Friday, September 13, 2024

Leadership Training For Government Employees

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Training Opportunities For Federal Employees

PMF Leadership Training 2014: An Opportunity

GSA offers training to managers and employees of federal agencies working in a variety of areas. Available training includes web-based, self-teaching tools, nationwide on-site events, and annual conferences.

Federal employees can learn how to purchase quality supplies and services at the best possible prices through these two learning centers:

  • GSA Schedules Training Courses for contracting professionals seeking to strengthen their understanding of GSA Schedules. Topics include:
  • Using Multiple Award Schedules
  • Using GSA Schedules for Small Business Utilization
  • Section 863 Enhancing Competition
  • Contractor Team Arrangements
  • State and Local Government Programs
  • Federal Acquisition Institute Training and certifications specifically designed to develop the federal acquisition workforce, with both classroom and Web-based courses available.
  • IT Acquisition University On-demand training portal where federal IT project managers and acquisition professionals can learn and earn continuous learning points . Topics include:
  • Innovation
    • Pre-Award Strategy
    • Conducting the Award
    • Post-Award
    • Emerging Market Trends

    GSA SmartPay® Web-based training courses are designed to improve the efficient use of the charge card programs. Courses are targeted to program coordinators and employees.

    Nering For Successful Government Leadership Training

    Whether youre looking for a skilled partner with the resources to handle a large, global initiative, or an engagement designated as a small-business set-aside, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of government leadership development solutions and can work directly with your agency or organization or with other leadership development firms or partners, including industry experts with SDVOSB, VOSB, WOSB, and 8A small businesses.

    We also partner with Management Concepts, the leader in federal training and workforce development services, to offer our most popular programs in versions customized for the context of leading in the U.S. federal government:

    Frontline Federal Leader Impact: Asynchronous online development for managers leading on the front lines of the U.S. federal government.

    The Effective Federal Leader: Live online program experience for mid-to-senior level federal leaders who lead managers.

    Leading Strategically in the Federal Government: Online program for federal executives whose work has strategic implications for their agencies.

    Leadership Development : Introduction To The Union And Role Of A Steward

    You will learn the structure of SGEU, your sector/local, establish skills in problem solving and gain confidence in your ability to be knowledgeable about your union. This course also introduces you to the role of a union steward within your workplace and SGEU. It deals with the qualities, roles and responsibilities of a steward basic concepts of grievances and a stewards role in member engagement.

    Length: 1 day

    Prerequisite: Open to all members.

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    Leadership Development : Union Governance Training

    This leadership development aims to create efficient, successful leaders with sound knowledge of union governance and appropriate leadership skills.

    Length: 2 days

    Pre-requisites: Open only to sector VPs, member of the bargaining council/ negotiating committee, provincial council members, sector and local table officers.

    Why Is Leadership Training Important

    5 Tips for Creating a Government Leadership Development Program ...

    Leadership training is important to teach you various skills and techniques to help you succeed as a leader and develop and retain employees who are also motivated to succeed. The different training topics can help you understand your role as a leader and view challenges from a new perspective as it relates to each subject matter.

    Participating in leadership training educates you on the needs of your employees and essential factors that drive the efficiency and productivity of your company. Lastly, proper management training helps build your confidence so you can approach problems with clarity and have the skills needed to determine and implement fast and effective solutions.


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    Responsibilities Of Central Agencies

    Central agencies are responsible for:

    • Analyzing public service-wide needs and sharing best practices
    • Developing, implementing, monitoring and revising policies for leadership development within the Public Service as a whole
    • Supporting deputy heads in the exercise of their responsibilities in relation to leadership development the development of tools for application in departments and agencies through
    • Operating such system-wide programs for leadership development as are determined to be necessary and useful for the development of senior leaders in the Public Service
    • Enhancing mobility for senior levels through such things as brokerage service and the Interchange Canada program
    • Operating, where required, corporate leadership programs for functional communities and other targeted areas, and addressing public service wide gaps where there is a need for centrally-run programs
    • Developing metrics to monitor and measure success.

    A New Capability Development Strategy

    Even in companies with strong leaders and healthy cultures, discrete units require distinctive roles, responsibilities, and relationshipsand distinctive capabilities to function in them. Moreover, each unit is probably at a different stage in its development. So CEOs and their HR chiefs must be sensitive to local variables when defining an integrated change agendaone that simultaneously addresses performance improvement and capability development. To do that, they should answer the following questions, first at the top and then in each major unit:

    • Is the leadership team aligned around a clear, inspiring strategy and set of values?
    • Has the team collected unvarnished employee feedback about barriers to effectiveness and performanceincluding senior managers own behavior?
    • Has the team redesigned its organization, management systems, and practices to address the problems revealed by that diagnosis?
    • Is HR offering consulting and coaching to help employees learn on the job so that they can practice the new attitudes and behaviors required of them?
    • Do corporate training programs properly support the change agenda, and will each units leadership and culture provide fertile ground for it?

