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Where Do You Find Government Contracts To Bid On

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Bidding And Being Considered For Federal Projects

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If your company has received a request for proposals or has seen an advertised request for proposals, it is time to begin the bidding process. First, you will want to review and analyze the solicitation. Determine what would be involved in the contract and determine whether it is feasible for your company to take on the project at this time. No contractor is required to bid on any project even one sent privately to a company however, bidding on as many contracts as possible is a good way to establish rapport with the federal contracting authorities.

If you decide that bidding on a particular contract would be a good move for your company, you will want to begin the bid process by getting organized. Bidding for a federal contract can be quite complicated, and having an organized team can help ensure you can complete a good bid proposal on time. You should start by selecting a team leader to oversee a bid preparation and then assign other employees to prepare portions of the bid based on their expertise. Try to determine what the most critical requirements of the contract will be and allocate your best staff to complete those sections of the proposal.

Review Your Proposal Before Submitting

Before you hand over your contract proposal, you have to ensure that it is free from any flaws. No matter how seemingly insignificant the mistake may be, it may cost you the whole government contract deal. To be on the safe side, try tapping a trusted person to review your proposal to spot any errors.

Starting From The Beginning You Dont Have To Do It Alone

If youre just starting your federal contracting journey and arent yet registered, we recommend utilizing the support of registration specialists, like the ones at FAMR. If youre already registered, the FAMR portal, which streamlines the browsing and bidding process for federal contracts, provides a great starting point for jumping into the market with a team of specialists to support you along the way.

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% Of Contract Dollars Set Aside For Small Businesses

Yes, this was mentioned earlier, but we cant understate how significant this is. Thats 23% of $500 billion that the U.S. government spends annually on federal contracts. And recognizing that agencies have to meet this 23% target can give you a major leg up. Through the Federal Procurement Data System, you can see which government agencies arent yet meeting that target, giving you a much stronger chance of procuring a contract when you bid.

There really isnt a good reason not to go after government contracts.

Finding Government Contracts For Bid

Government Bidding 101  GovDirections

There are a few different avenues for seeking out government contracts, including:, which stands for System for Award Management, is a government-wide database for vendors seeking out government contracts. This will be your go-to avenue for finding prime contracts to bid on, in which your business works directly with government agencies. Learn more about SAM registration here.


One way you can get your foot in the door with government agencies is through subcontracting. As mentioned above, vendors who get contracts directly with agencies are known as prime contractors. Subcontractors, on the other hand, are brought on by the prime contractors to help complete a portion of the work designated by the prime contractor.

You can find available subcontracting opportunities via the SBAs searchable database, SUB-Net. If this is your first time working for a government agency and youre not familiar with the proposal process, this is a great place to get started.

Bid-matching services

If youre unsure about which government agencies your small business is best suited for, working with a bid-matching service can help you navigate contracting opportunities. Check out your local Procurement Technical Assistance Center to see if they offer free bid-matching services . This is especially useful for first-time contractors, as PTAC can connect you with experienced government contracting mentors who can support you through the proposal process.

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Your Proposal Document Is Inconsistently Formatted

This error, which is most likely borne from neglecting to do your due diligence in thoroughly reviewing the RFP document, can result in your instant rejection.

Submitting an inconsistently formatted bid does not only suggest that you ignored the RFP provided by the agency, but also it shows that you are incapable of following instructions. It is undeniable that you will feel anxious while writing your proposal. But, it shouldnt be an excuse to commit such mistakes.

One of the secrets in creating an impeccable proposal is reviewing the document over and over again until its perfect. It would also be best to have another trusted set of eyes to check whether your proposal is up to standards.

Special Invoicing And Payment Terms

Invoicing and payment terms may differ from standard business contracts. Its common for government contracts to be monthly, net-60, which means you may not receive payment for 90 days. Any mistakes can lead to a delay in payment for several months.

There may also be special invoicing requirements. Government contracting requires you to keep track of your funding and notify the government when youve reached 75% of your funding. Failure to do so may carry a penalty. Its therefore important to read contracts very carefully to ensure that you understand your responsibilities as a contractor.

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Fulfill The Requirements To Be A Government Contractor

Before bidding for federal contracts, you have to make sure that you have completed all the government requirements to be officially recognized as a contractor. Signing up your business to the necessary government contracting websites, such as SBAs DSBS tool, ensures that your small business is more visible to procurement officers and government buyers.

How Contracts Are Awarded

Does the government require your job to pay you if you contract COVID-19?

After evaluating bids, Procurement Services will issue a contract to the successful supplier.

