Sunday, July 14, 2024

How To Win Government Bids

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Obtain Your Duns Number

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Before you learn how to get a federal contract, you need to obtain your DUNS number. This will allow you to register for government contracts.

Your DUNS number is a nine-digit number that is used to identify your business as unique from any other. In many cases, DUNS numbers are used to predict the reliability and/or financial stability of your business. So, when youre bidding for federal contract bids, your DUNS number confirms that your business is actually eligible to bid.

DUNS numbers are free and can be obtained through the online DUNS Request Service.

Check For Smaller Contracts

Lets say youre still waiting for your small business accreditation, but youre looking forward to landing your first contract. If thats the case, state or local contracts can be an excellent place to start before going on to federal contracts.

You can visit your states procurement office or log in to your local government official website to learn more about the registration process and open or upcoming contracts available in your state.

Apply For Your Federal Tax Id Number

Your Federal Tax ID number functions similarly to your Social Security Number. Without your Federal Tax ID, your company will be unable to apply for business licenses and permits, nor even legally open a bank account to which your payments as a federal government contractor will be wired. You can easily apply for your tax ID here.

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Understanding The Government Contracting Acquisition Lifecycle

Successful government contractors prepare in advance by targeting specific agencies , building key relationships and setting up a strategic plan to grow their business. To do this, they must understand the contracting acquisition lifecycle, in order to know what actions to take and when to set their business up for success. The stages of the acquisition lifecycle generally look similar to this:

As you prepare in advance to win government contracts, you should keep an eye out for information and analysis that may help improve your ability to compete before, during and after the opportunity is put out for competitive bid.

  • Pre-RFP Intel in Budgets and Spending Plans. Forward-looking businesses can gain an advantage by gathering advance notice and pre-solicitation information on upcoming projects found in agency budgets, expiring contracts and capital spending plans.
  • Currently Open Solicitations Like Bids and RFPs. While these and other common competitive solicitation types are the bread and butter of government contracting, being informed well before an opportunity goes to bid helps during the proposal preparation process.
  • Contract Award Information. Understanding data from bid results and contract awards showing where your competitors are winning, agency evaluation criteria, pricing, re-compete opportunities and more can help set you up for the next opportunity.
  • Create An Outline For Your Government Contract Proposal

    Discover how to find and win government bids

    The secret in crafting an effective contract proposal is thorough and strategic planning. Once you have done all the preparations from the earlier points, you should lay down a contract outline.

    Having a proposal layout before writing down your contract bid will ensure that your document will not veer away from your main message and contract goals. Additionally, this will lessen the risk of overlooking important information youll otherwise miss if you just blindly ventured into writing your contract bid.

    To help you craft your outline, look again at the sections of the RFP sent to you, then try to address them one by one. After you have laid out all the points, you can start to write your proposal.

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    How To Structure Your Answer

    • if the question includes bullet points, adopt these as subheadings. With equal space allocated to each
    • if there are no bullets, break down the different elements of the question to determine the best answer structure
    • address each point in the same order as they appear within the question
    • avoid extra subheadings which distract from the core wording of the question

    Government Contracts Up For Bid: How To Succeed

    Securing government contracts up for bid can be a great way to grow your business. The public sector spends over £285 billion annually through public procurement. They procure a wide range of goods and services across a variety of sectors.

    This means theres plenty of opportunities for your business to become a supplier to the government. The government often outsources their needs resulting in government contracts up for bid. So, if this is something youre interested in, heres how to find and win government contracts up for bid.

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    Gain Experience And Grow Your Business

    If youve Googled how to become a federal contractor you may also be wondering about the benefits. Another benefit is that by being a federal contractor, you can gain experience. The more contracts you secure, the more experience you will get.

    Bids often require you to include up to three previous contract examples. Becoming a federal contractor can help build your experience. The more experience you have, the bigger contracts you can go for. The bigger contracts you go for, the bigger your business can grow.

    Get Ready For The Paperwork

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    Winning government contract opportunities needs a lot of paperwork. So, when you get into federal contracting, you may want to do preparation. You can search on the local governments website and database for the official guide, requirements, essential papers needed and others.

    Depending on your companys service and products, government contracting opportunities can give a lot of profit, benefits, and even a risky journey. From papers to machinery, the government find contractors for almost everything they need, and it is up to you and your business to prepare and win your government contract.

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    Need Assistance When Writing Your Next Government Contracts Up For Bid

    Although youre a bit more familiar with whats required, you might still be looking for some bid writing support. Writing isnt everyones strong suit and thats ok. Outsourcing a bid youve found to bid writing specialists can help you secure that next contract.

