Saturday, July 13, 2024

Federal Government Grant And Freedom Check

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Questions To Ask About A Legit Grant You Won A Legit Grant Now What

Gov. Northam grants freedom to Hampton man

When you are the fortunate recipient of a legitimate U.S. grant, make sure you understand its purpose and requirements upfront.

  • What can the money be used for? Most grants are not general-purpose funds, to be used for whatever the company determines. They are for specific purposes that meet the mission of the grantor. Make sure the grantors mission and you mission are in sync.
  • What portion of the grant can be used for overhead? Grants are provided to undertake projects and activities. It takes administrative support to accomplish this, so make sure you understand what amount of the grant can be used for that.
  • What is the timing of the payments? Many grants are provided upfront so the company has the funds in hand to pay for the work. However, some grants are paid when agreed-upon milestones are accomplished or when specific expenditures need to be reimbursed.

Questions To Ask About A Legitimate Grant You Won A Legit Grantnow What

When you are the fortunate recipient of a legit U.S. grant, make sure you understand its purpose and requirements upfront.

  • What can the money be used for? Most grants are not general-purpose funds, to be used for whatever the company determines. They are for specific purposes that meet the mission of the grantor. Make sure the grantors mission and your mission are in sync.
  • What portion of the grant can be used for overhead? Grants are provided to undertake projects and activities. It takes administrative support to accomplish this, so make sure you understand what amount of the grant can be used for that.
  • What is the timing of the payments? Many grants are provided upfront, so the company has the funds in hand to pay for the work. However, some grants are paid when agreed-upon milestones are accomplished or when specific expenditures need to be reimbursed.

Federal Grant Scam: How It Works

As our mandate is to educate our readers about the latest financial fraud cases, we have a new one this week the Federal grant. A fake $9,000 government grant is offered via a phone call by scammers impersonating the federal authorities. Free money from the government is always lovely to have but watch out for this scam. It even involves using a Steam card , if you know what that is.

Alternatively, scammers could make you believe that you received a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant , which is a grant dedicated to undergraduate students with exceptional financial needs. But the main scam targets the everyday citizen.

Lets take a look.

Imagine this: you get a call from someone claiming to be from the government and informing you that, because of the COVID-19 economic situation and some new specific laws and regulations, you are eligible to receive $9,000. Thats a grant, which is money that you dont have to return. A stimulus check.

The only conditions for you to fully qualify are that you dont have a criminal record, didnt go bankrupt the last six months, and have been a loyal citizen for the government. Furthermore, you can use the money for a useful purpose to start a business or an education stage. Besides, to receive the grant, a full conversation needs to be established.

But how does the Government Grant Scam work? Watch the video below to see it exposed:

Read Also: Federal Grants For Dental Work

Current And Upcoming Funding Opportunities

Open to applicants that meet eligibility criteria. Consult funding opportunities for more information on eligibility criteria.

  • The information from this list may change.
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Families Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a
Applications accepted on an ongoing basis Career development and employment Applications accepted on an ongoing basis n/a

What To Do If Approached Or If You Need Assistance

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If approached in this manner, do not give any personal information. If you are uncomfortable with the nature of the call or approach, simply hang up.

We encourage you to report incidents of this nature. You can visit Scamwatch on to report to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission , and you can contact the DSS fraud reporting hotline on 1800 054 312.

If you contact DSS in the first instance, we will obtain as many details as possible from you about the incident, including your contact details. If appropriate, DSS will refer it to the police or other relevant authority including the ACCC.

If you have already provided information to a caller or are concerned that a crime has or may be committed, please immediately contact the police, your bank or the department

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Is A Fee Involved

Grant applications are usually free as they are sourced at the federal or state/county level with public funds. If you are asked to submit a fee to apply for the grant or learn more about it, theres good chance it is scam. Asking for an application fee is the number-one way scammers make their money.

What Are Freedom Checks

As Ive explained in the past, the whole concept of Freedom Checks is just a marketing term about you getting involved in what are called MLPs, or Master Limited Partnerships, usually in oil and gas.

These are high-risk ventures that are also typically really expensive for you to be involved in. The chance youll make the big money is pretty unlikely. There are few people who will do well.

Ill tell you who is doing well: The whole pitch with the Freedom Checks the whole commercial cycle, everything is about getting you to subscribe to a newsletter, that then tells you about MLPs and the oil and gas industry.

So now that Ive told you what the real mystery is its about doing this high-risk, high-cost investing in MLPs you should know if those newsletters are something you really should spend money on in the first place.

