Monday, September 9, 2024

Federal Government Learning Management System

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Benue Govt Introduces Education Management Information System To Improve Learning
Skillsoft eLearning provides the acquisition workforce opportunities to participate in continuous learning activities through their agency Learning Management Systems . Skillsoft has collaborated with FAI to identify and review continuous learning opportunities which align with the FAC-P/PM competencies to assist the federal acquisition workforce in meeting their continuous learning point requirements.

Hosting Of Online Courses Or Content Within Itm Learning

  • This policy establishes guidance on the location and criteria for hosting IRS online courses and content used from ITM Learning.

  • All online course content accessed from ITM Learning must meet Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and online content technical standards.

  • Online content provided for use through ITM Learning must be routed to the ITM system environment and hosted within the ITM Learning content repository. Online content includes, but is not limited to, commercially developed and purchased content, IRS-developed or customized content, and other governmental agency developed content.

  • The hosted online content to be stored in the IRS location of the ITM Learning content repository must comply with IRS e-learning at:, Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee at:, or Sharable Content Object Reference Model standards at:

  • All content developed by the IRS, other government agencies or vendors must meet IRS e-learning standards, which include accessibility requirements to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Content developers must test their content and ensure it is 508 compliant before being made available from ITM.

  • Top Features To Look For In Learning Management Systems

    1. Reports And Analytics

    You must be able to monitor your online training initiatives to determine if they are on target or require minor adjustments. The same rule also applies to individual learner performance. Are corporate learners engaging with online training content? Is it giving them all the information they require to achieve their learning objectives? These are questions that can be answered with a robust reporting system built into your new LMS. Learning Management Systems also offer analytics that allow you to monitor online training on individual and group level. For example, determine whether a certain percentage of your audience has completed the online training course requirements or not, or how long they take to complete each online training activity on average. Most will even deliver the analytics right to your inbox via automated email reports.

    2. Responsive Design

    3. Intuitive User Interface

    4. Support Services

    5. eLearning Assessment Tools

    You should assess your corporate learners periodically to identify gaps and intervene when necessary. Therefore, the LMS must be able to support a broad range of eLearning assessment methods. Many even offer built-in eLearning assessment tools, such as eLearning templates. Lastly, there must be LMS reports dedicated to eLearning assessment tracking.

    6. Gamification Features

    7. Compliance And Certification Support

    8. Social Learning Support

    9. Localization

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    + Best Learning Management Systems Software For Government 2022

    Government has a critical and federal role in maintaining a countrys foundation. Hence, government institutions hire qualified and competent people to ensure compliance with new regulations and policies. As changes in the system happen in a blink of an eye, the government learning management system is a go-to solution to face such challenges. Integrating the best learning management system for the government is an opportunity that provides reinvented training solutions for federal employees. SoftwareWorld is a one-stop solution that provides a list of learning management systems for government institutions. You will find the best LMS solutions that help in developing employee-specific learning paths, managing and tracking employee training records, organizing mass training programs, deploying training initiatives to remote workers, and numerous other benefits. Here are a few best LMS for a government that you might choose to prefer

    New Online Course For Researchers And Academic Administrators

    SharePoint 2010

    Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada, in collaboration with the Cyber Centres Learning Hub, have developed an online course to better equip Canadian researchers with the knowledge and resources to protect their research. The Cyber Security for Researchers online course provides participants with an overview of the cyber threat environment, offers advice on cyber hygiene best practices, and provides practical cyber security resources to researchers and academic administrators. You can access the course by logging on to the Safeguarding Your Research portal. The course is free and takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

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    Welcome To The Updated Learndoj

    Whether you’re looking to discover new learning opportunities, better manage your career, request external training or connect your employees with the learning they need, learnDOJ provides new features and services to help.

    • Explore the enhanced catalog and try new online tools. Find the learning that best suits your needs, whether it is live classroom, National Advocacy Center training or a web-based course to take on your schedule.
    • Use the new external training process to request the learning you need to further your career.
    • Track your employees learning needs with features like the new supervisory dashboard.

    Login and continue learning today!

