Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mde How To Bomb The Us Government

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Shooting And Terrorism Hoaxes

Game? Why Yes I Do – How to Bomb the US Gov.

Since 2015, Hyde has been frequently misreported as the perpetrator of numerous mass shootings and terrorist attacks by internet trolls on websites such as 4chan and . The hoaxes, which typically included photos of Hyde brandishing a semi-automatic weapon and with a slightly altered name to appear more “authentic”, reappeared so often on social media that The New York Times characterized “Sam Hyde is the shooter” as “an identifiable meme.”

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The book is currently being printed by the same company that handled many high-end art books for PictureBox . We have gone to great lengths to ensure that this will be a Quality Object and not Shit®, however the estimated ship date will be in a couple months. Please sit tight because we are working at light speed, literally faster than any other human could.

If we sell more than 3000 copies, that means another print run, so there will be another delay and we might pick different colors for the cover.


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VAPES.COM DISCLAIMER: This is an art/comedy book. Please don’t be mad or scared, however you can be offended, it’s ok. Order now!

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A Us Bombs Destroys Khorasan Group Stronghold In Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan At 7:32 p.m. local time today, U.S. Forces Afghanistan conducted a strike on an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-Khorasan tunnel complex in Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, as part of ongoing efforts to defeat ISIS-K in Afghanistan .

ISIS-K, also known as the Khorasan group, is based in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region and is composed primarily of former members of Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban.

The strike used a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb dropped from a U.S. aircraft. The strike was designed to minimize the risk to Afghan and U.S. forces conducting clearing operations in the area while maximizing the destruction of ISIS-K fighters and facilities.

As ISIS-Ks losses have mounted, they are using , bunkers and tunnels to thicken their defense, said Army Gen. John W. Nicholson, commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan. This is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our offensive against ISIS-K.

U.S. forces took every precaution to avoid civilian casualties with this strike and will continue offensive operations until ISIS-K is destroyed in Afghanistan.

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C What Is The Mother Of All Bombs That The Us Dropped On Afghanistan

The idea of dropping an air-blast bomb even if its the largest nonnuclear ordnance ever used by the U.S. in combat to target fighters holed up in tunnels deep underground might at first seem counterintuitive. The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, or “Mother of All Bombs” , which the Air Force unleashed on ISIS fighters and tunnels Thursday in Afghanistans Nangarhar Province, never actually struck the ground. But the massive crunch of air pressure created by the nearly 22,000-pound MOAB would have wiped out anyone in the vicinity, and certainly sent a clear signal that the Trump administration is willing to use unprecedented force.

Unlike a bomb designed to actually penetrate a building or the ground, the MOAB has a proximity fuse on its nose that ignites the warhead when it reaches a certain altitudewhich might be anywhere between 50 and 1,000 feetsays Edward Priest, a former Air Force Special Operations combat controller . When they blow up, they blast fuel into the air, Priest explains. That fuel atomizes. Then theres a secondary explosion that lights the fuel thats been atomized.

The decision to use the MOAB at this time was probably as much political as it was strategic. More than anything, anytime you drop one of these you want to make an audacious statement, in this case to reinforce our resolve to fight in Afghanistan, Priest says, adding they produce a large mushroom cloud that can be seen for miles.

B Us Military Defends Dropping ‘mother Of All Bombs’ On Isis In Afghanistan

Federal Register :: Arms Sales Notification

The US military on Friday defended its decision to drop its most powerful non-nuclear bomb on ISIS positions in Afghanistan, describing it as a tactical move.

The strike in Nangarhar province near the Pakistan border killed 36 ISIS fighters, Afghan officials said. The US military previously estimated ISIS had 600 to 800 active fighters in the area but was unclear whether it had hoped to strike more.

The blast destroyed three underground tunnels as well as weapons and ammunition, but no civilians were hurt, Afghan and US officials said.

However, ISIS denied that any of its fighters were killed or injured, according to a statement in Arabic distributed by the terror group’s media wing, Amaq News Agency.

The US military was quizzed Friday on whether the 21,600-pound behemoth, known as the mother of all bombs for its extraordinary force, was necessary for that particular target.

The GPS-guided bomb is capable of destroying an area equivalent to nine city blocks.

This was the right weapon against the right target, Gen. John Nicholson, commander for US forces in Afghanistan, told a press conference.

The general confirmed the strike was carried out in coordination with Afghan officials and said rigorous surveillance had been conducted to prevent any civilian deaths.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani said he approved of the strike and that it was designed to support Afghan and US forces conducting clearance operations in the region.

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What Do You Need To Know Before You Begin

  • To open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to . Attack simulation training is available at Email and collaboration> Attack simulation training. To go directly to Attack simulation training, use .

  • For more information about the availability of Attack simulation training across different Microsoft 365 subscriptions, see Microsoft Defender for Office 365 service description.

  • You need to be assigned permissions in Azure Active Directory before you can do the procedures in this article. Specifically, you need to be a member of one of the following roles:

  • Global Administrator
  • Attack Simulation Administrators*: Create and manage all aspects of attack simulation campaigns.
  • Attack Payload Author*: Create attack payloads that an admin can initiate later.

* Adding users to this role in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal is currently unsupported.

For more information, see Permissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or About admin roles.

  • There are no corresponding PowerShell cmdlets for Attack simulation training.

  • Note

    Attack simulation training offers a subset of capabilities to E3 customers as a trial. The trial offering contains the ability to use a Credential Harvest payload and the ability to select ‘ISA Phishing’ or ‘Mass Market Phishing’ training experiences. No other capabilities are part of the E3 trial offering.

    How To Bomb The Us Gov’t


    Hello. I’ve had this PFD on my hard drive forever now. It’s one of my all time favorite books. I think i’ts time for you to also be able to enjoy this magnum opus of the MDE comedy “What’s up YouTube. Sam here.” Big shout-out to VAPES for handling the first print run with such a high customer satisfaction rate, and filling so many lungs with such bubbly, juicy clouds.”

    This next print run will be a similar deal, with only minor changes and a different color cover.

    • No pages have been removed 🙂
    • Slightly smaller size for readability. Final size TBD 😛
    • “Rainbow” cover, final colors will vary. Would like to do metallic ink but that may not be possible with the intricacy of the design.
    • Page edges gilded silver . *** was just told by the printer that they only do page gilding in China. Our book can’t be printed in China, due to “anti-Chinese sentiment”, so we can’t do gilded edges on the pages. Cucked again.
    • Matte-coated page stock as opposed to un-coated, for darker blacks.
    • Higher price… you thought I’d just try to slip that one by didja? It’s a huge book unfortunately… it’s wicked expensive to print man, sorry. Even with the jacked-up price we’re still not making what most people make on books. The economy, tanka gas, yadda yadda, you understand.
    • 4+ years in the making, yours now for an insanely low price-per-page .

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    Afghanistan/us Mother Of All Bombs

    Introductory TextIn the context of the so-called war against terrorism, the US military dropped its most powerful non-nuclear bomb over Afghanistan in April 2017. Although the attack did not cause damage as widespread as initially expected and reported, the use of this powerful fuel-air bomb sparked controversy over why its use was necessary in this particular case.Acknowledgments

    N.B. As per the disclaimer, neither the ICRC nor the authors can be identified with the opinions expressed in the Cases and Documents. Some cases even come to solutions that clearly violate IHL. They are nevertheless worthy of discussion, if only to raise a challenge to display more humanity in armed conflicts. Similarly, in some of the texts used in the case studies, the facts may not always be proven nevertheless, they have been selected because they highlight interesting IHL issues and are thus published for didactic purposes.

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