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Nsw Health Data Governance Framework

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Case Study: Nsw Health Data Literacy Capability Framework

Exploring Program Logic

NSW Health is developing a Data Literacy Capability Framework which enables better decisions, improved use of data, enhanced capability and strengthened data culture. The Framework will involve three key components:

  • Developing role descriptions
  • Assessing data literacy capabilities and
  • Providing tailored training.

The Framework is built around 7 capability domains, including practicing good governance, communicating insights and contributing to a data culture.

What Is Data Governance

The Data Management Body of Knowledge defines data governance as the exercise of authority, control and shared decision-making over the management of data assets . Put simply, data governance is about implementing a set of policies, processes, structures, roles and responsibilities to ensure that an agencys data is managed effectively, and that it can meet both its current and future business requirements.

: DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge, Edited by M. Brackett, S. Early and M. Mosley. Bradley Beach, NJ: Technics Publications LLS, 2017 .

Clinical Governance And The National Model Clinical Governance Framework

This section describes how clinical governance is an integrated component of broader corporate governance and sets out the key elements of the Clinical Governance Framework, based on the NSQHS Standards.

Clinical governance as an integrated component of organisational governance

The responsibility of a governing body such as a board for clinical governance is an integrated element of its overall responsibility and accountability to govern the organisation . As a component of broader systems for corporate governance, clinical governance involves a complex set of leadership behaviours, policies, procedures, and monitoring and improvement mechanisms that are directed towards ensuring good clinical outcomes.

The clinical governance system of a health service organisation therefore needs to be conceptualised as a system within a system a clinical governance system within a corporate governance system.

Under this model, it is important to recognise the following:

Although it is ultimately the responsibility of a governing body to set up a sound clinical governance system, and be accountable for outcomes and performance within this system, implementation involves contributions by individuals and teams at all levels of the organisation. There is also reliance on well-designed systems that deliver, monitor and account for the safety and quality of patient care.

Components of the Clinical Governance Framework

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The First Step In The Healthcare Analytics Journey

Healthcare systems and providers have become increasingly focused on the need to use evidence to inform clinical and operational decisions. This has led to them assembling and critically evaluating ever larger data sets around care delivery, performance, and cost. As health systems continue to adopt technologies to enable new or improved approaches to diagnosis and treatment, the size of our data sets will continue to grow.

The vast amount of data generated and collected by a multitude of stakeholders in healthcare comes in so many different forms insurance claims, physician notes, medical records, medical images, pharmaceutical R& D, conversations about health in social media, and information from wearables and other monitoring devices. Data is growing faster than ever before and by the year 2020, about 1.7 megabytes of new information will be created every second for every human being on the planet .

It is the scale of this data that sits at the very heart of the fourth industrial revolution and the impact it will ultimately have on the way we care for patients and communities in the future.

Corporate Governance Of Health Service Organisations

Governance and development

Clinical governance is an integrated component of corporate governance. This section provides an overview of key concepts and elements of corporate governance, particularly regarding the responsibilities of governing bodies such as boards.

Key concepts

A large proportion of Australian health care is delivered in public sector and private sector organisations governed by bodies such as boards of directors. Boards are generally well versed in the concepts and practices of corporate governance, which is recognised as a responsibility of governing bodies, and is distinguished from responsibility for management and service delivery.

The concept of clinical governance is best understood as founded in, and consistent with, broader concepts of corporate or organisational governance .

Robert Tricker is credited with creating the term corporate governance. According to Tricker10:

The governance role is not concerned with the running of the company, per se, but with giving overall direction to the enterprise, with overseeing and controlling the executive actions of management and with satisfying legitimate expectations of accountability and regulation by interests beyond the corporate boundaries.

Management, on the other hand, is concerned with doing with coordinating and managing the day-to-day operations of the business.11

Responsibilities of governing bodies for corporate governance

Good governance is clearly recognised as a responsibility of governing bodies such as boards:

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Roles And Responsibilities For Clinical Governance

Good clinical governance provides confidence to the community and everyone who works in a health service organisation that systems are in place to support the delivery of safe, high-quality health care. Within a well-governed healthcare organisation, everyone, including frontline clinicians, managers and the governing body, is accountable for their contribution to the safety and quality of care delivered to patients. Broadly, these roles are as follows :

In addition to these roles, state and territory departments of health provide centralised and coordinated oversight of the performance of health service organisations, and create a common set of safety metrics that report meaningful safety and quality outcomes.

Implementation of an organisations clinical governance system involves contributions by individuals and teams at all levels of the organisation. Roles and responsibilities for clinical governance at all levels of the system are summarised in the following sections.

The First Step In Your Data And Analytics Journey

In KPMGs 2017 publication, A blueprint for success in healthcare data and analytics, we urged organizations and systems leaders to establish a D& A strategy. Harnessing the power of D& A in healthcare is a journey, and data governance is the first, critical step.

to learn more about you can help your organization take the first step in their D& A journey.

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Nsw Health Analytics Framework

The NSW Health Analytics Framework provides an actionable plan to drive broader and more sophisticated analytics use to better support decision making and analysis across the NSW health system.

