Sunday, July 14, 2024

Government Jobs In Public Administration

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About Career Cluster Match

Department of Political Science and Public Administration

The National Career Clusters Framework identifies 16 career clusters and related career pathways that are designed to grow career awareness and exploration. Career Clusters are groups of occupations in the same field of work that require similar skills. Each cluster contains several smaller groups called career Pathways that connect to educational programs, industries, and jobs. While a Career Cluster paints a broad picture of a group of occupations, a Pathway helps you focus on and develop a clear, more informed, educational plan over time.

The Career Cluster Match was adapted and produced with permission from the Career Academic Connections Division of the Oklahoma Department of Career Tech. This survey does not make any claims of statistical reliability and has not been normed. It is intended for use as a guidance tool to generate discussion regarding careers and is valid for that purpose.

Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security


Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Nonprofit Organization Executive Director

Executive directors of nonprofits typically hired by boards of directors are expected to provide both leadership and management for their organizations. They develop their organizations mission and vision, and they keep their staff, volunteers and supporters engaged by articulating and reinforcing that mission and vision.

Executive directors of nonprofits also oversee the day-to-day activities of their organizations, including, but not limited to:

  • Hiring and supervising staff.
  • Providing stewardship of organizational assets.
  • Serving as a point of contact for public relations and the media.
  • Supervising fundraising and grant activities.

Because the reputation of their organizations are at stake, boards take great care in selecting executive directors, focusing on candidates who not only have a demonstrated passion for their organizational mission, but who also have knowledge and experience in business, management and public administration. Leadership skills, staff management, budgeting, goal setting, communication, and the ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholder groups are all important attributes for a nonprofit executive. Ultimately, interpersonal skills and the ability to connect with people will determine success in this area as much as technical abilities in management and leadership.

Salaries vary based on the size and location of the organization, but the average salary for nonprofit executive directors was $68,697 according to PayScale in March 2022.

Full Public Administration Careers Table

Below is a comprehensive table with data straight from the United States Department of Labor, detailing some of the top public administration jobs in the United States as well as related areas. You will find salary information, expected growth or decline between 2014 and 2024, as well as which program area of study is the closest relation to the actual job.

Public Administration Related Career

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Personal Data We Collect About You And Why

In this Section we set out general categories of personal data we may collect and the purpose for using your personal data, including the personal data collected and processed over the past year. We collect and process personal data to provide you the Services, fulfill our contractual responsibility to deliver the Services to our Customers, fulfill your requests, and pursue our legitimate interests and our business and commercial purposes. We also automatically collect data during your usage and collect other personal data about you from other sources. Your personal data will only be collected and used for purposes stated herein, where you provide additional consent, or as required by law or regulation – including national security or law enforcement requirements.

Information Provided by You.

We collect personal data from you directly when you visit our Services from either your computer, mobile phone, or other device, attend one our events, or communicate with our personnel. The categories of personal data we collect from you, including over the past year, involve the following:

You may voluntarily submit other personal data to us through our Services that we do not request and are not required for the relevant data processing activity. In such instances, you are solely responsible for such personal data.

Information Collected Automatically.

Information from Other Sources.

Information Collected When Using the PowerLine Application

Professional Associations And Organizations

Government And Public Administration Career Cluster Jobs ...

Knowing the industry and how to excel in it after receiving a degree are key elements of future success. University study sets up the building blocks you will need to develop and enhance your understanding and knowledge in your career. Being part of a professional organization or network and gaining further insight through training are excellent ways of increasing your knowledge of the field.

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Medical And Health Services Manager

  • Average Salary: $109,370 on average per year
  • Career Overview: Medical and Health Services Managers lead teams in hospitals and other health facilities.
  • Daily Responsibilities: The primary focus of managers in this realm include improving the quality of service for patients, developing goals that can help employees achieve better efficiency and work quality, recruiting and training staff, and overseeing work scheduling. People in this position may also be responsible for reporting medical center status to people higher in the chain of command, oversee organization of company records, and act as a representative for medical centers at board meetings.

Where We Are A Service Provider

Our Customers are organizations such as federal, state, local, tribal, or other municipal government agencies , private businesses, and educational institutions , who use our Services to evaluate job applicants and manage their relationship with their personnel. When we provide our Services to our Customers, the Customer generally controls and manages the personal data, and we process personal data as a data processor or service provider. Our legal obligations as a processor and service provider are set out in our Customer contracts and policies.

For instance, if you apply to a job or your employer utilizes our Services to manage their relationship with you, the personal data collected about you is generally controlled by the employer . This Policy does not describe the processing of your personal data by our Customers, and we encourage you to visit the Customers privacy policy for information about their privacy practices. For example, if you applied to a job at a local state agency, you should contact that agency with any questions you may have relating to the personal data processing by that state agency within our Services.

