Planning Your Future Career
America is home to more than 20 million working-age individuals who live with at least one disability. If you’re one of them, then understand that you are absolutely capable of achieving your career goals. You just need to find the people and organizations who will support your enthusiasm and determination. And you need to know how to conduct an effective job search.
So as you explore what your future might hold, take some time to look into the many career options you may not have considered before.
The following suggested jobs for disabled people are intended to help you begin that journey. But they are just ideas based on what other people with disabilities have been able to accomplish. You are a unique individual with your own interests and talents. Try not to limit yourself. If you can imagine a career you want, then you may be able to make it happen.
Use this list as a starting point. And keep in mind that some of the ideas in each disability category may also work for people who fall under one or more of the other categories.
A Qualified Talent Pool
- There are 645,000 Canadians with disabilities who have the potential to work in an inclusive labour market and are not currently workingFootnote 16
- Many Canadians with disabilities are unemployed or underemployedFootnote 17
- Improving workplace access would allow 550,000 Canadians with disabilities to work more, and increase the GDP by $16.9 billion by 2030Footnote 18
Assistance In A Community Living Bc Residence
For payments issued for the May 2021 benefit month:
- If you are living in a Community Living BC funded residence, you may get up to $1,358.42 per month in disability assistance
- From your $1,358.42, you pay your Community Living BC service provider $716.13 per month for your basic living costs
- This leaves you with up to $642.29 for personal expenses
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Employment Of People With Disabilities In The Public Service
Part 5 of the Disability Act 2005 sets out the legal obligations of public service bodies
- To promote and support the employment of people with disabilities
- To comply with any statutory Code of Practice
- To meet a target of 3% of employees with disabilities
- To report every year on achievement of these obligations
Read the NDA’s reports on compliance with Part 5 of the Disability Act.
Jobs For People With Disabilities
People with disabilities have a wide range of accommodating job options to choose from. Here are 17 great job options to consider:
National average salary:$23,901 per year
Primary duties: Bank tellers are responsible for helping bank patrons with tasks related to their bank accounts, including processing transactions. They usually possess skills in finance and customer service. These jobs typically take place at a desk or behind a counter.
National average salary:$27,260 per year
Primary duties: Baristas make coffee and other beverages at coffee shops or cafes. They also take the orders of customers, process payments and demonstrate customer service. Baristas may also prepare and serve pastries and snack food, depending on the shop they work for.
National average salary:$28,987 per year
Primary duties: Greeters welcome customers and clients as they walk into a store. Effective greeters usually have skills in communication as well as a friendly demeanor, as they regularly have the opportunity to work and communicate directly with other people. They may answer basic questions about the store they work for and direct guests to the appropriate aisles or services.
National average salary:$30,219 per year
National average salary:$32,334 per year
National average salary:$33,328 per year
National average salary:$35,115 per year
National average salary:$53,788 per year
National average salary:$54,205 per year
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Services For People With Disabilities
If you are living with a disability in B.C., there are programs and services available you. These programs and services get funding of more than $5 billion each year. They are offered through government, crown agencies and corporations.
If you are living with a disability in B.C., there are programs and services available to you. These programs and services get funding of more than $5 billion each year. They are offered through government, crown agencies and corporations.
Top 7 Government Jobs For People With Disabilities
7 Ideal Government Jobs for People Living withDisabilities
Dont let your disability prevent you from job searching. People with disabilities can work in a variety ofgovernment positions, as well as perform many other different jobs. Take a lookat the listings provided by disABLEDperson, Inc., and give us a call at760-420-1269 if you have any questions.
- disABLEDperson, Inc. is a 5013 non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce the high unemployment rate of individuals with disabilities.
- “We are simply here to serve.”
More Info
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Selective Placement Program/schedule A
Individuals with disabilities may apply through the competitive hiring process, or in some circumstances, under the non-competitive hiring authority for individuals with disabilities .
For consideration under the non-competitive hiring authority , send a resume, description of your career interests, your geographic preferences, and proof of disability to the Selective Placement Coordinator in your region.
Disabled veterans may also be considered under special hiring programs. Please contact our team.
The ABCs of Schedule A For Applicants with Disabilities
In the non-competitive hiring process, agencies may use a special authority to hire individuals with targeted disabilities without requiring them to compete for the job.
Individuals that may fall under this special hiring authority include individuals with intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities, or psychiatric disabilities.
For additional information, please reference this guide to non-competitive hiring authority .
