Wednesday, July 10, 2024

How To Contact The Government

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Complaints About Police Officers

Get a Unique Entity ID

If you have experienced police misconduct:

  • Contact the law enforcement agency involved.
  • Submit your complaint in writing to the chief of police or the head of the law enforcement agency involved.
  • Send a copy of your complaint to the Internal Affairs Division of the law enforcement agency. Be sure to keep a copy for yourself.

If the problem remains unresolved, learn how to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.

Finally, as with any potential legal dispute, you may want to contact a licensed attorney.

Contact Us About Your Refugee Travel Document Or Certificate Of Identity

Contact the IRCC Client Support Centre:

  • Telephone: 1-888-242-2100
  • Automated telephone service

    If you have a touch-tone telephone you can listen to pre-recorded information about our programs, and check the status of your application.

  • Client Support Centre agents – Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., your local time, except for statutory holidays. Services are available in French and English.
  • If you are hearing impaired, or you have a speech impediment and use a text telephone, you can access the TTY service from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. your local time by calling 1-888-576-8502.
  • Usagov Contact Center And 1

    The USAGov Contact Center assists people with questions about federal agencies, government programs, services, and more. The USAGov Contact Center personalizes the award-winning service of Information specialists help customers navigate the complexities of federal, state, and local government to find the information they need.

    There are two ways to reach the USAGov Contact Center:

    Last Reviewed: 2022-01-20

    Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

    No results could be found for the location you’ve entered.

    Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense.

    Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department.

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    Contact The Canada Revenue Agency

    Between March and the end of 2022, you may get a call from the CRA if you are eligible for individual tax filing assistance over the phone. Visit Individual tax filing assistance for more information.

    To serve Canadians more effectively, please note that if you call us to update your address or direct deposit information, an agent may help you make these changes through a secure online channel such as My Account.

    Pension Services Feedback Survey

    How to Address a Letter to a Government Official (with Samples)

    If you have contacted the Pension Centre or accessed the online Pension Portal in the last three months, you may receive a phone call or email inviting you to participate in a pension services feedback survey about your experience to see if our services met your expectations. The email will be sent by the research firm Advanis.

    Completing the survey is voluntary. Your participation will be kept confidential. What you tell us wont have an impact on your pension payments or essential services.

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    How To Contact Your Elected Officials

    Engaging your elected officials is a powerful action step you can take to make sure your voice is heard. Click the links below for some tips and resources on how to contact your federal, state and local elected leaders.

    General Tips:

    Be concise and courteous when contacting your elected officials at all levelsfederal, state and local.

    Share personal stories. Its important to share your or your communitys personal stories related to the issue your contacting your elected official about. Your stories can show the impact of issues in ways just sharing statistic cant, including how an issue affects real people including their constituents.

    Relax! You dont have to be nervous when communicating with your elected officials. As elected officials, they are public servants who hold their office because you and/or your community elected them. Your elected officials and their staff need to hear from youtheir constituentsabout issues that matter to you and your community. You dont have to be a subject matter expert to talk about an issue that matters to you.

    Complaint About Mail Service

    Do you have a complaint, compliment, or suggestion for the U.S. Postal Service ? Maybe youre looking for more information about USPSs services. There are several ways to let them know:

    • Use the USPS websites Email Us form. Select an inquiry type that most closely relates to the complaint or question that you have. On the website, you can also file a claim or request a refund for shipping.
    • Speak to the station manager at a local post office.
    • Contact the postal consumer and industry affairs office that handles questions for your district. Find your district consumer office.
    • Email or write to the U.S. Postal Services Headquarters Consumer Advocate office at:

    United States Postal Service

    Office of the Consumer Advocate

    475 L Enfant Plaza, SW

    Washington, D.C. 20260-0004

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    Gilan Ris Nach Gabhar

    Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air beachdan mu dheidhinn ur seirbheisean agus bidh sinn gan cleachdadh gus an dèanamh nas fheàrr.

    Tha sinn a’ faighneachd, ge-tà, gun seall sibh urram dha ar luchd-obrach le bhith seachnadh na rudan a leanas:

    • giùlan ionnsaigheach no droch-dhìolach mar eisimpleir droch chainnt no cainnt a tha a’ cur sìos air dhaoine
    • iarrtasan mi-reusanta ma tha iarrtasan a’ cur impidh mi-reusanta air oifigearan, a bhuaileas air an t-seirbheis a bheir iad seachad do chàch
    • ath-iarraidh mi-reusanta a’ cur iarrtasan thugainn a-rithist air an aon chuspair, no cuspair coltach ris, le droch bhuaidh air mar a dh’obraicheas sinn mar riaghaltas

    Faodar fiosrachadh nas mionaidiche fhaighinn air ar dòigh-obrach a thaobh na tha gu h-àrd anns am poileasaidh againn a thaobh giùlan ris nach gabhar.

