Sunday, July 14, 2024

Business Process Governance Best Practices

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The 10 Principles Are

Enterprise Process Governance: Best Practices using the ARIS Platform
  • Business change must be performance driven.
  • Business change must be stakeholder based.
  • Business change decisions must be traceable to the stakeholder criteria.
  • The business must be segmented along business process lines to synchronize change.
  • Business processes must be managed holistically.
  • Process renewal initiatives must inspire shared insight.
  • Process renewal initiatives must be conducted from the outside in.
  • Process renewal initiatives must be conducted in an iterative, time-boxed approach.
  • Business change is all about people.
  • Business change is a journey, not a destination.
  • Build Your Instrument Panel

    If your area is information-poor and data-challenged, what can you do? Start by counting important things. Key figures that link your operation to the broader company context are important to ground your measurements, so things like overall revenues, employee population, number of locations, business units, etc. are good denominators to show something/per or as-a-percentage-of. Counting process-specific items will give you more KPI building-blocks to start computing metrics. Figure out how to get accurate figures on a consistent basis from systems or existing reports.

    Here are a few examples:

    Now that you have the basic information, you should consult third party sources to learn the standard metrics that most GBS organizations use. This is important because as you mature and understand baseline results, you will want to compare your performance to others and set improvement targets.

    A KPI scheme should contain both process and outcome metrics. Process metrics represent the workings and health of the underlying system while outcome metrics represent voice-of-the-customer .

    For example, someone who works in a distribution center might consider their process metric this way: My job is to ensure that all eCommerce orders ship same day, so order-to-shipment cycle time is my metric.

    On the other hand, the end customer is concerned with overall lead time , expressed as, When will I get the product if I order today?

    Set Measurable Performance Targets And Make Transparent Compensation Decisions

    You dont know what you dont measure, and you cant improve what you dont know. Work teams both big and small benefit greatly from quantitative and qualitative measures to drive consistent performance improvement. Constant measurements also make it easier for business owners to allocate financial rewards where theyre most deserved.

    • Identify measurable KPIs for management. Ensure that KPIs are aligned to the results you seek, and will drive performance. Provide regular and honest feedback on performance to ensure best results.
    • Make fair and justifiable compensation decisions based on these measured performance targets. This allows executives to clearly understand what drives their incentives, and avoids contentious debates over the fairness of individual remuneration.
    • Establish a board-level Compensation Committee to engage in annual reviews of compensation.

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    Nintex Remains Dominant For Wide Deployments

    Forrester has identified, researched, analyzed, and scored the 14 most significant vendors in the Digital Process Automation market. This report shows how each provider measures up and helps operations professionals, IT leaders, and application development professionals select the right platform for their needs.

    Excerpt from the report:

    Since its inception, Nintex has maintained a vision and strategy to democratize software development with a strict focus on the role and power of the citizen developer. This dedication to citizen development, coupled with a very appealing commercial model, supports viral and wide-scale adoption.

    The Data Governance Framework

    IT Governance Framework

    A data governance framework is a set of data rules, organizational role delegations and processes aimed at bringing everyone on the organization on the same page.

    There are many data governance frameworks out there. As an example, we will use the one from The Data Governance Institute. This framework has 10 components lets discuss in detail:

    Figure 1.

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    Choosing The Loginradius Ciam Platform To Help Enterprises

    Data governance isnt a one-time project, rather a recurring one. To maintain and sustain such programs require a lot of work. LoginRadius is a customer identity and access management platform that prepares organizations to fuel data-driven decision-making and create better business opportunities.

    The CIAM solution allows only authorized employees to access and manage customer data, so there’s a lesser chance of accidental data leak. Among the global standards, it adheres to include the GDPR and the CCPA. Moreover, it supports global regulatory compliances to deliver a seamless customer experience.

    A few of the certifications include:

    • ISO 27001:2013 For information security management system.
    • ISO 27017:2015 For information security for cloud services.
    • ISO/IEC 27018:2019 For the protection of PII.
    • US Privacy Shield Complaint resolution for EEA citizens.
    • PCI DSSPCI SSC For secure payment transactions.
    • ISAE 3000 For the protection of non-financial information.
    • NIST Cybersecurity Framework To reduce cybersecurity risk.
    • AICPA SOC 2 For security, availability, process integrity, confidentiality, and data privacy.

    Narrow Down Your Data Domains

    Most data domains contain artifacts like data owners, business processes, data and report catalogs, data dictionaries, systems and applications, policies and standards, data quality scorecards, and the likes. Depending on the type of industry, you need to determine these domains for every line of business.

    Mostly, the identification of a data domain starts with a problem. It can be the urge to increase customer experience, manage customer usage, increase upsell, or the need to validate a customer requirement.

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    Best Practices In Business Process Management


    Business process management is a top priority for organizations today. The BPM market is hot and it is important to know what the basic steps of BPM strategy are and who the vendors are and what they offer. The scope of what BPM is and what it can do for your organization is changing. There is still a lot of hype, so everyone needs to know who is doing what, and how well it works. Every organization needs a BPM strategy and a comprehensive deployment plan.

