Friday, September 13, 2024

Collibra Data Governance Interview Questions

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What’s My Experience With Pricing Setup Cost And Licensing

10 Questions to Ask When Selecting a Data Governance Software

In terms of pricing, it’s not bad. You pay more money for the author licenses, which is where you do most of your entry and whatnot. Whereas consumers are basically viewing information and using the tool to say, “Hey, I want to look at this data.” I think what we would like to get to eventually might be an enterprise license, rather than having to say, “I’m going to pay for 50 authors or 100 authors.” At some point in the future, I could see us wanting an enterprise license.

They may offer that now, but it wasn’t at a price that was palatable for our company at this point. Plus, we needed a few years to get uptake in it to justify going to that high level. It’s just more money licensing wise, but not unrealistic, in my opinion. The money is well spent for the product and the services we’re getting.

On Data Governance Interview With David Saul

The increasing complexity and pace of global regulations is making it more difficult and expensive for financial services organizations to comply. At the same time, firms want to derive value from their data assets. How do they create synergy between these two seemingly divergent goals? The maturation of semantic technologies, when combined with increased acceptance of industry standards, holds out the promise of resolving those issues.David Saul.

I have interviewed David Saul, Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist at State Street Corporation. Main topics of the interview are the governance and management of data, and semantic technologies.

Q1. What is your role at State Street Bank?

David Saul: State Street has a long history as an innovator in financial services and my objective is to help maintain that leadership position. I work with our clients, internal developers, vendors, regulators and academics to identify and introduce appropriate innovations into our business. For the last several years I have focused on the development and adoption of semantic data standards.

Q2. What is Data Governance?

David Saul: State Streets most important asset is the data that we ingest, process, store and distribute on behalf of our clients. Data Governance encompasses the management and controls needed to maintain stewardship of that data while in our custody.

Effective data governance can be measured by the ability to answer the following four questions:

General Data Governance Interview Questions

Your interviewer may ask these types of questions so that they can get insight into who you are as a candidate. The questions are general, but you can show your skill in this area by giving candid and detailed responses. Here are 10 of the most common general interview questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.
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    Eight Questions On Data Governance: An Interview With Alation Co

    Today, Alation announced its new approach to data governance, Active Data Governance, and with it, a series of initiatives to embrace data governance as a strategic use-case, all of which are part of Alations vision to transform the data catalog into a platform for a broad range of data intelligence solutions. I sat down with Aaron Kalb, co-founder and CDO of Alation, to discuss todays announcement, the journey to active governance, and what the future holds for the platform.

    Nolan Necoechea, Alation:Aaron, thanks for taking the time to connect with me today. Whats your take on todays announcement?

    Aaron Kalb, co-founder and CDO, Alation: Im really excited about todays announcement in particular because it demonstrates one of our core values: to measure success through customer impact.

    We have been building data governance features into the platform for years. Whats new is that today we have a lot of exciting data governance stories from our customers and thats what Im proud to share.

    Nolan:Was data governance something you were thinking about when the company was founded?

    Nolan:What changed your and Satyens minds on data governance?

    In the meantime, industry analysts, thought leaders, and data experts, began broadening the definition of data governance. The meaning expanded from just documenting policies to also include ensuring data is used the right way.

    Nolan:How does the data catalog support this approach?

    Sponsor Spotlight Column: Stan Christiaens Of Collibra On Data Governance


    by Charles Roe

    In an effort to leverage the knowledge of several of the top minds in the Data Management industry, DATAVERSITY has been conducting a series of interviews on some of the most relevant topics in the field today. Recently, we interviewed Collibra the designers of Business Semantics Glossary, a web-based collaborative workspace, where both business and technical users define and manage their business context.

    Collibra is a Gold Sponsor at the Enterprise Data World 2013 Conference in San Diego, CA from April 28-May 2, 2013.

    The Sponsor Spotlight Column is an ongoing project that focuses on highlighting several of the central issues represented at the many Data Management conferences produced by DATAVERSITY.

    The primary emphasis of the interview was to question Stan Christiaens and Collibra on their current work and history within the industry, with particular importance on the products and/or services being highlighted at the upcoming conference:

    DATAVERSITY : Please tell us a little about yourself and your history in the industry e.g role at company , past experience and how you got started in the data profession?

    DV: Whats the focus of the work do you currently do within your organization?

    DV: What is the biggest change going on in your particular area of the industry at this time?

    DV: How does such a change affect your job?

    Collibra: It makes it a busy job :-).

    Collibra: Ever busier.

    Collibra: The shift to business control over data.

