Monday, July 8, 2024

Free Government Help To Quit Smoking

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Info On Free Nicotine Patches Gum & Lozenges And Other Quit Medications

Quitlines Can Help Your Patients Quit Smoking

The most commonly used family of quit medications are nicotine replacement therapy, like patches, gum and lozenges. 802Quits offers these FREE to people trying to quit tobacco and delivers them directly to your home. Free quit medications arrive within 10 days of ordering. You can get free nicotine patches before your quit date as long as you have a quit date within 30 days before enrolling to receive the services.

In addition to ordering nicotine patches, gum and lozenges for FREE from 802Quits, your healthcare provider can prescribe other types of quit medications. When medications are used together, it can help you quit and maintain success. Talk with your provider.

Early Days Smoke Free Family

If your family has just grown a little person bigger and you want to quit smoking but it seems impossible right now then we totally understand where you are coming from.

Trying to quit smoking is hard enough but when you feel like those 5 minute breaks are all that keep you going its even harder. We know where youre coming from and so Quit4You advisers are ready to provide lots of really useful information about stopping smoking. Contact us to arrange a tea and chatter about how we can support you and your family to become smokefree.

Does The Program Offer Any Other Support To Help Me Quit Smoking

A combination of medication and counselling are known to be a better way to help people quit smoking than either alone. If you would like counselling to help you with your quit attempt, you can make a follow-up appointment with your Primary Care Network nurse.

There are also other options available to support you in quitting smoking, including:

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What Kind Of Free Quit Smoking Products Can I Get

The kind of free quit smoking products you can get also varies from state to state. While you can get free patches, gums and lozenges in Minnesota and Arizona you cannot get anything in states like Colorado or New Jersey.

States like Maine and Kentucky give out free quit smoking products like patches and gums but they do not give out quit smoking medications like Chantix and Zyban, the two FDA approved medications to quit smoking. While in states like Delaware and South Dakota you can get free quit smoking medication.

Again, you have to do your own research on whether your state provides free quit smoking products since it is not a nation-wide program and each state determines how much funding they put into tobacco cessation programs.

Positive Ways To Overcome Stress

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There is no single way to cope with stress because everyone is different. Here are some suggestions:

  • find someone who you can talk to about stressful situations and discuss solutions with
  • relax by listening to soft music, reading a good book, doing yoga or taking a walk
  • give yourself regular rewards to celebrate your accomplishments
  • maintain a healthy diet
  • become more physically active to help release the body’s natural calming chemicals and to promote better sleep

Want to quit smoking but are worried and stressed?

  • You dont have to do it alone. Talk to a quit coach, support group or loved-one. You can be proud to ask for help, knowing that by doing so youve increased your chances of success.
  • Building a plan ahead that includes several quitting methods can also give you peace-of-mind.

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What Is Secondhand Smoke

Secondhand smoke is simply other people’s tobacco smoke, and is also known as passive smoke or environmental tobacco smoke .

Secondhand smoke is made up of the smoke from the burning end of the cigarette plus the smoke that the smoker breathes out. But it is the smoke from the burning end of the cigarette that makes the most secondhand smoke, and this smoke is poisonous as it contains high concentrations of toxic chemicals such as hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, carbon monoxide and acrolein.

What Treatments Are Available To Help Me Quit Smoking

Eligible PEI residents can be covered for one complete course of the following two treatment options:

  • Option 1: Non-Prescription Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products
  • Option 2: Prescription smoking cessation medication. The program covers two smoking cessation medications: bupropion or varenicline . Once per year, eligible PEI residents can receive a single continuous course of one of the approved prescription smoking cessation medications.

Once per year, eligible PEI residents can receive a single continuous course of one NRT product or smoking cessation medication.

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Cancer Heart Disease And Strokes

Smoking is a major risk for coronary heart disease, strokes and other diseases, including lung cancer.

If you quit and then relapse, accept it, work out why it happened, and focus on how you can avoid it in future.

It takes several efforts for many people to quit for good but if you are determined, you will do it.

Quit Assistance For Medicaid Members

Quitlines: Helping You Quit Smoking for Good.

Medicaid pays for quit smoking treatment delivered by your health care provider.

Medicaid covers quit counseling and all seven smoking cessation medications approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration :

  • five nicotine replacement therapies patch, gum, lozenge, inhaler and nasal spray and
  • two non-nicotine oral medications bupropion SR and varenicline .

And, Medicaid covers the use of two medications at once, which is safe for most people.2 Using two medications as prescribed by your provider is even more helpful in reducing cravings and other withdrawal symptoms.2

Medicaid even pays for over-the-counter nicotine patches, gum and lozenges with a fiscal order from your provider.

And, because it may take you more than one try to quit, Medicaid covers repeated treatment by your provider.

Talk to your health care provider about which treatment might be right for you.

For information about what drugs Medicaid covers, visit the NYS Medicaid Managed Care Pharmacy Benefit Information CenterDrug Look-Up.