    Bill Chambers is a principal analyst at Doculabs.

    Business process management is a top priority for organizations today. The BPM market is hot and it is important to know what the basic steps of BPM strategy are and who the vendors are and what they offer. The scope of what BPM is and what it can do for your organization is changing. There is still a lot of hype, so everyone needs to know who is doing what, and how well it works. Every organization needs a BPM strategy and a comprehensive deployment plan.

    Bill Chambers is a principal analyst at Doculabs. Chambers has 20 years of experience providing analysis and consulting, with expertise in business process management, content management, customer service, marketing automation and other emerging business technologies. Chambers works with Fortune 1000 clients to identify the most appropriate technology solutions for their applications. He also designs and conducts evaluations of relevant solutions through Doculabs technology assessment evaluations.

    Principle : Business Change Is All About People

    Corporate Governance Best Practices & Communication Strategies

    Human change isnt something you do its everything you do.

    Many steps in managing process change are there for no good reason other than decision support. Intellectually, you could argue that many steps are unnecessary or a waste of time and effort. Sadly, you are right, if you dont consider the human element. Change initiatives are often used simply as ways of creating a document. Instead, you must see them as a vehicle of more encompassing transformation. You arent just converting technology, data, procedures, or organizations you are converting people into enthusiastic supporters and participants. This is one reason that you should encourage active participation in the analysis of existing processes. This analysis fosters understanding and communication.

    To do this, a number of factors become paramount. In addition to your communications strategy, you must support changes with appropriate roles and responsibilities, organizational structures, empowerment within accountability, aligned performance incentives, and recognition as well as personal growth opportunities. During transition, the staff must feel that an appropriate level of trustworthy communication is happening. They should feel a sense of contribution as a result of their participation.

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    There Are More Regulations In The Making

    The world is coming in terms with the compliance defined by popular regulations like the GDPR and the CCPA. They completely changed the way companies do business, and how people perceive data protection.

    Following suit, other countries like India, South Korea, Brazil, and Thailand are on the verge of joining the global movement for stricter data protection laws.

    Build A Business Case

    Getting buy-in and sponsorship from leaders who will be part of the process is key when building a data governance practice, but buy-in alone wont fully support the effort and ensure success. Build a strong business case by identifying the benefits and opportunities that data quality will bring to the organization and show the improvements that can be gained, like an increase in revenue, better customer experience, and efficiency. Help everyone involved see and understand both the energy required and the eventual benefits to be successful. Most leaders can be convinced that poor data quality and poor data management is a problem, but data governance plans can fall short if leadership isnt committed to driving change.

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    Assign Clear Roles And Responsibilities To Directors And Officers

    A distinct understanding of roles allows senior management to focus on maximising the performance of their business functions, and avoids unproductive job overlaps between different business managers.

    • Create job mandates in writing for the board chairman, each board director, the CEO, and all company officers. Each persons role and responsibilities should be clearly understood.
    • Create separate board-level committees to perform key oversight functions. Committees are commonly grouped as such:
    • Audit
    • Corporate governance
    • Special committees, for high-value or complex transactions
  • Always remember noses in, fingers out: the board of directors should maintain oversight of the company, ensuring that senior executives are serving the best interest of shareholders. However, the board should respect that day-to-day management is best left to company officers, who are ultimately answerable to the board.
  • Think With The Big Picture In Mind But Start Small

    Corporate Governance Best Practices

    Data governance is a combination of people, process, and technology. To begin building the big picture, start with the people, then build your processes, and finally incorporate your technology. Without the right people, its difficult to build the successful processes needed for the technical implementation of data governance. If you identify or hire the right people for your solution, then they will help build your processes and source the technology to get the job done well.

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    Data Governance Best Practices For Enterprises

    The influx of unprecedented amounts of data in the hands of product teams only started a decade ago.

    Cut to ten years later, the world has undergone a massive transformation in governing the data and is establishing methods to standardize, integrate, and protect such information.

    The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation implemented in 2018 was a masterstroke to the data governance arrangement. It fundamentally changed how companies interact with customer data and their understanding of the need to:

    • Minimize the risk of data theft.
    • Establish strategic rules for the use of data.
    • Implement data compliance.
    • Maintain the communication flow, both internally and externally.
    • Increase the value of data.
    • Reduce expenses.
    • Ensure the continued existence of a company via risk management.

    Your data assets are the key metrics that can make or break your business. So, lets find out if your data management practices are as good as it should be.


    How Does A Robust Data Governance Framework Impact Your Digital Business

    Digital transformation is actively on the radar of data security professionals. A well-thought and proactively managed data governance framework can drive business transformation throughout organizational levels in the following ways:

    • Production: It helps in deploying automation.
    • Procurement and Supply Chain Management: It reduces cost and induces operational efficiency.
    • Sales and Marketing: It offers customer preferences and behavioral insights.
    • Management: It ensures the overview of corporate data assets and the changing market opportunities.
    • Finance: It offers consistent and accurate reporting.
    • Legal and Compliance: It provides a decent way to meet the
    • Growing international regulatory requirements.

