Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How To Steal Money From The Government

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Home Mortgage Payment Assistance

How Fraudsters Stole Billions Of Dollars In Covid Relief Funds

If you are struggling to make your current home mortgage payment, the Homeownership Preservation Foundation offers a free hotline that puts you in contact with a foreclosure prevention specialist.

That toll-free number is 888-995-HOPE . With one call, you can talk to an expert when rising interest rates, job loss, health crises, a weak real estate market, or even a loan scam affects your finances.

The Homeownership Preservation Foundation is a HUD-approved organization, which means you wont get scammed.

For your convenience, the hotline is open 24/7/365. Whether you call at midnight or noon, even on holidays, someone is waiting for your phone call.

How To Protect Yourself

Remember these tips to avoid a banking scam:


  • Be suspicious if you are told to wire a portion of funds from a check you received back to a company.

  • Be wary of lotteries or free trials that ask for your bank account number.

  • Verify the authenticity of a cashiers check with the bank that it is drawn on before depositing it.

  • When verifying a check or the issuer, use contact information on a banks website.


  • Dont trust the appearance of checks or money orders. Scammers can make them look legitimate and official.

  • Dont deposit checks or money orders from strangers or companies you dont have a relationship with.

  • Dont wire money to people or companies you dont know.

  • Dont give your bank account number to someone who calls you, even for verification purposes.

  • Dont click on links in an email to verify your bank account.

  • Dont accept a check that includes an overpayment.

Navarre Man Pleads Guilty To Stealing Money From The Government By Falsifying Travel Expense Claims

Friday, March 31, 2017

Navarre Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing Money from the Government by Falsifying Travel Expense Claims

PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Timothy James Nelson, 36, of Navarre, Florida, has pled guilty to theft of government funds. The guilty plea was announced by Christopher P. Canova, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Florida.

Documents introduced at the time of the guilty plea reflect that, between July 1, 2015, and April 1, 2016, Nelson submitted false travel expense claims for hotel stays to steal $29,650 from the U.S. Department of State. Nelson did so while working as a contractor in Jerusalem for a security company installing and repairing communication equipment in vehicles operated by employees of the U.S. Department of State.

Nelson faces a maximum of 10 years in prison. The sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 16 at 1:00 p.m. at the United States Courthouse in Pensacola.

The case was investigated by special agents from the United States Department of States Office of Inspector General , Steve A. Linick inspector general. It was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney J. Ryan Love.

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How You Can Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Beware of unsolicited phone calls or emails that ask for personal information. And always be cautious about who you provide your personal information to.

If someone is requesting your personal information ask yourself, is there a legitimate reason for me to give out this information?

There are some other simple things that you can do to help safeguard your identity.

  • Make sure you have a secure place to store your personal documents.
  • Destroy excess personal information kept physically.
  • Do not just throw personal information away, shred it first.
  • Regularly review your bank statements to check for anything unusual. Report suspicious transactions immediately.
  • When using an ATM cover your PIN and check the machine to see if there is anything strange or other not quite right fixtures attached to it.

Va Employees Plead Guilty In $29 Million Embezzlement Scheme

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Two former employees of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs entered guilty pleas in a $2.9 million embezzlement scheme, announced U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Chad E. Meacham.

Randius McGlown, 56, and Charles Gates, 54, both pleaded guilty to theft of government funds. Mr. McGlown entered his plea in October and Mr. Gates entered his on Thursday.

According to plea papers, Mr. McGlown, an inventory manager and acquisition utilization specialist at the Dallas VA Medical Center, entered a company he created, G4 Logistics, into the medical centers vendor system in 2014.

He and Mr. Gates then generated phony purchase orders for G4 equipment and materials and used a medical center-issued purchase card to pay the bill using the payment processing platform Stripe. G4 never delivered any items.

The VA money paid to G4 was deposited into an account controlled by an individual identified in court documents as J.R. When he was notified of a fake purchase, J.R. would withdraw the money from the account, deliver most of it to Mr. McGlown or Mr. Gates, and keep the remaining amount for himself.

In 2018, Mr. McGlown switched from G4 to another company he created, Caprice Electronics.

To conceal the scheme, Mr. McGlown created fake invoices and used existing items in the medical centers inventory to cover up the fact that G4 and Caprice never delivered any materials.

Mr. McGlown and Mr. Gates now face up to 10 years in federal prison.

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What Is A Grant Scam

The allure of so-called “free money” from the federal government has enabled scam artists to prey on people’s hopes by promising access to grants often for a fee. In reality, federal grants are rarely awarded to individuals seeking personal benefits, and applying for a grant is completely free.