    How We Can Help

    Hello, I’m Emma. How may I help you?

    Our agents can:

    • provide updates on any previously reported enquiry
    • report new pay enquiries to the Pay Centre, which include enquiries related to:
    • missing pay
    • termination
    • overpayment
    • collective agreements
    • other enquiries, such as those about acting, allowances, change in employment, pay cheques, direct deposit, deductions, entitlements , extra duty pay, garnishments, missing partial pay, repayment of emergency salary advances, transfer-in or transfer-out
  • address technical enquiries related to web applications, such as:
  • access to CWA, Phoenix and MyGCPay
  • timesheet entry or schedule updates
  • address reporting and approving time in the Phoenix pay system, such as:
  • enter extra duty pay, overtime and additional hours
  • view reported time in timesheet and payable time detail
  • create and modify a schedule
  • select a Section 34 manager
  • view a pay stub/tax slip
  • all general enquiries concerning pay
  • Our agents can:

  • amend pension deduction to 1% for 35 years of service
  • terminate pension for employees 71 years of age or older
  • stop pension deductions for returning pensioners on contract
  • activate the Public Service Dental Care Plan
  • activate and start deduction for the Public Service Health Care Plan
  • enable the employee self-service enrolment to the PSHCP
  • change and end coverage for PSHCP
  • activate and start deductions for disability and long term disability
  • activate pension deduction and supplementary death benefits
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    Pagasa Closely Watching Tropical Depression Gardo Super Typhoon Hinnamnor

    The state weather bureau is closely monitoring two weather disturbances affecting the Philippines.

    Super typhoon Hinnamnor maintains strengths as it moves closer to the Philippines while tropical depression Gardo continues to move northwestward hovering east of extreme Northern Luzon.

    While Gardo is not likely to make landfall, the countrys state weather bureau said Hinnamnor, which is now a super typhoon, may enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility by Wednesday evening or Thursday morning while Gardo.

    Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration Administrator Vicente B. Malano said in a press conference that eventually, Hinnamnor may overpower and cause Gardo to dissipate.

    Gardo is not likely to make landfall.

    Engr Juanito S. Galang said Signal No. 3 may be hoisted over Batanes, Calayan and Babuyan Island by Thursday once Hinnamnor enters PAR and be renamed Henry.

    In case of landfall, Batanes, Calayan, and Babuyan Island may experience 185kph.

    That is why we are now advising the people to be prepared for the typhoon, he said in Filipino.

    Rain showers are expected by Thursday and Friday in Zambales, Cordillera, and other parts of Northern Luzon, including some parts of Central Luzon.

    In a 11 a.m. Bulletin issued on Wednesday, Pagasa said Gardo is forecast to move generally north-northwestward or northwestward throughout the forecast period as it interacts with Super Typhoon Hinnamnor outside PAR.

    Travelling Or Moving To Nz


    Contact Immigration NZ for New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority applications or if you have questions about immigration. There are different types of visas and each has its own requirements and allows you to do different activities in New Zealand.

    Find out the status of your visa application

    You can find out your application status by logging in to INZ with your client number. If you feel you are waiting too long to hear back about a visa application, first check that you know how long it takes to process your type of visa.

    Importing goods, animals or personal belongings

    For customs clearance for bringing items into New Zealand, you may need to contact both the NZ Customs Service and the Ministry for Primary Industries .

    COVID-19: Travelling to NZ

    Before you book your flights, find out about the requirements for registering for your voucher for managed isolation.

    COVID-19: New Zealanders overseas

    Make sure you are up to date with the official advice for New Zealanders living and travelling overseas.

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    Procurement Support For Businesses

    If you have questions specific to this procurement, please contact the Contracting Authority identified in the Contact information section of this tender notice.

    If you need help understanding the federal procurement process, contact Procurement Assistance Canada. We have a network of offices across Canada.

    Health Advice Workplace Safety Acc

    How to Address a Letter to a Government Official (with Samples)

    Health and services

    Contact the Ministry of Health for health advice and information on eligibility for disability and care support, and other assistance.

    For general health advice and information, call .

    Mental health and addictions

    You can speak with a professional counsellor by free call or text on . It is free and open anytime, 24/7.

    COVID-19: Health

    COVID-19 diagnosis, testing and treatment is free. This is irrespective of citizenship, visa status, nationality or medical insurance coverage.

    • the COVID-19 Healthline on
    • your doctor.

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    Tax Including Tax Numbers Kiwisaver And Student Loans

    Contact Inland Revenue if you have questions about tax, such as income tax, goods and services tax, or employing staff.

    Tax numbers

    Most types of income mean you will need to get a tax number called an IRD number in New Zealand. If you are not sure, contact IR.

    The Beehive

    On the Beehive website you can select the name of the Prime Minister, Member of Parliament , spokesperson, or portfolio and complete the online feedback form.