    Here at Hudson Succeed, we pride ourselves on being bid writing experts. We hold an 87% success rate and have over 60 years of collective bid writing experience. We offer four levels of bid writing support to suit every business need. You may not need the whole bid written for you you may simply need it proofread before you submit. We can help with that. Our services include:

    How To Register Your Small Business As A Government Contractor

    1. Register for a DUNS Number

    Your DUNS number is the unique 9-digit code you can request at Dun & Bradstreets official website to confirm your business existence.

    Be wary that online hackers are now targeting the federal marketplace by posing as official websites and require payment to use these free national services. To stay safely connected and protect your sensitive information against cyberattacks, make sure that you are only accessing the secure websites of the official government agency by checking the URL of the said website.

    2. Know your North American Industry Classification Systems Code

    As a self-assigned system, you are in charge of selecting which NAICS code best matches your products and services offered. Check the list of codes by visiting the website here. If you provide varying products or services, your business can also have more than one NAICS code.

    3. Use Size Standard Tool

    For technical assistance to confirm if your current business size is qualified as a small business, use this Size Standards Tool by the US Small Business Administration to confirm.

    4. Register your business at System for Awards Management

    Using your DUNS number, register your business for an account for free at their website. Some of the requirements you should keep in mind before creating a SAM profile for your business are as follows:

    5. Fill out your SBA profile

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    How Pwin Is Traditionally Calculated

    Youd think that every Federal contractor who considers submitting a proposal for a government contract would have a well-defined process to calculate the PWIN. Yet, the PWIN calculation process varies wildly from business to business. Check out the five most recognized methods in use today, as referenced in William Rogers article, Different Approaches to Calculating and Using PWIN:

  • Manual: This is the gut feeling or educated guess approach . Its the most subjective calculation. Someone within your business identifies the probability of the win and assigns it a number.
  • Phase/Stage Based: This calculation originates in your CRM software. Its based on which phase or stages the opportunity is in currently. This calculation assumes that the farther into the process you are, the more likely you are to win. However, a lot of factors can poke holes in this calculation. For instance, if a new competitor jumps into the ring in the later phases of the process, your PWIN score should decrease. This isnt accounted for in the Phase/Stage Based calculation.
  • KPI-Driven Pursuit Assessment: This is a more standardized assessment for PWIN. Once you identify KPIs and weight them, an algorithm is used to determine PWIN. As a result, these standards are consistent across all instances, they may provide a more accurate outcome.
  • Question Based Calculator: A set of questions is defined, and each answer is weighted, then put through an algorithm to determine the PWIN.
  • Respond In Full To The Question

    Discover how to find and win government bids
    • Make sure that each requirement of the question is addressed.
    • Provide evidence of relevant, recent experience no longer than three years old and demonstrate your capabilities.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the product or service required.
    • Demonstrate you’re in a unique position to provide the service.
    • Differentiate your service offering.

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    Youve Found A Great Opportunity For Your Business Youve Got A Product Or Service That Can Really Deliver What The Buyer Needs Everything Is Falling Into Place

    But you still need to write a tender response before you win the contract.

    Putting together a tender proposal is tricky, and the truth is theres no tried and tested template to follow each time you bid for a contract. All the elements, from the questions to the scoring and the weighting, will be different for every tender.

    Every tender is different, and your tender response should be different too.

    While theres no perfect template, there are great tips and specific steps that you should take to make sure that your tender response shows off what you can do and makes the buying authority really take notice.

    Getting Your Tender Perfect Every Time

    Keep sentences and paragraphs short and punchy

    Use bullet points and headings to break up text

    Decide on a clear typesetting, layout and font size and stick to them throughout

    Be careful if cutting and pasting copy to make sure the format stays the same and nothing is lost or duplicated

    Develop a logical argument in your tender which showcases your solution in a clear way

    Read everything again, then get a colleague to read it for meaning, typing mistakes and omissions. A fresh pair of eyes is always welcome

    Use clearly identified appendices for supporting additional information

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    Ensure That Your Proposal Addresses The Project Goals

    Referencing Section C of the RFP, you have to define how you plan to fulfill the contract goals clearly.

    Your contract proposal should lay out your plan that hinges on your companys strengths. You have to highlight how your companys proposed solution is the most efficient and cost-effective option among other federal contractors during this step. To ensure that your proposal addresses every request stipulated in the RFP, list them all out in the proposal outline prior.

    Bid First And Know Your Competition

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    An easy way to get more construction bids is stepping in before your competition does. Keep an eye on construction bidding marketplaces to create a profile and preemptively find jobs.

    • BidClerk This site provides commercial construction leads and project information.
    • iSqFt A networking tool, iSqFt is specially designed to help construction professionals connect and communicate.
    • BidPlanroom Commercial construction professionals use this site to join a bidders list, post projects and promote their company.

