Sunday, July 7, 2024

How To Get Government Tenders

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Electronic Procurement System In Dubai Government Entities

In 60 seconds: How to apply for a government tender

eSupply is the official procurement portal of the Dubai Government. It acts as the single online destination for all suppliers engaged for business with Dubai Government entities. The underlying technology and support services for eSupply are provided in joint cooperation between Digital Dubai, Tejari and JAGGAER.

View current tenders of Dubai Government entities.

Dubai Municipality provides all tenders and procurements including those that will be launched in future. View future tenders and bids of Dubai Municipality.

Find High Value Contracts In The Public Sector

Use the Find a Tender service to search and apply for high value contracts in the UKs public and utilities sectors.

Find a Tender has replaced the EUs Tenders Electronic Daily from 1 January 2021 for high value contracts in the UK.

Contracts will continue to be listed on Tenders Electronic Daily if the procurement process started before 1 January 2021.

The Different Types Of Tenders

There are specific ways of tendering that the government can choose to use. Some of the most frequently used tenders are listed below.

An RFT or open tender is one that is publicly advertised. You can access and apply for an open tender on eTendering.

In an open RFT, anybody can submit a tender response. Each tenderer must show they satisfy the evaluation criteria and meet any specific requirements.

Typically, a request for proposal is used when the government agency knows the final outcome it wants, but its not sure what the best solution is for providing it.

An RFP will ask suppliers for a proposal on how they’d solve the problem. It may also include criteria which it will use to evaluate your expertise, experience and capacity to deliver.

An RFP can often be a great opportunity for you to suggest an innovative solution to the tender.

In a request for quote , an agency asks you to provide a price quote for specific goods or services.

To be part of an RFQ, you usually need to have an existing contract and be part of a prequalification scheme.

In a limited tender, an agency approaches a supplier or suppliers directly.

A supplier might have the opportunity to participate in a limited tender if they’re included in a scheme and have a specific skillset.

A limited tender will otherwise be used when the agency has already held an open tender but hasn’t yet awarded a contract.

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The Government Wants To Award Smes

Before they start tendering for work, many SMEs assume that it will be difficult to compete with bigger businesses. However, this isnt actually the case.

In the UK, the government has a target to spend at least £1 in £3 with SMEs. This means that public sector businesses have a goal to actively award contracts to smaller businesses. If youre a smaller creative business looking for government marketing tenders, you dont need to worry about your larger competition.

Ensure Your Business Can Complete The Job

Actionable Tips to Win Government Tenders in India

Winning a Tender means two things: firstly, that the Government has chosen you as the most promising supplier and secondly, that youre going to take on the Government as one of your clients.

Consequently, you have to make sure you have the staff, the cash flow, the skills and the equipment to deliver the services the Government needs at the proposed rate and within the proposed timeframe just like with any other client.

Luckily, if you dont have the cash flow needed for a 2 to 3-year contract, there are funds and loans available from multiple institutions for Tenders.

Helpful Tips:

  • We offer a Tender Funding toolthat connects you with over 300 funding options available and assists you in finding the best loan/funding opportunities for your business, in South Africa.
  • Our Professional Business Plan service empowers your business with a plan of action to direct your Company and to assure potential funders and loaners of your Companys competency.

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Price Preference For Mses

Is there a price matching facility for procurement from MSEs over large scale?

MSEs quoting price within the band of L1+15% shall also be allowed to supply a portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to L1 price in a situation.

Here the L1 price is from someone other than an MSE. Such MSEs shall be allowed to supply at least 25% of the total tendered value.

In case L1 is not an MSE and there is more than one MSE within the range of L1+15%, only the lowest MSE shall be considered for 25% order in case of divisible item , subject to matching the L1 prices.

The refusal of such the lowest MSE to accept the L1 price shall be considered the second-lowest MSE within the range of L1+15%.This process shall continue until an MSE in the range accepts the L1 price or the MSEs in the L1+15% range are exhausted.

If no MSE accepts the L1 price or is no MSE available in the L1+15% range, the order shall be placed without applying this principle.

Can MSEs quoting a price within the band L1+15% be given complete supply to tender in case tender item cannot be split /divided?

In case of the tender item cannot be split or divided, etc., the MSE quoting a price within the band L1+15% may be awarded for full/ complete supply of total tendered value to MSE, considering the spirit of the policy for enhancing Procurement from MSEs.

Study The Tender Document

Your proposal should be driven by the tender document. It is your guide to winning the contract.

That means reading the specification carefully, then reading it again. The tender document should tell you everything you need to know about how the buyer wants to receive your bid. This includes the procurement process that will be used, how you will be evaluated and scored, and how the contract will be awarded.

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Respond In Full To The Question

  • Make sure that each requirement of the question is addressed.
  • Provide evidence of relevant, recent experience no longer than three years old and demonstrate your capabilities.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the product or service required.
  • Demonstrate you’re in a unique position to provide the service.
  • Differentiate your service offering.

