Sunday, July 14, 2024

Government Scheme To Clear Debt

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Get A Debt Management Plan

Coalition knew robo-debt scheme was ‘illegal’: Labor
  • Set up a plan with a debt management company authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority . Search the Financial Services Register for an authorised company.

  • The company works out your monthly payments. Youll have to give details about your financial situation, for example your assets, debts, income and creditors.

  • The company contacts your creditors and asks them to agree to the plan .

  • Unless stated in the agreement, your creditors can still:

    • ask you to pay your full debt at a later date
    • take action to recover their money even if you keep up your payments

    Information To Help You Manage Debt

    ASIC’s MoneySmart website provides information managing debt, including details about how to:

    Tips When Requesting A Hardship Variation

    First work out what you can afford to pay. There is no point agreeing to an amount that you cant afford.

    Contact your lender by phone or in writing and ask for the team that helps customers in financial hardship.

    Some of the options you could discuss with your lender:

    • extending your loan period, so you make smaller repayments over more time
    • temporarily stop your repayments for an agreed period
    • both extending your loan period and stopping your repayments for an agreed period.

    Keep a record of all the discussions youve have with your creditor, such as date, time, name of the person who helped you and the details you agreed on. If you find you can’t stick to the new arrangement, tell your credit provider straight away or seek further assistance from a financial counsellor.

    ASICs MoneySmart website has detailed information about how to request a hardship variation including a sample letter you can send to your provider.

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    What Are Grants To Pay Off Debt

  • Housing vouchers for Grants to help Get Out of Debt
  • Grants to pay off debt are concepts that the government introduces to help American people pay their debts and fulfill financial needs. A government grant is an offering by a federal, local, or state government authority for beneficial projects or needy individuals.

    Get grants to pay off debt

    This assistance is offered only to some specific classes of citizens. Most governments assist various institutes like hospitals, universities, and non-profit organizations seeking financial help. However, the government assists small businesses and helps citizens facing financial problems on an individual scale.

    There is a long list of personal grants that the American government provides at the federal level & a host of other government benefits. Suppose you fulfill the eligibility criteria for these grants for debt under any of the various listed types. In that case, you can get the money for one of a set of approved expenses if you are lucky enough.

    When To Seek A Personal Grant?

    Government creates some grants to help people with kids school supplies and paying bills, while others concentrate on paying hospital bills. Some are designed for long-term investments like a home purchase.

    However, you should not expect an instant turnaround because there are many people ahead of you applying for financial assistance. You should be ready for some amount of bureaucracy.

    If You’ve Got Debt Problems But Are Not In A Debt Crisis

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    Don’t visit a debt counselling agency. Not just because they’re heavily oversubscribed especially during these unprecedented times and should be left to those in urgent need, but more importantly, the solution they use isnt for you.

    Debt counselling involves negotiating with creditors and even bankruptcy, individual voluntary arrangements or debt relief orders . These are serious measures, designed for those with limited alternatives, in effect drawing a line and saying “this person is no longer within the system”. The result is the debilitation of your credit score and less access to financial and some consumer products. Instead, there are a couple of sources of help:

    • Take time to go through the checklist. The debt help checklist below is designed to take you through every single way to take on your debts, cut the costs, and speedily pay them back. So take some time and go through each to check whether it applies to you.

    • Help and support from those in the same boat. Want help, or want to talk about it? There are many people in the Debt-Free Wannabe forum in a similar boat, all supporting and helping each other reach what they call their “debt-free day” after going through the checklist. This is an amazing resource.

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    Debt Relief Service And Credit Repair Scams

    Debt relief service scams target consumers with significant credit card debt by falsely promising to negotiate with their creditors to settle or otherwise reduce consumers’ repayment obligations. These operations often charge cash-strapped consumers a large up-front fee, but then fail to help them settle or lower their debts if they provide any service at all. Some debt relief scams even tout their services using automated “robocalls” to consumers on the Do-Not-Call List.

    Auto loan modification scams falsely promise that they can reduce consumers’ monthly car loan or lease payments to help them avoid repossession. The FTC also works to make sure consumers get a fair deal in the auto marketplace.

    The FTC has brought scores of law enforcement actions against these bogus credit-related services, and the agency has partnered with the states to bring hundreds of additional lawsuits. Further, in 2010, the FTC amended its Telemarketing Sales Rule to protect consumers seeking debt relief services, like debt settlement or credit counseling. The Rule prohibits for-profit companies that sell these services over the telephone from charging a fee before they actually settle or reduce a consumer’s debt. It also prohibits debt relief providers from making misrepresentations and requires that they disclose key information that consumers need in evaluating these services.

