this early.

Applicable Laws Regarding Disabilities In The Workplace

The Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on disability. Disabilities recognized under the Act include physical, cognitive, and learning disabilities and mental health issues. Federally regulated employers must accommodate employees with such disabilities unless doing so imposes an undue hardship on the employer.

Accommodations can include changing a workspace to make it more accessible to those in wheelchairs, acquiring screen-reading software for those with visual impairments, or adapting the hours of work for employees with anxiety disorders. The point of such accommodations is to make it possible for people with disabilities to function effectively in the workplace. You can talk to your employer about the changes they could make to meet your needs.

Additionally, the Accessible Canada Act that was passed in 2019 requires public-sector organizations to remove barriers and hire more people with disabilities.

Assistive Technology At The Career Centers

Some of the assistive technology provided in the Career Centers for customers with disabilities is listed below. Please note that not all the MassHire Career Centers have the same equipment available.

  • JAWS – Screen reading software for individuals who are blind
  • ZoomText – Magnification software for individuals who are visually impaired
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking – Hands-free voice-activated software
  • Pocket Talker – Assistive Listening Device for individuals who are hard-of-hearing
  • TTY – Telecommunications device for individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing
  • Braille Labeler – Labels keyboards, discs, computer stations, in Braille
  • Expert Mouse Trackball – Alternative mouse at computer stations
  • Kurzweil 1000 – Scanning and reading software for individuals who are blind or visually-impaired
  • Kurweil Reader – Assists individuals who have learning disabilities
  • FM Hearing Device – Assists individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing
  • CCTV – A Closed Circuit Television for individuals who are blind or visually-impaired
  • Height Adjustable Tables – Accessible work stations

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Government Funding For Hiring And Accommodating Workers With Disabilities

There are currently no programs available which provide specific hiring support for employers looking to bring on employees with disabilities. However, to make it easier for employers to support the governments goals, Ontario offers funding for employers to help businesses reduce the cost of expanding their workforce while helping to increase opportunities for all. Currently, here are a few funding programs that may help offset the cost of hiring Ontarians, including those with disabilities:

  • The Enabling Accessibility Fund: Eligible organizations can receive up to $100,000 for small construction, renovation or retrofit of existing spaces to improve accessibility, accessible information, and communication technologies
  • Career-Ready with CTMA: Expanding Opportunities : Offers non-repayable contributions to subsidize the wages of new hires or the upskilling of existing employees with up to 50% of wages to a maximum of $5,000 per experiential work placement and
  • The NOHFC People & Talent Program is designed to attract, retain, and develop Northern Ontarios workforce by creating and sustaining new and existing jobs with up to 50% of funding for an interns salary to a maximum of $35,000 per year.

Please note that the above programs are implemented for employers to apply for, not employees. However, if you are an individual with a disability who is looking for personal funding support, the Ontario Disability Support Program offers support where needed.

Job Search Tips For Workers With Disabilities

Skills Disability Support

MassHire Career Center employment specialists offer the following tips for job seekers with a disability:

Focus on your abilities and not disabilities. The interview process is a tool used by an employer to determine if the applicant is qualified for the job and whether the individual will be a good fit for the company. While an employer cannot use the interview or the application process to inquire about a disability, you may want to let the employer know that your ability to perform the job will not be affected.

Practice interviewing before the interview. Mock interview sessions with trusted friends and relatives are recommended. Job seekers should ensure that they dress appropriately for the workplace. Look at employees in similar companies and select clothing that is similar. Making eye contact with the interviewer is also important.

Be realistic about what types of positions match well with your abilities. Researching a variety of different occupations to find a good fit is essential.

Take advantage of services offered at agencies that specialize in serving individualswith disabilities. For example, the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission employs counselors with expertise in assessing employability and how it relates to a disability. MRC is a partner at many Career Centers.

Become an expert. Job seekers should work to hone as many new skills as possible in order to become an expert in a particular area. Doing so makes anyone more valuable to an employer.

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Managerial And Executive Jobs

People while working around their learning difficulties and with the help of accommodations, can apply for the jobs such as Marketing specialist, Human resource manager, Human resource executive, Sales associate, Marketing manager, etc.

The take-home packages of these jobs fall under the range of $40,000 to $60,000 approx. annually.

Available vacancies

  • Executive Assistant, Verizon

The candidate is required to assist MD. Organizing meetings, coordinating travels, handling documentation works, public dealing, etc. are some of the prime responsibilities of the job. Verizon offers Equal Employment opportunities to all.

  • Project Engineer at Williams

The job requires technical skills and the ability to supervise all phases of engineering projects. Team management, project evaluation, and people management are the core responsibilities of this job.

