Thursday, July 11, 2024

Where Are Government Contracts Posted

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Everything You Didn’t Know About Federal Government Contracting | Jason White | TEDxWeston

Aside from consuming informational articles online such as these, the Small Business Administration offers rich learning resources and servicesand most of them are free!

For starters, you can take up SBAs free online courses about federal contracting here. And also, this organization manages a network of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers that can be found locally. PTACs provide assistance to small businesses interested in government contracting, such as helping them register in the right places, connecting them with mentors, and finding contracts for them to bid on. Look for your nearest PTAC here.

Iii White House Holds Meeting To Discuss Cybersecurity Label For Consumer Internet

As previewed by the October 11 White House fact sheet , the Biden Administration convened a meeting of representatives of industry, associations, and Government agencies on October 19, 2022 to discuss the Administrations cybersecurity labelling program for IoT devices. This program is based on labelling criteria developed by the IoT labelling pilot program conducted by NIST pursuant to the Cyber EO. These criteria envision a physical label on the IoT device accompanied by a QR code that consumers could use to obtain further information regarding the cybersecurity vulnerabilities and resilience of the device, coupled with vendor self-attestations, and possible third-party certifications. Speakers at the conference suggested that the Administration is planning a targeted rollout of a national cybersecurity labelling program in Spring 2023.

On December 1, 2022, the Department of Defense, General Services Administration, and NASA published a final rule addressing Effective Communication Between Government and Industry, which is aimed at encourag communication between Government acquisition personnel and industry.

The rule adds a paragraph to FAR 1.102-2 that reads as follows:

There were 19 comments on the proposed rule, which raised a range of issues, including potential changes to the FAR beyond Part 1 a desire for the rule to require communication between Government and industry and concerns about Rigid Regulatory Structure Inhibit Communication.

Become A Federal Contractor

Posted: Prime contractors bid on and win contracts directly from government agencies. Subcontractors join prime contractor teams, usually to provide a specific capability or product. For your small business to serve as a prime contractor or subcontractor, youll need to legally qualify as a small business and register as a government contractor.

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Finding And Tracking Nys Opportunities Is Now Easier Than Ever

Besides the new look, the Contract Reporter has been redesigned to make finding contracting opportunities easy. Some of the new features include:

  • A customizable homepage displays your ads of interest
  • Bookmark ads for easy retrieval
  • Redesigned ad display puts all solicitation information at your fingertips
  • Filter ads by contracting category, geographic location and ad type
  • Sort ads by issue date, due date and issuing entity

Where Can I Find State And Local Government Contracts

Proof Utah is on the Hook with SBAC

If youre seeking state and local government contracts that are a good fit for your organization, the first step is to determine which levels of administrator you wish to sell to and which locations are ideal. Then locate those agencies and sign up for their procurement portals , to do business with them. Youll save time by signing up for a government business development platform like GovWin IQ, which can track opportunities from the agencies youre targeting.

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Dynamic Small Business Search

Approximately one-quarter of all federal contracts are set aside each year for small businesses. The DSBS is maintained by the Small Business Administration . The DSBS is free to use and allows small businesses to access a list of federal contracts specifically set aside for small businesses.

In addition to meeting the numerical requirements to qualify as a small business, a company must also meet the other general requirements to qualify are federal contracts that aside for small businesses. Those qualifications are:

· The company must be a for-profit business

·The company must be independently owned and operated

· The company cannot dominate the field nationally for its particular product or service and,

· The company must be physically located and operate within the United States or one of its territories.

Approximately one-quarter of all federal contracts are set aside each year for small businesses.

Ii White House Issues Fact Sheet Detailing Past And Future Cybersecurity Efforts

On October 11, 2022, the Biden Administration issued a fact sheet that described various efforts that the Administration has undertaken to strengthen and safeguard the nations cybersecurity. Among these efforts are several mandated by the Cyber EO. The fact sheet demonstrates the Administrations overall emphasis on implementation of the Cyber EO and its continued view of federal contracting as a lever to pull in that process. Among other things, the fact sheet highlights that the Administration issued a strategy for Federal zero trust architecture implementation, as well as budget guidance to ensure that Federal agencies align resources to our cybersecurity goals. Regarding procurement, the fact sheet states that we are . . . harnessing the purchasing power of the Federal Government to improve the cybersecurity of products for the first time, by requiring security features in all software purchased by the Federal Government, which improves security for all Americans. As discussed in more detail below, the fact sheet also highlighted the White Houses plan to bring together private companies, associations, and Government agencies to discuss the development of a label for Internet of Things devices so that Americans can easily recognize which devices meet the highest cybersecurity standards to protect against hacking and other cyber vulnerabilities.

