Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Fpwa Federal Government Grant Program

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Questions To Ask About A Legitimate Grant You Won A Legit Grantnow What

Government grant scams making rounds on Facebook messenger

When you are the fortunate recipient of a legit U.S. grant, make sure you understand its purpose and requirements upfront.

  • What can the money be used for? Most grants are not general-purpose funds, to be used for whatever the company determines. They are for specific purposes that meet the mission of the grantor. Make sure the grantors mission and your mission are in sync.
  • What portion of the grant can be used for overhead? Grants are provided to undertake projects and activities. It takes administrative support to accomplish this, so make sure you understand what amount of the grant can be used for that.
  • What is the timing of the payments? Many grants are provided upfront, so the company has the funds in hand to pay for the work. However, some grants are paid when agreed-upon milestones are accomplished or when specific expenditures need to be reimbursed.

Where Does The Money Come From

It’s a documented fact that Billions of Dollars in Free Money are donated every year by American Corporate Giving Programs, Foundations, and other Charitable Institutions, Individuals, and Other Agencies. We read daily about gigantic sums of Funding being given to businesses and individuals, just like you, to help them fulfill their goals and dreams, but often times these people will not tell you HOW or WHERE they got this Funding. In order to know HOW and WHERE to tap into these vast treasures, don’t sit around and hope you hear it through the grapevine, find out yourself with the help of USA Funding Applications.Many funding opportunities are awarded for projects and businesses for general operating expenses and other capital, such as, a new building or major pieces of equipment. Sometimes you can also include inventory, salaries, labor, advertising, marketing, etc. Also remember that most funding is not available for personal expenses or paying off debt, but there are other assistance programs out there to help you out of your situation!

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Canadian Government Grants For Seniors By Province

If you would like to renovate your home to make it more accessible so that you can live there longer, there are a number of grants available from the various provincial governments in Canada. Here is a listing by province of some of those grants. Please note that the following are all government programs that were current at the time of posting and are subject to change.

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A Government Program That Pays Your Bills

Have you heard about a government program that will pay your monthly bills for an up-front payment or processing fee? Heres a short version of the rest of this post: Its a scam. Dont do it.

Weve heard that this scam is happening in some African-American church communities: people approach church-goers with this so-called deal. And, because it comes up in church, the scam might seem like it could be legit. But take it from me and the FTC: there is no federal program that pays your monthly bills in exchange for payment of any kind.

What really happens if you pay these scammers? They look real for a minute because they pay your bills electronically but then they cancel the payment. You think your bill is paid, but youre stuck with not only the original bill, but also a late fee because your payment wasnt actually processed. And now the scammers have your bank or credit information. Doesnt sound like much of a deal at all.

If you need help paying bills, or know someone who does, there are some legitimate government sites that can connect you with programs that help with things like medical bills and energy services for people who are eligible. But they wont ask you to pay them. Also check out how to make a budget or find a credit counselor who can help you manage your money.

Gov Kathy Hochul Nyc Mayor Eric Adams And Nyc Council Speaker Adrienne Adams Salute The Work Of Fpwa New Yorks Leading Anti


Scroll to find out more about FPWAs history.

Founded in 1922 as the Federation of Institutions Caring for Protestant Children, the Federation operated out of the Church Missions House, a historic landmark located at 281 Park Avenue.& nbspToday, 40 Broad Street is home to the organization’s policy experts, nonprofit sector leaders, and community advocates.

In 1922, the number of homeless children without guardianship in the city had become a crisis. Few organizations existed to address the situation and their efforts were disjointed. Black and brown children in particular had few places to go. That’s when our founders stepped in and rallied to the need.

Over the years, we continued to fight for expanded services, including early childhood literacy programs and daycare in low-income communities of color.

In 1922, the number of homeless children without guardianship in the city had become a crisis – and in particular, Black and brown children had few places to go. Our founders rallied to the need.

Over the following decades, we continued to fight for expanded services, including early childhood literacy programs and daycare in low-income communities of color.

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Who Offers Legitimate Grants

There are a few federal grant programs for for-profit companies and many state/county economic development financial assistance programs. At the federal level, the SBA has disaster recovery grantsthink Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy.

Also, some agencies, like National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department, participate in the Small Business Innovation Research program which helps companies research tech innovations for possible commercialization in areas that are of interest to these agencies.

At the state/county level, there are many financial assistance programs that foster company and job creation in their respective geographic areas. These take the forms of loans, equity investments and occasionally grants.

How To Tell If A Government Grant Offer Is A Scam Or Legitimate

You get a call, email or letter from the federal government saying you are the winner of a free U.S. grant. All you have to do is pay a processing fee to receive the money.