Fair And Transparent Process

Likoni youth, women and PWDs guided on how to secure govt. tenders

Another advantage of government tenders is the fair and transparent nature of the tendering process. This is because the government have to be open and honest about public spending. Unlike private buyers, public organisations are required to make their processes public and offer feedback to suppliers, win or lose. As a result, nothing is hidden in public procurement.

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Do You Need Help With A Tender We Can Help

Once youve found a suitable contract for your business, we can help you write your tender response.

Hudson Succeed is our bid writing consultancy, offering tender writing services and support to SMEs. Our Bid Writing Team has over 60 years of collective experience and proudly hold an 87% success rate.

Our tender writing services gives organisations of all sizes, at various stages of growth, a chance to succeed with tendering. Hudson Succeed can help if youre completely new to tendering or arent seeing success from your current tendering responses.

Preliminary Examination For Tenders

There is a preliminary examination after the submission of tenders. They are done in accordance with the terms provided in the tender document. They aim to ensure that tenders are responsive to the tender document instructions and requirements. Among the things you need to confirm include:

  • Tenders have been duly signed.
  • The correct number of copies have been submitted.
  • Tax obligations have been satisfied.

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Percentage By Which S2g Contract Notice Volumes Exceed National Government Portals*

* Source: Business Intelligence Research Team Jan 2017 December 2017

Legislation to support SMEs

Other new SME-friendly legislation introduced in the last five years has been designed to help both new and existing suppliers navigate the public sector procurement process. A good example is the prompt payment requirement, which specifies that all organisations need to comply with government-mandated 30-day payment plans including main government contractors and suppliers with regard to paying their sub-contractors and lower-tier supply chain. This is to help SMEs who are more likely to work to tighter margins and therefore rely upon quicker payments when completing tenders, to ensure business continuity.

Burdensome pre-selection questionnaires have also been abolished for low-value contracts, effectively skipping a step in the public sector procurement process. SMEs no longer have to fill out unnecessary paperwork involved with the pre-selection stage, in turn saving smaller businesses valuable time, resources and money. The UK Government is expected to make further changes to procurement legislation in the near future to help all organisations access tender opportunities within the public sector.

Pre-Qualification Questionnaires abolished for contracts below the EU threshold

Larger contracts split into smaller lots to create even more opportunities

Public bodies now have the legal duty to pay supplier invoices within 30 days

Products Reservation On Government Tenders

Government tenders

How many items are reserved for exclusive purchase from MSEs?

358 items reserved for exclusive purchase from MSE Sector.

What are the items or goods which can be procured from MSEs to achieve the target of 25% from MSEs ?

To achieve the target Government / CPSUs, they can procure

  • The items from the list of 358 items reserved for procurement from MSEs.
  • Items which are being manufactured by MSEs, besides reserved items.
  • In this Government Tenders Large companies cannot participate.
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    Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

    Throughout the entire tendering process, your time-management skills should be second to none. If you dont plan your time effectively, you run the risk of rushing to complete the bid. And thats something you should avoid at all costs!

    If the deadline is 5pm, dont wait until 4:58pm to submit. If theres a problem with the portal or a technological malfunction, you could miss the deadline. The buyer wont be impressed with a late submission.

    Get ‘tender Ready’ And Bid For Govt Contracts

    Small businesses can now access free online training and an information guide to help with tenders and bids for NSW government contracts.

    Tendering for government contracts can be daunting for small businesses, but help is at hand. The NSW Small Business Commission, together with TAFE NSW, has launched an online training program as well as a written guide to help small businesses understand and navigate the tendering and contract processes.

    The launch is the first major milestone in the four-year $5 million tender support program being delivered by the Commission, part of the NSW governments commitment to sourcing more goods and services from NSW small businesses.

    NSW Small Business Commissioner Chris Lamont said the resources were “designed to help small businesses meet tender process requirements and more successfully compete for contracts.

    The NSW government spends about $40 billion each year on the procurement of goods, services, and construction, with nearly half of that amount going to small and medium businesses.

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    How The Nsw Government Runs Tenders

    Tenders have traditionally been the main way NSW Government approaches the market and awards contracts.

  • The agency must publish the details of every upcoming tender on eTendering. When they do, they must give as much notice of the tender as possible.
  • Anyone can view the website and see open tenders. If you want to receive email notifications on upcoming opportunities then you must register on eTendering.
  • Once youve registered, you can also respond to tenders and apply for schemes.
  • Electronic Procurement System In Ras Al Khaimah Government Entities

    | Business NOW | What it takes to win govt tenders

    To do business with Ras Al Khaimah Government, you must first register at the suppliers register of RAK Finance Department.