    If your answer to any of those questions is no, your company is probably overinvesting in training and education and failing to put talent development in its proper strategic change context.

    Harvard Business Review

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    Expected Results And Performance Measures

    Adoption of this framework is expected to deliver measureable results in the short, medium and longer-term, at both a departmental and system-wide level.

    Deputy heads will be expected to set specific objectives for their leadership development activities, arrayed in terms of the short, medium and longer term.

    Those objectives should be:

    • Closely linked to integrated business and HR planning
    • Measureable, particularly in terms of impact on programs and activities
    • Meaningful both to the senior management team and to individual employees
    • Regularly updated to reflect changing priorities, circumstances and needs.

    Objectives set for a large department may well be very different from those set by the management team of a small agency. But the principles underlying what each organization is trying to achieve should reflect the principles and goals set out in this leadership development framework.

    Performance measures should be evidence-based and closely related to business objectives and results. That is to say, the focus should be on assessing the impact on the unit or organization , rather than on the perceived needs and experiences of the individual employee.

    Developing The Organization Unit By Unit

    Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Overview – 2020 OPM Virtual Benefits Training Event

    Part of creating a favorable context for learning is making sure that every area of the business provides fertile ground. Soil conditions will inevitably vary within an organization, because each region, function, and operating group has its own needs and challenges. In our studies of corporate transformations and our work with clients, unit leaders have told us that their companies education programs were not wrong in substance but failed to align with their local priorities and stage of business and organizational development. In other words, their groups were not ready for the training they got.

    So companies should invest in capability development unit by unit. The corporate-level unit links everyone at the topthe CEO, her senior team, and key business unit, regional, and functional leaders and their key people. Individual units must consider their needs and capabilities in the context of their own strategy and goals.

    To create a favorable context for learning, every area of the business must provide fertile ground.

    Each units leadership team should periodically go through the six steps weve described to discover the silent killers that undermine real change, and each team should have a hand in setting its own change agenda . Those who follow this approach will avoid the low return on investment that results from top-down programs. Common capability-development needs that emerge from unit-by-unit change can, of course, be addressed through a companywide program.

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    Annex A : Key Leadership Competencies

    In March 2015, the Clerk of the Privy Council approved a new Key Leadership Competency profile. The Key Leadership Competency profile is aligned with the Clerk’s vision for a public service that is collaborative, innovative, streamlined, high performing, adaptable and diverse. It reflects the complexity and challenge of federal public service leadership roles.

    Leadership Development : Second Level Steward Training

    Our LD 20 course is second level steward training. Its comprised of three parts and teaches you more about collective agreements, conflict resolution and grievance handling. The participants will practice problem solving techniques, preparing and presenting the grievances, at step 1. They will understand Duty of Fair Representation and representing workers as well as building on their skills in investigating and responding to members concerns in a timely fashion.

    Length: 20A 20 B and 20 C

    LD 20A- Grievance handling This course helps stewards to understand different types of grievances, determine what is discipline , grievance procedures etc. Participants will practice note taking and filling out grievance forms. They will continue to further develop their investigation and interview skills.

    LD 20B- Resolving workplace conflict- This course trains participants on skills used to resolve conflict. Participants will engage in simulation exercises and learn about different types of conflict, recognizing biases, being empathetic, using effective communication techniques in different situations, principles of conflict and steps to conflict resolution.

    Prerequisites: Leadership Development 10 and 11. Priority will be given to stewards .

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    President’s Management Council Interagency Rotation Program

    To maximize effectiveness, broaden perspectives and potential, and prepare for challenges on the horizon, Federal agencies should invest in and emphasize career development. In 2011, the Presidents Management Council and the Chief Human Capital Officers Council launched the PMC Interagency Rotation Program to bolster cross-agency exposure for high-potential GS 13-15s. This cost-efficient program provides each participant an interagency rotation assignment to help develop or enhance specific leadership competencies identified by both the participant and his/her home supervisor. These competencies align with the Executive Core Qualifications , and are outlined in the participants Individual Development Plan .

    How The Office Of Chief Human Resources Officer Supports Organizations

    local government training and leadership excellence

    Departments are primarily responsible for leadership development programs based on specific needs identified in their business plans. The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer offers a variety of programs and services to support leadership development at all levels of the Public Service:

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    Leadership Development : Third

    This is third level of steward training. The participants will continue with problem-solving techniques and contract enforcement. They will be engaged in practical exercises on negotiation and arbitration.

    Length: 4 days

    Prerequisites: Leadership Development 10, 11, and 20s. Only available to stewards, members of negotiation committees/bargaining councils, provincial council members, sector and local table officers.

    Ses Candidate Development Programs

    A Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program is one succession management tool agencies may use to identify and prepare aspiring senior executive leaders. An SESCDP is designed to further develop SES candidates competencies in each of the Executive Core Qualifications . Graduates of SESCDPs who are certified by OPMs Qualifications Review Board may receive an initial career SES appointment without further competition. QRB-certified graduates typically start their SESCDP with experiences normally obtained at the GS-15 level, or equivalent. However, some agencies open their SESCDPs to individuals at the GS-14 level, or equivalent. Note that QRB certification does not guarantee placement in the SES, and SESCDP participation is not required for selection into the Senior Executive Service.