How do you know if the grant offer is legitimate or a scam? In this situation, its wise to recall two adages: 1) If it appears too good to be true, it probably is, and 2) there is no such thing as a free lunch. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI and other Federal Agencies, fake U.S. grant scams are on the rise across the country.

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Get Your Piece Of The Funding Pie

Don’t worry about your present financial situation. Funding applications do not require collateral, credit checks, security deposits or co-signers. You can apply even if you have a Bankruptcy. Also remember that government funding is not available for personal expenses or paying off debt but there may be other assistance programs out there to help you out of your situation!

Don’t wait. The money you need may be given to your neighbor, if they qualify!

Is A Fee Involved

Federal government rolls out program and funding for families who need assistance in US

Grant applications are usually free as they are sourced at the federal or state/county level with public funds. If you are asked to submit a fee to apply for the grant or learn more about it, theres good chance it is scam. Asking for an application fee is the number-one way scammers make their money.

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A Message To Our Members: Were Here For You

Our communities, and all our FPWA member organizations, are living through an unprecedented time. As COVID-19 spreads, so does panic. Understandably so.

If never before the 8 million New Yorkers recognized the critical role human services nonprofits play in the life of our city, then today, theyre learning fast. Here in New York City, there are hundreds of nonprofits caring daily for young and old people, and everyone in between.

They provide meals, managed care, early childcare and early education coupled with a watchful eye for little ones, programs for young people with daily challenges, shelter for homeless persons, meals for the elderly, services for people who struggle with depression and other mental health issues, and more. They are run by caring people who wish they could stay home and ride out the virus, but they cant.

These programs cant and wont shut their doors because their communities need them. Families of the people they care for need them. For example, parents of children in childcare centers, especially subsidized centers, often have jobs where they get paid only if they work. For others, paid sick leave is available but limited. They rely on these programs to stay open.

FPWA continues to work closely with HSC and allies to represent the sectors interests, sharing information and raising critical concerns and questions coming from nonprofits and the faith community to our partners in government.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at .

A Deadly Tradeoff And Unnecessarily Catastrophic Economic Suffering

Here in New York City, public health measures were taken seriously and over time, the number of COVID-related deaths fell precipitously, but the inadequate federal response has led to a scenario in which economic devastation is the trade-off for saving lives.

The Citys unemployment rate shot up more than sixteen percentage points . Measuring unemployment, however, by the percent of the workforce receiving unemployment benefits, one-third of New York Citys workforce were unemployed in June, according to the The New Schools Center for New York City Affairs.

Through no fault of their own, 1.25 million New Yorkers abruptly lost their jobs by May and an astounding 58 percent of New Yorks households included someone who lost employment income between March 13th and July 21st.

An estimated 50,000 renters in New York City are at risk of eviction hunger has surged, and thousands of local businesses have already shuttered.

As is historically the case, this economic pain has been and will continue to be disproportionately inflicted on communities of color because racist institutions left them vulnerable.

Restricting economic activity to protect the publics health has led to plummeting tax revenues. Largely due to dips in sales and income tax revenue, the Citys revenue shortfall is expected to be $2.9 billion in FY 2020 and $6.9 billion in FY 2021.

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Can You Spot A Scam Here Are 5 Signs Youre Dealing With A Fraudster

On a recent Saturday afternoon, a well-known consumer advocate tried to take me for $8,000. Good thing I knew how to spot a scam.

Dont worry, I didnt get ripped off. We consumer advocates have a secret handshake not to mention each others email addresses and can quickly tell when our identities are being spoofed. But my story is also an important case study that reveals the anatomy of the modern scam.

Leading Nonprofits Call On Congress To Meet The Needs Of The Moment And Build A Foundation For A Just Recovery In Next Relief Package

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New York Federal Tax & Budget Response Team Coalition Issues Letter to New York City-area Members of Congress on Behalf of Nearly 60 New York City-based Nonprofit Organizations

A coalition of New York City-based nonprofits issued a letter today to New York City-area Members of Congress urging them to swiftly and substantially build on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. The letter includes more than 30 specific policy recommendations and is signed by 59 New York City-based nonprofit human service providers and faith-based institutions.

The coalition is calling on New York Citys congressional delegation to protect the City and States fiscal solvency and ability to provide services, provide economic security, assist nonprofits, safeguard public health, and lay the groundwork for shared prosperity.

The letters urgency is underscored by a recent report from the Center for New York City Affairs , which estimates that 1.2 million New York City jobs were lost by the end of April, disproportionately affecting low wage workers, persons of color, immigrant workers, and young adults. CNYCA is a member of the New York Federal Tax & Budget Response Team responsible for the letter.

Congress must act to aid families impacted by the devastating health and economic consequences of COVID-19, said Rachel Fee, Executive Director at New York Housing Conference. Federal rental assistance is urgently required to keep families stably housed as they weather this crisis.