Broadcast News Anchor Or Correspondent
Special talents like public speaking come naturally to some people with learning disabilities. So it might be worth investigating careers that involve being in front of a camera or audience. Broadcast news is a fascinating option since you may be able to do a lot of public good by reporting on what’s happening in your community or around the nation.
- Average yearly wages: $62,400
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Disability Benefits For Veterans
You may be eligible for disability benefits if you’re on disability from your service in the Canadian Armed Forces or Merchant Navy.
You may get social assistance payments from:
- your province or territory
- your First Nation
These payments will depend on your household income, savings and investments.
You may also be eligible for health-related benefits from your province or territory. These benefits may include benefits that help cover the cost of:
- medications
- medical aids or devices
Report On Compliance With These Obligations
Public bodies must report every year by 31st March on compliance with these obligations. They report to statutory Monitoring Committees in their parent Department. For civil servants, the report is to the Department of Finance Monitoring Committee.
In order to report on compliance with the 3% target, public bodies need to know how many of the staff they employ have a disability, i.e. Those staff covered by the definition in the Disability Act:
a substantial restriction in the capacity of the person to carry on a profession, business or occupation in the State or to participate in social or cultural life in the State by reason of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual impairment
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Making It Work On The Job
Keep an open mind, and work with your employer to be sure the job will be a good fit for you. Helpful changes can make your work easier, such as:
- Different work hours, part-time work, and other options.
- Assistive technologies, such as a screen reader, talking calculator, or buttons to open doors. Disability Related Employment Services offers help with these supports.
- The choice to work from home.
- The option to trade tasks with other workers.
Good Jobs For People With Learning Disabilities
This category sometimes gets overlooked, maybe because the different types of learning disabilities are so diverse. After all, one person might have imperfect reading, writing, or spelling abilities, whereas another person may have difficulty with using numbers, speaking, thinking, or listening. Even problems with memory, time management, and organization are sometimes considered learning disabilities.
So well-known conditions such as dyslexia and ADHD are only two of the many possible learning disabilities that can make it challenging to build a successful career. But you don’t have to be held back by your challenges. Some of humanity’s greatest contributorssuch as Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einsteinmay have had learning disabilities.
Although you might have challenges in one area, you may have real strengths and talents in another. For example, many people with at least one learning disability have valuable traits such as resilience, empathy, or creativity. Others seem to have a natural ability to speak in public or see the bigger picture. That’s why a lot of the careers that have already been mentioned are often good jobs for people with learning disabilities. Here are a few other possibilities to consider:
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How To Conduct An Effective Job Search If You Have A Disability: 8 Tips
There are plenty of satisfying jobs for people with disabilities. All kinds of Americans have found them, and you can too. It just takes dedication to the job-search process and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. After all, the best jobs tend to go to those who demonstrate so much confidence in their abilities that employers are able to see past their limitations. With that in mind, here are eight tips to help you get through this part of your journey:
Look Into Job Opportunities With The Federal Government As An Employee Or Contractor
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management offers two programs to students based on their educational attainment. The Recent Graduates Program is open to those who have graduated within the past two years from a qualifying educational institution or certificate program, or, for veterans, whose schooling is interrupted by military service obligation, up to six years following graduation. The Presidential Management Fellowship is open to recent graduates with an advanced degree either a professional or graduate degree such as a masters, Ph.D., or J.D.
Veterans may receive appointment to federal jobs through Veterans Recruitment Appointment, the 30% or More Disabled Veterans Program and Veterans Employment Opportunity Act appointments. Veterans also may receive vocational rehabilitation services through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and a host of other programs including many for job seekers and entrepreneurs. The Transition Assistance Program for example provides information, tools, and training to ensure service members and their spouses are prepared for the next step in civilian life.
The term mental retardation is used instead of cognitive disability, developmental disability, or intellectual disability, because its the official terminology used in the authorized Executive Order 12215, dated March 15, 1979.
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Government Jobs For Physically Disabled Candidates
The government of India has a reserved quota for all handicapped persons. Based on their age, disabilities, and educations, the candidates are selected into different post. The job category includes airport, bank, call centres, hospitals, post office, etc. Apart from these, the UPSC- Union Public Service Commission provides reservations for physically disabled candidates in the civil service exams. Every year limited seats about 27 to 30 are reserved for the physically disabled category.
Here is a complete information about the education qualification, age criteria, PWD category: PWD recruitment for the PWD Jobs vacancies 2018.
Educational Qualification: Matriculation, or 10th with 12th class passed candidates or Graduates.
Age Limit: The age of the candidate must be in between 21 to 33 years old.
PWD Category: Visual impairment, speech and hearing disability, orthopaedic disability, multiple disabilities.
