Saturday, July 13, 2024

Report Misuse Of Government Funds

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What Should You Report

Auditor General indicts county governments over misuse of COVID-19 funds
  • Personal use of money or other assets
  • Staging of fake training events
  • Counterfeiting drugs
  • Irregularities in tender processes
  • Bribery and kickbacks
  • Abuse of power or authority for personal gain
  • Conflict of interest
  • Human rights violations by Global Fund grant recipients

This list doesnt cover everything so dont hesitate to contact the Office of the Inspector General if youre not sure.

Misappropriation Of Funds Audit Report

Payment Process

Adequate segregation of duties must be ensured to ensure that the responsibilities for appointment, scheduling, approval of hours worked, accounting of hours worked, and payroll do not share the same person. In addition, payment records must be complete, submitted on time, reviewed by the supervisor, and never returned to employees after approval by the supervisor. All payroll transactions must support the required documentation. Inadequate controls can lead to fraudulent practices, including:

  • Inadequate support for hours paid, signatures, or approved records can allow employees to falsify hours worked without proof
  • no overtime policy or activity control allows the abuse of overtime, including intentional non-productive activities, to offer overtime at an additional cost
  • Inadequate monitoring and approval of time and attendance reports may allow for unpaid interrupted vacation balances that assume overpayment or unearned time

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Petty money

  • Improper monitoring and receipt can lead to improper, or incomparable, misappropriation of checks to cash or employees, which hides assets
  • Do not break or change receipts for reuse use the receipt more than once for one purchase for greater accessibility

Reporting Misuse Or Waste Of Federal And State Money: Do Whistleblower Protection Laws Apply

You have probably heard the theory that all those who get access to state and federal funds eventually lose their minds and cannot help but engage in fraudulent activities and misuse the funds. Personal gain is all they care about it, but the worst part is that they enrich their pockets at the expense of thousands or even millions of other people.

The fraud and misuse involving federal funds is even more serious than fraud involving state money and can do much more damage to a larger group of people across the country. Although fraud involving state and federal money is a crime punishable by law, the vast majority of those who misuse state and federal funds get away with it.

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Report Corruption Fraud Waste Abuse Mismanagement Or Misconduct

What to Report to the DHS OIG Hotline

The DHS Office of Inspector General investigates fraud, waste, abuse, and criminal misconduct involving DHS programs, personnel, and funds. Examples of these types of violations include:

  • Border corruption
  • Bribery and acceptance of gratuities
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Disaster and pandemic fraud involving DHS funds
  • Contract and procurement fraud
  • Whistleblower retaliation

What NOT to Report to the DHS OIG Hotline

The DHS OIG hotline is NOT an emergency services network. While complaints can be submitted to the DHS OIG hotline at any time, the hotline is not actively monitored 24 hours per day and complaints are generally processed in the order they are received. As such, if there is an immediate threat to life or safety, call 911. Do not use our hotline to report emergencies.

The DHS OIG hotline should not be used to report allegations that are unrelated to DHS or allegations that would be more appropriately addressed by entities other than DHS OIG. Direct links to specific offices for reporting some common issues are as follows:

Submitting repeated complaints to DHS OIG regarding the same matter will not result in faster or additional action. Additionally, the DHS OIG hotline should not be used to submit links to news stories or complaints based solely on information derived from the news media.

How can I report an allegation?

Online fillable Allegation Form is Recommended:

: 1-800-323-8603 toll free

Government Enforcement For Misuse Of Paycheck Protection Program And Other Covid

Government versus NGOs: FCRA to protect transparency and prevent misuse ...

The new American Rescue Plan Act as signed into law earlier this month provides for $1.9 trillion in economic stimulus, supplementing last years Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and its $2.2 trillion allocation, both undertaken in response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Together, the programs provide for billions of dollars in government funds for direct payments and grants to businesses, perhaps most notably though the Paycheck Protection Program . As of March 21, 2021, more than $718 billion in PPP loans were approved, and ARPA allocated an additional $7 billion for the PPP as well as $28.6 billion for new Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants.

While the PPP provides for loan forgiveness, forgiveness requires a certification by the borrower regarding usage of the funds to retain workers and maintain payroll that would subject borrowers to potential False Claims Act enforcement and/or criminal enforcement for potential fraudulent or false statements. Likewise, both the initial PPP loan application and forgiveness application include certifications as to eligibility and usage, and the recently enacted Restaurant Revitalization Grants under ARPA also require certification, although applications for the latter are not yet available. In each instance, such certifying language triggers potential FCA and/or criminal liability if misused.

See generally 31 U.S.C. § 3729 et seq.

Id. see also 31 U.S.C. § 3729.