    New : Universit De Montral Collaboration

    The Learning Hub recently collaborated with SERENE-RISC, the smart cybersecurity network hosted by the Université de Montréal, to help create their new Massive Open Online Course called « La cybersécurité en milieu universitaire ». The goal of this course is to increase cybersecurity awareness within the academic community. The course is available through the Edulib platform , takes approximately three hours to complete, and is free of charge.

    While the course is only available in French, the Cyber Centres contribution can be viewed in English and French in the Learning Hubs pre-recorded videos section under the title Cyber Security Risks for Travelling University Employees.

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    Creating Itm Learning Items For Learn And Lead 24×7 Material

  • This policy establishes guidance allowing an ITM Learning Item and/or Curricula record to be created when Learn and Lead 24×7 subject matter pertains to IRS learning curricula offered in ITM Learning.

  • Learn and Lead 24×7 is an e-learning resource for self-directed learning. There are numerous subject areas covered in a large variety of online books, videos and other learning content that can be used for employee training and knowledge support.

  • When an ITM Learning Item record is created for Learn and Lead 24×7 material, the record Item Type should reflect Reading.

  • 6.410.8.7

    Gfoa’s Learning Management System Offers Expanded Opportunities For You To Advance Your Professional Development Goals

    What is LMS [Learning Management System]?

    Through the LMS, GFOA brings you the best in adult learning principles by allowing you to receive content in short increments of time or taking a deeper dive over an extended period of time. You will be able to apply content in practical scenarios to test your comprehension and receive feedback from best-in-class GFOA instructors. You will be able to collaborate with colleagues across the country and share best practices and ideas in real-time on this platform. It is our goal to support you through every phase of your professional journey by providing learning opportunities that will develop you as you progress!

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    Some Basics You Should Expect From Your Lms:

    Allows schools to safely organize and store data

    Allows teachers to easily update and maintain learning materials

    Allows data integration/migration with the local Student Information System /NASIS

    • Providing teachers an easy way to update student grades in one place

    Allows teachers to easily integrate other and/or added learning tools

    Allows teachers and administrators the option to customize reporting

    • to support targeted learning and training initiatives/strategies
    • to track progress and learner performance

    Allows for collaborations

    Allows teachers to personalize learning objectives for all students

    Provides teachers online self-paced professional development for ongoing and independent growth opportunities

    Provides customer support via email or phone

    As BIE works to provide services and supports to educators, they are also working to offer access to a Learning Management Systems . In the coming months, we hope to have a timeline of services, professional development, and access.

    How Local Government Organisations Use Learning Management Systems To Boost Efficiency

    Between national and state agendas, community expectations and regional talent scarcity, councils face many workforce challenges. A local government learning management system can make all the difference.

    What makes an LMS the right fit for a council comes down to intended use. Once you know exactly what problems you need an eLearning solution to solve, youll be able to reap benefits that positively impact your councils directives.

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    Dod Reform Effort Puts Digital Learning Systems At The Forefront

    Today, DoD spends an estimated $500 million a year on digital learning products and services . To make the most of this investment, DoD is undertaking the Enterprise Digital Learning Modernization initiative.

    The Pentagons Reform Management Group approved EDLM in July 2018. In broad strokes, the reform first seeks to get a handle on DoDs education and training spendingreducing duplications of effort, encouraging the use of shared services, and streamlining acquisition processes. Second, the reform seeks to encourage interoperability at the DoD-wide level. This starts by building an enterprise course catalog and an enterprise learning record repository, but the ultimate vision is to have a Department-wide federated digital learning ecosystem.

    DoDs Chief Management Officer , the Honorable Lisa W. Hershman, chairs the Reform Management Group. At the iFEST 2020 conference, she recently shared her perspectives on EDLM. While DoDs modernization efforts have definitely improved, challenges still remain regarding acquisition management and leveraging DoDs federated business enterprise architecture. EDLM is addressing these challenges with a plan for modernization of our education and training systems. EDLM is transforming how DoD provides education and training to its workforce. This is an important culture shift in how we do business.

    What Lms Does Government Use

    Managing contracts

    The reason we feel like a credible voice on this topic is because over 75% of the Australian Federal Government use Acorn LMS. Acorn is a cloud-based learning management system that helps HR, L& D and workforce planning leaders use data to prove their strategic impact, with a specific focus on aligning employee development, capabilities and business objectives. The platform can be used for everything from compliance and external training to creating capability frameworks and reporting on learning.

