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Cybersecurity Politics Governance And Conflict In Cyberspace

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Cybersecurity: Politics Governance And Conflict In Cyberspace

Evolving Role of Cybersecurity in Government


Damien Van Puyvelde Aaron F. Brantly


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Cybersecurity: Politics Governance And Conflict In Cyberspace 1st Edition Is Written By Damien Van Puyvelde Aaron F Brantly And Published By Polity The Digital And Etextbook Isbns For Cybersecurity Are 9781509528134 150952813x And The Print Isbns Are 9781509528103 1509528105 Save Up To 80% Versus Print By Going Digital With Vitalsource Additional Isbns For This Etextbook Include 1509528091 9781509528097

Cybersecurity: Politics, Governance and Conflict in Cyberspace 1st Edition is written by Damien Van Puyvelde Aaron F. Brantly and published by Polity. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Cybersecurity are 9781509528134, 150952813X and the print ISBNs are 9781509528103, 1509528105. Save up to 80% versus print by going digital with VitalSource. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1509528091, 9781509528097.

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Opm: The Attribution Knowledge Creation Assemblage In Action

This section applies the concepts we introduced above to a particularly impactful and well-documented set of intrusions at the United States Office of Personnel Management . Why did we choose this case? First, the case consists of two sets of intrusions that took place between ca. 2012 and 2015. The first intrusion was discovered in 2014, the second in 2015. In intrusion A the intruders familiarized themselves with the network layout at OPM. In intrusion B , the intruders exfiltrated personnel records pertaining to people applying for a US government security clearance. This creates an interesting dynamic: we are able to witness the limits of the knowledge creation process, as the organisation gets hacked a second time during the remediation of the first. It provides us with a great illustration of the power of actor-agnostic security controls and how they interact with actor-centric incident response practices.

Attribution And Knowledge Creation Assemblages In Cybersecurity Politics

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Senior Researcher in Cybersecurity, Center for Security Studies , ETH Zürich, Haldeneggsteig 4, IFW, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland and Research Associate, Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom. E-mail: . Twitter:

Journal of Cybersecurity

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Public And Private Actors Are Producing Attributive Knowledge

Public and private actors both were fundamentally intertwined in a knowledge creation assemblage during the two OPM intrusions in all three stages: incident creation, response, and attribution. In incident creation, both in Intrusion A and B, public and private actors and technologies played a role in discovery. In Intrusion A, it was likely a private actor using a public technology that notified US-CERT of OPMs network beaconing out to a known command-and-control server. In Intrusion B, a contractor installing a new version of a private technology noticed the intrusion and flagged it to OPM.

In the incident response processes, private and public actors and technologies worked alongside to create knowledge. This included private contractors managing other private incident response and protection technology providers , but also teams from across government . Interestingly, both CyTech and Cylance provided services in advance, without having a contractual security of getting paid. In CyTechs case, they provided services to OPM out of a sense of duty and with the expectation that there would be a contractual arrangement put in place but ended up not getting paid. Together, the public and private actors produced knowledge on what happened in each of the intrusions.

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Cybersecurity And Knowledge Creation Assemblages

Two fundamentally different meta-theoretical views shape the way we go about scholarly projects: The positivist worldview stands for the belief that it is possible to represent the objective truth about a study object if adequate methods are used. In contrast, the post-positivist worldview stands for the belief that there is no truth outside of our representation of it. Our ways of pursuing knowledge are never neutral but subjective and embedded in a historically grown system of practices that tell us how to do things the right way. The first view dominates research on cybersecurity politics.

Intellectual disagreement on how to study issues of politics are part and parcel of academia debates about ontology, epistemology, and methodology are at the heart of some of the most fruitful key debates in International Relations and security studies . At the same time, however, they tend to sharply divide the discipline. We are not interested in adding to this division nor do we believe that it is fruitful to fight old, entrenched battles over different conceptions of science and their respective value. Rather, we intend this article to be an invitation for cybersecurity scholars and practitioners to reflect upon normalized practices, without claiming superior intellectual ground.