The Centre Has Reserved Government Jobs For People With Learning Disabilities Autism And Victims Of Acid Attacks Four Years After It Decided To Extend Benefit Of Reservation To New Categories

  • The private sector bank posted a net profit of 6,905 crore for the quarter ended June 30, compared with 4,616 crore a year ago. Analysts tracked by Bloomberg on average had estimated a net profit of 6,456.7 crore.

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Looking For Work With A Learning Disability: ‘you Feel Like A Failure’

Lack of support at work is a huge issue for disabled people, but for people with neurological disabilities its a real battle to even get hired

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I went for an interview last week a van job, cleaning and I told them I had autism, explains Christopher Burns, 40, in Cornwall. The interviewer got his phone out and called his wife cos she was a nurse. He had to find out what autism was.

Burns who has speech problems as well as autism wasnt surprised. Hes been struggling to find work for the past 20 years and hasnt had a full-time job in eight.

Any contracted work hes had such as an eight-month spell as a postman or a month as a bed raiser fitter has been fleeting as Burns conditions meant he found it hard to fit in with colleagues, and employers judged his capability. That attitude of pigeonholing, of my speech and how I am, he says.

Instead, for years hes been bouncing between part-time work, usually only a few hours a week: from agency work at a care company to cleaning work.

Burns has just started a four-week training course on the Work Programme the governments outgoing welfare-to-work scheme but feels no hope it will lead to a job.

Since he left college nine years ago, Vijay Patel who has a mild learning disability has applied unsuccessfully for over 70 full-time jobs.

Getting Help With The Process

VA Benefits with 90% Service-Connected Disability | VA Disability | theSITREP

Most Federal agencies have a special program coordinator to assist you. They can help you learn about current job opportunities, types of available positions, and steps in the process. Visit the US Office of Personnel Managements Selective Placement Program Coordinator Directory to find a coordinator near you.

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Great Jobs For People With Limited Mobility

The following positions are ideal for people with limited mobility, as they do not require extensive physical activity and instead focus on an individual’s analytical and critical problem solving abilities. All jobs require at least a bachelors degree, while higher degrees are recommended for political scientists , environmental economists , and biostatisticians .

Types Of Jobs Available For People With Learning Disabilities

Most of the success stories highlight the ways the talented people worked around their difficulties and achieved their career goals. Things are becoming a bit easier with the availability of accommodations. Thus, dyslexia or any other learning difficulty never cuts down the possibilities.

Lets take a look at some of the job opportunities available for people having learning difficulties.

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Federal Government Job Search For People With Disabilities

Are you a disabled job seeker considering employment with the US Federal Government? Individuals with mental and physical disabilities can be hired under Schedule A hiring authority.

Proving Your Disability

To qualify under Schedule A, you must provide

  • Documentation of your mental or physical disability. This must come from a licensed medical professional, state agency, private vocational rehabilitation specialist, or government agency that disburses disability benefits.
  • A statement that you are qualified to perform the position to which you are applying. This may be from the same entity providing your proof of disability, and may be combined in the same document with proof of disability. If you fail to provide this statement, it is possible to be hired on a temporary appointment, and your readiness would be determined on the job.
  • Great Jobs For People With Disabilities

    Government announces fund to help young adults with special educational ...

    The 25 jobs on this page are strong career options for people with disabilities, organized by type of impairment and ranked by compatibility. Regardless of the type of disability a person may have, it is possible for individuals to find a career path suited to their strengths and interests. Employers are also becoming more aware of designing accessible workplaces for diverse employees, and investing in disability programs and resources for their workers.Read More

    Also included in this resource is information regarding important considerations to take into account when looking for a job that best accommodates people with intellectual disabilities or learning differences. Continue reading to find out more about different career choices for people with disabilities, learn about different employer offered disability programs in our Frequently Asked Questions section, or check out our methodology for the ranking lists on this page.

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    Great Jobs For People With Hearing Impairments

    The five positions on this list are strong job choices for people with hearing impairments. There is a wide spectrum of hearing impairments, ranging from partial to a total inability to hear. While the positions below are all suitable to individuals with mild hearing disabilities, positions such as a credit authorizer or graphic designer may be better suited for individuals at the more severe end of the spectrum.

    Expert Advice On If And When To Disclose

    Connie S. Foster

    Connie S. Foster is a vocational rehabilitation counselor with 20 years of experience working with individuals who have physical, mental, and/or learning disabilities that are barriers to employment. She earned her undergraduate degree in secondary education from Texas A& M University-Kingsville, received her high school vocational education coordinator certification from the University of Northern Iowa, and transitioned into being an occupational specialist doing career exploration, labor market research and surveys, job development and worksite modifications.