The name of the successful supplier, award date, and the contracted prices will be available on the Alberta Purchasing Connection following the contract award.

Unsuccessful suppliers will be debriefed by Procurement Services, upon request.

The solicitation will specify if the award will be made to one or more suppliers.

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Government Contracts: 10 Questions You Need To Know

Government contracting is an industry where businesses and contractors are left wondering where to start due to its broad procedures and need to know information. That said, we came up with the idea of enlisting down the frequently asked questions and the basic knowledge you need to know about the government contracting industry.

Advance Contract Award Notices

An ACAN is a public notice published on the Tenders minisite for 15 calendar days indicating to the supplier community that a department or agency intends to award a contract for goods, services or construction to a pre-identified supplier, thereby allowing other suppliers to signal their interest in bidding by submitting a statement of capabilities. If no supplier submits a statement of capabilities that meets the requirements set out in the ACAN, on or before the closing date stated, the buyer will proceed with the contract award.

When a department or agency claims that there is only one source for a requirement, PWGSC scrutinizes the situation very carefully. If you feel your company can fulfill the requirement set out in an ACAN, you can submit a statement of capabilities for this requirement. If in fact your statement meets the requirements, the buyer will then proceed with the competitive process.

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Search Government Contracts Over $10000

As part of Canadas second Action Plan on Open Government, the Government of Canada has committed to the disclosure of contracting data via a centralized, machine-readable database available to the public. Originally announced in Budget 2004, departments are required to disclose contracts and amendments valued over and under $10,000 in a manner outlined in the Guidelines on the Proactive Disclosure of Contracts. Amendments to the Access to Information Act codified the aforementioned reporting requirements with the Royal assent of Bill C-58 in June 2019.

Information on contracts issued/amended by or on behalf of federal institutions can be searched here using keyword, institution, quarter, and year.

The Treasury Board Contracting Policy outlines the rules and principles governing government contracting. The objective is to procure contracting of goods and services in a manner that enhances access, competition and fairness and results in best value to Canada. For further information on federal government procurement, please visit

The Search Government Contracts over $10,000 content has recently been updated. At this time, there are a number of records that have not been migrated from the archived site. Refer to the Contracts over $10,000 Legacy Data for more information on these records.

Found 830766 records

How To Write For Your Evaluator

How to Set Your Business Up to Bid on Federal Government ...

Ensure answers leave cover all objections about your suitability, an example of this is:

Our market tested service solution works, and will deliver a step change in performance. 15 other local authorities already buy this service from us. Last year, we performed at 10% above national average benchmarks.

You should:

  • be definitive, and write with conviction
  • be positive, focus on benefits and advantages
  • be substantive, giving evidence of success
  • build trust, showing evidence of confidence from other customers

Use firm, positive language that clearly shows your commitment to your proposition. For example, use:

  • we will instead of we could
  • we know instead of we believe
  • we have or we know instead of we aspire to
  • we will meet instead of we aim to

Simplify your language. For example, use:

  • enough instead of a sufficient amount of
  • like instead of along the lines of
  • as is true instead of as is the case
  • when instead of at such time as
  • now instead of at the present time
  • is instead of has been proved to be
  • if instead of in the event that

When using jargon or technical language, evaluators need context to understand why a feature may be beneficial.

Dont write:

Our hand-held petrol chainsaw has a 50cc engine, operating at 9000 RPMs, with an 18 inch bar, and a power output of 3.4kw.


Address all aspects of the specification, and convert areas of weaknesses into areas of strength.

Remember that:

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You Underestimate Your Competition

Like other types of competition, you should never underestimate your competitors abilities, especially here in the government contracting industry. The trust and connections of reputed contractors with federal government agencies may run deeper than you can imagine.

Your lack of knowledge about them may spell your downfall in the bidding. And that is why you should pay more attention to leading thorough market research before you start writing your contract proposal.

For example, if you are a small business owner, you can use the Dynamic Small Business Search tool to your advantage. Managed by the U.S Small Business Administration, this tool will let you see the profile of all registered small businesses.

Additionally, the DSBS enables you to review your competitors past government contracts. This information will help you gauge the quality of the business relationship between your competitor and their previously engaged government agency based on their performance. From there, you can start formulating a plan on how you can position yourself as a more favorable option than your competitor.

Getting A Government Contract

The FedBizOpps website is the point of entry for vendors to search for federal government business opportunities over $25,000.

Last Reviewed: 2021-08-02

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No results could be found for the location you’ve entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense.

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department.

