Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Infotech It Management & Governance Framework

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Use The Future State Design For It Governance Tool To Create A Custom Governance Framework For Your Organization

State of Minnesota Builds Governance Model Using the Cloud

How to use the Future State Design for IT Governance deliverable: Follow the steps below to redesign the future state of IT governance. Use the guidelines to respond to challenges identified in the current governance framework based on the current state assessment.

Part A Structure Map

Do governing bodies operate at a tier that matches the guidelines? Do governing bodies focus on the decisions that align with the guidelines? 2. Guiding QuestionsDo the process inputs and outputs reflect the structure and authority guidelines? Do governing bodies engage the right people who have the roles, capacity, and knowledge to govern?
3. Add / Change / RemoveGoverning Bodies Structure
Use the IT Governance Terms of Reference for Redesign

Phase : Align It With The Business Context

Align IT With the Business Context Assess the Current Governance Framework Redesign the Governance Framework
  • 1.2 Customize Make the Case Presentation
  • 1.3 Present to Executives
  • Make the case for a governance redesign.
  • Create a custom communication plan to facilitate support for the redesign process.
  • Establish a collectively agreed upon statement of business context.

Our Approach Is Complemented By Our Diagnostic Tools That Measure Your Success In Project Management

Key performance indicators of project management methodologies
Desired Outcome
Required Required

In the spirit of right-sizing your efforts, the blueprint provides clear criteria for the artifacts that should be employed for different levels of projects, so your team of PMs will be clear at each stage what artifacts are required, what artifacts are strongly recommended, and what artifacts are unnecessary.

*Full toolkit requirements are developed in the standard operating procedure template for this blueprint.

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A Small It Group Turns Poor Project Results And Bad Stakeholder Perceptions Around With Rigorous Pm Practices


“We usually throw a bunch of things at the wall and hope something sticks.”


A lack of upfront project planning was resulting in IT projects going over budget and time. This led to poor project resource satisfaction even if business stakeholders seemed to be satisfied with project results. Failures to thoroughly identify all relevant stakeholders and analyze risk was resulting in projects changing course mid-cycle, leading to less consistent and reliable project performance. The absence of a resource informed project intake process led to project resources being used for non-project work.


Poor project planning led to scope creep, low executive buy-in, and poorly defined requirements, which undermined project success. Poor project execution processes resulted in scope creep, low quality deliverables, poor stakeholder satisfaction, and a failure to deliver on project benefits.IT projects consistently concluded over budget and late, resulting in the widespread perception that IT was not delivering value.


Add Depth To The Committee Profiles Using The It Governance Terms Of Reference

IT Governance

Refer to the sections outlined below to build a committee charter for your governance committees. Four examples are provided in the tool and can be edited for your convenience. They are: Executive Management Committee, IT Steering Committee, Portfolio Review Board, and Risk and Compliance Committee.

Be sure to embed the domains of governance in the charters so that committees focus on the appropriate elements of benefits realization, risk optimization, and resource optimization.

Download the IT Governance Terms of Reference for more in-depth committee charters.

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Avoid Bureaucracy And Achieve Alignment With A Minimalist Approach

  • IT governance is the number-one predictor of value generated by IT, yet many organizations struggle to organize their governance effectively.
  • Current IT governance does not address the changing goals, risks, or context of the organization, so IT spend is not easily linked to value.
  • The right people are not making the right decisions about IT.

Trust For Successful Governance And Management

The critical success factor for IT governance and management is a community of trust. When those in IT governance do not trust those in IT management to undertake initiatives that will meet the strategic goals, the governance folks are apt to step in and try to take over the management function. This is symptomatic of a deeper cultural issue that needs to be resolved.

Persistent confusion between governance and management responsibilities is counterproductive both sides need to stay in their own swim lanes. If the board is not confident that their managers cannot deliver to the strategy they have set, then they need to invest in training or coaching to help them succeed, or they need to decide if they have the right people in the right roles.

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Cobit Focus Area: Information And Technology Risk

COBIT Focus Area: Information & Technology Risk provides guidance related to information and technology risk and how to apply COBIT to I& T risk practices. The publication is based on the COBIT core guidance for governance and management objectives, and it enhances the core guidance by highlighting risk-specific practices and activities as well as providing risk-specific metrics.

Determine The Most Effective And Impactful Communication Mediums For Relevant Stakeholders

NIST Privacy Framework IRL: Use Cases from the Field

4.2 1 hour


  • Consider the Individual or GroupConsider the group and individuals identified in step 4.1. Determine the most appropriate mechanism for communicating with that person or group. Keep in mind: If they are local, how much influence they have and if they are already engaged in the redesign process.
  • Consider the MessageThe type of message that you are communicating will vary in impact and importance depending on the task. Make sure that the communication medium reflects your message. Keep in mind: If the you are communicating an important or more personal issue, the medium should be more personal as well.
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    Document Your Process To Create A Work Breakdown Structure

    3.2.3 Estimated Time: 20 minutes

    PMBOK defines work breakdown structure as a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables. WBS divides project deliverables and work into smaller, more manageable components, which can be more easily estimated for time and cost. This provides the basis for schedule and cost management. WBS, its associated dictionary , and the scope statement form the project scope baseline.