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Lottery Or Sweepstakes Winning Notices

Another common government imposter scam is when someone contacts you telling you that you have won a federally supervised lottery or sweepstakes. The criminals claim to be from the National Consumer Protection Agency, the non-existent National Sweepstakes Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission or even the Michigan Attorney Generals Consumer Protection Unit.

When making contact, the scammer might tell you that you have to pay taxes or service fees before you can collect your prize, or they will insist that you must wire money immediately. This is a scam! In reality, no government agency is involved, and there are no winnings.

Awarding Fake Government Grants

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Criminals also contact consumers and tell them that they have been selected to receive a government grant. To receive the grant money, the scammer explains a processing fee must be paid and asks individuals for bank account information. Grants are not benefits or entitlements. A federal grant is a way the federal government funds your ideas and projects to provide public services and stimulate the economy. Note the following:

  • No government grant-making agency will make phone calls, send emails or letters to solicit money or person- al banking information from a potential grant recipient
  • There are no processing fees for federal grants and
  • Federal grants are not issued for personal use but are intended for institutions and non-profits to carry out projects with a public purpose.

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This Type Of Federal Grant Does Not Require An Application

Every grant from the federal government involves an application submitted through a government website, such as Also, you cannot apply for federal grants over the phone or via email. Any individual claiming that a grant does not require an application, or requires only a phone call or an email, is attempting to scam you.

William Bieber And Elizabeth Hardie

Protecting Alaska’s Miners

With a $142,249 state grant from our Mine Safety and Health Administration, Alaska’s Mining and Petroleum Training Services teaches about 800-900 people every year. When COVID-19 forced them to move their training online, they discovered an unexpected benefit: They could offer training every week, unlike their face-to-face trainings, which were reliant on cooperative weather. “Not one of our students who attended this class was seriously injured in a mine,” said executive director William Bieber. “That’s a great record and something we’re very proud of.”

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What Should You Include In Your Request

Please provide a clear, concise description of the records/documents you are seeking. If possible, include a timeframe to focus the search. The more information you provide, the greater the likelihood of finding the records you are seeking.

The following will also help us find the records:

  • Subject, title, and/or likely location of those records
  • Approximate date when the records/documents were created
  • Agencies, offices, or individuals involved and

Be sure your request includes:

  • Your name, phone number, full mailing address, and, email address.
  • This information allows us to reach you faster if we have any questions about your request.
  • State your willingness to pay fees, and/or the maximum amount of fees you are willing to pay.
  • Use FOIA Request as the subject line of your email or, if sent by mail, mark it on both the envelope and on the letter.

How Government Grant Scammers Try To Trick You

US government ending paper benefits checks, switching to ...
  • Scammers reach you in lots of ways. You might see ads online for government grants. Scammers might call you, but use a fake caller ID so it looks like theyre calling from a federal or state government agency. Some send texts or emails, saying you may qualify for free money from the government.
  • Scammers make big promises. They might say you can use this so-called free money or grant to pay for education, home repairs, home business expenses, household bills, or other personal needs.
  • Scammers try to look official. Besides faking their phone number, theyll pretend theyre with a real government agency like the Social Security Administration. Or, theyll make up an official-sounding name of a government agency, like the Federal Grants Administration, which doesnt exist.
  • Scammers ask you for information or money. Government grant scammers might start by asking for personal information, like your Social Security number, to see if you qualify for the grant . Then theyll ask for your bank account information maybe to deposit grant money into your account or to pay for up-front fees. But sometimes, scammers will ask you to pay those fees with a gift card, cash reload card, money transfer, or with cryptocurrency. And thats always a scam.
  • Scammers try to be convincing. They might even promise a refund if you arent satisfied. But thats a lie. Once you give your bank account information, or pay fees, your money will disappear. And, youll never see the grant they promise.

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Anna Carlson And Marnee Mccormick

Saving Lives with Better Training

In a mine, there’s no substitute for safety training simulations. MSHA-certified health and safety trainers Anna Carlson and Marnee McCormick have long wanted a mobile training trailer, but lacked the funds. Now our $50,000 grant is making that trailer a reality, making it possible to simulate potentially life-threatening scenarios. “You can only talk about a topic so much before everyone thinks they know everything,” Carlson said. “You need to find a different way to approach the subject matter and teach it, which is what we are trying to do.”

You Have Been Awarded A Federal Grant That You Can Spend Any Way You Like

Federal grants are usually awarded for specific programs, research or projects most often to local governments, organizations, institutions and universities. Beware of any individual who promises a government award that can be spent on paying down tuition or credit card debt, or home electronics and décor.