    Find Out Who Is Interested In This Tender

    Are you looking for partnering opportunities or thinking about bidding? Find out who is interested in the tender and add your name to the List of Interested Suppliers.

    Important: The LIS for a specific tender notice does not replace or affect the tendering procedures in place for the procurement. Businesses are still required to respond to bid solicitations and to compete based on established bid criteria. For more information please read the List of Interested Suppliers Terms of Use.

    Access the List of Interested Suppliers for this tender

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    Financial Support Benefits Payments Out Of Work

    Work and Income New Zealand

    Work and Income New Zealand is the main government organisation that can help if you have questions about benefits, allowances, NZ Super, Veterans pension, living expenses, or if you are out of work.

    WINZ may be able to help, even if youre not on a benefit:

    Working for Families and Best Start

    Contact Inland Revenue for information about applying for and receiving Working for Families or Best Start, or both.

    Work Employment Rights Paid Parental Leave

    How To Protect Yourself From Government Phone Scams | Better | NBC News

    Advertising and looking for work

    People seeking work and employers looking for staff can connect on Work and Incomes Keep New Zealand Working website.

    Visas allowing you to work

    If you are not a New Zealand citizen, Immigration NZ is the main government organisation for finding out about visa requirements for example, if or how much you can work in New Zealand. Some visas allow you to work in NZ and other types of visas do not.

    Employment rights

    If you are a business or employee, contact Employment New Zealand for information about employment rights and responsibilities.

    Paid parental leave

    Contact Inland Revenue for information about applying for and receiving paid parental leave if you are eligible.

    If you are an employer with full-time, casual or part-time staff, a sole trader or self-employed, WINZ also has information about the:

    • short-term absence payment to help with paying employees who cannot work from home while they wait for a COVID-19 test result
    • leave support scheme for helping to pay staff who need to self-isolate and cannot work from home.

    The employer helpline for redundancy support is .

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    Access And Terms Of Use

    Government of Canada tender notices and awards, solicitation documents and tender attachments are available free of charge and without registration on, the authoritative location for GC tenders.

    You may have received this tender notice or award through a third-party distributor. The Government of Canada is not responsible for any tender notices and/or related documents and attachments not accessed directly through

    This Government of Canada tender notice or tender award carries an Open Government Licence – Canada that governs its use. Related solicitation documents and/or tender attachments are copyright protected. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.

    Find The Number You Need To Call

    Telephone numbers for International tax and non-resident

    Reason for your call

    Get help with individual and non-resident trusts

    • Wait time: Wait times are not available –Wait times are not available –ET
    8 am to 8 pm
    9 am to 5 pm

    Get help with non-resident corporation and corporation accounts:

    • Sole proprietors
    • Wait time: Wait times are not available –Wait times are not available –ET
    8 am to 8 pm
    9 am to 5 pm
    • Wait time: Wait times are not available –Wait times are not available –ET
    7:30 am to 8 pm ET
    Sat and Sun

    Discuss a letter you received:

    • Reminder to file
    8 am to 4 pm ET
    Sat and Sun

    Get help with your departure tax or election to defer capital gains upon emigration .

    • Arranging Security
    8 am to 3:30 pm
    Sat to Sun
    What do you want to call about?
    • get general information about registered charities
    • get help with applying to become a registered charity
    • get help with donation receipts
    • get help on filling out the annual information return
    • change your charitys name, purpose, activities or other details
    Telephone number
    9 am to 5 pm
    Sat and Sun

    Closed on public holidays

    Telephone number
    8 am to 8 pm
    Sat 9 am to 5 pm

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    Contact The Client Contact Centre

    From: Public Services and Procurement Canada

    Contact us for help with pay, compensation and benefits, and for technical issues when using MyGCPay, the Compensation Web Applications and the Phoenix pay system.

    We serve current and former federal public service employees, no matter if your organization is served by the Public Service Pay Centre or by its own compensation unit.

    What The Grants Are For

    4 Ways to Address a Letter to a Government Official

    Grants from $25,000 to $150,000 per year are available for Alberta-based programs or projects that:

    • explore or use innovative, promising or proven crime prevention practices
    • enhance or create prevention activities for people at risk of becoming involved in criminal activity
    • prevent crime or add public safety measures for vulnerable people or communities targeted by crime
    • strengthens or adds capacity to an existing program or initiative

    Examples of programs, projects or initiatives include:

    • direct delivery of programs for crime prevention or community safety and well-being services or supports
    • direct delivery of youth gang prevention and exit programs, services or supports
    • activities to build the skills, knowledge and resources or capacity of an organization or community so they can deliver crime prevention or community safety and well-being programs like:
    • development and delivery of information, training and resources or tools
    • public education and awareness
    • one-time initiatives addressing new issues and trends in crime prevention
    • implementation of a public or community safety plan including training and equipment

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