Where we serve as a data processor, our Customer contracts and policies require us to either instruct you to contact our Customer, or redirect your inquiry to our Customer.

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Where Can You Work With A Degree In Public Administration

Now that you have been introduced to the field of public administration, you may be wondering what type of work settings you could expect to see as a professional in this area. The truth is â public administration specialists can be found in many different areas in common society. A lot of professionals that hold this degree work in government positions that are concerned with developing better policies for everyday life. Others may find a better fit in businesses or non-profit agencies that assist with providing services to the public. A lot of leaders within your current community may have an education in public administration, since this degree program is focused on the needs and programs present in society. The list below outlines a few of the work settings that are common for professionals in this field.

Bachelor Of Public Administration Degree Specialties

Master Decisions: Public Administration, Ravi Roy

When learning more about public administration online degrees, youll find that many degrees offer specialties that can allow you to become an expert in a certain area of public administration. Some of the specialties youre most likely to see offered within online bachelors in public administration programs include:

  • Public finance problem solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Public policy formulation

When you earn your online bachelors in public administration, you can also choose to take a general course of study, without a specialty. This type of online bachelors degree in public administration will still allow you to become well suited to a job within the government, or the public or private sector. You may choose to start your online bachelors in public administration with a general course of study, and then choose a specialty as you learn more about the field. Regardless of whether you choose a specialty, earning your online bachelors degree in public administration will prepare you for a job that will positively affect your community, state, or country for years to come.

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Online Degrees In Public Administration

When youre looking at programs that offer online degrees in public administration, youre likely searching for a program that is convenient and able to be completed on your own time. Public administration degrees online are just as respected as traditional, in-classroom degrees. There are many benefits to online learning, including the ability to learn at your own pace and on your own time. Youre also able to do your classwork anywhere, which can save money when it comes to transportation and housing. As you search for public administration online degrees, Some people who earn an online public administration degree miss the face-to-face interaction of a traditional classroom setting, and may find that a hybrid option is a better fit.

Public Administration Job Examples

Understanding potential jobs for public administration degrees is a key part of knowing the answer to the question, what can I do with a bachelors in public administration? Know that this is by no means an exhaustive list of public administration degree jobs. Youll find that public administration job titles vary widely, and public administration careers and salaries can differ greatly from region to region, or from company to company. When you earn your public administration degree, youll have a well-rounded education that leaves you well prepared for many public administration degree jobs.

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Public Policy Vs Public Administration

As you research, is a degree in public administration worth it? youre likely to encounter information on public policy. Its key to understand the difference between public administration and public policy in order to decide which option makes the most sense for your career goals.

The difference between public policy and public administration is simple: public policy is the research and development of policies that the organizations and governments want to implement, and public administration is the actual implementation of the policies. While youre searching to understand public administration vs public policy, remember, public policy creates the policies, public administration actually puts the policies to use.

After understanding the difference between public administration and public policy, its important to decide which path makes the most sense for you. You may want to talk to local government officials about their experiences working with public administration vs public policy to get a firsthand account that may help you decide which option is a better fit for you. While the difference between public policy and public administration may seem subtle, theres a fairly stark difference: public policy is about ideas and development, while public administration is about implementation.

What Is Public Administration

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Public administration is the study of public leadership. The field is interdisciplinary it may incorporate areas such as political science, economics, psychology and more. Public administration majors seek to gain a significant understanding of how policies that affect the public are created, implemented and improved.

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Machakos County Chief Officer

Machakos County Chief Officer – Public Communication and e-Government Jobs in Kenya

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for the overall administration of a County Department to which he/she is assigned or re-assigned
  • Be responsible for needs of the local community and the functions and competencesassigned to and transferred to the County
  • Facilitate a culture of public service and accountability in the county public service
  • Be performance oriented and focused on the objects of devolved government as set out in the Constitution
  • Be efficient and ensure that the County Departments align their roles and responsibilitieswith the priorities and objectives set out in the Countys policies and plans
  • Organize his/her department and other structures in a flexible way in order to respond to changing priorities and circumstances
  • Assign clear responsibilities for the management and coordination of the Countydepartment and functions
  • Allow participatory decision making as far as practicable
  • Provide an equitable, fair, open and non-discriminatory working environment
  • Submit quarterly reports of the respective department to the County Executive Committee through the respective CEC-Member and to the County Assembly through the County Secretary and to respect the oversight role of the County Assembly by giving information and honoring summons whenever required
  • Implement the policies and plans developed by the County Government
  • Be a Kenyan citizen.
  • Be Computer literate and
  • How Much Money Does A Public Administrator Earn

    Public Administrators earn an average of $94,000 per year. This salary varies widely based on location, degree, experience and position. Recent figures indicate Professional Services and Finance Public Administrators earn approximately $102,000, and Local Government Public Administrators, excluding healthcare and education, earn around $96,000 annually. Education Public Administrators earn on average $90,000. Healthcare Public Administrators can earn over $86,000.