    Review and customize section 4.2.3 Create a Work Breakdown Structure in Info-Techs Project Management SOP Template.

  • Review the criteria for a task, i.e. point at which no further breakdown is required: e.g. 2 weeks of time, $10,000 budget, or a single component of a deliverable.
  • Specify the required information for each WBS task in the WBS dictionary: e.g. description of work, responsible organization, assumptions and constraints.
  • Prescribe a validation method for WBS: e.g. obtain sign-off from the project sponsor.
  • Prescribe requirements for reviewing the WBS: e.g. every two weeks before weekly status report.
  • Level 0

    Tasks j, k, l..

    Info-Tech Insight

    Theres more than one way to skin a turnip, or in our case, break down a project into phases and tasks. Choose one that yields tasks with the most easily identifiable or quantifiable schedule, cost, or deliverable.

    Establish A Game Plan To Manage Individual Change Impact

    3.2.7 Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool

    The final tab of the assessment tool can be used to help track and monitor individual impact.

    • Use the Impact & Communications Plan on tab 8 to come up with a high-level game plan for managing individual impacts based on the likelihood of adoption scores for each one.
    • Assign staff to monitor each impact. In most cases, the PM of the project will monitor all impacts, but in some cases depending on the size of the project or the politics surrounding the impact you may need to pull in other IT/PMO staff.

    The Change Impacts column will pre-populate based on tab 4.

    Similarly, the Adoption Likelihood column will pre-populate based on your analysis of the individual impacts.

    Use the drop-down lists in column E to choose from the IT/PMO staff you entered in tab 2. Make someone accountable for monitoring individual impacts.

    Document steps being taken by PMO/IT staff to improve or leverage outcomes based on these adoption rankings. Also, schedule dates to revisit these rankings to ensure they do not fall off the radar.

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    Plan For Realizing Benefits From The Project

    Planning for what happens after the project actually allows the project to finish in scope, on time, and within budget.

    Project sponsors and stakeholders might know if projects are on time and on budget, but they do not know if projects are realizing business benefits and enabling enterprise objects. The benefits are first identified in the business case the project is approved with the expectation that these benefits will be realized.

    Benefits realization ensures that benefits provide measurable value when the project is implemented. The process begins by identifying and understanding project benefits, and then crafting a plan to track and measure them.

    While the main responsibility of the project manager and the project team is to ensure that the project is executed successfully, the project sponsor and project manager must work with business leaders in order to achieve benefits realization.

    17%: of organizations report a high benefits realization process maturity level .

    Download Info-Techs Benefits Management Plan Template to manage the realization of project benefits.

    While Intricately Related Project Governance And Project Management Have Distinct Concerns

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    Dont blur the lines between governance and management each has its own role to play.


    • Direction and accountability
    • Action and responsibility

    “Project governance is about increasing the success rate of projects. It provides a way for directors and senior management to exercise effective oversight and ensure their strategies are implemented and their benefits realised. Project governance sits above and outside of the project management domain.”

    Raymond Young

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    Identify Key Project Stakeholders

    A project is about change. Changes impact people. Invest the time to analyze the impact that the project will have on them your stakeholders.

    Who is a project stakeholder?

    A project stakeholder is any person, group, or organization that:

    • Is affected by the project or perceives that they might be affected by the project.
    • Can affect the project.

    When assessing an individual or group, ask whether they can impact/be impacted by any decision, change, or activity executed as part of the project. This might include individuals outside of the organization.

    Use a power map to identify key project stakeholders

    A key project stakeholder is a stakeholder that will be able to influence the project or be impacted by project outcomes .

    Download Info-Techs Project Stakeholder and Impact Assessment Tool.

    Info-Tech Insight

    Dont overlook the project manager as a key project stakeholder. Their commitment, buy-in, and engagement are essential for project success. The intended project manager should be involved in the early stages of the planning before the details of the project are finalized.

    A Holistic View Of Third

    For financial enterprises to have a complete understanding of their third-party ecosystem, it is crucial to have a holistic view of their supplier ecosystem, especially the Tier 1 and Tier 2 third-parties with key data points such as ESR , analyst ratings, adverse events, corporate financials, etc. The organization should be able to aggregate the third-party-related data from multiple sources easily and should have the ability to update and manage the data easily. They should also have the ability to visualize the information on dashboards for a detailed overview and drill-down analysis.

    Having a complete overview of the crucial data of the third-party ecosystem enables the enterprise to monitor, assess and mitigate risks quickly.