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How Can I Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is hard for most people regardless of age but it is never too late to quit.

Chances of success in quitting smoking doubles with planning, a good support network, and for some people nicotine replacement therapy or smoking cessation prescription medication.

QuitNow BC is a free Government of British Columbia program to help B.C. residents quit smoking and remain smoke-free.

They offer a variety of quit service modalities:

  • Chat and Phone Support is one-to-one support offered by Quit Coaches by telephone or ‘Live’ online chat on the QuitNow website
  • Web Support assists in creating a personalized Quit Plan on the QuitNow website
  • Text Support is provided by texting “QUITNOW” to 654321
  • Group Support by Phone offers practical tips for quitting from Quit Coaches and from others who are on the same journey call to register
  • QuitNow also provide supports to quit vaping nicotine products call or connect via Live Chat for this service

The BC Smoking Cessation Program helps people stop using tobacco products by assisting them with the cost of smoking cessation medications. BC residents can obtain 12 weeks of free NRT by seeing a pharmacist and signing a declaration form. The program covers the cost of the stop smoking prescription medication for those registered on a PharmaCare Plan.

How Does It Help

By providing small, measured doses of nicotine into the bloodstream, you’re not getting the harmful chemicals from tobacco smoke. Reducing physical withdrawal symptoms means you can focus on the situations and emotions that can trigger a desire to smoke.

Did you know?

Combining 2 forms of NRT has been shown to work better than using a single method because they work in different ways. For example:

  • a patch releases nicotine slowly, giving you a steady dose of nicotine
  • a gum or spray releases nicotine more quickly, helping deal with sudden cravings

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The Influence Of Networks And Places

A persons decision to quit smoking and the ability to stay smokefree is influenced by their social network. Research suggests that smoking cessation spreads through social networks just as smoking does.

The successful Stoptober campaign uses the power of social networks in the local community. It does this through employer networks and online, encouraging people to attempt to quit and supporting them through it.

PHE provides a range of resources to enable local areas, other government departments and employers to make the most of the momentum created by Stoptober to encourage quit attempts in their own environment.

The NHS and local government, in particular, have a major contribution to make as employers of 1.3 million people and 1.6 million people respectively.

How To Quit Smoking

Does Vaping Really Help you Quit Smoking?

Your health will benefit as soon as you stop smoking so find out what steps to follow in order to quit. Learn about different quitting methods and how you may feel during the process. Find out about support that’s available to help you, or a friend or family member, quit smoking.

  • Listen

Smoking is addictive.

It’s hard to stop, but with help and support, you can quit smoking.

Quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, things a person can do. Most smokers say they would like to quit, and may have tried at least once. Some are successful the first time, but others try a number of times before they finally give up for good.

It might take time, it can be hard as your body has become dependent on nicotine, but many people have succeeded in giving up smoking. Become one of them by making a quit plan, using these steps:

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My State Does Not Offer Free Quit Smoking Products What Do I Do

If your state does not offer free quit smoking products through its statewide tobacco cessation program, there is still the possibility to get free quit smoking products through Medicaid coverage.

Because of the recent expansion of Medicaid due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, those states that have accepted federal money are required to also cover tobacco cessation products, meaning that you could get nicotine patches and gum through your Medicaid insurance.

However, not all states have expanded Medicaid. Depending on the state that you live in, there might be co-pays and other charges required to get smoking cessation products. You have to check with your states Medicaid program to find out more details on whether smoking cessation products are covered.

If you are a state employee, your state health plan might also cover smoking cessation products, but coverage varies from state to state, so you should also check with your state employee health plan to find out more.

What We Can Do

We need to step up our efforts to help people quit, especially those groups with the highest smoking rates and lowest quit rates. The prize is huge, both for individuals and the population as a whole.

Quitters will start to see benefits quickly and these increase dramatically the longer they stay smokefree. After just 48 hours of stopping, theres no nicotine in the body and quitters may start noticing that things smell and taste better. Within 1 to 9 months of quitting, coughing and shortness of breath decrease. After 1 year, the added risk of a heart attack falls to about half of that of a smokers.

Stopping can also help to improve symptoms of mental health problems in the longer term. It is also associated with improvements in mental health, including depression, anxiety and stress. This seems to apply both to the general population as well as to people with mental health problems.

Across the population, well do more to tackle health inequalities if were able to reduce smoking rates in more disadvantaged groups. Well also address the unacceptably high numbers of people dying from smoking related diseases: 78,200 in 2013.

This resource sets out the actions that PHE, together with its stakeholders, can take to boost the numbers of people who try to quit and succeed.

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Secondhand Smoke And Cancer

For smokers and non-smokers looking to learn about the health impact of smoking.

Secondhand smoke is associated with disease and premature death in nonsmoking adults and children. There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Even low levels can be harmful. The only way to fully protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke is to completely eliminate smoking in indoor spaces.