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    Think Big Start Small

    In its pure essence, Collibra documents information about your data and makes it easy to retrieve. Imagine you’re in a big library and you need to find a book about clients. Well, the librarian will tell you to go to the second floor on the left, second row under “C”, check! And that’s exactly what Collibra does for your data.

    Creating a library of all your data and documenting might seem like a big, daunting task. Collibra makes this very manageable by allowing you to document your data gradually. There’s no need to organize a huge documentation exercise within your company. You build your data library step by step and grow it organically. After all, data governance isn’t a one-off project, it’s a continuous process.

    A relevant example would be a company that wants to become GDPR compliant. They start documenting data from their BI reports by defining what the data is, which source the data is coming from, who the owner is and whether or not it contains personal or sensitive data. So instead of initiating a large project that might take years to finish, they start by gradually creating and extending their definitions and work their way towards a larger and larger library.

    On top of that, youre working in a manner thats meaningful to your business and relevant to the business objectives. This way you can keep your long term vision in mind, but start with smaller, short term achievements, making your data governance manageable and much more likely to succeed.

    Should I Implement A Top

    When defining your GDPR architecture, it is key to start with the basics and determine how you intend to implement the regulation within your organization. There are two main approaches to building your data governance foundation for GDPR: the top-down and bottom-approach. They are not mutually exclusive, and in an ideal scenario, both are applied together. All too often, organizations focus on the bottom-approach, which is very technical in nature. It implies collecting all the existing metadata available and using discovery tools to further find data elements that can be classified as individual data and hence are in scope of the regulation. By nature of the regulation, the discovery must also cover non-structured data along with the more standard structured data which renders this entire task of discovering and cataloging tremendous.

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    May 2016 Data Governance Framework For Smart Data W/tony Sarris

    Do you think data governance should extend to checking for bias is there a need for governance around the analysis / modeling process?

    The simple answer to that question is yes. But truthfully a lot depends on the degree to which your organization decides to govern the analysis itself. At a minimum it makes sense to assess for bias before exposing results. Assessing results for bias requires knowledgeable resources in this discipline. These people are the data scientists.

    What is the name for the aspect that Data Scientists engage in to not identify data sources is it something like non-referential or non-identifiable?

    Wikipedia has a pretty good definition of this concept, which is called differential privacy. Here is a data science related blog post that explains the concept and gives an example. Simpler in the title of the article is a relative term. Its geared to data scientists and others with a fairly deep math or statistics background.The paper I mentioned during the webinar was co-authored by Zachary Chase Lipton, a colleague of mine who is at the University of California San Diego. Hes an expert on the subject and the person who introduced me to the concept and its application to machine learning.

    A Flexible Platform Built For Business Users

    Collibra Customer Chat with Verizon

    In the early days, data governance was strictly considered an IT matter. Thats why the majority of data governance tools are built around the IT department. As a result, these solutions are very technical and don’t speak “business, leading to high learning curves, bad usability and frankly, the opposite of what you want your business to run on.

    The power of good data governance software is that it allows people across the organization to manage and maintain data. Collibra considers IT as just one part of the entire business, making data accessible and understandable to everyone. Managing data, is soon going to be a responsibility for everyone.

    Collibra enables us to engage our business users better in the world of data. At the same time it offers great insights into our technical data landscape.Zenobie Verkijk, Data Governance Specialist

    The result is a very attractive, user-centric platform that allows swift and smooth access to information about your data . Searching for data for instance, is one of the biggest hurdles in data-related activities. The search function within the Collibra platform is the best weve seen in any data governance tool.

    For example most businesses have a data entity “customer” that is used by many different departments, for example marketing, customer support and credit risk. For each of these departments you can create a community. And Markus from marketing will be a user that’s part of that community.

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    Finally I Wondered If You Could Share A Memorable Data Governance Experience

    I found it funny that in one of my product demonstrations, the lady on the other side asked me, How would you describe data governance to a ten year old?. I was a bit taken aback but I gave an answer which, in hindsight was not the best but it seemed to satisfy her query. I said, Data Governance: when you are trying to look for a how-to-play guide for your new PS3 game, where do you look for it? Inside the help book or help section in the game. The fact that it is a rule in game companies that every game should have a guidebook or a help section, is due to a data authority performing data governance.

    Having read my interview with Shamma you can also read my free report which reveals why companies struggle to successfully implement data governance.

    The Difference Between Data Governance And Enterprise Data Governance:

    Question:What is the difference between Data Governance and Enterprise Data Governance.

    Answer:Every organization has Data Governance but not every organization has an enterprise program. The true difference between just doing Data Governance and having an Enterprise Program is that Enterprise Programs include having a governing body that holds a set of employees accountable for the overall management of the data.