Cybersecurity: Politics Governance And Conflict In Cyberspace Paperback

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Damien Van PuyveldeCybersecurity: Politics, Governance and Conflict in Cyberspace, Paperback

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In the last decade, the proliferation of billions of new Internet-enabled devices and users has significantly expanded concerns about cybersecurity. But should we believe the prophets of cyber war or worry about online government surveillance? Are such security concerns real, exaggerated or just poorly understood?

In this comprehensive text, Damien Van Puyvelde and Aaron F. Brantly provide a cutting-edge introduction to the key concepts, controversies and policy debates in cybersecurity. Exploring the interactions of individuals, groups and states in cyberspace, and the integrated security risks to which these give rise, they examine cyberspace as a complex socio-technical-economic domain that fosters both great potential and peril.

About the Author

Damien Van Puyvelde is Lecturer in Intelligence and International Security at the University of Glasgow.

Aaron F. Brantly is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Virginia Polytechnic and State University, and Cyber Policy Fellow at the Army Cyber Institute at the United States Military Academy, West Point.

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Cybersecurity: Politics Governance And Conflict In Cyberspace

In the last decade, the proliferation of billions of new Internet-enabled devices and users has significantly expanded concerns about cybersecurity. But should we believe the prophets of cyber war or worry about online government surveillance? Are such security concerns real, exaggerated or just poorly understood?

In this comprehensive text, Damien Van Puyvelde and Aaron F. Brantly provide a cutting-edge introduction to the key concepts, controversies and policy debates in cybersecurity. Exploring the interactions of individuals, groups and states in cyberspace, and the integrated security risks to which these give rise, they examine cyberspace as a complex socio-technical-economic domain that fosters both great potential and peril.

Structured around ten chapters, the book explores the complexities and challenges of cybersecurity using case studies from the Morris Worm and Titan Rain to BlackEnergy and the Cyber Caliphate to highlight the evolution of attacks that can exploit and damage individual systems and critical infrastructures. With questions for group discussion and suggestions for further reading throughout, Cybersecurity will be essential reading for anyone interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by the continued expansion of cyberspace.

Uncertainty Differs Across The Three Stages Of Attributive Knowledge Creation

Uncertainty was represented differently across the three stages of interest. First, in the incident creation phase, certainty and radical uncertainty interplay with one another. On the one hand, OPM makes clear that about Intrusion A, there are a number of factors one cannot know, as OPM did not have logging in place for certain actions. Thus, the report concludes that the US will never know with complete certainty the universe of documents the attacker exfiltrated , thereby recognizing fundamental constraints on the knowable. On the other hand, it is forensic evidence that establishes certainty of actual adversary activity that necessitates the opening of incident response . For example, in Intrusion B, the discovery of a Windows Credentials Editor was found to be confirming the presence of an adversary with ill intent . Thus, forensic evidence is used to close-off uncertainties.

Second, in the incident response phase, the defenders are dealing with the uncertainties of how deep the adversaries are buried in the network. If possible, the defenders need to establish the breadth and depth of compromise, both for effective remediation and for damage assessment. In Intrusion A, this phase lasted from March-May 2014, in which the defenders watched the intruders move laterally on the network and prepared the infrastructure to remediate unexpectedly .

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Global Cybersecurity Governance Is Fragmented Get Over It

During the 14th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in November 2019, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres posted a Tweet of encouragement: Access to a free and open Internet is at risk. We arent working together across siloed social, economic and political divides. But that can change . With this, Guterres summed up a central debate in contemporary cybersecurity. Efforts to implement substantial global cybersecurity norms and regulations have so far seen limited success. However, Guterres, and many more, remain hopeful that more coherent global cyber governance is possible. This essay will discuss the fragmentation of global cybersecurity governance.


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