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    Cobit 2019 Design Guide: Designing An Information And Technology Governance Solution

    This new publication fills an important need for COBIT usershow to put COBIT to practical use. It offers prescriptive how-to information for the user, such as:

    • Tailoring a governance system to the enterprises unique circumstances and context
    • Defining and listing various design factors and how they relate to the new COBIT 2019 concepts
    • Describing the potential impact these design factors have on implementation of a governance system, and
    • Recommending workflows for creating the right-sized design for your governance system

    Create An Implementation Roadmap To Organize A Plan For The Redesign

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    4A Create an implementation and communication plan


  • Identify TasksDecide on the order of tasks for your implementation plan. Consider the dependencies of actions and plan the sequence accordingly.
  • Determine Communication MethodIdentify the most appropriate and impactful method of communicating at each milestone identified in step 1.
  • Download the IT Governance Implementation Plan to organize your customized implementation and communication plan.

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    How To Choose Which Framework To Use

    Most IT governance frameworks are designed to help you decide how your IT department is functioning overall, what key metrics management needs, and what return IT is giving back to the business from its investments.

    When reviewing frameworks, consider your companys culture. Is there a type of framework or model that stands out as a perfect fit? Does it resonate with your stakeholders? That framework is the best choice. Also, remember that you dont have to just choose one framework, there are frameworks that complement each other, and it might make sense for your organization to use both.

    Use Case : Organisation Wide Cyber Vitality Self

    Connect NZ utilizes the Spotica platform which has the NZISM, ISO27000 series, Data Privacy , NIST, COBIT and CIS Top20 standards embedded in a digitized knowledge engine that enables Connect NZ to support organizations in new Zealand by performing a full self-assessment of the relevant assets that need to be protected using a digital aide, and then be guided through which controls are currently in place and which controls need to be put in place, and then a guide on how to implement those controls. The platform has a real time reporting capability that provides a holistic visual representation of Cyber Vitality and full reporting of which controls need to be implemented and how.

    • Identify Assets in Scope
    • Automatically Identify Threats related to the Assets
    • Provides All relevant controls to mitigate the Threats

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    Document Your Process For Stakeholder Engagement During The Course Of The Project

    4.1.3 Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    Review and customize section 4.3.3 Manage Stakeholders in Info-Techs Project Management SOP Template.

    Controlling stakeholder engagement is about maintaining or improving the efficiency and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement as the project evolves. Periodically revisit the stakeholder impact assessment to ensure that risks of stakeholder non-adoption and resistance are mitigated. Lean on the communication management plan to bring success to stakeholder management in the course of a project. Provide stakeholders with information on project status and progress, solicit feedback, and address issues. It is important to establish tailored stakeholder management techniques and reporting requirements, so that important project information is relayed to relevant stakeholders in a consistent manner.

    Customize your SOP with the following information:

    • Requirements for stakeholder engagement
    • Resources for stakeholder engagement
    • Frequency of revisiting stakeholder and impact assessment
    • Procedure for project change requests arising from stakeholder interaction
    • Requirements for documenting stakeholder engagement

    Manage Your Project Team

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    4.1.2 Estimated Time: 15 minutes

    Review and customize section 4.3.2 Acquire and Manage Project Team in Info-Techs Project Management SOP Template.

    It is the project managers job to help the team focus on top priority tasks. The project manager can increase project success by:

    • Encouraging communication and keeping team members up to date on any project changes.
    • Providing regular performance feedback and evaluations.
    • Arranging necessary training.
    • Resolving internal issues and challenges.
    • Monitoring team morale to ensure the project team understands and is committed to the project objectives.
    • Asking project team members about their objectives and what they hope to achieve out of the project outcomes.

    How to manage a project team

  • Refer to the staffing plan created during the planning phase.
  • Obtain team buy-in for what the project is about.
  • Hold regular and frequent status meetings with the project team. In addition to managing project tasks, use these meetings to resolve project or team issues and address any resource changes.
  • Establish clear tasks and activities for each project team member so they know what needs to be accomplished. Tell them how progress will be measured so they know the project tasks are done as needed.
  • Create a platform for accessing resources. For example, establish files on SharePoint and let the team know where the documents are. Get this administrative setup completed at the beginning.
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    Set Your Thresholds For Level 2 And Level 3 Projects

    1.3.3 Estimated Time: 30 minutes

    Now that the minimum threshold for your smallest projects has been identified, its time to identify the maximum threshold in order to better apply project management rigor where its needed.

  • Looking at your project list, isolate the medium and large projects. Examine the two categories in turn.
  • Start with the medium projects. Using the criteria identified in the previous activity, identify where your level one category ends.
    • What are the commonly recurring thresholds that distinguish medium-sized projects from smaller initiatives?
    • Are there any criteria that would need to take on a greater importance when making the distinction? For instance, will cost or duration take on a greater weightings when determining level thresholds?
    • Once you have reached consensus, record these in the table on the next slide.
  • Now examine your largest projects. Once again relying on the criteria from Activity 1.3.2, determine where your medium-sized projects end and your large projects begin.
    • What are the commonly recurring thresholds that distinguish large and extra-large projects from medium-sized initiatives?
    • Once you have reached consensus, records these in the table on the next slide.


    • The Project Level Selection Tool is our best ease-of-use option.
    • It is out of the box ready to use, consisting of six criteria and a six-question questionnaire.

    Alternative #2: Project Level Assessment Tool

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