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Report Fraud Against The Federal Government

If you believe that you have knowledge of fraud against the Federal Government including fraud against other federally funded entities there are several ways to report this fraud. The most commonly used methods are by reporting the fraud to the Inspector General for the federal agency that has been defrauded, by notifying the Federal Bureau of Investigation , or by filing a qui tam action in federal court pursuant to the False Claims Act.1. Notify the federal agency harmedAll federal agencies have an Inspector General whose duties include investigating fraud committed against their agency. The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency has provided the reporting tool available here to help whistleblowers report fraud to the appropriate Inspector General. In addition, CIGIE has compiled the directory available here of all federal agency Inspectors General with their hotline number and address to report fraud.

Pandemic-Related Fraud: If you are aware of fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement of federal funding, or misrepresentations relating to the coronavirus pandemic response, including the federal financial assistance and stimulus programs, submit a hotline complaint online to the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.

Health Care Fraud: To report health care fraud, call 1-800-HHS-TIPS or submit a hotline complaint online.

Reporting Alleged Mismanagement Of Federal Funds

Reporting Alleged Mismanagement of Federal Funds

The National Defense Authorization Act, P.L. 112-239 for Fiscal Year 2013 established a four-year pilot program for the enhancement of contractor and subcontractor employee protections from reprisal for disclosure of, information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or grant, a gross waste of Federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract or grant. 1

Prohibition of Reprisals.

In general: An employee of a contractor, subcontractor, or grantee may not be discharged, demoted, or otherwise discriminated against as a reprisal for disclosing to a person or body described in paragraph information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or grant, a gross waste of Federal funds, an abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant, a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or a violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract or grant.

Persons and bodies covered: The persons and bodies described in this paragraph are the persons and bodies as follows:

In addition to the above, recipients of federal funds must immediately contact the OIG and their program officer when they first suspect that:



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Letters Of Recommendation On Official Stationery

An employee may sign a letter of recommendation using his official title and office letterhead in response to a request for an employment recommendation or character reference for someone provided it is based on his personal knowledge of the ability or character of the person. In addition, the individual must be someone with whom the employee has dealt with in the course of his Federal employment or someone he is recommending for Federal employment.

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EACC report shows misuse of public funds by Kisii County staff

The trip

There should be an appropriate segregation of duties to ensure that responsibility for travel authorization, transaction records, and reimbursement of expenses, and payment of remuneration does not belong to the same person. The WSU has a strong travel policy to ensure proper control. Units must ensure compliance with the rules. An employee travel authorization must be approved by a recognized and authorized person. Refunds from other sources should be considered. Refund requests must be supported by the original invoices and must be reviewed for justification. Improper control leads to fraud such as:

  • A review of a refund request by someone unfamiliar with the policies or activities may result in duplicate invoices, unauthorized or unauthorized refunds, or overpayments made for the same transaction.


There should be an appropriate separation of responsibilities to ensure that the responsibilities of the tutor and the certified officer do not belong to the same person. WSU has strong card purchase policies units should ensure compliance with regulations. Original accounts should support transactions and be reviewed in recorded purchases and bank statements to avoid duplication with approved and permitted purposes. Proper control leads to fraud, including:

Report scam


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What You Need For How To Report Suspected Fraud Waste Or Abuse To The Oig

You can use our reporting form to report suspected wrongdoing, or report by , phone or mail. Please provide as much information as possible:

  • Identify the city, town, agency or other public entity involved.
  • Provide the name of individual involved, with their positions or titles.
  • Explain the issue or concern in as much detail as possible, including the nature, scope and timeframe of the suspected wrongdoing.
  • Provide us with information about other individuals who may have relevant information or documents, as well as their contact information.

Include copies of any related documents, which you can upload with this form or send to our office via or mail.

We will keep your identity confidential to the extent possible. In some cases it may be necessary to share your complaint if we need to refer the matter to a more suitable agency or work with another agency to investigate your complaint. Even so, your name will not be disclosed without your written consent. You will receive advanced notice from our office in the rare instance that we cannot avoid disclosure. Under Massachusetts law, all OIG records – including your tips and complaints – are confidential and exempt from the Public Records Law.

If you report suspected illegal activity, state whistleblower laws may protect your identity and also may protect you from an employer’s retaliation or intimidation.

Want to learn more before you file a complaint? Visit our fraud reporting FAQ.

What Happens After You File A Report

The information you provide is passed to the CSSIU for assessment to determine what action, if any, is required. Substantiated instances of fraud could result in:

  • repayments of assistance for which the person is not eligible
  • reduced assistance payments
  • a fraud charge under the Income and Employment Support Act or the Criminal Code of Canada

Because of strict privacy laws, the ministry is not able to share information about the progress or outcome of the investigation. The confidentiality of the person involved is protected.

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False Accounts Or Fraudulently Altering Or Destroying Accounts

Another way to misappropriate public funds in California is to do either of the following:

  • Knowingly keep a materially false account, or make any materially false entry or materially false erasure in any account of or relating to public moneys14 or
  • Alter, falsify, conceal, destroy, or obliterate any account of or relating to public moneys, with the intent to defraud.15
  • In other words, you can violate Californias misappropriation of funds law even if you dont personally misappropriate any fundsprovided that you knowingly tamper with the accounts for public money, or alter or destroy those accounts with intent to commit fraud.

