Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government And Public Sector Consulting

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Digital Government In Chile: Towards People

Public Sector: BCG’s Larry Kamener on trends in government

Digital Gov. & Public Sector Consulting Leader, Middle East and Africa at EY

E-government has massively advanced in Chile in recent years. Chile is not a leader in the region however, it is in the top three countries in South America, behind Uruguay and Argentina, according to the EDGI Index 2020. Its achievements in digital government have helped the country better manage and maintain its bureaucracy and administrative procedures while expanding access to information and contributing to governmental transparency and accountability. The country has invested in digital infrastructure and ramping up government-related online services to make them more convenient, transparent, accessible, and accountable.

In today’s fast-paced world, digital technologies constantly evolve to meet people’s growing expectations for convenience and accessibility. In fact, e-government is emerging as a key tool for empowering citizens and communities while facilitating increased efficiency and transparency in governmental operations. As more and more countries continue developing their own online platforms, we want to take a closer look at some of these efforts particularly those outside of Europe or North America.

Today we’ll examine Chile’s approach to digital government, including its working with its people, industries, and businesses to move toward greater interconnectivity on an international scale.

Our Work With Government And Public Services

We work with clients across the sector to deliver results that make a difference to us all. From enhancing the UKs transport and digital networks, improving patient access to lifesaving drugs through to strengthening the UKs ability to tackle terrorist threats, our focus is on outcomes. And our passion for making a difference guides our work.

Business and government need to work together to achieve shared outcomes for wider society. COVID-19 has made this more important than ever before. As the UK emerges from the pandemic, it faces new challenges: how to meet future infrastructure needs, ensuring the UK has the skills it needs for tomorrows jobs, reducing climate change and addressing inequality. We will work to help business and government develop stronger relationships that can deliver a fair recovery.

La Historia De La Consultora De Sector Pblico

En el marco de la tendencia a la alta especialización que caracteriza al sector de la consultoría, y de la aparición de empresas consultoras de boutique, surgen a principios de los años 80, en los países anglosajones las consultoras especializadas en los servicios profesionales a Gobiernos y Administraciones Públicas. Son empresas consultoras que combinan el conocimiento de la gestión privada con los de la macroeconomía y la ciencia política. Su éxito se basa en que la gestión pública persigue objetivos diferentes a los que tiene la empresa privada y en que los instrumentos para alcanzarlos son, igualmente, diferentes.

El crecimiento de estas empresas se debe a la cada vez mayor profesionalización de la gestión pública, a la extensión de las prácticas de la dirección estratégica en las Administraciones y a la conciencia de la necesidad de gestionar de manera óptima los recursos disponibles. En este marco general, los gestores públicos requieren de apoyos externos, que les proporcionen conocimiento para superar los retos que se les plantean.

Actualmente, en el mercado de las empresas consultoras de Gobierno, pueden encontrarse varios tipos de empresas de consultoría:

Si quiere saber cómo puede, su organización o su empresa, obtener ventajas del conocimiento reunido por Novadays en su actividad con los Gobiernos y las Administraciones Públicas, le invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nuestros consultores.

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Us Public Sector And Government

For the US public sector, its never been more critical to deliver robust, cutting-edge services to citizens. BCG empowers government organizationsand crucially, their peopleto operate in transformative ways.

At its best, the US public sector does more than support citizens. It inspires, enables, and opens the door to opportunities, creating a future where people can realize their full potential. The challenge is bringing out that best in an environment where budgets are tight, crises reorder priorities, and the underlying technology sometimes shows its age.

Public sector leaders are overcoming this challenge by finding new ways of working: fostering collaboration, agility, and novel approaches to serving citizens. BCG helps them go even further. We partner with government organizations to accelerate innovation, develop digital solutions, and scale the practices and processes that work best. Together, we can usher in a golden age for the public sector.

BCGs US government consulting experts are helping organizations build the capabilitiesboth human and technicalessential for meeting vital, complex imperatives.