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    Data Governance Is Not Data Management

    Data management refers to the management of the full data lifecycle needs of an organization. Data governance is the core component of data management, tying together nine other disciplines, such as data quality, reference and master data management, data security, database operations, metadata management, and data warehousing.

    Combating Data Governance Fatigue:


    Question: What makes companies who have been experiencing DG fatigue excited to begin working on implementing a strategy again?

    Answer: The answer is twofold. The first component is the speed at which we present a roadmap to companies. The second part is that the roadmap theyre provided is an actual representation of where the project is going to show to the rest of the organization.

    Its clear that there are a lot of working parts to implementing a true Data Governance Program and this may seem daunting to some organizations, especially those who have already gone through many iterations of trying to implement one. At CCG we know that this seems overwhelming but the framework we have in place to guide your organization to success can alleviate the problems that youve faced in the past. Click here to learn more about Data Governance or contact one of our experts at 968-3238.

    Written by CCG, an organization in Tampa, Florida, that helps companies become more insights-driven, solve complex challenges and accelerate growth through industry-specific data and analytics solutions. Last updated in October of 2021.

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    Okera Introduces Integration With Collibra Platform

    Okera, which enables companies to secure data access at scale, today announced an integration with the Collibra Data Intelligence Platform. This allows data owners and stewards to enable classification attributes defined in Collibra to then automatically create and enforce fine-grained data access control policies via Okera. The integration makes it easier and faster to ensure compliance with evolving privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA.

    Collibras cloud-based platform connects IT and the business, empowering digital enterprises to build a data-driven culture and turn data into a strategic, competitive asset. Okeras secure data access platform unlocks the full potential of a companys data, enabling secure, responsible self-service analytics at scale through dynamic enforcement of data access policies. The integrated solution improves compliance, saves time, eliminates repetitive work, and increases business efficiency by:

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    • TAGS

    Which Other Solutions Did I Evaluate

    We just found that IGC was way behind the times. IBM had not really put any money into their product, it didn’t connect with any of the systems that we wanted to do. It simply just didn’t fill our needs.

    We did look at the Informatica product and we did look at Alation.

    I think what we found with Alation is that it was good. The user interface was impeccable, but it was not what we would consider the whole package. It was very good at the catalog portion, but in terms of interconnectivity with different systems, it did not have workflow, which was a key characteristic that we were looking for. Alation was a fairly new company. It was only maybe three or four years old at the time when we looked. There was concern about the staying power for that particular vendor. Not that their product wasn’t good, it just wasn’t as full a product as we would have had with Collibra but built on something for workflow, which we weren’t interested in. We were looking for one product to do that.

    The Informatica offering was quite good as well, but in our investigations and interviews with other companies in our industry, Informatica is quite a complex product to get up and running and to maintain. It’s not cheap either, but when we looked at what it would take to care and feed our maintenance on the Informatica side of the house, in comparison to what we could do with Collibra, we chose Collibra.

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    Collibra Data Governance And Catalog Can Be Rapidly Deployed On Aws

    The Collibra Data Governance and Catalog solutions help data citizens find, understand, and trust their data, ensuring quality, and accessibility through key features: business glossary, catalog, data dictionary, helpdesk, policy manager, stewardship, workflows, lineage maps, and more. Collibras Data Governance solution delivers the trusted data your business-users need to transform your organization.

    Collibra is an AWS Partner with AWS Financial Services Competency designation. Competency Partners have industry expertise, solutions that align with AWS architectural best practices, and staff with AWS certifications.

    Data Governance Interview Questions

    Interview with Magali Feys, Data Protection Lawyer

    There are a variety of questions one could encounter in a data governance interview. These questions serve to assess the different qualities of the interviewee. The interviewer will want to see that you have expert knowledge of your field and excellent communication skills and that you have the right personality for the organization.

    1.What is Data Governance?

    Such a question could catch you off guard, but your interviewer wants to see that you truly understand the role youre applying for. How will they know if you only have superficial knowledge? Well, a good way to know this is by examining how you answer the question. Even without being told, during an interview, when asked to define or describe any term or concept, a good rule of thumb is to define it like youre attempting to teach it to someone who has never heard of said term. You can never go wrong with using foolproof examples or analogies as well as it helps to paint a vivid picture in the head of your interviewer, building intuition and helps show them that you truly know your stuff. Doing this will show that you have a deep understanding and show good communication skills as youre able to break down even the most difficult and technical terms into a form that is easy to understand.

    2.What is the difference between Data Management and Data Governance?

    3. Why is Data Governance important and will this change interfere with company processes?

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