Smoking Reinforces Health Inequalities

Quitting Smoking Can Be Done

Smoking and the harm it causes arent evenly distributed. People in more deprived areas are more likely to smoke and are less likely to quit. Smoking is increasingly concentrated in more disadvantaged groups and is the main contributor to health inequalities in England. Men and women from the most deprived groups have more than double the death rate from lung cancer compared with those from the least deprived. Smoking is twice as common in people with longstanding mental health problems.

There are relatively high smoking levels among certain demographic groups, including Bangladeshi, Irish and Pakistani men and among Irish and Black Caribbean women. Smoking in pregnancy increases the risks of miscarriage, stillbirth or having a sick baby, and is a major cause of child health inequalities. At the time of their babies birth, over 1 in 4 pregnant women are recorded as smokers in Blackpool, but fewer than 2 in 100 in the London Borough of Westminster.

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provide a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco-related harm and measures being taken to reduce this harm at local level.

There are encouraging trends, but some groups dont benefit as much as others. The number of smokers has fallen by roughly 30% over the past 20 years, but its barely changed among people with mental health problems.

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Who Is Trying To Quit And How

Most smokers want to stop but quitting is hard. Many people make several attempts before they succeed. Its even harder when people are dealing with stress in their lives.

To improve their chances of quitting, all smokers need:

  • effective services and therapies
  • supportive social networks
  • smokefree environments

Local stop smoking services offer the best chance of success. They are up to 4 times more effective than no help or over the counter nicotine replacement therapy . However, the number of people using these services is falling. Around 450,000 people set a quit date through stop smoking services from April 2014 to March 2015. Instead, most smokers use the quitting methods with the least evidence of effectiveness.

Stop smoking services need good referral routes. Health professionals, such as GPs, midwives, pharmacists, dental teams and mental health staff are often well placed to refer smokers to these services. Services also need to be responsive to local needs and targeted to provide the right support to the people who need it most. For example, people with mental health problems may need higher doses of NRT and more intensive behavioural support than the general population.

Smokers who want to use electronic cigarettes to help them quit should seek the expert support of their local stop smoking service. Stop smoking services should provide them with the support they need to stop successfully. PHE encourages all electronic cigarette users to quit tobacco use.

Medical Conditions To Consider

If you have a medical condition or concerns, such as the ones bellow, you should talk to a health care provider before using quit aids to see what is right for you.

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have a history of seizures
  • You are taking medication for a mental health condition such as depression
  • You are taking natural health care products such as St. Johns Wort
  • You have a history of anorexia or bulimia
  • You take MAO inhibitors , or are allergic to bupropion hydrochloride.
  • You are alcohol dependent

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Why Is Secondhand Smoke Bad For Health

Secondhand smoke can cause very serious health problems – it does more than cause unpleasant side effects in some people like sore eyes, headaches, throat irritation and coughing.

Being exposed to secondhand smoke can increase a non-smoker’s risk of getting lung cancer by 24% and the risk of getting heart disease by 25%, as well as being associated with many other medical conditions like the respiratory disease COPD and other types of cancer.

There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Just 30 minutes breathing in secondhand smoke can make blood platelets becomes more sticky, which means the person has a higher risk of having a heart attack or developing other heart problems.

Being in an enclosed place where people are smoking can be harmful, even if it does not appear smoky as 85% of secondhand smoke is invisible and odourless.

Secondhand smoke can also linger in an enclosed place long after someone has been smoking. Scientists have also found that ventilation systems are not able to eliminate the risks of secondhand smoke.

The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer says that tobacco smoke is a substance that causes cancer in humans . Other health and scientific organisations have also classified secondhand smoke as a carcinogen – like the poisonous substances arsenic, asbestos, and radon.

Free Mailed Nicotine Patches May Help Smokers Quit

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Intervention helped boost success rates a bit, even when counseling wasn’t included, study found

HealthDay Reporter

MONDAY, Jan. 25, 2016 — Helping smokers quit may be as easy as mailing them free nicotine-replacement patches, even in the absence of counseling or other support, a new Canadian study shows.

The finding didn’t surprise one expert in lung health, Dr. Len Horovitz.

“Sometimes smokers simply need access to help and a jumpstart,” said Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

In the study, a team led by John Cunningham at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto randomly sent nicotine-replacement patches to smokers who had said they were interested in quitting.

The researchers mailed a five-week course of nicotine patches to 500 people free of charge. The smokers were not offered any behavioral assistance — for example, counseling — to enhance their quitting efforts. The smokers averaged 48 years of age.

The participants’ self-reported 30-day abstinence from smoking after six months was more than twice as high as that of 499 similar smokers who had not received the free nicotine patches, the study found.

To help make sure the participants were being truthful about quitting, about half returned usable saliva samples, which enabled the researchers to confirm abstinence at six months.

Quit rates were still low, but were higher in people who’d gotten the free patches, Cunningham’s team reported.

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