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How To Find Government Contracts

wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 95% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 66,281 times.Learn more…

If you’re operating any type of business in the U.S., you can offer your products and services to the government. There are plenty of bid opportunities in all levels of government, whether it’s federal, state, county, or municipal. If you want to find the right government contracts for your business, there are several places you can look.

Your Proposal Is Unspecific In Addressing The Agencys Needs

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When the procurement officers read your proposal, they want to see a specific plan on how you intend to fulfill the contract requirements. If your plan of action is too vague, they will think you dont have what it takes to deliver the task.

So when you start writing your contract proposal, you should aim to leave an excellent lasting impression on the agencyand you can do that by laying out your clear strategy.

With countless other government contractors vying for the government contract award, your proposal should stand out from the crowd. But you dont have to do all sorts of gimmicks to grab the attention of the federal department. Instead, structure your bid in a way that emphasizes how your proposed solutions are clear, concise, and actionable.

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Descriptive Bidding On Government Contracts

RFP proposals can get very gray and boring without visual support. Images and graphs can help tell your story. They can better show technical details while doing it more effectively than words. Use words familiar to the agency and include their logos or property images to custom-tailor the proposal.

While details are important, you dont want to get too descriptive when discussing pricing. The agency is always going to look for ways to get the price down. Dont provide details that would make it easy to cut into your margin. Price items at a high level, just like when doing a schedule of values. Then leave some room in your prices so the agency can come up with savings as they slice and dice the numbers.

Finally, at every government level, you will have rules to follow, so use all the contracting resources supplied by the agency to understand those. If they offer training materials, use them. When you dont understand something, ask for clarification.

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Energy / Fuel / Chemical, Educational and Recreation, Food supplies and equipment
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Construction bids, Architectural and Engineering bids, Grounds and Landscaping bids, IT/Technology Consulting bids, , Security and Safety bids, View all categories
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Where Can You View Federal Business Opportunities

Still cant find the perfect government contracts to bid on to? Well, we got you covered!

Different government agencies publish federal contracting opportunities on their respective websites, so scout for the best government agencies that request your expertise. Additionally, an online Contracting Opportunities Forecast Tool is also available where upcoming contracts are posted in advance so that you can plan your winning business strategy ahead of time.

If you want to broaden your scope in your search for government contracts, there are also numerous online platforms that government agencies use to find contractors for their projects. Here are some of the most useful websites you should keep tabs on:

Create An Outline For Your Government Contract Proposal

Understanding Government Contracting

The secret in crafting an effective contract proposal is thorough and strategic planning. Once you have done all the preparations from the earlier points, you should lay down a contract outline.

Having a proposal layout before writing down your contract bid will ensure that your document will not veer away from your main message and contract goals. Additionally, this will lessen the risk of overlooking important information youll otherwise miss if you just blindly ventured into writing your contract bid.

To help you craft your outline, look again at the sections of the RFP sent to you, then try to address them one by one. After you have laid out all the points, you can start to write your proposal.

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Finding And Tracking Nys Opportunities Is Now Easier Than Ever

Besides the new look, the Contract Reporter has been redesigned to make finding contracting opportunities easy. Some of the new features include:

  • A customizable homepage displays your ads of interest
  • Bookmark ads for easy retrieval
  • Redesigned ad display puts all solicitation information at your fingertips
  • Filter ads by contracting category, geographic location and ad type
  • Sort ads by issue date, due date and issuing entity

How Do I Find Awarded Government Contracts

Again, the United States Government gives importance to transparency. Aside from the websites mentioned above, you can review the governments spending history details prepared by the government accountability office posted at On the other hand, you can use the GSAs Forecast of Contracting Opportunities to see the trend in the federal marketplace.

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Find Your Naics Code And Business Size

Government contracts will ask that you submit your North American Industry Classification System code as part of your application. This code is used by the federal government to classify businesses for statistical purposes related to the U.S. business economy.

The NAICS Association website offers a free search tool that can help you figure out what NAICS codes apply to your business. Codes are categorized by what your business offers. For instance, the NAICS code 611430 applies to businesses that provide professional and management development training. It can take a little bit of work to find the right code for your business: some entrepreneurs prefer using the US Census Bureau code lookup tool to find the best code.

Once you have your code, check the SBA website to determine the small business size standard that applies to your specific NAICS code. Each industry has different standards for what qualifies as small. For instance, NAICS code 611430 shows that businesses must have sales below $7 million annually to be considered a small business. This will have relevance as you decide which contracts to bid on, as some contracts are only open to small businesses by the SBA/NAICS code definition.

There are a number of places to monitor for contract opportunities as the government releases requests for proposals.

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