    Avoid Companies That Make Unrealistic Promises

    Some companies advertise that they can get you out of debt no matter how much you owe. This is unrealistic.

    Dont trust a company that:

    • is not licensed
    • won’t put all loan costs and the interest rate in writing before you sign
    • arranges a business loan when all you need is a basic consumer loan

    Check the company is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority . This means you can make a complaint and get free, independent dispute resolution if needed. If they are not a member of AFCA, don’t deal with them.

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    It Announces Release Of 1200 Crore Fund For The Purpose

    The Punjab government on Thursday announced that it will release funds amounting to 1,200 crore to clear loans up to 2 lakh under the existing debt waiver scheme of about 1.09 lakh small and marginal farmers, having land up to 5 acres.

    An official statement said that the State government has already waived loans of 5.63 lakh such farmers to the tune of 4,610 crore. Out of these, 1.34 lakh small farmers got relief of 980 crore while 4.29 lakh marginal farmers were benefited of loan waiver of 3,630 crore, it added.

    Full And Final Settlement

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    A less formal way to get some of your debt written off is to do a deal with your creditors. If youve got a lump sum you can pay towards your debts then many companies will be willing to accept a lower amount to clear the debt.

    The old expression A bird in the hand isworth two in the bush explains why creditors are willing to write some debt off. A lump sum now is better than a trickle of money paid over the years. Its cheaper for them to administer and theyll have their money there and then.

    Its important to get full and final settlements agreed in writing before you send any money. That way youll have proof the debt should be written off.

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    Ssnit Receives Gh57bn As Part Payment Of Government Debt

    The Social Security and National Insurance Trust has noted that government has since 2017 made payments worth GH¢5.77 billion to clear part of the social security contributions owed to it.

    It must be noted that government has since 2017 paid GH¢5.77billion to clear social security contributions owed by successive governments. SSNIT continues to actively engage government, the largest employer, to pay the contributions of its employees, the Trust highlighted.

    According to a report by B& FT, the delays in the payment of due contributions by the government have been cited in the actuarial valuation reports as hampering the schemes level of investible funds. Indebtedness by the government to the Trust continues to hurt the schemes compliance rates and long-term sustainability.

    SSNIT in its update assured that management has not relented in its efforts to retrieve all arrears owed the Trust by employers to improve the sustainability of the Scheme.

    As of September this year, 7,951 criminal cases were pending in court against defaulting employers. Likewise, over 500 employers including the government have arranged for terms of the settlement.

    Meanwhile private sector debt to SSNIT is over GH¢230million as of September 202. This is expected to go up further if the Trust retrieves all outstanding contribution reports and updates inspections on all establishments.

    Tmc Launches ‘griha Laxmi Scheme’

    On Saturday, Moitra launched the Griha Laxmi Scheme, promising to provide Rs 5000/ month assistance to women in every household if voted to power. The scheme will be covering every household in the state including 3.5 Lakh families in Goa. As per the TMC, the budget scheme will cost the state government approximately Rs 1500-2000 crore, which is around 6-8% of the state budget.

    “The women from 3.5 lakh households in the state would be covered under the Griha Laxmi scheme as it will also do away with the maximum income ceiling, which is mandated in the current Griha Aadhar scheme of the BJP government in the state,” Moitra said. She added, “The actual implementation of Griha Aadhar scheme requires Rs 270 crore annually, but the Goa government has earmarked only Rs 140 crore annually. Due to this, many people are not able to get the benefit”.

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    Options For Dealing With Your Debts

    Find out what options are available if you cannot pay your debts.

    Youll be asked questions about:

    • how much you owe
    • your assets
    • your income

    If you need help managing your money you can get free debt advice or information from the Money Advice Service.

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    Government Grants For Debts

    $23b of Govt Debt Clearance in Multilateral Swap Scheme ...

    There are some problems in everyones life if you look closely. From paying rent, paying student loans to pay your medical bills, the government has something on the plate for you.

    Get Government Grants for debts

    Here is the list of various classes for which government grants to pay off debt are available. To see this list, you should The website will ask you to fill in some information about marital status, financial status, age, and residence place.

    Once you select all the necessary questions, it will show you a list of grants for which you might be eligible. You have to select every grant from the list and see its eligibility criteria. If you are finding yourself eligible, do not wait to apply.