Read Also: Dental Grants For Seniors

Verify A Website Below

Are you just about to make a purchase online? See if the website is legit with our validator:


Are you a big fan of Etsy? Here are a bunch of fake Etsy-like websites!


1. Got a Domain Name? Here’s The Biggest SEO Scam2. Top 5 Amazon Scams in 20223. Top 5 PayPal Scams in 20224. How To Spot a Scam Email in 2022

Who Is Matt Badiali

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Matt Badiali is an expert in the mining, energy and agriculture industries. Hes been considered an expert for more than 2 decades now and has even taught geology at Duke University and the University of North Carolina.

He has traveled the globe and been to places as far as Iraq, to the Mexican desert, Hong Kong and even Singapore.

Hes spent time around many top business people, including CEOs and has been relied on by 100,000s of people in his career.

This paints the picture of a respectable person who certainly seems like someone you can trust. I also reviewed his Magic Metal video recently and was impressed by that.

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How They Try To Trick You

Whether you see them in your local paper or a national magazine, or receive direct phone callscon artists generally follow a familiar script to gain access to your bank accounts or to get you to make unnecessary one-time payments to them.

Look and listen for these tell-tale lines:

  • “This grant/scholarship is guaranteed or your money back.”
  • “You can’t get this information anywhere else.”
  • “I just need your credit card or bank account number to hold this grant/scholarship.”
  • “We’ll do all the work. You just pay a processing fee.”
  • “The grant/scholarship will just cost you a one-time fee.”
  • “You’ve been selected” or “you are eligible” to receive a grant/scholarship.

People who run scams often claim to provide help and sometimes claim to be “federal government” officialsdont be fooled by these scams that request money from you. It is illegal to ask you to pay to apply for or to increase your odds of being awarded a federal grant.

Be careful to watch for scammers that falsely use HHS symbols and language to trick you and others. Fraudsters in the past have used the words and letters of HHS programs to give the false impression that their costly seminars or pay-per-use grant application tools are approved, endorsed, or authorized by HHS. HHS never endorses or uses private companies or individuals for these purposes.

Who Offers Legitimate Grants

There are a few federal grant programs for for-profit companies and many state/county economic development financial assistance programs. At the federal level, the SBA has disaster recovery grantsthink Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy.

Also, some agencies, like National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department, participate in the Small Business Innovation Research program which helps companies research tech innovations for possible commercialization in areas that are of interest to these agencies.

At the state/county level, there are many financial assistance programs that foster company and job creation in their respective geographic areas. These take the forms of loans, equity investments and occasionally grants.

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How To Tell If A Government Grant Offer Is A Scam Or Legitimate

You get a call, email or letter from the federal government saying you are the winner of a free U.S. grant. All you have to do is pay a processing fee to receive the money.

How do you know if the grant offer is legitimate or a scam? In this situation, its wise to recall two adages: 1) If it appears too good to be true, it probably is, and 2) there is no such thing as a free lunch. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and other Federal Agencies, fake U.S. grant scams are on the rise across the country.

Collecting On A Fake Debt

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Another government imposter scam involves a communication threatening to collect a debt. You may get a call or an official-looking letter claiming to be from a debt collector acting on behalf of a law firm or government agency. The scammer will threaten to arrest you or take you to court on the debt and may even have your address and Social Security number.

Always ask for written verification of the debt. Never pay a debt by wiring money or using a pre-paid debit card. Even if you owe a debt, you still have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. For more information on debt collection, debt collection scams, and your rights, read the Attorney Generals Consumer Alert on Debt Collection & Debt Collection Scams.

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What About Government Approved Debt Programs

You may have also seen terms like government of Canada debt relief grants or free Canadian government grants to pay off debt. While these look appealing and might make you think there are some ways for you get a deal when dealing with your debt, sadly, this is not the case.

Any company, individual, service, or program that claims they are government approved is often embellishing their reputation or simply misleading you. As was mentioned earlier, the government doesnt offer any debt relief services and doesnt publicly approve or endorse any either.

What these companies often mean by claiming to be government approved is that they have obtained a license from the government or that they are offering a consumer proposal, which is defined within the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.

So while many of these services are regulated or licensed by the government, it doesnt mean that they are approved by them. Simply put, companies will use those buzz words as a way to make their option seem like the more official, prestigious, and best one for people who are struggling with debt.

Check out if bankruptcy is the right option for tax debt.

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