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    Experience Acorn For Yourself

    At Acorn, weve designed a system that supports organisations looking to invest in their most valuable asset their employees. We take the time to learn about our one million users to ensure our intuitive LMS is the right fit for them. Get in touch with one of our eLearning experts to chat about how Acorn can help achieve your goals.

    Overview Of The Learning Innovation Office

  • The Learning Innovation Office is a program management office within the Virtual Learning Management Office , within ETPD.

  • The LIO is responsible for connecting new technologies with learning to transform professional development of Servicewide customers.

  • The LIO maintains and supports the IRSs use of ITM Learning with an ITM Learning Program Management team.

  • 6.410.8.3

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    % Of Federal Employees Will Reach Retirement By 2023*

    Todays agencies need a learning management system for federal government that is fully-scalable with robust features to reduce onboarding timeframes, ensure continuity of essential services and improve service quality for constituents.

    * Data provided to Government Executive by U.S. Office of Personnel Management

    Trakstar Learn Trakstar Learn For State & Local Government

    How to Manage Your Information in the CMS Enterprise Portal & Marketplace Learning Management System

    About Trakstar Learn: Trakstar Learn is a leading employee appraisal system designed to help HR professionals and organizations. Its a helpful tool to track employee progress and manage reviews and feedback. Its automated performance review lets organizations evaluate employees. Other key features include real-time feedback, goal management, and succession planning. Overall, its great LMS to track employee performance and develop a productive culture to connect suitable candidates with the companys core values.

    Trakstar Learn Features: Academic/Education, Activity Dashboard, Activity Tracking, Adaptive Learning, API, Archiving & Retention, Assessment Management, Asynchronous Learning, Blended Learning, Built-in Course Authoring, Built-in LMS, Cataloging/Categorization, Certification & Licensing, Collaboration Tools, Compliance Tracking

    With sales reps in 18 countries speaking five languages, getting everyone up to speed was virtually impossible. Trakstar Learn makes it incredibly easy to train online, and has saved us over $200,000 this year alone.Jocelyn Vande Velde

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    The Importance Of Lms Integrations

    When choosing your ideal LMS solution, the ability it has to integrate with other software is crucial for your decision. Having several integrations can multiply your LMS’s power as well as its utility. Integrations will help your L& D team become even more valuable and become more efficient.

    LMS integrations bring along several benefits. When your learners are already familiar with some software, having the option to integrate will increase user engagement. Whats more, it can help deliver a better User Experience by saving time and reducing manual tasks.

    For an LMS to enhance your training effectiveness, you might require a media library and eCommerce. Whether youre working in human resources or are in the L& D of a telecommunications company, you must combine tools that are already in your training arsenal.

    Program Scope And Objectives

  • This transmittal replaces IRM 6.410.8, Learning and Education, Learning Technology Office Standards, and provides guidance for the IRS’s new learning management system, ITM Learning.

  • Audience: This IRM is intended for use by all IRS L& E program managers, employee development specialists, education specialists and others involved in training activities within each business unit.

  • Policy Owner: The Human Capital Office owns this IRM.

  • Program Owner: The HCO, Office of HR Strategy, Enterprise Talent Planning and Development , Servicewide Training Management and Programs , is responsible for the administration, development, and updates related to this IRM.

  • Primary Stakeholders: All Servicewide L& E organizations.

  • Program Goals: This IRM supports ETPDs goal to provide tools for developing, retaining, and transitioning a highly skilled and high-performing workforce to support IRS mission accomplishments by providing policy on the ITM Learning module.

  • 6.410.8.1.1


  • This IRM provides essential information on education policy and procedures pertinent to the ITM Learning module.

  • 6.410.8.1.2


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    Learning Management System Standards

    Manual Transmittal


    This transmits revised IRM 6.410.8, Learning and Education, Learning Management System Standards.

    This IRM establishes general policy and guidance needed to manage IRS use of the Department of the Treasury Integrated Talent Management learning module, ITM Learning, as the new and official learning management system. This IRM addresses general guidelines.