    On the site, you can see for grants under the following classes:

    • Counsel/Counseling
    • Military: Active Duty and Veterans
    • Volunteer Opportunities

    You can select the best option that suits your background and further look into details about the various schemes under that specific category and their eligibility criteria.

    How To Get Grants To Help Get Out Of Debt?

    Here are some details related to the eligibility of the grants for debt relief under some of the most popular classes:

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    Are There Legal Ways To Write Off Debt

    This page contains information about debt solutions available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Debt advice in Scotland involves similar but different solutions. Before considering an IVA as a debt solution, please make sure you fully understand the risks involved when entering an IVA. You can also learn more about bankruptcy on our website.

    There are lots of dodgy companies out there that will tell you anything to get your business.

    If youve seen adverts promising Government debt help or offering to write off credit card debt youll know what were talking about. Sadly their promises are nearly always too good to be true.

    We believe that those people who can afford to repay their debts should do so and we will do everything we can to help them do this. For those who, for whatever reason, find themselves in a position where they are very unlikely to be able to repay their debts in a reasonable time, it may be possible to get them written off, through some form of insolvency or by coming to an arrangement with the lenders.

    Below are five possible ways to deal with unamanageable debt. Every situation is different though, so its important to get impartial debt advice before deciding on the best way to move forward.

    We dont advocate any kind of debt avoidance.

    File A Complaint About A Debt Collector

    Report any problems you have with a debt collection company to your State Attorney General’s Office, the Federal Trade Commission , and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau . Many states have their own debt collection laws that are different from the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Your state Attorney Generals office can help you find out your rights under your states law.

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    Debt Settlement Vs Debt Consolidation

    An important point to note is that debt consolidation loans dont erase the original debt. Instead, they simply transfer a consumer’s loans to a different lender or type of loan. For actual debt relief or for those who don’t qualify for loans, it may be best to look into a debt settlement rather than, or in conjunction with, a debt consolidation loan.

    Debt settlement aims to reduce a consumer’s obligations rather than the number of creditors. Consumers can work with debt-relief organizations or services. These organizations do not make actual loans but try to renegotiate the borrowers current debts with creditors.

    To consolidate debts and save money, youll need good credit to qualify for a competitive interest rate.

    Consolidating Debt

    Dro Debt Relief Order

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    DROs are a relative newcomer to the world of insolvency. They were introduced in 2009 as a cheaper alternative to bankruptcy for people with little or no assets and relatively low debts.

    There are strict criteria that youve got to meet before you can go on a DRO but if you qualify itll mean that your debts could be written off after 12 months. If youd like to know more about DROs check out Everything you wanted to know about DROs but were afraid to ask.

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    Compare Money In And Money Out

    The easiest way to do this is to do a budget.

    List all the money you have coming in each month , such as salary or benefits. Then list all the money going out , for things like food, rent or mortgage, credit cards, electricity, phone and transport.

    Tally these up, then compare money in and money out.

    Ways Of Repaying Your Debts

    There are many ways to repay your debts. You can get free and independent debt advice online and face-to-face to help you find the best way to deal with your debt problem.

    This includes advice on what restrictions and responsibilities you have to agree to and how different repayment options affect things like:

    • your credit rating
    • your home, for example, if it is still at risk of being sold to pay your debts
    • what action your creditors can take to recover their money, for example, taking you to court to make you bankrupt

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    Protect Your Home Or Other Assets

    To get a lower interest rate, you might be considering turning your unsecured debts into a single secured debt. For a secured debt, you put up an asset as security.

    This means that if you can’t pay off the new loan, the home or car that you put up as security may be at risk. The lender can sell it to get back the money you borrowed.

    Consider all your other options before using your home or other assets as security.

    Asking To Write Off Your Debt

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    If you have no money to spare to pay off your debts, your creditors may agree to write off your debt. They may even agree to stop action against you altogether but this is unusual.

    To find out how to work out if you’ve got money to pay off your debts, see Work out what you can afford to pay.

    Your creditors are only likely to agree to write off your debt in exceptional circumstances. If you have a low income and your situation is particularly difficult and unlikely to get better they may write them off.

    You will usually need to show proof of your situation, for example, medical evidence that demonstrates that you cannot work or are seriously ill, before creditors will agree. If creditors do agree to write off the debt, make sure that they put it in writing.

    Some creditors may want an adviser to make this request on your behalf. Your local Citizens Advice Bureau can make the request on your behalf – where to get advice.

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