Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Government Grants For Clean Energy

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Affordable Community Renewable Energy Program

Government insists clean energy funding go to carbon capture and storage | ABC News
  • July 19, 2022. ACRE RFP

  • The Vermont Public Service Department is seeking proposals for the Affordable Community Renewable Energy Program. Through this grant program, federal American Rescue Act Plan funding is available for the creation and implementation of programs for the benefit of Vermont electric utility customers with low-income. Please review the Request for Proposals for complete details. Questions regarding the RFP are due August 5, 2022. Initial Proposals should be sent to the Public Service Department no later than August 30, 2022.

Current Programs And Initiatives

Greener HomesEnergy efficiency starts at home. Our Greener Homes will help homeowners undertake an EnerGuide evaluation and energy efficiency retrofits to make their homes more efficient, comfortable, and affordable to maintain. And, by doing so, this initiative will help us transition to a clean energy future by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and by making new and existing buildings and homes more energy efficient.

Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program The Cyber Security and Critical Energy Infrastructure Program supports activities that enhance the cyber security and resilience of domestic and cross-border energy infrastructure by strengthening the capability of the energy sector to prevent, prepare, respond to and recover from cyber threats.

Energy Innovation ProgramEnergy Innovation key priority areas are: renewable, smart grid and storage systems reducing diesel use by industrial operators in northern and remote communities methane and VOC emission reduction reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector carbon capture, use and storage improving industrial efficiency.

State Local And Tribal Climate And Energy Programs

Work with state, local and tribal governments to identify and implement cost-effective programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save energy, and improve air quality.

Many state, local and tribal governments are using clean energy policies to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases, improve air quality and public health, and achieve economic development goals. EPAs State and Local Climate and Energy Program supports these climate change and clean energy efforts by providing technical assistance, analytical tools, and outreach support.

The Heat Island Reduction Program helps create cooler communities and reduce the heat island effect by sharing information about heat island impacts, mitigation benefits, and policy advancements with state and local decision-makers and program implementers, the research community, industry, and the general public.

The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network strives to help the nation achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency by 2020 by focusing on the assistance that states and local governments need to perform their critical role in advancing policies and practices that bring energy efficiency to scale.

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Recruiting More Energy Advisors

On January 28, 2022, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Natural Resources, announced a $903,000 investment for the Manitoba Environmental Industries Association to help recruit and train up to 90 energy advisors in Manitoba.

This funding was provided through the $10-million call for proposals announced in May 2021 to train up to an additional 2,000 energy advisors, which will almost triple the pool that existed in Canada before this investment. So far, weve registered 185 new energy advisors to add to the more than 1,000 already hard at work.

Now, with more advisors on the road, youll get one to your home sooner. This will speed up your retrofit journey and get your retrofit grant into your pocket faster.

But thats only half the story. This $10-million investment, the Canada Greener Homes Grant, and the federal governments upcoming investments in building retrofits, will create job opportunities for Canadians across the country. More Canadians are looking to join this growing workforce that will help us achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Over the next several months, we will announce further agreements with private sector partners to recruit, mentor and train energy advisors.

Number of contribution of agreements signed to date: 5

Number of contribution of agreements under negotiation: 13

First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund

Renewable energy grants for community groups to lower electricity costs ...

The First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund promotes increased Indigenous community participation in the clean energy sector within their asserted traditional territories and treaty areas.

The fund provides agreements between the B.C. Government and successful applicants for Capacity funding and Equity funding. It also provides revenue sharing agreements between the B.C. Government and eligible First Nations.

The Clean Energy Act enabled the creation of the First Nation Clean Energy Business Fund. The Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation is responsible for administering the fund and uses expertise across provincial government to assess applications.

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Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs

Property Assessed Clean Energy or PACE is an innovative way for businesses and eligible nonprofit organizations to obtain financing for energy efficiency or renewable energy systems affixed to existing properties through a voluntary special assessment placed onto the property tax statement. Llearn more about the PACE programs currently offered in the State of Minnesota:

Minnesota Rural Energy Board PACE ProgramAdministered by the Southwest Regional Development Commission on behalf of the MREB, this program offers agricultural, commercial, and industrial businesses within the 18 county MREB territory the opportunity to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy systems affixed to an eligible property through a special assessment placed on the propertys tax statement.

This program was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Minnesota Department of Commerce through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 .

Find Out If Your Home Will Benefit

There are various ways to check if your property could benefit from energy-saving improvements:

The Green Deal may be right for you if you think your property could benefit from energy-saving improvements.

Get advice about energy-saving improvements to your property over the phone, if you live in England or Wales.

Telephone: 0800 444 202Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm

Home Energy Scotland

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Government Business Energy Schemes Loans And Grants

Many government schemes offer loans, grants or subsidised energy-saving measures to support small businesses with reducing their impact on the environment. These normally help with:

  • energy efficiency measures such as revising production processes
  • the upfront costs of investing in energy-efficient equipment
  • waste management and reduction initiatives
  • sustainable development initiatives.
  • Start by searching the GOV.UK business finance and support finder.

    Ask your local council if they provide energy efficiency funding or sustainable business growth grants. You will normally need to submit a business case to apply. Some initiatives may also be eligible for business innovation funding.

    See if you can get paid to generate your own renewable power and heat through the national Smart Export Guarantee scheme.

    The government is also proposing two new energy efficiency schemes from 2022 to replace the current domestic and non-domestic renewable heat incentives.

    • Clean Heat Grant: upfront capital funding for households or businesses that integrate green heating technologies such as heat pumps and in certain circumstances biomass.
    • Green Gas Support Scheme: funding support for biomethane injection to increase the amount of green gas in the national grid.

