Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Can I Qualify For Government Assistance

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Information Needed For Eligibility

how to apply for government grants

Whether you are applying for the first time, or renewing your benefits, you may need one or more of the following pieces of information to determine whether you are eligible:

  • Proof of citizenship and identity for everyone who is applying for benefits.
  • Alien Registration Cards, if there are non-U.S. citizens applying for benefits in your household.
  • Social Security numbers for everyone, or proof that a Social Security number has been applied for.
  • Proof of relationship, birth certificates may be used.
  • Name, address & daytime phone number of landlord or neighbor.
  • A statement verifying your address and the names of everyone living with you. The statement must be made by a non-relative who doesnât live with you. It must be signed, dated and include that person’s address and telephone number.
  • Proof of ALL money your household received from any source last month and this month.
  • Proof that your employment ended and last date paid.
  • Bank or credit union complete statement for the most recent month.
  • Proof of savings bonds, securities, retirement plans and life insurance.
  • Proof of rent/mortgage and utility bills for the most recent month.
  • Proof of child care expenses for the most recent month.

When possible, please include this information with your application.

Do I Qualify For A Free Government Phone With The Lifeline Program

For starters, if youre already enrolled in a government aid program, you could automatically qualify for a free government phone. Those already enrolled in any of the following programs are eligible:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Medicaid
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Tribal-specific programs: Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance, Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families , Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations , Head Start

If youre not enrolled in any of those government programs, youll need to prove your income is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. For example, if youre the only person in your household and want to get a free government phone, youll need to prove you make less than $12,760 per year. Every extra person in your household pushes your limit up another $4,480so, essentially, the more folks you have in your household, the easier it is to qualify for a free government cell phone and inexpensive cell phone plan.

Find Out If You Or Your Children Are Eligible For The Wic Program

  • If youre applying for yourself, you must be at least one of the following:

  • Pregnant

  • Breastfeeding

  • Within six months of having given birth or pregnancy ending

  • If youre applying for your children, they must be under 5 years old.

  • You must meet other WIC eligibility requirements based on your income, your health, and where you live.

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    Where Do I Go To Apply For Government Grants

    To search or apply for grants, use the federal governments free, official website, Commercial sites may charge a fee for grant information or application forms. centralizes information from more than 1,000 government grant programs. Its designed to help states and organizations find and apply for grants.

    They can either provide financial assistance or refer you to local community organizations. Search for Financial Assistance from the Government. is a free website that can help you determine which types of government assistance you might qualify for. You can also find out how and where to app

    What Is The Lifeline Assistance Program

    Do I Qualify for Financial Aid? 4 Requirements to Know ...

    Lifeline Assistance is the Federal Communication Commission’s long running program designed to provide equal access to phone service for all Americans. It specifically caters to low-income residents who may not otherwise be able to afford a cell phone device or plan. The program entitles those who are eligible to wireless service for $9.25/month. It also applies to internet service, also priced at $9.25/month.

    You can read more about the Lifeline program here.

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    If You Need Help Paying For Housing

    Housing Choice Voucher Program

    What it is:

    This program helps families, seniors, and people with disabilities find affordable, safe, and clean housing. If youre eligible, youll receive a voucher from your local public housing agency that you can use to pay for all or part of your rent, and you wont ever owe more than 30 percent of your income.

    Who is eligible:

    Eligibility for a housing voucher depends on your annual income and family size. Typically your state determines your Area Median Income. This means 50 percent of people in your area make more than this amount, and the other 50 percent make less. If your income is under this amount, youll be eligible.

    How to apply:

    To apply for a housing voucher, youll want to reach out to your local public housing agency. You can also use this resource to find apartment owners that offer reduced rents and apply directly with their management offices.

    Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

    What it is:

    LIHEAP helps pay heating and cooling bills , as well as low-cost home improvements that make your home more energy efficient. Examples of these improvements include repairing leaky doors and windows, installing insulation, and replacing inefficient air conditioners.

    Who is eligible:

    LIHEAP eligibility depends on your income and family size. Families that qualify for SNAP or other benefit programs usually qualify automatically. You can see if you’re eligible for LIHEAP here.

    How to apply:

    COVID-19 Eviction Ban

    Statement If You Involuntarily Do Not Live With Your Partner

    If you and your spouse or common-law partner do not live together for reasons beyond your control, you’ll need to complete this Involuntary Separation Statement to maximize your pension benefits.

    To qualify:

    • you must be over 65
    • your spouse or common-law partner must be:
    • over 65
    • living in your community or in a long-term care home, including if they live in the same semi-private room as you
    • eligible for the Old Age Security pension and/or Guaranteed Income Supplement

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    Special Supplemental Nutrition Program For Women Infants And Children

    WIC provides low-income women and their young children with healthy food, nutrition counseling, and referral to health, welfare, and social services agencies. WIC is a federal grant program administered by the government through 90 WIC agencies and approximately 47,000 WIC retailers.