A total number of attempts: Candidates belonging to PH or PWD category are eligible to have ten attempts.
There are more than 20 Civil services available for PWD category candidates.
Here is the list of services along with the category and physically requirement.
S.No |
Education Programs For People With Disabilities
Learn how to find government education programs and financial aid for people with disabilities.
Your state department of education or your local school board can tell you about:
Nearby programs
The state’s education rights for people with disabilities
An Individualized Education Program is a plan developed by a childs teachers and parents to meet that childs needs. Its an essential part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act . IDEA guarantees a free, appropriate public education to eligible children with disabilities.
College-bound students with intellectual disabilities may be eligible for financial aid programs. The Office for Federal Student Aid has information on loans, grants, and scholarships.
Contact the school you want to attend for more information on what help they offer.
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Almost Any Career That Lets You Work From Home
You might be in a situation where the less you have to go out, the better. In that case, jobs for disabled people at home can be a terrific option. Example careers that can provide such an opportunity include areas like computer support, medical transcription, graphic design, writing, and web development.
Average salaries:
- Web developers: $82,370
Transition Planning For Youth & Young Adults
If youre a young person with a developmental disability, moving to adulthood can be a challenge. If youre the parent, guardian, or caregiver of a young person with a developmental disability, helping them move towards adulthood can be just as challenging. A Navigator can help you and your family with this transition.
Disability assistance can help you if you need financial or health support. You must be designated as a Person with Disabilities to receive this type of assistance.
BC211 is the best way to find up-to-date listings for many disability services in the province.
You can search for a variety of services in your community and throughout B.C.
Learn more about the Provinces commitment to building a better B.C. for people with disabilities.
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Government Jobs For People With Disability Impacts Of A Target
Are you finding it difficult to secure a government job as a graduate with disability? While the National Disability Strategy called for all levels of government to step up and play a role in improving the lives and experiences of people with disability, including opportunities for employment its hard to see what difference this has made. So how effective has the government response been?
Through the as one Australian Public Service Disability Employment Strategy the Australian Public Service Commission committed to transforming the hearts and minds, and the practices of Public Sector Agencies to improve the diversity of their workforce. However, advocates point out that such policies dont seem to be working as the numbers of employees with disability continue to fall within the public sector.
So is it time to take a new approach?
An alternative approach was taken in the United States in 2010 when President Obama issued an Executive Order that recognized that the Federal Government, as the Nations largest employer, must become a model for the employment of individuals with disabilities. This order directed agencies to improve their efforts through increased recruitment, hiring, and retention of people with disability. This was promoted as not only the right and moral thing to do, but that it was good business as it would increase the potential of highly qualified people in the recruitment pool.
How did they achieve this?
Vocational Rehabilitation & Reasonable Accommodations
Vocational Rehabilitation
Social Security supports the State VR agencies in their efforts to help prepare people with disabilities for jobs and teach them job skills.
State VR agencies provide a range of services including:
- Vocational counseling & guidance
- Assistive technology and rehabilitation technology services referral services support, advocacy, and follow-up services.
For more information, visit:
Reasonable Accommodations
Reasonable Accommodations are modifications or adjustments to a job or change in the work environment that enables a person with a disability to compete equally or perform the essential functions of the position.
Reasonable accommodation also includes adjustments to assure an individual with a disability has equal benefits and privileges of employment enjoyed by other similarly situated employees without disabilities.
The accommodation must be job related e.g. hearing aids, prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, and transportation to work.
Accommodations also include:
- Specialized Training on the use of Assistive Devices
- Modified Job Duties and Restructured Work Sites
- Provided Accessible Technology or other Workplace Adaptive Equipment
Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where or how job tasks are performed.
For more information, visit OPM’s Disability Employment Reasonable Accommodations webpage.
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Appointment Under Special Authorities
The Federal Government may hire people with disabilities using the excepted service special appointing authorities. Federal agencies use these authorities when considering hiring certain people with severe cognitive, physical or psychiatric disabilities or who have a history of such disabilities. The authorities offer agencies an opportunity to demonstrate the potential to successfully perform the essential duties of a position with or without reasonable accommodation in the workplace.
In addition, federal employers can use the following hiring authorities to provide assistance to employees with disabilities:
- Schedule A, 5 CFR 213.3102 for Hiring Readers Interpreters, and Other Personal Assistants. This authority permits appointments of readers, interpreters, and personal assistants for employees with severe disabilities when filled on a full-time, part-time, or intermittent basis. Upon completion of at least one year of satisfactory service under this authority, the employee may qualify for conversion to the competitive service.