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    Principle : Business Processes Must Be Managed Holistically

    Its becoming more and more prevalent to appoint a full process steward, for each process of the organization.

    The steward acts as advocate on behalf of the process, taking responsibility for the processs performance for stakeholders. The steward works not only to deliver improvements in process projects but also to remain in the role subsequent to completion of these projects. This means staying on top of process and stakeholder performance metrics and reviewing current performance against the best in the business. Primarily, the steward makes certain that the process continues to perform to requirements for its stakeholders, and corrective or anticipatory action as needed to either continuously improve or to introduce radical change is taken. Process stewards must be effective in using influence even though they might have no direct control over the resources involved in the execution and management of the daily work being performed. Clearly, this offers a significant organizational challenge especially with a mixed function-and-process approach wherein day-to-day control rests with functional line management, but monitoring and improvement responsibility goes to process stewards.

    What Is The Importance Of Process Governance

    Master Data Governance Best Practices

    Process Governance is used to fill the bridge between the strategy and execution of an organization. If Process Governance is absent, there will be huge chances that you might not find any takers for the process improvement initiatives.

    In the beginning, you may be successful in wooing the higher authorities to enable the new process improvement initiative. But without an effective process governance framework, they will start losing their interest with passing time and there is a high chance of your initiative going down the drains.

    An efficient process governance framework makes sure that the success of an organization is based on the set of consistent processes and not just a handful of skilled employees.

    Business process governance is important in a business because it serves the following:

    • Standardization of the process initiatives.
    • Encouraging the alignment of these initiatives.
    • Encouraging continuous improvement of business processes.
    • Definition of roles and responsibilities of the processes.
    • Determination of power to decide the procedures.
    • Transformation into a more agile organization in response to the occurrence of changes.
    • Promotion of the quality of process initiatives.
    • Modification of management processes for daily application of culture.
    • Alignment of management processes with the strategic objectives of the company.
    • Ensuring that the processes office coordinates these initiatives and gives the necessary support to all areas involved.

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    Business Process Governance Tools

    Depending on how many processes your business has, you may need a formal set up for keeping track of all your processes. There are a few different tools that can be used for business process governance in order to ensure that all processes are up to par. By using the right tools, businesses can save time and money while also ensuring that their processes are running smoothly.

    Here are some of the most popular business process governance tools.

    What Are It Governance Frameworks

    To realize the benefits outlined in the previous section, it is best practice to establish an IT governance model. A framework can help an MSP implement policies and procedures and maintain their program year after year.

    There are five common IT governance frameworks examples that organizations:

    • COBIT: COBIT stands for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. This framework is created by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association and is designed specifically for enterprise IT. COBIT is considered the industry standard best practice IT governance framework.
    • ITIL: ITIL is an acronym for Information Technology Infrastructure Library. This framework considers how IT service strategy, design, transition, operations, and service improvement can support core business practices.
    • COSO: The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission focuses on internal controls, rather than on IT-specific functions, integrating other frameworks like risk management and fraud prevention.
    • CMMI: The Capability Maturity Model Integration framework is primarily concerned with performance improvement, using a scale to evaluate an organizations performance, quality, and profitability.
    • FAIR: The last and newest framework is Factor Analysis of Information Risk, a tool that helps organizations quantify their level of risk.

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    Identify Critical Data Elements Within The Data Domains

    After defining the data domains, the next data governance best practice is to identify the critical data elements. In the lineage diagram above, evidently, data domains touch 10s, 100s, and 1000s of systems and applications containing key reports, critical data elements, business processes and more. In the early stages of your data governance program, there is no need to boil the ocean by focusing on all the data artifacts at once. The data governance best practice truly is to identify only whats critical to the business.

    A recent example of this data governance best practice in the Collibra Community comes from a technology company. The company needed data governance to validate customer reports and related source systems. During the first stage of implementation, the company identified just the ten most important reports and documented information about the systems of origin. Later, it scaled the initiative, applying certification requirements and related source system information for all reports. Simply put, a report is not certified if the owners cannot show its traceability all the way down the system of origin.

    Master Data Governance Factors


    Data governance is about creating trust. Trust that data is being handled & managed correctly and meets high quality standards. Master data governance factors are what help you create the optimal conditions for delivering quality, trusted data, management and processes. Lets look at eight key factors of master data governance that can help you create trust within your organization.

    1. Master Data Definitions

    Master data definitions describe business entities and their attributes to create a common definition of each domain of master data used by your organization. For example, a customer master might contain business name, email, phone number, shipping address and billing address. A product master might contain category, SKU, size, color, and material attributes. And an equipment master might contain type, model, serial number, manufacturer, and location attributes.

    2. Master Data Policies

    3. Master Data Rules

    4. Master Data Catalog

    5. Master Data Lineage

    6. Master Data Stakeholders

    7. Master Data Workflow

    8. Master Data Metrics

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