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    Take Your Career To A New Level

    At the Center for Excellence in Public Leadership, we teach managers in the government, corporate and non-profit sectors how to become impactful leaders.

    • Individual courses are tailored to specific GS-levels and equivalent in non- government organizations.
    • Each course is grounded in key leadership development criteria including leading change, leading people, driving results, strategic business management and building coalitions as outlined by the Office of Personnel Managements Executive Core Qualifications.
    • Courses are taught by scholar-practitioners with a combination of leadership expertise and government experience.
    • Courses are offered throughout the year- in both residential and non-residential formats.

    Coaching To Improve Employee Performance

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    Coaching in the workplace leads to improved employee performance because it helps each team member feel recognized and valued. Coaching is a skill that allows leaders to develop more effective and meaningful working relationships with their employees by asking them guiding questions, giving them compliments, listening to and empowering them by encouraging honest communication, understanding their perspectives and showing commitment to their continued growth and development.

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    Develop A Pipeline Of Leaders Who Can Collaborate Together Effectively While Balancing Regulations And Budget Constraints

    Working in a government agency or military and defense organization means facing unique and complex challenges.

    Cross-boundary collaboration can be difficult for public sector workers. Leaders are bound by tight government budgets and regulatory roadblocks, and financial constraints often require a creative approach in motivating employees. Societal pressures and institutional changes mean government leaders must be agile, innovative, and resilient in adapting to change.

    To address these and other challenges unique to leading in the public sector, we offer government leadership development training and have decades of experience developing public sector leaders.

    We can deliver government leadership training solutions for leaders of all levels in government, aerospace, and defense agencies, departments, and organizations.

    Were a pre-qualified vendor on the GSA Training Schedule and can work directly with you or partner with others who share our passion for government leadership training.

    Responsibilities Of Individual Employees

    Employees have primary responsibility for their own careers and therefore for their own professional development, including such things as self-assessment, seeking feedback, requesting support and applying their learning on the job. The Key Leadership Competencies provide a set of skills and behaviours to be developed at every level, from supervisor to Deputy Minister, in the Public Service.

    In pursuing their careers, employees may participate in leadership development programs operated either by departments and agencies, or by the Public Service as a whole. Participation in such programs is a privilege, not a right, and depends on a variety of factors, notably a determination by management that this investment in an employee would be of present or future benefit to the organization or to the Public Service as a whole.

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    Our Military & Government Leadership Development Experts

    Bill Adams

    Leadership Solutions Partner

    A former U.S. Army officer and West Point faculty member, Bill has more than 25 years of experience leading government teams and more than 10 years of experience teaching psychology, performance enhancement, and leadership. He works as a Leadership Solutions Partner at CCL.

    Chris Beckert

    Leadership Solutions Partner

    A former U.S. Army officer and Army War College faculty member, Chris has more than 30 years of experience leading government teams and more than 10 years of experience in delivering programs in executive and strategic education, and in teaching strategic leadership and strategy.

    Tracy Thomas-Roberts

    Strategic Business Partner

    Tracy is co-lead of our government practice, with 20+ years of experience partnering with public sector and military clients. She holds a bachelors degree from the University of Virginia, a masters degree in International Management & Finance, and an MBA in Global Business.

    Learning And Leadership Development

    Government Leadership Training

    Successful organizations make learning and leadership development an integral part of their business planning. Better planning and learning and leadership development will help to ensure that the Public Service continues to serve the Government and Canadians with excellence in the years ahead.

    To support this aim, there are a number of public service-wide development programs available to employees.

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    Sgeu Leadership Development Courses

    Leadership Development courses are intended to increase your knowledge of what it means to be part of a union, equip you to be a steward in the workplace and play other union leadership roles.Courses are open to all SGEU members and stewards, from any sector. Multi-day courses numbered 20 or higher require you to have taken other courses before being eligible.To enroll for Leadership Development in your geographical area, please review the SGEU events calendar and be sure to apply online at least ten days prior to the course start date. See below for detailed descriptions of each course.If your local or sector would like to sponsor a course please contact , the SGEU Education Officer. There will be frequent updates, additions and modifications to the schedule so please review this site often.

    Leadership And Executive Development Guidance

    All leadership development should begin well before an individual transitions into a supervisory or managerial position. To ensure these individuals are well prepared to fill supervisory and managerial positions, agencies may provide training for those who are interested in becoming supervisors or managers. The head of each agency is responsible for establishing a succession management program which includes training to develop employees to become managers . Employee development programs are a fundamental tool for a robust leadership succession management plan. As a result of effective succession planning, an agency’s employee development program can ensure an adequate number of educated/qualified individuals to fill supervisory and managerial positions for critical functions within the organization.

    For more information and examples of agency pre-supervisory development programs please go to OPM’s Training and Development Wiki.

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