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How Do I Get Local Government Contracts provides information on the vital steps of being part of the federal marketplace. As stated on the website, here is what you need to know to offer your products or services to the local administration successfully:

Cost Accounting Standards Board

How to Search

The Cost Accounting Standards Board has the exclusive authority to make, promulgate, and amend standards and interpretations designed to achieve uniformity and consistency in the cost accounting practices governing the measurement, assignment, and allocation of costs to contracts with the United States Government. The CAS Board is an independent statutorily-established Board consisting of five members: the Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, who serves as the chairman, and four members with experience in Government contract cost accounting, two from the Federal government , one from industry, and one from the accounting profession.

The Boards regulations are codified at 48 CFR, Chapter 99. The standards are mandatory for use by all executive agencies and by contractors and subcontractors in estimating, accumulating, and reporting costs in connection with pricing and administration of, and settlement of disputes concerning, all covered negotiated prime contract and subcontract procurements with the United States Government. Covered contracts and subcontracts are those in excess of $750,000, provided that, at the time of award, the contractor or subcontractor is performing any CAS-covered contracts or subcontracts valued at $7.5 million or greater. As a result of changes made by section 811 the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2018, the $750,000 threshold will be raised to $2 million for contracts awarded after June 30, 2018.

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Find The Best Option For Your Needs

First, we will look at how you can find the contracts that youre interested in. Then we will explain how to bid on a government contract with step-by-step instructions.

  • Doing it Yourself

    Federal government contracts are published on the FedBizOpps website. If you want to pursue contracts at the federal level, you can register your business with FedBizOpps to receive notifications about new opportunities that align well with your business.

    Finding suitable contracts at the state, county, regional and municipal levels can be much more time-consuming for small and medium sized vendors. With thousands of Requests for Proposal , Requests for Quote and Invitations for Bid being published across the U.S. every day, it can be difficult to keep up with them all.

    In order to find opportunities in these jurisdictions, you will need to visit state bidding portals, municipal administration websites, and county purchasing departments. Most of these portals require you to complete a registration process.

    If your business employs a person dedicated solely to researching contract opportunities, the do-it-yourself method can work for you. Keep in mind, however, that the time required to evaluate if a contract is right for your business can lead to spending a lot of resources on research and evaluation, instead of bidding on contracts.

  • Using a Bid Service

    I Cisa Nsa And Odni Release Software Supply Chain Security Guide For Customers

    On November 17, 2022, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency , the National Security Agency , and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released the third in a series of recommended practice guides for securing the software supply chain . The first practice guide in this series published in September 2022 was for software developers, and the second published in October 2022 was for software suppliers. Each of the three guides is intended to supplement the Secure Software Development Framework published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology pursuant to Section 4 of the Cyber EO.

    The Customer Guide identifies key supply chain security objectives for software customers and recommends several broad categories of practices to achieve those objectives including security requirements planning, secure software architecture, and maintaining the security of software and the underlying infrastructure . For each of these practice categories, the guide identifies examples of scenarios that could be exploited and examples of controls that could be implemented to mitigate those threat scenarios.

    To address some of these concerns, the guide recommends that such contracts incorporate a number of provisions designed to reduce supply chain risks. Specific recommendations include:

    The Customer Guide also recommends that customers require suppliers to inform them on how to verify the integrity of all software components, including through:

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    Stay Of Contract Performance Rulesfive

    The class deviation also enforced the Federal Acquisition Regulation rules with regards to stay of contract performance if the award is protested within:

    • Ten days after the date of contract award,
    • Five days of the debriefing date offered to the protester under a timely debriefing request and no additional questions related to the debriefing are submitted or
    • Five days after the Government delivers its written response to additional questions submitted by the unsuccessful offeror, whichever is later.

    Notice the second bullet is from the date the debriefing is offered. That date is not always the same as the date the debriefing is held. When I worked with the Missile Defense Agency, we would often offer a debriefing date in the unsuccessful offeror letter. If the contractor could not meet on the date in the letter, they would request a new date. However, the date in the unsuccessful offeror letter is the date the debriefing was offered. So, the five-day window for the stay begins on that date unless questions are submitted to the Government. If you cant meet on the originally offered date, be sure to submit questions related to the debriefing to extend your stay window.

    If you need assistance reviewing debriefings or forming your questions in a manner to get the most information possible from the Government, contact our office.

    The Office Of Federal Procurement Policy

    Government Contract Proposal Template

    Today more than ever, the government must ensure that it spends money wisely and eliminates waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars. With approximately one out of every ten dollars of Federal government spending going to contractors, it is imperative that contract actions result in the best value for the taxpayer.

    The Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the Office of Management and Budget plays a central role in shaping the policies and practices federal agencies use to acquire the goods and services they need to carry out their responsibilities. OFPP was established by Congress in 1974 to provide overall direction for government-wide procurement policies, regulations and procedures and to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in acquisition processes. OFPP is headed by an Administrator who is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

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    Where Can I Find Government Contracts Online

    The federal government publicizes contracting opportunities on different federal government websites. Here are some gov websites where you may find lists of federal contracting opportunities: is a federal government site where federal opportunities valued at $25,000 or more are posted. Previously awarded federal business agreements are also found on the website, which can help you prepare your bid successfully.