    Conditions for registration

    To register, the applicant must be:

    • a UAE national, or a business in which a UAE citizen maintains not less than 15 per cent of the companys shares and
    • licensed by the competent authorities.

    Additionally, a business must not have been banned from participating in tenders conducted by any government department. It must not be owned by any employee of Ras Al Khaimah Government or by first-degree relatives of employees involved in contracting and tendering.

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    What Is Government Tenders

    A business tender is an offer to do work or supply goods at a fixed price. The tender or bid process is designed to ensure that the work to be done is given out in a fair way. There are a number of policies which are used as guides on how to make decisions on which tender to accept.

    Tenders in South Africa are a lucrative source of income for small business, but can be challenging to negotiate, particularly since legislation has changed, and requirements differ between organisations and government sectors. Getting the process right not only saves time and effort but has the potential to set up lucrative income streams.

    Should My Business Apply For Government Tenders

    We talked to Tender Expert and How2Tender Director, Wynand Cronjé, to explain why the Government can be the ideal client to help grow your business.

    The bulk of Tender contracts are for periods of 2 to 3 years, which means companies delivering as per their bid proposal have sustainable contracts upon which to grow their businesses, explains , the director of How2Tender.

    As the largest procurer of goods and services in South-Africa with a budget of roughly R1.56 trillion, the Government can be a very lucrative client.

    All the latest Government Tenders for SMMEs are listed on the Tenders4Me website and app. Click on the image below to see what is available right now.

    Are Government Tenders corrupt?

    Many businesses have a common misconception that all Government Tenders are corrupt, says Cronjé.

    The bulk of tenders are awarded fairly and according to the preferential procurement act which factors in technical compliance, pricing and B-BBEE.

    The key is to ensure you deliver compliant and effective bid responses. Educating yourself in this regard is crucial, says Cronjé.

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    Networking And Relationship Building

    Maintaining good relationships with your current customers and developing new ones with potential customers, is the best way to be in the know about new contract opportunities and to gain a competitive advantage. If youre contracting, this could include your employment agency and key people youve worked with.

    Tips To Get A Government Tender From A Procurement Official

    Andaman Nicobar Govt Tenders
  • You need to always go through the bid documents carefully.
  • Always make sure your documents are completed in full.
  • A proper cost analysis needs to be done when calculating your bid prices. A bid calculated either too high or low will be considered unresponsive.
  • You need to inquire about the bid and get all the relevant information before completing the tender document.
  • If you were unsuccessful in the bidding process, feel free to ask about why you failed. With that information, you will learn from the mistakes made.
  • Meet all requirements within the specified time, in the event your bid is successful, honour it.
  • Do not offer any false information or misinterpretations in your bid documentation, and it is highly illegal and enforceable by law.
  • Make sure you deliver on quality services and products as this will improve your track record and right standing with the department and by extension, give a proper face to small businesses in general.
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    How Can Smes Get Government Tenders

    The UK Government and the devolved administrations are keen to encourage new suppliers, particularly SMEs, to supply to them, either directly or as part of the wider supply chain. Measures put in place by central government are designed to support SMEs to bid for, win and successfully deliver government tenders, such as the target of spending fully £1 in every £3 of its procurement activities with SMEs by 2022.

    This initiative was introduced in 2015, when 26% of UK central government spend was with SMEs, then an unprecedented £11.6 billion. By increasing that overall value spend with smaller businesses to at least 33%, the Government is recognising the immense contribution and innovation that SMEs bring to the UK economy every year.

    Where Do I Find Government Tenders On The Internet

    The national Tender Bulletin is published on every Friday. The time depends on when it is received from the Government Printing Works.

    The Tender Bulletin as well as most provincial tender bulletins are also published on the Government Printing Works’ website.

    Information on a specific government tender is available from the relevant department as indicated in the Tender Bulletin.

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    Use These Five Simple Tips To Win Government Bids

    Government contract offers a huge pool of opportunities for both small and large enterprises. Each day federal, state and local agencies release several tenders across regions and sectors. Given its wide variety of reach and the lucrative business opportunities that come along with a government project the competition is certainly fierce and one needs to stand apart from the competition to come out successful.

    Although, there isnt any universal template or procedure that applies to every government bid. The weightage and scoring of each tender will be different in the ease case. Here we have listed out the top five ways that can help you bag the most sought after government project.

    Do your Research

    To compose the perfect tender response it is important to do primary research about the prerequisites of the clients that include an understanding of the offering of that government division, their policies & directive principles, and requirements from the tender.

    Keep these things in mind before you carry on with the research process A thorough analysis of the tender document is a must for understanding the condition and requirements of the project. Also ensure that you will be able to meet the capacity requirements in terms of Manpower, Technology, and Experience. It is critical to attend all briefings and meeting sessions and ask relevant questions to demonstrate your unique position to be able to provide the service.

    Keep yourself Mindful


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