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    What Is A Public Administration Jobs Responsible For

    Jobs in public administration encompass a wide range of interests and abilities and can provide a great deal of personal and professional satisfaction. The three Es of public administration are economy, efficiency, and equity. People in public administration jobs analyze information, oversee expenditures, draft and implement governmental and public policy, manage people and resources, conduct safety inspections, investigate suspected criminal activity, serve as consultants, and in general act as stewards of the public interest.

    People with jobs in public administration deal with critical issues such as helping organizations meet the ever-changing needs of the general population while at the same time attempting to avoid tax increases, implementing information technologies that better connect citizens and their governmental representatives, and improving responses to natural disasters.

    Specific public administration job titles include Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Inspector, Auditor, City Manager, Consumer Safety Inspector, County Manager, Criminal Investigator, Customs Inspector, Industrial Relations Specialist, Internal Security Inspector, Labor Management Relations Specialist, Mediator, Private Investigator, and Systems Analyst.

    Public Administration Consulting

    The Foreign Service

    Civil Service

    Public Administration Internships

    Explore Careers In Public Administration Until You Find The Perfect One For You

    Master Decisions: Public Administration, Angela Pool-Funai

    The knowledge and skills you learn during a Master’s degree in Public Administration allow you to easily find plenty of jobs in the public and private sectors. Some of the jobs mentioned above, such as tax examiner, budget analyst or consultant are in high demand in private companies and businesses as well.

    Public Administration graduates can pursue other jobs in the private sector and work as a human resource manager, legal counsellor, consultant, or marketing manager.

    • Average salary in the USA for a government-employed public administrator: 60,000 USD/year
    • Average salary in the Netherlands for a government-employed public administrator: 75,000 EUR/year

    Salaries can get a bit higher for private sector employees, and a bit lower for those working in the non-profit sector. Regardless of the Public Administration career you will choose, ideally, you should have a strong motivation so you would successfully achieve your goals and do a professional job.

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    Top Public Administration Organizations

    Entering into a new career can be an exhilarating experience for a recent graduate. When entering into the workforce, new employees have the desire to gain knowledge and networking throughout their discipline, in order to go as far as they possibly can throughout a career. Professional organizations are a great way for professionals to get in touch with other professionals within their field, get answers to important questions regarding their specialty, and stay up to date with changes and trends that are changing their field. For public administration, the grounds for change are constant.

    If you are currently in a degree program or just considering this field for your future occupation, consider joining a professional organization as part of your career plan. Our experts have years of experience in researching educational programs and outcomes for hard-working students. They have identified some of the most prominent organizations for public administration careers and listed them below for you to browse. More information is available on the website for each, as well as details and instructions on how to join.

    Public Administrator Career Path

    People looking for Public Administration Jobs have several careers paths to choose from.

    Foreign Service. People in foreign policy public administration jobs serve in embassies, consulates and other diplomatic missions. They analyze political and economic events and help American citizens abroad.

    Governance. Public administration jobs on this pathway feature elected and appointed officials responsible for making and executing public policy. This pathway includes governors and state legislators, councilpersons and commissioners, as well as the staff members who support them. Careers in this pathway often require working with constituents or interest groups with conflicting goals.

    National Security. People entering national security public administration careers help maintain a strong national defense by programming computers, operating nuclear reactors, repairing and maintaining equipment, etc. The military provides training and work experience in these and other fields.

    Planning. People with jobs in public administration planning work to develop land-use plans that encompass growth and renewal of urban, suburban and rural communities. Planners promote optimal use of resources for residential, commercial, institutional and recreational purposes.

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    Careers In The Public Sector

    Students may go on to sit competitive recruitment exams for the senior civil service in France or abroad.

    • French Government: National Assembly, Senate, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Court of Audit, Council of State, Inspectorate General of Finances, Directorate General of the Treasury, administrative courts
    • Regional authorities: French territorial collectivities, inter-municipal networks
    • Public health administration: public hospitals, healthcare facilities, social and medical-social institutions, health insurance providers.
    • European civil service
    • Other public bodies: Bank of France, military, internal security and foreign intelligence, consulates etc.

    They may also wish to enter careers in politics.

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