Qualify For A Business Grant

Depending on what type of business you are launching, you can also qualify for a grant from Small Business Innovation Research agency. Most of these grants are for scientific and high-tech research and development.

To access the entire federal business grant database, search to find scientific and non-scientific grants. You might be able to find state and county grant listings on this website as well.

Otherwise, you can always check with your local Chamber of Commerce or Industrial Development agency for more information.

If youre a resident of Delaware, Mississippi, New York, or Oregon, you can also receive additional state-based self-employment assistance to help you start a small business if you are currently unemployed.

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How Does Asset Recovery Affect You

The financial losses from corruption drain resources for development and provide corrupt elites with the means to pay off allies and undermine representative government. Poverty, healthcare, education and unemployment are all negatively impacted by the theft of public assets and money. Environmental sustainability and green interventions become especially weakened.

Stolen assets from developing countries are often legally managed by some of the best known banks in financial centres around the world. Even when corrupt funds are located and frozen, banks continue to benefit from the interest.

Funds invested in asset recovery can leverage considerable resources in developing countries: for each dollar spent on investigating the proceeds of corruption, up to US$20 is tracked and frozen, with a significant proportion of that sum being then repatriated to the source country.

How Your Identity Can Be Stolen

Byron Donalds accuses administration of stealing Americans’ hard-earned money

There are many ways for your identity to be hijacked. It happen through an email or phone call where the thief pretends to be from a charity, a bank, your service provider or even a government agency.

Thieves may also hijack Facebook accounts and email addresses to impersonate your friends and loved ones and ask for money or information. Or they may send you an email with an attached virus that captures your password and personal information.

It can also happen on a very personal level when someone gains access to the information in your wallet, your mail or from your personal documents such as a birth certificate.

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Why Redenomination Fails To Make An Impact

Governments and central banks present several reasons for making such drastic redenominations. Some are practical, such as saving people the trouble of having to use a wheelbarrow full of paper money just to get a loaf of bread to feed their family.

Others are purely psychological, such as restoring ordinary peoples confidence in the national economy by making the currency look like its worth more in international terms. These appear to be more honest, as the real purpose is after all to hide the fact that the people in power have wiped out national savings through disastrous policies such as endless money printing.

According to economic research, redenomination has a long term impact on an economy only when it is accompanied by strong anti-inflationary financial steps and the removal of the economic policies causing the problem to begin with. Otherwise, the practice can backfire as people will see that the government can just remove as many zeros as it wants but inflation will keep biting, causing the populace to lose confidence and flee to more stable monetary options, further depressing the value of the local currency.

In the long term, the only foreseeable solution to preventing hyperinflation is to take the power to print money away from the state by transitioning to an inflation-resistant cryptocurrency-based monetary system.

What do you think about governments trying to hide inflation with redenomination? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

If You Receive A Suspicious Call Text Or Email:

  • Do not return unknown calls, texts, or emails.
  • Do not give money or personal information.
  • Report the scam to the Office of the Inspector General using the instructions below.
  • If you receive a call, text, or email that you believe to be suspicious, about a problem with your Social Security number or account, do not respond or engage with the caller or sender. Report Social Security phone, email, and text scams through our dedicated online form.

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    What Scammers Do With Your Personal Information

    With your personal information, scammers can:

    • access and drain your bank account
    • open new bank accounts in your name and take out loans or lines of credit
    • take out phone plans and other contracts
    • purchase expensive goods in your name
    • steal your superannuation
    • gain access to your government online services
    • access your email to find more sensitive information
    • access your social media accounts and impersonate you to scam your family and friends.

    Protect Yourself From Telephone Scams

    How sweet of the government to steal our money and then give us bread ...

    Remember these tips to avoid being a victim of a telephone scam:


    • Register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. You may register online or by calling . If you still receive telemarketing calls after registering, theres a good chance that the calls are scams.
    • Be wary of callers claiming that youve won a prize or vacation package.
    • Hang up on suspicious phone calls.
    • Be cautious of caller ID. Scammers can change the phone number that shows up on your caller ID screen. This is called spoofing.


    • Dont give in to pressure to take immediate action.
    • Dont say anything if a caller starts the call asking, Can you hear me? This is a common tactic for scammers to record you saying yes. Scammers record your yes response and use it as proof that you agreed to a purchase or credit card charge.
    • Dont provide your credit card number, bank account information, or other personal information to a caller.
    • Dont send money if a caller tells you to wire money or pay with a prepaid debit card.