    Dynamic Small Business Search

    The Small Business Administration maintains a federal government site called Dynamic Small Business Search. The site stores and displays all the profiles of businesses registered with the System for Award Management . The website also provides a list of federal contracts reserved for small businesses.


    If you feel that your business is not prepared for serving a prime contract, you may still get into federal government contracting by being a subcontractor. Subcontracting with other small businesses or prime contractors will give you a better understanding of how the industry works and help you to get ready for bidding on your first prime contract.

    The General Services Administration, commonly known as the Federal Supply Schedule and Multiple Award Schedule , is a website where long-term and large federal business opportunities are found. The GSA was intentionally made to help different federal departments quickly engage with small businesses.

    Bidding On Federal Construction Projects

    All our design and construction contracting opportunities are advertised under Contract Opportunities on You’ll need to register on to obtain access to drawings and specifications for a project. The contract opportunity will contain any additional instructions on how to obtain classified drawings and specifications. The following areas are included in construction.

    More information on design and construction>

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    Ndaa Changes The Debriefing Process

    On March 22, 2018, the Department of Defense issued a class deviation to implement the enhanced rights written in the 2018 NDAA. Contractors now have two days after a debriefing to submit questions in writing. The Government should respond to the questions in writing within five days of receiving the questions, allowing contractors time to digest the information from the debriefing and assess potential follow-up questions. This is an excellent opportunity that every contractor should take advantage of to investigate further as to why they did not receive an award.

    Are Us Government Contracts Public Records

    Why The U.S. Government Pays Lockheed Martin Billions

    Federal contracts are considered public records, with a few exceptions.

    Given how the resources used to fund the government contracts are from the taxpayers, the public has the right to know the details of the contract. But, not all kinds of information can be disclosed to the public, especially if it can adversely affect one party involved in the contract. According to Exemption 4 of the FOIA, the United States government will keep the commercial and financial details of the government contractor strictly confidential.

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    Request For Your Duns Number

    Your DUNS Number is your unique, 9-digit identifier code provided by Dun & Bradstreet . To obtain your DUNS Number, you must submit your application to the D& B website. This government service is free of charge and will take around 1-3 business days to fulfill. The system will send your DUNS Number through your registered email.

    Only Bid On Contracts That You Really Want

    Bidding on contracts requires time and moneyfinite resources you should conserve, especially during your bidding stage. And that is why you should only select projects to bid for that you are confident and competent enough to handle. Choose contract opportunities that let you play into your strengths.

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    A Snapshot Of Government

    In fiscal year 2020, the federal government spent more than $665 billion on contracts, an increase of over $70 billion from fiscal year 2019. Half of this increase, or $35 billion, is attributed to spending on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to treat COVID-19 patients, among other things related to COVID-19.

    Our infographic shows more details on how federal contracting dollars are spent across the federal governmentincluding which agencies obligated the most funds on contracts, what they bought, and whether the contracts were competed. In this years infographic, we also included information on federal spending under a special authority known as other transaction agreements . OTAs are exempt from the Federal Acquisition Regulation and as a result, agencies can customize them to help meet mission needs quickly and attract non-traditional government contractors. OTA usage has grown significantly over the past 5 years, with obligations increasing from $1.7 billion in 2016 to $16.5 billion in fiscal year 2020.

    Work With A Dc Fractional General Counsel On Federal Government Contracts

    Hartzman Tax &  Fiduciary: The notarized agreement signed by Greensboro ...

    A DC fractional general counsel helps you with every aspect of federal government contracting. From preparing your internal operations and accounting to submitting proposals and completing the work. Contact Steve Thienel today to see how you can benefit from the guidance, support, and legal advice of an experienced general counsel.

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    I: Basic Contracting Limits

    Entry into a contract or contractual arrangement must be approved by the Treasury Board if the amount payable, including all applicable taxes, fees and amendments, exceeds the stated monetary limit for the contracting authority identified in the basic limits schedules.

    When an exceptional limit for a specified program is lower than the basic limit for its corresponding schedule, the lower exceptional limit applies.

    Schedule 1: construction

    • Competitive construction contract: up to $11,500,000
    • Competitive architectural and engineering contract up to $1,850,000
    • Non-competitive architectural and engineering services contract up to $150,000
    • For housing and detachment projects:
    • competitive construction contract up to $23,000,000
    • competitive architectural and engineering services contract up to $3,700,000
  • Competitive and non-competitive goods and services contracts or arrangements up to an amount approved by the Treasury Board in support of sensitive operations
  • Until March 31, 2025, the Minister responsible for Shared Services Canada may enter into and amend non-competitive contracts for up to $22.5 million to support IT operations for the GC where IP rights of the supplier prevent the contract from being competed.

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