La Importancia De La Vocacin De Servicio Pblico En Las Empresas De Consultora De Sector Pblico

ComStream Consulting

En Novadays entendemos que la consultoria debe estar ligada a la experiencia y a la profesionalidad de las personas que prestan los servicios de las empresas consultoras. Por eso, la capacitación, tanto técnica como en habilidades, de estos profesionales es lo que distingue a unas empresas de consultoria de otras.

En el caso de la consultoría de sector público, a esto se ha de añadir la vocación de servicio público. El sector público es sumamente complejo y conocerlo a fondo exige experiencia y vocación. Los consultores de sector público deben compartir con los altos funcionarios y empleados del sector público esa vocación por mejorar la sociedad a través de las políticas y actuaciones públicas.

Si tiene vocación de servicio público y quiere desarrollar su carrera profesional en una empresa de consultoría de sector público,

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How We Can Help

Our government and public services practice focuses on providing audit and assurance, tax and consulting services to local, national, regional and global government entities. We work together with our clients, looking for practical, workable and innovative solutions that make a difference in solving the pressing challenges that are being faced every day across a range of areas in the public domain, including education, defense and security, digital government, international development, local government and public finance.

When The World Moves Move Ahead

Rapid change in the public sectordriven by rising consumer demands and private sector innovationis creating new opportunities to transform. Harnessing digital technologies and collaborating with private sector “disruptors,” we help you create the innovation culture to deliver better services, more affordably and efficiently. So you can put the people, communities, employees and businesses you serve at the heart of progress.

Innovating where industry and technology intersect, we apply deep cross-industry expertise to the biggest challenges in the public sector today so you can continually adapt as a “living” government. Infusing fresh thinking with new technologies, we bring the insight, experience and data-driven capabilities to help you modernize, up-skill your workforce and drive more value from your resources.

Whatever your priorities, we help turn your ideas into reality, deliver better experiences and improve outcomes. So, when the world moves, youre ready to move with it.

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Government & Public Services

Deloitte Government & Public Services is committed to improving public outcomes through a focus on people. At Deloitte we think about the complex issues facing the public sector and develop relevant, timely, and sustainable solutions for our clients.

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Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee , its network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.

Bcg X The Atlantic Re: Think Present American Metamorphosis

9 Principles for Building Innovation in the Public Sector | Public Relations | Dubai | Meirc

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the United States greatest vulnerabilities and most profound injustices. Now, in an effort to create a more resilient and equitable society, leaders in business and government are making fundamental changes to the way they operateand how they interact with one another. What will the country look like on the other side of these great transformations? The second season of American Metamorphosis, the podcast from BCG and Atlantic Re:think, the branded content studio within The Atlantic, explores this question through conversations with leaders in the public and private sectors.

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Data & Analytics Services

We can rapidly design and implement best-practice data solutions for your agency. Our expertise covers a wide range of technologies and platforms including Azure Government and AWS GovCloud solutions, data visualization and machine learning / AI. We engineer for security and data privacy in accordance with local, state and federal policies.

Financial & Performance Improvement Services

To improve financial and operational effectiveness, address long-term liabilities, assess project feasibility…

To improve financial and operational effectiveness, address long-term liabilities, assess project feasibility and address real estate challenges, public sector agencies and governments engage us for our trusted, independent consulting and implementation services. Our team of seasoned professionals has a substantial track record of advising public sector entities with solutions that drive greater efficiency and performance.