    To be eligible, the mother must be pregnant, nursing, or postpartum with infants or children . There are additional income requirements posted on the WIC FAQ webpage.

    Renewal Requirements Are Being Reinstated

    Intro to – Applying for a Federal Grant on

    The USDA Food and Nutrition Service waiver to extend certification periods is ending. Nutrition Assistance and Cash Assistance recipients whose benefits are set to expire on or after May 31, 2021, will need to renew their benefits in order to continue receiving assistance, if they have already received a six-month extension since November 2020. Affected households will receive a notice with instructions on how to complete the renewal process.

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    Aca Health Insurance Marketplace is home to the Health Insurance Marketplace, created by the Affordable Care Act , an Obama administration program designed to provide affordable health insurance to uninsured Americans. Anyone who doesnt have health insurance can obtain coverage through the Marketplace. Those who fall below certain income limits can receive subsidies that lower the cost of coverage.

    The Marketplace normally has an annual enrollment period to obtain or change coverage. However, as part of President Biden’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, there was a special enrollment period from Feb. 15, 2021, to May 15, 2021, during which any individual could obtain coverage through the Marketplace. Furthermore, they may be able to receive a special tax credit, which would lower the plan’s premium.

    Old Age Security Guaranteed Income Supplement And Spouse’s Allowance

    If you are age 65 or older and have lived in Canada for 10 or more years, you can apply for the Old Age Security benefit . You can make your application six months before you turn 65, and are encouraged to complete an annual income tax return in order to avoid any processing delays.

    Canadians with low incomes who already receive the OAS can apply for the Guaranteed Income Supplement . If you are receiving the GIS and your spouse is between 60 and 64, your spouse can apply for a separate benefit called the Allowance. Your spouse can apply for the Allowance up to 12 months before he or she turns 60. This Allowance can also be claimed by a widow or widower between the ages of 60 and 64. In this situation, it is called the Allowance for the Survivor.

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    Apply For Odsp Online

    Follow these steps to apply for ODSP online. In most cases, it takes 20 to 30 minutes.

    You should submit only one application for you and your family that lives with you.

    Before you start

    Make sure that all family members included in your application are present when you apply online so they can provide their consent and confirm their information.

    Have your familys identification and banking documents ready, such as:

    • social insurance numbers
    • total monthly income and available assets
    • other expenses
    • your bank account information so you can get your payment quickly

    Once complete, submit your application.

    Step 2: ODSP reviews your application

    Your local ODSP office will review your application.

    Step 3: your local ODSP office contacts you

    Your local ODSP office will call you within 15 business days of submitting your application. This does not include weekends and holidays.

    The office will schedule an intake verification interview. You may be asked to provide more information to support your application, such as copies of bills or other documents.

    Step 4: meet with your caseworker

    You will meet with a caseworker from your local ODSP office to review your application.

    The caseworker may ask you to provide documents that will help determine if you are financially eligible for ODSP.

    If no additional information is required, the caseworker will let you know if you are financially eligible for ODSP within 15 business days.

    Step 5: submit a disability determination package

    Your Situation Determines The Amount Of Benefits Granted


    The amount of your monthly benefits depends on whether you can work and whether you are single or have a spouse. The amount can range from $690 for a single person who works to $1596 for a couple who are unable to work . The amounts increase slightly each year.

    The amount of money you receive is not affected by how many children you have. Social assistance is separate from the Quebec Family Allowance and Canada Child Benefit.

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    Get Free Tax Preparation

    Tax filing time is just around the corner, but some of us may need a little help with preparing our taxes. Unfortunately, tax pros can be quite pricey.

    Deal of the Day

    If you meet low-income requirements, you may qualify for free tax preparation help through the IRSs VITA initiative.

    Assistance is generally limited to those who make less than $54,000 a year, persons with disabilities, or those with limited English-speaking abilities. However, the program is available and free to all, so it cant hurt to apply for help.

    If you are age 60 or older, you can also take advantage of the TCE program, another IRS initiative. This program offers free assistance for those nearing retirement who have questions about their pensions, retirement, income, and taxes.

    To learn more and apply for assistance, visit the IRSs website here.

    Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac Loans

    For mortgage loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Finance Agency has extended the foreclosure moratorium on real estate owned evictions until Sept 30, 2021. REO properties are bank-owned properties that were seized as a result of default.

    Meanwhile, the Secretaries of USDA, HUD, VA, Treasury, and FHFA Acting Director extended foreclosure moratoriums for those agencies through Sept. 30, 2021.