The Framework clearly articulates to NSW Health stakeholders, including consumers and clinicians, the benefits, direction and approach to analytics for the NSW health system and coordinates and aligns effort to deliver on the vision.

Implementation of the Framework will be led by the eHealth Executive Council, which is establishing a NSW Health Analytics Steering Committee to oversee implementation of the Framework. The eHealth Executive Council has overall governance and coordination responsibility for the development and delivery of the analytics strategy in NSW Health.

The Council will oversee the execution of a number of priority actions that will drive implementation and further develop the required analytics capabilities. These actions, along with the responsibilities and timeframes, have been identified in the Framework.

A number of these actions will commence within 12 months, whereas others will be implemented within the next five years.

Importance Of Culture In Clinical Governance

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The NSQHS Standards specify the actions that a health service organisation needs to take to develop and set up systems for good clinical governance. Culture, however, is just as important in clinical governance in ensuring that patients and consumers receive safe and high-quality care.

Culture is a complex and contested concept that has many different definitions. Central to most of these definitions is that culture consists of:

the values, beliefs and assumptions shared by occupational groups. These shared ways of thinking are then translated into common and repeated patterns of behaviour: patterns of behaviour that are in turn maintained and reinforced by the rituals, ceremonies and rewards of everyday organisational life.13

Factors that have been identified as being important for sustaining cultures that ensure safe and high-quality care include14-15:

  • Leaders articulating a vision for high-quality, compassionate and safe care, and acting on this vision throughout the organisation
  • Translating the vision into clear objectives for safety and quality at all levels of the organisation, and establishing measures to assess progress
  • Providing a supportive and positive working environment for the workforce
  • Ensuring that members of the workforce are engaged in their work
  • Having an organisation that is transparent about performance, open to learning and continuously improving
  • Supporting multidisciplinary teams to work together effectively.

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Data Analytics Centre Data Governance

The NSW Data Analytics Centre aims to encourage government-wide data-sharing and collaboration. Government agencies have traditionally been responsible for achieving objectives within their own department, constrained by budget and resources. The creation of a central data platform facilitates data-sharing and collaboration, combating operational silos and focusing on state-wide outcomes.

The DAC provides a safe and secure data environment to enable data sharing across government agencies, as well as enabling effective publishing and re-use of Government data to inform delivery of better social and economic outcomes. In order to achieve this the DAC has strong technical, legal and ethical controls. Our data governance and data protection practices are built around our data protection framework as outlined below. We strongly adhere to data sharing and privacy legislation to ensure the data assets it holds are safe, trusted, accurate and reliable.

As a trusted host and user of whole of government data, NSW DAC has developed The NSW DAC Data Protection Principles, containing the details of several data security and protection controls. The Principles are informed by safe and secure data management and analytics best practice models from Australia and overseas.

20 Jul 2020

Why Is Data Governance Important

Data governance is as important to an agency as any other corporate, business or IT governance process. It ensures that data is understood, trusted and appropriately used. It ensures that the people who collect, manage and use data understand their responsibilities and see the value it adds to their work, the objectives of the organisation, as well as broader agency outcomes. Data governance is also an exercise in risk management because it allows agencies to minimise risks around the data it holds, while extracting the maximum value from it.

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Accessing The Hope Platform

The HOPE platform can be accessed at

The HOPE platform is a secure website and a password is required to access it. Access is granted when a clinician invites a patient to participate in the PRMs Program a secure code is provided via email or text message to a mobile phone.

Users of the HOPE platform will be required to identify themselves using a Service NSW authentication process, like when you renew a drivers licence. No data or information is storied in Service NSW from the HOPE platform.

Prms Data Governance And Management Framework

Organisation Charts

The PRMs Data Governance and Management Framework outlines the principles and arrangements for the NSW health system to ensure effective management and governance of the patient-reported measures data held by the HOPE system.

The Framework provides key stakeholders with an instrument to govern data assets effectively through the exercise of authority and control over the management of these assets.

Additionally, the Framework defines the processes that acquire, control, protect, deliver and enhance the value of PRMs data as an important strategic asset for the NSW health system.

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Data Governance Policy Final


1 Data Governance Policy FINAL July 2010

3 Healthcare Identifiers Bill 2010 Healthcare Identifiers Bill 2010 Human Tissue Act Privacy & Personal Information Protection Act Public Health Act State Records Act Standards under the State Records Act Statutory Guidelines under the HRIP Act Related Cancer Data Governance Policy Institute NSW Data Governance Procedure Policy Information Security Policy Information Security Management System Policy Information Security Management System Procedure Business Continuity Management Policy Business Continuity Management Procedure Compliance Management Policy Compliance Management Procedure Records Management Policy Records Management Guidelines Code of Conduct and Ethics Change History Version Who What 0.1 Dr Stephen James 03/01/2010: Initial draft. 1.0 Stephen James 27/07/2010: Approved by COO.