We tailor our services based on your specific needs and circumstances. Engage us for:

  • Development of long-term financial plans
  • Performance management and improvements
  • Advisory services related to bond issuances
  • Property valuation and real estate advisory services
  • Business plan development and implementation
  • Interim management services

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How We Help Our Clients

Strategy& combines international expertise and local knowledge to help public- sector clients achieve important transformations. We apply our know-how, leadership, and expert functional capabilities to offer clients customized, high-impact solutions. The firms consulting activities in the public sector cover a broad range of topics:

  • Articulation of national socioeconomic development plans
  • Policy planning and social reforms in education, labor, health, and social welfare
  • Sector-level planning to improve the competitiveness of economic sectors
  • Development of action plans for World Trade Organization accession or negotiations
  • Development of special economic zones
  • Design of fiscal reforms, such as tax, customs, and subsidies reforms
  • Design of central and multitiered governance models
  • Design of public administration reform programs
  • Design of service delivery improvement programs and e-government
  • Streamlining of public administration processes and procedures
  • Design of performance monitoring and accountability enhancement programs
  • Deployment of public governance models and organizations
  • Implementation of policy-specific strategies
  • Management of e-government services rollout
  • Optimization of public procurement and other public shared- services operations

Economic & Public Policy Services

Government and public sector

Government agencies around the world rely on our sophisticated and comprehensible analyses of complex economic…

Government agencies around the world rely on our sophisticated and comprehensible analyses of complex economic matters to better understand the issues and opportunities being faced. We are involved in a wide range of engagements related to economics, finance and accounting. Clients also call on our experts to provide critical insight and expert testimony in legal and regulatory proceedings, strategic decision making and public policy debates.

Our services include:

  • Labor and employment studies and consulting
  • Healthcare economics and policy consulting

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Operational And Process Excellence Services

We help build an operational foundation that drives sustainable results across government agencies. We focus on improving operational performance to create comprehensive solutions around our core offerings of: Process & Capability Assessment, Business Process Improvement, Performance Measurement, Business Architecture, Process Automation, Enterprise OPEX Management.

Gsa Schedule And Capabilities Statement

The GSA Multiple Award Schedule is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract. V-Softs MAS allows partners and end-users alike to take advantage of an in-depth array of IT products, services, and solutions. GSA Multiple Award Schedule is the largest procurement vehicle and the most widely used acquisition offering in the federal government.

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Britains Public Sector Is Paying The Price For The Governments Consultancy Habit

The pandemic has shown relying on these private companies to deliver core services simply doesnt work

When he was leader of the opposition, David Cameron did not mince his criticism of the Labour governments dependency on consultancy companies. Speaking in 2008, he lambasted how, for the last decade or so, in the name of modernisation, rationalisation and efficiency, we have been living under a regime of government by management consultant and policy by PowerPoint.

Fast forward 13 years, and those words could have been said by any politician about the decisions of Conservative governments since. As one Tory minister put it last year, Whitehall has been infantilised by an unacceptable reliance on expensive management consultants.

Lord Agnews comments came in the wake of revelations that the government was spending tens of millions of pounds on private sector consultants to deliver Englands test and trace system. Rather than see the challenge of developing this as an opportunity for public sector and NHS employees to put their expertise to use, ministers and civil servants relied on companies including Deloitte and Boston Consulting Group. The approach led to test result delays, IT system bugs and laboratory bottlenecks.

In part, this is because their role over recent decades has broadly shifted from being one of providing specific insights to public officials, to taking over the delivery of core state functions and the development of policy areas.

Technology & Data Analytics Services

Capgemini Public Sector Partner: QA Consulting Providing niche resources in high demand technology

As recognized industry leaders in managing e-discovery projects of any scale or complexity, our professionals…

As recognized industry leaders in managing e-discovery projects of any scale or complexity, our professionals can work as an extension of your team to develop immediate e-discovery solutions. Alternatively, we can help establish ongoing best practices that help secure the best possible results over time, without cutting corners or imposing limitations. Our teamâs expertise and global reach span a wide range of legal, regulatory and investigative situations. Clients have trusted us to work on some of the biggest cases that have made global headlines.