    Potential employers should not ask if you have any disabilities, or if you need accommodations during an interview.

    âIf it is obvious that you have a disability, you can let the employer know up front your accomplishments, skills and abilities. They may not know how easy it is to accommodate you and that you can get help from your local VR office if an employer feels they don’t have the funding for accommodations.â

    Even if you know you will need a reasonable accommodation for your disability, you do not have to disclose until after you have accepted a job offer.

    âYou must do it within the first week of starting the new job and provide documentation justifying the need for the accommodationâusually this is as simple as having your health provider outline what accommodations are needed.â

    Don’t settle, get support.

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    Students With Disabilities: What To Look For In A Job

    Though some signs of potentially rewarding careers can be hard to identify, students with disabilities who are concerned about their job prospects can learn a lot about a company by doing a bit of digging when they see a job posting or are in the process of applying for a job. Here are some ability-friendly callouts to look for, and where to look for them as you explore employment opportunities.

    What to Look For

    KEEP IN MIND, the job that an employee does is only one part of joining the workforce and finding success and happiness in a career. For students with disabilities and those without, the environment in which they work, the managers and employers, the co-workers, and the opportunities for advancement all contribute to employee success and satisfaction.

    Flexible Work As A Solution

    VA Benefits with 50% Service-Connected Disability | VA Disability | theSITREP

    Remote and flexible work can make all the difference in earning a steady income and having a stable job. Remote work, a part-time job, freelance gigs, or jobs with flexible or alternative schedules where you can choose your hours or work hours outside of the typical workday can provide career opportunities for professionals with disabilities.

    For example, flexible options can eliminate or reduce a commute, allow for fewer working hours, or give you more time off. These flexible hours help you attend doctors appointments without issue and let your skills take center stage at work, rather than your disability.

    • Working at home lets you create a home office or work environment thats comfortable and accommodates your needs.
    • A home office is a more comfortable environment for a service animal.
    • A remote job reduces or eliminates commuting, which can be time-consuming, frustrating, and expensive for those needing accommodations.

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    Making It Work On The Job

    Keep an open mind, and work with your employer to be sure the job will be a good fit for you. Helpful changes can make your work easier, such as:

    • Different work hours, part-time work, and other options.
    • Assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, talking calculator, or buttons to open doors. Disability Related Employment Services offers help with these supports.
    • The choice to work from home.
    • The option to trade tasks with other workers.

    Vocational Rehabilitation & Reasonable Accommodations

    Vocational Rehabilitation

    Social Security supports the State VR agencies in their efforts to help prepare people with disabilities for jobs and teach them job skills.

    State VR agencies provide a range of services including:

    • Vocational counseling & guidance
    • Assistive technology and rehabilitation technology services referral services support, advocacy, and follow-up services.

    For more information, visit:

    Reasonable Accommodations

    Reasonable Accommodations are modifications or adjustments to a job or change in the work environment that enables a person with a disability to compete equally or perform the essential functions of the position.

    Reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure an individual with a disability has equal benefits and privileges of employment enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities.

    The accommodation must be job related e.g. hearing aids, prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, and transportation to work.

    Accommodations also include:

    • Specialized Training on the use of Assistive Devices
    • Modified Job Duties and Restructured Work Sites
    • Provided Accessible Technology or other Workplace Adaptive Equipment

    Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where or how job tasks are performed.

    For more information, visit OPM’s Disability Employment Reasonable Accommodations webpage.

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    Top 8 Job Opportunities For People With Learning Disabilities

    Beryl Benacerraf is an accomplished radiologist but had a history of dyslexia.

    Dona Sarkar, the chief engineer at Microsoft, confesses having issues with reading during her school days she still prefers images over letters and numbers

    David Boes, who New York Times termed as, the lawyer everyone wants, has made his illustrious career despite having dyslexia.

    All these living examples of success indicate that intelligence has nothing to do with reading and writing abilities some dyslexics have been exceptionally intelligent and did great work. It is completely possible for people with learning difficulties to learn courses of their choice, no matter how complex or difficult those are. Also, they can join mainstream society with the help of their skills and stand on their feet by gaining eligibility needed for various jobs.

    Jobs For People With Limited Mobility

    Key Findings: Adults with One or More Functional Disabilities ...

    About 20 percent of Canadians aged 15 or older report flexibility or mobility issues that interfere with daily functioning. But relying on a wheelchair or another assistive device doesn’t mean you can’t have a fulfilling career. People with physical disabilities that limit their mobility can often function very well in an office environment, for instance. Here are just a few examples of jobs for people with disabilities related to mobility:

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