    Example: Vladimir and Ellen both work in the same government office. Vladimir knows that Ellen has been taking money from the offices accounts for some time. He also learns that their boss has started to suspect that something is going on.

    Vladimir is secretly in love with Ellen. Because he doesnt want her to get caught, he deletes incriminating financial records from the offices computer system and shreds the paper copies of those records.

    Because Vladimir destroyed financial records with intent to defraud his boss, he is guilty of misappropriating public money under Penal Code 424 PC.

    You Can Report Fraud Anonymously

    Figure 4: Hardest Hit Fund: Amount Disbursed (as a Percentâ¦

    If you wish to remain anonymous, leave the contact information portion of this form blank. Your name and contact information will not be included in the report. We also recommend that you do not include any information that may identify you in the comments portion.

    If you wish to leave your name and contact information, fill in the contact information portion of this form.

    The identity and personal information of anyone who reports suspected fraud is confidential. If you provide your name and contact information, CSSIU may contact you for additional information. Your identity will not be divulged to the person you are reporting, but the details of your report may be released to that individual through an appeals process, judicial process or under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

    In the event of a criminal investigation, the CSSIU may be required to disclose your information to a law enforcement agency or in response to a judicial process.

    Provide as much information as possible so CSSIU can properly assess your information and ensure a fraud investigation can be initiated. Fraud complaints lacking sufficient detail will not be acted upon.

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    Suspected Fraud By Health Providers

    Health providers are:

    • service providers and their employees
    • health professionals and their employees

    Fraud by health providers may include claiming for services or products that weren’t provided, and receiving payments that they’re not entitled to.

    Anyone can report suspected fraud by health providers. Any information that you can provide is valuable.

    Penal Code 67 & 68 Bribery Of Public Officials

    Like misappropriation of public funds, Penal Code 67 & 68 PC bribery of or by executive officers or public employees is a crime that is often charged against government employees.

    However, this form of California bribery can also be charged against people who are not government workers but who attempt to bribe government employees.

    Essentially, these laws make it a crime for someone to offer money or something of value to a government employeeor for a government employee to solicit money or something of valuewith corrupt intent.27

    People who bribe government officials may be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value of the money or property involved and the circumstances of the offense. But government employees who solicit or accept bribes are always subject to felony penalties.28

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    Submit A Hotline Complaint

    OIG Hotline Operations accepts tips and complaints from all sources about potential fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services programs. Every report we receive is important, however, not every submission results in an investigation. Due to the high volume of complaints we receive, it is not possible to contact every complainant. However, Hotline tips are incredibly valuable, and we appreciate your efforts to help us stamp out fraud, waste, and abuse.

    Appropriating Public Funds Without Authority

    Fraud in pocketing PPP funds meant for struggling businesses

    One way to misuse public funds in California is to appropriate funds to your own use or the use of another person, without authority of law.5

    The elements of this form of misappropriation of public funds are:

  • The defendant was either an officer of a state or local government entity or a person charged with the receipt, safekeeping, transfer or disbursement of public funds
  • The defendant appropriated public money to his/her own use or to the use of someone else, without authority of law and
  • The defendant either knew that the law prohibited this appropriation or was criminally negligent in failing to find out whether or not s/he had the legal authority to make this appropriation.6
  • Lets take a closer look at these elements in order to better understand their meaning.

    A public officer or a person entrusted with public funds

    A public officer can be just about any sort of official or employee of a state or local government agency, including:

    • An elected official
    • An accountant or lawyer employed by the government or
    • A rank-and-file government employee.

    You can also be charged with misappropriation of public funds if you are entrusted with public moneywhich means that you are entrusted with responsibilities or duties relating to, and have some degree of control over, the receipt, safekeeping or disbursement of public moneys.7

    Appropriated public money

    Appropriating public money simply means to use it for your own purposesor the purposes of someone else .

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    What Information Should I Include In My Allegations

    If filing under any condition other than anonymously please make sure you provide your name, address, telephone number, and all other pertinent contact information. If you wish to receive a Complaint Number Notification alert message via email you must provide a valid point of contact email address.

    If the alleged offender is a DHS employee, please provide the employee’s name, title, tour of duty, and the name and address of the DHS agency where the employee works. Additionally, the information you provide should be as detailed as possible.

    • Who was involved in the alleged wrongdoing ?
    • What did the individual or entity do?
    • Where did the incident take place?
    • When did it happen? Is it still ongoing?
    • How was the activity committed?
    • How did you become aware of the problem?
    • Who else has knowledge of the potential wrongdoing?

    Some of this information is required when filing an allegation using the online DHS OIG Online Allegation form

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