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Federal Funding: By Program Area

DHSs budget is divided into ten program areas. Each program area relies on a mix of funding sources and is uniquely vulnerable to budget cuts. For example, Family Shelter Operations which supports the operation of contracted and directly-run shelters for homeless families with children and for adult families without minor children relies on the largest sum of federal grants , while General Administration which supports the central administration that serves the agency across program areas relies on the largest share of federal grants .

FPWA analysis of NYC OMB Budget Function Analysis . See more charts onTableau and/or

FPWA analysis of NYC OMB Budget Function Analysis . See more charts onTableau and/or

Cca Employee Assistance Program

As a dues-paying member of FPWA, your organization receives discounted pricing to enroll in CCAs Employee Assistance Program. Your executive director will have access to a dedicated management consultant to discuss, free of charge, up to two different issues per year that help employees and their families maintain their emotional well-being.

Also Check: Government Grants For Rental Assistance

We Encourage The Senate To Pass The Following Provisions Of The Heroes Act Passed By The House Of Representatives

  • Coronavirus Relief Fund
  • The Senate should pass the state and local relief provision of the HEROES Act which provides $500 billion in state relief, as requested by the National Governors Association and $375 billion for local governments. Furthermore, the Senate should uphold both the funding formula for the aforementioned relief, which in part factors in each states share of coronavirus cases and the provision that removes the spending restrictions in the CARES Acts by allowing for the funds to cover lost, delayed, or decreased revenue stemming from COVID-19. Without this funding, states and cities which are facing massive revenue shortfalls. Largely due to dips in sales and income tax revenue, New York Citys revenue shortfall is expected to be $2.9 billion in FY 2020 and $6.9 billion in FY 2021.
  • Housing
  • The Senate should pass the HEROES Act provisions that provide needed housing subsidies $100 billion in emergency rental assistance, $11.5 billion in Emergency Solutions Grant funding, and a broadening of ESG eligibility.
  • The Senate should ensure all renters are subject to the same consistent rental policy by passing the provision in the HEROES Act that provides a 12-month national moratorium on evictions and foreclosures and allows for an automatic 60-day forbearance period for homeowners.
  • Tax Credits
  • The Senate should pass the provisions in the HEROES Act that strengthens the EITC and CTC by expanding eligibility and increasing the amount qualifying workers receive.

Become A Member Agency Of Fpwa

Federal funding to stop gun violence allocated to community programs

Social service agencies and faith-based institutions within the New York City metro area that have 501 status and support economic equity for their constituents are invited to apply for membership with FPWA. FPWA welcomes non-sectarian and sectarian nonprofit agencies that serve people regardless of age, religious affiliation, ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation.

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Financial Support For Nonprofits

Educational Opportunity Scholarships

FPWA provides member agencies with opportunities to refer young people in their programs for higher education financial assistance. This includes those pursuing two-year degrees, four-year degrees, and technical and vocational training programs.

Senior Stipends

FPWAs Senior Stipend program provides ongoing financial assistance to New York City residents ages 66 and up who meet certain criteria and who are receiving case management. This program enables participants to age in place by providing direct financial assistance for rent and utilities.

Please contact Member Support Coordinator, with questions.

Emergency Food and Shelter Program

Knowing that food insecurity is a major cause of economic anxiety for New Yorkers, FPWA proudly participants as a fiscal conduit in the Emergency Food and Shelter Program . In this role, we receive and administer FEMA funds to 33 sub-grantees in NYC. The sub-grantees include churches and faith-based organizations running food pantries and soup kitchens across the city. In during the 2022-23 cycle, we will administer approximately $1.3 million in emergency food funding.

Join our network and learn about FPWA events and news.

Free Money But Theres A Catch

My friend claimed more money was available, but I had to move fast. I needed to text a different phone number. When I didnt immediately respond, he became anxious.

Have you text them? he asked me.

Thats when I decided to play along.

Yes! I replied.

What is there respond? he asked.

I won! I lied.

Congratulations, he said.

By now, I knew I was dealing with a variety of the government grant scam. Thats where a government agency offers you money, but you have to pay a fee to the government first.

I didnt even have to send a text to find out. I guessed that the text message would ask me for money.

Looks like I need to send some money first, I wrote. Is this legit?

Yes, said the scammer. You will have to pay them 1 percent of your winning.

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Invoking Reputable Organizations To Scam You

A friend of mine told me about this and I apply for it immediately when my grant was approved I was awarded the sum of $80,000, my friend said. They are award of financial assistance collaborating with World Bank and United Nations.

Scammers try to invoke the names of reputable organizations like The Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, the World Bank and United Nations to win your trust. They want you to say, Well, if the U.N. is behind it, it must be legit. But lowering your guard may be a mistake. When someone says a big charity or organization is behind an offer, thats when you have to question it the most.

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