    When preparing to bid on a project, know what criteria your competition will use so you can bring more to the table. This means making your offer about more than just price. Essentially, you need to sell the fact that your services are better.

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    Outsource Your Bid To Experts

    Many businesses wonder how to become a federal contractor. One of the biggest mistakes they are making is that they dont leave enough time for their response. The average bid takes 23 hours to complete end-to-end. It can be very demanding and so thats why outsourcing can benefit your business.

    One way you can become a federal contractor is by letting an expert Bid Writer write your response. They can support you will all aspects of your response and can help you win your next RFP. Here are three advantages of using bid writing experts:

    • They offer an external point of view
    • Experts in writing and winning bids and RFPs
    • Have vast expertise in what buyers require from an RFP response
    • Improve your success rate.

    Why Seek Government Contracts For Small Business

    Just like any other large organization, the Federal Government often needs to buy goods and services to operate optimally. From toilet paper to military vehicles, all of these items are contracted out by the government. If you sell to other businesses or organizations, there is no reason why you cannot market to the government also.

    While there are multiple opportunities for your business, there are some reasons why many business owners avoid getting into government contracts:

    • The process can be intimidating. Many assume their company would never be considered because of its size, age, and other factors.
    • Dealing with red tape and a lot of paperwork can be daunting.

    Although there are some drawbacks, there are many more good reasons why you should consider seeking a government contract for your business. You could be missing out on a huge opportunity.

    There are several reasons why you should work to get a government contract:

  • The government is the biggest buyer in the word. It contracts up to $350 billion worth of federal contracts.
  • There is a favorability for small businesses. By law, 23 percent of those contracts must be provided to small businesses.
  • There is information available for the business owner to utilize when making a bid, which is very helpful and not common in non-federal contracts.
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    The New Normal Of Government Contracting Is A Tough Adjustment And Yet Many Contractors Are Thriving Here’s How They Are Winning The Proposal Process

    This post is based on a presentation delivered at the Veterans In Business Conference. The presentation was made by James K. McCarthy, Principal Owner and Technical Director, AOC Key Solutions, Inc., a federal contracting proposal and business development consulting firm. Since 1983, KSI has helped clients win over $130 billion in federal contracts.

    At the beginning of Jims presentation he talked about The New Normal of government contacting, adding that the storm clouds have formed. While there has been some signs of life of late in various government market sectors, the market has not rebounded as fast or as robustly has some observers had hoped.

    The reasons for the new normal include political gridlock, sequestration and fiscal cliffs, debt ceilings, continuing resolutions and government shutdowns. Coloring everything is political posturing and finger pointing, and a tendency for lawmakers to avoid long-term solutions and kick the can down the road.

    How has this affected government contractors? Jim provided a painful list:

    • RFPs Slowed to a Trickle
    • Contract Awards Delayed
    • Rampant Uncertainty

    And yet, some government contractors are winning new contracts and successfully growing their businesses.

    How are they doing it? Jim broke down the 11 things that the most successful government contractors are doing in the business development process.

    1. Prevent Pipeline Creep
    2. Have A Targeted Approach
    3. Dont Go It Alone
    4. Assign Accountability
    7. Get It In Writing

    Network With The Government

    FBO Biz

    Getting to know people in the government contracting industry is highly advised. Talking to government officials and agencies and networking with them might help you better grasp their needs and financial constraints. Youre not just trying to get government contracts when you network youre also trying to create the trust and commercial ties vital for doing a winning business.

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    You Bid On Every Government Contract Available

    If you are a small business owner who wants to enter the government contracting industry, sending out as many contract proposals as possible to secure your win seems like a viable option. But it isnt!

    When sending out a contract bid, you say that you can confidently deliver the requested task. Your proposal should reflect your competence and willingness to commit to excellence. Anything less than what you have promised will only tarnish your reputation thus, killing any chance to win government contracts in the future.

    Submitting contract proposals to projects you are underqualified for is like shooting yourself in the foot. Even if you want to step out of your comfort zone by bidding on a project that is different from what you usually do, you should still find a way to play it to your strengths. Winning government contracts isnt about sending contract proposals to all government buyers. Instead of wasting your precious resources, you should learn how to pick the best federal contract to bid on. Try to search for bidding opportunities that require your expertise!

    Understanding The Full Costs Of Delivery

    First, you need to be clear about the full costs of delivering your solution. It is essential that you include all relevant overheads in your calculations and do not just count the direct or marginal costs involved. This means taking into account staff wages, any transportation or delivery costs, renting or buying new equipment and so on.

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