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    More Help Before You Apply

  • Including the right people in your household

  • Count yourself, your spouse if you’re married, plus everyone you’ll claim as a tax dependent, including those who dont need coverage.
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    Do I Qualify For Medicaid?
    • Higher mortgage insurance costs
    • Restrictive government property standards
    • Limited to primary residence
    • Not competitive with multiple offers

    On Aug. 26, 2021, the Supreme court struck down the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention eviction moratorium set to expire Oct. 3, 2021. Pending further action by Congress, COVID-related eviction protection on a national level has ended.

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    Assistance For Children With Severe Disabilities

    If you are a parent caring for a child with a severe disability, you may be able to receive financial support through the Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities Program.

    This program provides financial support for low-income to moderate-income families to cover some of the extra costs of caring for a child who has a severe disability.

    You can apply for ACSD:

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    Who May Receive Financial Aid

  • You must be a resident of Hawaii. You do not live in a public institution.
  • You are a U.S. citizen. If you are from a foreign country, then you must be a permanent resident.
  • Your income is less than the Departments standard of assistance.
  • Your total assets such as cash, stocks, bonds, or real property not lived on, does not exceed the Departments standards.
  • To receive financial aid, you must meet the requirements for at least one of the following programs:

    Temporary Assistance to Needy Families with Dependent Children

    The child must be:

    • under the age of 18. If he is 18, he may be eligible until age 19 if he is a full-time student in high school or a vocational or technical training program or an equivalent level.
    • living with a relative or foster parent.

    The parent or relative must:

    • give the department any child support money that the household receives.
    • cooperate in locating and obtaining support from the absent parent.
    • register each person in the household for Social Security Numbers.
    • participate in a work program if required.

    Program For the Aged, Blind or Disabled

    To be eligible, you must apply for Supplemental Security Income at a Social Security Office. If you are receiving SSI and need more financial help, you may also apply for assistance from the Department.

    To be eligible for the Aged, Blind or Disabled Program, you must be:

    • 65 years old or older or
    • legally blind or
    • totally and permanently disabled.

    General Assistance Program


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    Get Personalized Help With Your Search

    Find a HUD-approved housing counselor in your area online or call to find a local housing counseling agency Housing Counseling Agency: an organization with experts who provide advice on buying a home, renting, avoiding mortgage default and foreclosure, and credit issues.. The counselor may be from a non-profit organization approved to offer advice on housing assistance.

    Tanf Medicaid And Chip

    How to Apply for Social Security Disability

    States can receive federal funding for TANF, Medicaid, and CHIP to serve qualified immigrants who have completed the federal five-year bar. Refugees, people granted asylum or withholding of deportation/removal, Cuban/Haitian entrants, certain Amerasian immigrants, Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrants, and survivors of trafficking are exempt from the five-year bar, as are qualified immigrants who are veterans or active duty military and their spouses and children. In addition, children who receive federal foster care and COFA migrants are exempt from the five-year bar in the Medicaid program.

    Over half of the states have used state funds to provide TANF, Medicaid, and/or CHIP to some or all of the immigrants who are subject to the five-year bar on federally funded services, or to a broader group of immigrants. Several states or counties provide health coverage to children or pregnant persons regardless of their immigration status.

    In 2009, when Congress first reauthorized the CHIP program, states were granted an option to provide federally funded Medicaid and CHIP to lawfully residing children and/or pregnant persons regardless of their date of entry into the U.S. Thirty-five states plus the District of Columbia have opted to take advantage of this federal funding for immigrant health care coverage, which became available on April 1, 2009.

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    Learn About School Meal Programs

    Children from qualified households with a low income can get healthy meals or milk.

    • Two programs provide free or reduced-price meals at school:

    Your children may qualify if your household income is within the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. These guidelines are based on federal poverty guidelines.

    • If your income is no more than 130 percent of the poverty level, they should qualify for free meals.

    • If your income is no more than 185 percent of the poverty level, they should qualify for reduced-price meals.

    The summer food service program is open to all children and teens 18 and under at locations around the country. Find a site near you.

    Exceptions To The Restrictions

    The law includes important exceptions for certain types of services. Regardless of their immigration status, not-qualified immigrants are eligible for emergency Medicaid if they are otherwise eligible for their states Medicaid program. The law does not restrict access to public health programs that provide immunizations and/or treatment of communicable disease symptoms . School breakfast and lunch programs remain open to all children regardless of immigration status, and every state has opted to provide access to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children .

    Short-term noncash emergency disaster assistance remains available without regard to immigration status. Also exempted from the restrictions are other in-kind services necessary to protect life or safety, as long as no individual or household income qualification is required. In 2001, the U.S. attorney general published a final order specifying the types of benefits that meet these criteria. The attorney generals list includes child and adult protective services programs addressing weather emergencies and homelessness shelters, soup kitchens, and meals-on-wheels medical, public health, and mental health services necessary to protect life or safety disability or substance abuse services necessary to protect life or safety and programs to protect the life or safety of workers, children and youths, or community residents.

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