9 Actions contrary to the above will be considered misuse of Institute property. 4.0 APPROVALS This Policy was approved by the Chief Operating Officer on the 27 th July TRIM E10/13359 CINSW In Confidence Page 9 of 10

What Are The Benefits Of Good Data Governance

Data governance, like any other program or process, must have a clear purpose for it to be beneficial. Instead of doing data governance for its own sake, it should be established to help an agency achieve its strategic objectives and it should be closely aligned to their business needs.When data governance is aligned to the organisations needs, it can deliver specific benefits across three areas: business value, efficiency and risk mitigation.

  • Improved decision-making by ensuring decisions are based on higher quality data
  • Increased competitiveness through improved customer satisfaction
  • Increased public trust through improved data management and transparency

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Data Governance And Management Framework

Establishing a Data Governance and Management Framework for the PRM data held by the Health Outcomes and Patient Experience information system is a requirement in order to:

  • enable decision making though clarity on roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
  • establish consistent policies and standard operating procedures
  • establish the foundation on which additional data-driven value-added services can be supported / delivered
  • provide ongoing alignment with current privacy and related policies and legislation
  • provide clarity over the understanding of the various stakeholders and their part in ensuring overall quality and integrity of PRM data held within the NSW health system data
  • enable and support the dual goals of improved responsiveness in meeting the demands of a changing health system and to ensure ongoing benefits to patients and the NSW health system.

The Framework aims to answers the following key questions:

  • What is the intended use of PRM data?
  • How will PRM data be governed?
  • What are the primary roles and who is accountable?
  • What policies and procedures are required?
  • Implemented effectively, the Data Governance and Management Framework for PRM data held within the HOPE system will:

    Tactical Impacts And Strategic Value

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    When healthcare organizations implement new technologies to support business and clinical transformation, they typically focus on two levels of impact: the immediate tactical benefit of the technology on workflow and related key performance metrics and the strategic benefit from taking newly available data and integrating it with and enriching existing data sets to create new value. Most tend to focus on the first set of benefits and neglect the substantial opportunities presented by the latter.

    For healthcare organizations to truly realize the potential of datas analytical power, they have to shift their approach to address both these levels of change. This document focuses almost exclusively on a frequently missed strategic opportunity that holds the greatest promise for transforming integrated care networks/systems: data governance.

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    Functions Of The Governance Groups

    The responsibilities of the governance groups that oversee the PRMs Program are to:

  • endorse the PRMs tools, data elements, definitions and protocols to be used in the statewide PRMs data collection, enabling appropriate use at the individual, service and system level
  • ensure that the views of key stakeholders across the NSW health system and primary care, including priority patient populations and cultural groups, appropriately inform the choice of PRMs tools and methods of collection
  • ensure the IT solution effectively meets and understands the technical implications of different tools and processes to meet the strategic goals of the program
  • provide guidance on the implementation of the HOPE system, ensuring it is suitable for use across the supported clinical contexts and care settings in the health system
  • advise on the education, training and change management approach to support the successful adoption of the PRMs IT solution across the health system
  • advise on education, training and change management approaches to support the use of effective use of PRMs in clinical practice.
  • report on progress of the IT solution project, including: milestones, risks and issues, budget allocation, monitoring of business benefits against the benefits realisation framework, quality assurance and audit, and overall performance
  • provide advice on issues related to the statewide collection and use of PRMs data, to ensure this aligns with the NSW Health PRMs Strategic Framework.
  • The Foundation Of Your Strategy

    Data governance defines how an organization manages its data assets, and, in a digital world, how improved decision-making should be operationalized. This calls for an appropriate authority model to manage data functions. Many healthcare leaders understand the importance of data governance, but struggle to:

    • Understand where their data lives and how to access it
    • Put in place effective processes to protect data from threats of inappropriate release and access and
    • Acquire and develop the right resources and skillsets to manage healthcare data.

    To access the very latest thinking on the subject, we have gathered the experience of KPMGs leading global D& A professionals and interviewed healthcare CEOs and CIOs to better understand their concerns and ambitions. Our framework for designing and implementing data governance aims to demystify the topic and helps to overcome common challenges and pitfalls, by outlining practical steps to effectively manage enterprise data assets.

    First, we define data governance and its key elements. Appreciating the importance of data stewardship, ownership, policies, and standards lays the groundwork for sustainable governance. We highlight some of the typical data governance traps that healthcare organizations fall into when beginning their D& A journey.

    Finally, we explore other important considerations, such as protecting information privacy , data sharing , and enabling technologies for data management.

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    The Purpose Of The Imf Is To:

    • Coordinate management of all forms of government information
    • Drive information access and sharing across the sector
    • Increase management of information as an asset
    • Foster information maturity and capacity
    • Consolidate and share knowledge
    • Build community trust in government information management.

    The IMF can help professionals from a range of fields communicate, collaborate and define how to manage and leverage data and information in their digital transformation initiatives.

    The IMF:

    • applies to all forms of information, data and records created and managed by the NSW public sector
    • can be used by agencies to benchmark their current information management practices and to identify aspects of information management that require capability improvement
    • encourages whole of government maturity and consistency in information management
    • is a tool to support the integration of coordinated information management into broad business and project management practices.
    • The IMF focuses on the Vision, Principles, Requirements, Governance and Capabilities of information management across NSW Government.

    02 Jun 2020

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