    Ofgem is the intended schemes administrator. We will publish more information as the Government progresses with its proposals. Visit our Environmental and Social schemes area to find out more.

    Federal Financing Programs For Clean Energy

    Government broadens remit on renewable energy rules
  • Federal Financing Programs for Clean Energy
  • Federal Financing Programs for Clean Energy is a resource guide to U.S. government programs that support the development of clean energy projects in the U.S. and abroad. Featuring programs from ten agencies, the guide includes summaries and case studies that can benefit private sector partners in finding capital for energy efficiency and clean energy projects. Now in its third edition, the guide includes financing programs for both domestic and international projects. For every program listed, the guide identifies additional contact information to answer questions and provide additional direction. The guide includes programs from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, State, Transportation and Treasury, along with the Environmental Protection Agency, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Small Business Administration.

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    Energy Grants & Funding

    Here weve listed new UK/EU grants and funding opportunities related to energy. These funding opportunities are offered by both private and public bodies, and may be relevant to those seeking green/renewable energy grants across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and further afield.

    These grants may also be of interest to those seeking to enhance public awareness of issues surrounding energy via the media, as well as those seeking investment to innovate in the energy sector, particularly as regards energy efficiency, renewables and low-carbon technology.

    Changing the way we generate and use energy is a key challenge for society globally, and as such new funding opportunities arise regularly.

    To see full details on the latest energy-related grants, log in to GrantFinder today. If youre not yet a GrantFinder member, contact us for more information.

    Funding Opportunities & Projects

    This section provides information on the types of funding currently available through the Clean Energy Development Fund and related incentives offered by others. If you would like to look at example feasibility studies / projects or listings of completed projects, please choose from the sub-menu to the left.

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    Making It Easier To Connect To An Advisor

    Were actively working with private sector partners to implement creative solutions to alleviate the immediate pressure felt by Canadas energy advisors by:

  • Deploying energy advisors to underserved areas in remote and rural communities
  • Piloting remote home audits to connect advisors to homeowners across different regions and
  • Matching energy advisor supply to demand across the country.
  • Processing Applications More Rapidly

    NCC receives Government of Canada funding for renewable energy and ...

    Canadian homeowners have been clear: they are eager to make their homes more energy-efficient.

    The Greener Homes program has received applications for over 25 per cent of its intended grants in just the first seven months of its seven-year lifespan. NRCan has adapted accordingly by streamlining processes, reallocating resources, hiring new staff and targeting key areas for support. In doing this, we managed to clear a backlog of more than 70,000 applications from the system . As of December 2021, new applicants can expect a response from NRCan within four weeks. As of January 24, 2022, there are only 2,845 applications in the system that have yet to be processed, and currently new applicants are receiving responses within two weeks.

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    What Are The Priorities

    Resources from the fund and clean energy trust funds will be used to finance operational expenses related to eligible projects in the form of foreign exchange and/or local expenditures for goods, works, and services from ADB member countries following ADB’s applicable guidelines and procedures. Resources will also be used to engage the necessary consultants to support the facility.

    What Is The Fund

    The Clean Energy Fund is a multi-partner trust fund established in April 2007 under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility. The objective of the facility is to improve energy security in developing member countries and decrease the rate of climate change through increased use of clean energy.

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    Clean Energy Finance Corp

    The Clean Energy Finance Corp is an Australian Government statutory authority formed to ‘facilitate increased flows of finance into the clean energy sector’. It draws on expertise, extensive networks and market reach to make it easier for businesses and consumers to secure finance to transform their energy use.

    The CEFC runs a range of programs targeting clean energy and energy efficiency improvements for small businesses, manufacturers and the agricultural sector, as well as small-scale commercial property. It also partners with external organisations to provide access to funding via co-financing.

    The CEFC has comprehensive details of funding programs and a range of case studies where funding has been provided.

    If you want to submit a funding proposal you will need to email or call the CEFC.

    Funding & Financing For Energy Projects

    Gov. Mills announces grant program to support clean energy in Maine.
  • Funding & Financing for Energy Projects
  • A concentrating solar power system being installed in Gila Bend, Arizona. | Photo by Dennis Schroeder.

    Are you a state, local or tribal government, or private sector partner, looking for resources or financing to support an energy project? Learn about funding and financing opportunities.


    Loan Programs Office: The Energy Department’s Loan Program Office guarantees loans to eligible clean energy projects and provides direct loans to eligible manufacturers of advanced technology vehicles and components. Learn about how the Energy Department’s loan programs are accelerating domestic commercial deployment of advanced technologies at a scale sufficient to contribute meaningfully to job creation, improving our environment and enhancing American competitiveness.

    State Energy Program: The State Energy Program provides financial and technical assistance to states through formula and competitive grants. States use their formula grants to develop state strategies and goals to address their energy priorities.

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    Business Energy Advice Program

    The Business Energy Advice Program delivers trusted advice to help small businesses and their representatives get better energy deals and increase their energy efficiency.

    The program provides 2 free services for eligible small businesses:

    • an energy advisory service that delivers face-to-face, phone and digital advice to small businesses across Australia
    • an energy spend benchmarking tool that allows small businesses to compare their energy spend against similar businesses in their industry and region.

    You can register for a free consultation by calling 1300 415 224 or visiting

    How The Program Works

    The program is voluntary for municipalities and property owners.

    • Municipalities that wish to participate need to pass a bylaw and will work with Energy Efficiency Alberta to develop and deliver the program to residents.
    • Energy Efficiency Alberta will administer the program on behalf of the municipality.
    • Property owners pay for any clean energy upgrades through their property taxes.
    • The amount can be paid off at any time.
    • Any outstanding repayments remain with the property. If the property is sold, the new owners take on the repayments.

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