Services we offer include:

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Qu Hacemos Las Empresas Consultoras De Sector Pblico

Las empresas consultoras de sector público prestamos servicios profesionales de alto valor, adaptándose siempre a las necesidades concretas de cada cliente y cada proyecto. Algunas de los servicios profesionales que se prestan en nuestro mercado son:

  • La empresas de consultoría de sector público realizamos estudios económicos, sociales, de mercado o de viabilidad técnica para la puesta en marcha de nuevas políticas, planes, programas o proyectos públicos.
  • La empresas de consultoría de sector público diseñamos dichas actividades o políticas, así como definimos la estrategia y la operativa que se debe seguir para su puesta en marcha o lanzamiento.
  • La empresas de consultoría de sector público realizamos las actuaciones necesarias para poner en marcha esas actividades o para lanzar los nuevos planes, programas y proyectos, en un sentido amplio, ejecutando los procesos operativos que antes se han diseñado.
  • Las empresas de consultoría de sector público gestionamos esas actividades, departamentos u oficinas, aportando valor como gestores y no solo como estrategas.
  • Las empresas de consultoría de sector público evaluamos las actividades que se han puesto en marcha, permitiendo conocer los resultados que se han alcanzado.

The Chimera Of Consulting: Government And Public Sector Advising

  • Post author

Discussion on management consultancy often reduces the clientele of strategy firms to multinational corporations. Although this might largely be the case, such a simplistic view ignores a major field of consulting: governmental and public sector advisory services. MBB strategy firms and the Big 4 professional services companies all have departments specifically designated for public policy and chartable organizations, which is by no means a coincidence. McKinsey has concluded more than 5,400 public sector projects for over 300 governmental agencies, BCG has signed over 1,000 governmental contracts only in the past five years, and fellow competitors are raking up comparable figures in the segment.

In a nutshell, public sector consultancy is definitely a field worth thorough examination, not only due to its sheer size, but also as a potential entry-point to the industry, especially for those with social science and humanities degrees. Nevertheless, government and public sector advising is a beast of its own kind, a chimera which incorporates many of the business solutions of conventional management consultancy, but borrows its outlook and conceptual framework from think-tanks and policy-hubs.

This article will highlight two key differentiating factors to bear in mind if you wish to specialise in public advisory services.

1. Different mindset

2. Different stakeholders

Final thoughts

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Our Advisory Team Works In These Areas:

Municipal Government

In municipal government youre constantly looking for better, faster and efficient ways to deliver services to your citizens. At the same time, a fixed revenue stream and unpredictable access to grants makes planning and forecasting difficult.

Our experienced advisors will work with your team to understand the issues and give you the information you need to move forward with confidence. We offer:

  • Efficiency and effectiveness reviews
  • Evidence-based reports to make effective, informed decisions
  • Forecasting to ensure you can service your community in the future

Provincial Government

Provincial departments, boards, agencies and commissions are under constant pressure to reduce costs and increase savings all while meeting standards of service excellence. Whether you are in healthcare, education or another provincial service, we can help you manage competing demands, anticipate the future and ensure you have the resources you need to deliver on your mandate.

Our advisors bring deep insight and broad expertise to the table to help you:

  • Identify strategies to reduce costs and increase savings
  • Make an effective case for funding and investment
  • Formulate, validate and build buy-in for your strategic and operational plans one of the benefits of working with a reputable, third-party advisory firm

Social and Non-profit Sector

Charities and not-for-profits

Post-secondary institutions

Qu Es La Consultora Para El Sector Pblico

Government and Public Sector

Las empresas consultoras de sector público son empresas de servicios profesionales que asesoran a gobiernos y entidades públicas en el diseño de sus actuaciones y ejecución de las mismas .

Dentro de la consultoría para el sector público existe una amplia diversidad: Estrategia, TIC, Recursos Humanos, etc.

Novadays es una empresa de consultoría de sector público altamente especializada. Nuestra misión es conseguir mejorar la sociedad en al que vivimos a través de la consultoría y, para alcanzarla, estudiamos, diseñamos, ejecutamos y evaluamos proyectos y actuaciones que puedan mejorar la sociedad tanto si son promovidos por el sector público como si surgen del sector privado pero deben ser desarrollados en colaboración con el sector público.

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