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    How To Find Unclaimed Money

    If a business, government office, or other source owes you money that you dont collect, it’s considered unclaimed. Unclaimed property can include many things, including cash, checks, money orders, security deposits, or the contents of safe deposit boxes.

    The federal government doesnt have a central website for finding unclaimed money. But you dont need to hire a company to find unclaimed money for you. You can find it on your own for free, using official databases.

    How Governments Steal Your Money And Conceal It Through Inflation

    Dozens of countries all over the world have used the same trick called redenomination to hide how they have stolen their own citizens money through inflation or hyperinflation. The next nation to try this economic sleight of hand is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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    Have You Been Scammed

    If you think you have provided your account details, passport, tax file number, licence, Medicare or other personal identification details to a scammer, contact your bank, financial institution, or other relevant agencies immediately.

    You can also contact IDCARE a free government-funded service which will work with you to develop a specific response plan to your situation and support you through the process. Visit the IDCARE website or call 1800 595 160 or 0800 121 068 , or use their free Cyber First Aid Kit.

    We encourage you to report scams to the ACCC via the report a scam page. This helps us to warn people about current scams, monitor trends and disrupt scams where possible. Please include details of the scam contact you received, for example, email or screenshot.

    Spread the word to your friends and family to protect them.

    How To Spot A Government Imposter Scam

    Qld government land tax is ‘theft, pure and simple’

    Scammers are pretending to be government employees. They may threaten you and may demand immediate payment to avoid arrest or other legal action. These criminals continue to evolve and find new ways to steal your money and personal information. Do not fall for it! We want you to know how you and your loved ones can avoid becoming victims!

    Watch our public service announcement below

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    How You Can Stay Secure Online

    Here are some helpful tips to ensure you are secure online:

    • Install anti-virus software on all devices where possible and ensure that routine scans are scheduled.
    • Avoid using public access computers in internet cafes for internet banking.
    • Use only trusted payment systems and secured websites.
    • Be wary of strange emails offering deals that seem too good to be true or threaten a sense of urgency to comply with a demand. Even if the email appears to be coming from someone you trust, if it seems suspicious, treat it as suspicious.
    • Never provide personal information to anyone who emails or calls you.
    • Create long and unique passwords and store them in a password manager. If you suspect that your details have been caught up in a data breach, this is when password resets should be enacted.
    • Be careful about what you provide on social media and in emails
    • Delete excess personal information kept online.
    • Enable 2 Factor Authentication on all online accounts that support it.
    • Enable Full Disk Encryption on personal computers.
    • Make sure that software updates are regularly installed for all of your devices.

    Protect Yourself From Grant Scams

    Remember these tips to avoid being a victim of a grant scam:


    • Be wary of advertisements and calls about free government grants. These are usually scams.

    • Register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. This may reduce the number of telemarketing calls you receive. You can register:

    • By calling from the phone number you wish to register


    • Dont give your bank account information to anyone you dont know.

    • Dont pay any money for a government grant. You can get information about government grants for free at public libraries and online at Government agencies dont charge processing fees for grants theyve awarded.

    • Dont believe callers who claim theyre from an official-sounding government agency with news about a grant. Check out the name of the agency online or in the phone bookit may be fake.

    • Dont assume a phone call is originating from the area code displayed on your caller ID. Some scam artists use technology to disguise their location and make it appear as if theyre calling from Washington, DC.

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    They Will Confiscate Your Assets Through Inflation

    The government is going to steal your money and here is how they’re going to do it. I’m going to explain this to you in three simple fast steps.

    The government, you’re drunk, insolvent uncle Sam is in massive debt, almost 25 trillion. Maybe even more. To prove that, here is an image Of the US debt clock as of May 29 of this year.

    Now, look at this whiteboard and all of its elements.

    There’s nobody that wants inflation more than the government and you’re drunk, insolvent uncle Sam. In fact, he’s holding a sign saying: I heart inflation. And you better believe he does because he can only default or inflate his way out of the problem.

    In this whiteboard example, you are the guy on the right side of the board. Temporarily you have a big smile on your face because you’ve saved your money.

    You’ve worked your butt off to acquire some assets: Real estate, your 401k, some gold, and precious metals. Let’s say that right now, you have $50,000 in real estate, $25,000 in stocks, and $25,000 in gold, which equals a $100,000 portfolio.

    Your $100,000 portfolio represents the amount of goods and services, as you can see in the first blue circle on the right. That illustration is important, I’m going to key on that later on.

    This being said, the government comes in, and the Fed prints up funny money, which creates inflation in the economy.

    Your purchasing power, the amount of goods and services you can buy with the money on your portfolio, is still identical. It hasn’t changed.

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