    Material Changes

    This IRM contains current information related to general policies of the Treasury ITM Learning module.

    This transmittal removes IRM 6.410.8.3, Learning Content Management System Policies, IRM 6.410.8.3.1, Hosting of Online Content within IRS E-Learning Architecture, IRM 6.410., Learning Content Management System Access for Employees and Non-Employees, and IRM 6.410.8.5, EBI System policies.

    This transmittal adds IRM 6.410.8.2, Overview of the Learning Innovation Office, IRM 6.410.8.3, ITM Learning Policy, IRM 6.410.8.4, Access to ITM and ITM Learning User Accounts, IRM 6.410.8.5, Use of the IRS Servicewide Course Catalog, IRM 6.410.8.6, Creating ITM Learning Items for Learn and Lead 24×7 Material, and IRM 6.410.8.7, Hosting of Online Courses or Content within ITM Learning.

    Effect on Other Documents


    Effective Date

    Robin D. Bailey Jr., IRS Human Capital Officer


    Transformation Vision For Government Learning

    What are the advantages of a Learning Management System in a corporate ...

    Creating a culture of learning is central to the future of work. It’s also the key to shaping an agency into a more adept and agile employer. Explore Deloitte’s five critical components to successfully building a new government learning ecosystem, plus, case studies to help you accelerate your learning transformation journey.

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    Address Learning Challenges Across Complex Federal Infrastructures

    Whether your training takes place in the classroom, online or in the field, the Meridian LMS supports various training and development types unique to public sector needs. Federal government agencies as well as state agencies can benefit from our tailored learning management system which is developed to:

    • Maintain highly detailed, legally defensible training records
    • Fit to your deployment option cloud, private cloud or on-premise to best suit your needs
    • Manage staff certifications, licenses, and accreditations via FISMA compliance and a FedRAMP compliant infrastructure
    • Adhere to the most stringent government security requirements
    • Gain actionable insights via compliance dashboards
    • Incorporates key federal modules to address core requirements such as 508 compliance, SF-182, CAC/PIV cards, and EHRI

    Which Businesses Can Leverage Lms Systems

    Learning Management Systems are beneficial for educational institutions and corporations alike. Extended enterprise online training is yet another application for LMS platforms. For example, companies are able to deploy online training resources to external sales channels, franchisees, and even customers.

    Its vital to identify your organizational and training objectives before you start the LMS selection process, as LMS vendors typically cater to different consumer groups. Some specialize in eCommerce, while others are known for their sales online training features. For instance, the power to integrate CRM software.

    Here are the customer types that can take advantage of LMS systems:

    Large Enterprises

    Larger organizations can use an extended enterprise LMS to track hundreds or thousands of employees. Not to mention, deploy global online training initiatives. In some cases, they even offer extended enterprise features so that you can keep franchisees and sales channels in the loop.

    Small And Medium Businesses

    Small and medium businesses can benefit from an LMS for SMBs as they can utilize fewer human resources. These tools also scale along with your business to adapt to your ever-changing training needs.


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    What Are The Benefits Of Using Lms Platforms

    1. Organize And Safely Store Big Data

    Learning Management Systems allow you to gather all Big Data in one location. This also makes it easier to maintain and update your learning materials. In addition, most LMSs offer advanced encryption so that you dont have to worry about data falling into the wrong hands.

    2. Monitor Learner Progress And Performance

    Virtually all LMS platforms offer built-in reporting and analytics. Thus, youre able to track various aspects of your online training program. If the Learning Management System lacks sufficient reporting capabilities, you can typically purchase add-ons or plug-ins to boost its functionality. You can track everything from learner engagement to eLearning assessment results. This means that you can identify patterns and trends, especially since plenty of LMSs provide data visualizations, such as graphs and charts.

    3. Improve Resource Allocation

    4. Personalize The Online Training Experience

    5. Improve eLearning Accessibility

    Modern learners expect online training resources on demand. After all, we live in the digital age where information is always at our fingertips, thanks to smartphones and wearable tech. Learning Management Systems allow you to deploy and track online training courses without geographical limitations. So long as they can log into the system, corporate learners have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and hone skills.

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